Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Number 744 is a combination of the vibrations of number 7 and the attributes of number 4, with number 4 appearing twice, amplifying its influence. The mystical number 7 relates to study and learning, spiritual awakening, Divine and inner-wisdom, emotions and feelings, mysticism, empathic and psychic abilities, persistence of purpose and determination, and good fortune. Number 4 is associated with practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, patience, and diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our passion and drive and the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 744 brings a message from the angels that you need to see yourself in a higher light (as your true self), and your angels are helping to boost your self-esteem and self-belief. You have a lot of work to do in this lifetime and your angels fully encourage and support you. Your Divine life mission requires that you be your authentic self and work at your most brilliant. 

Angel Number 744 brings acknowledgment and recognition for the discipline and hard work you have put into your spiritual endeavours. Your determination and efforts have been well worth your while, and your angels encourage you to keep up the great work. 

Angel Number 744 encourages you to recognize, appreciate and enhance your understanding of yourself, your life path and your spiritual soul purpose. Take time for personal reflection and contemplation and set goals and plans that are aligned with your true Self. With clear objectives and intentions, proper planning and positive action, you are likely to achieve your goals and aspirations. Seek your personal truths every day as when you know your own truths you are able to create a solid and stable foundation for yourself and your chosen life path. Focus on being your highest and best self and speak and live your truths.

Number 744 relates to number 6 (7+4+4=15, 1+5=6) and Angel Number 6.



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  1. What would you define as "true self"?

    1. As a Child of the Universe, worthy of your own divinity.

    2. How you express yourself to you within and perhaps not to others because of your perception of others beliefs of you..be brave

    3. This is weird... I was literally just thinking about that.

    4. This is a conundrum :) It isn't how others answer the question for you. Trust that You know the answer

    5. http://youtu.be/aEteL6KrnDk

    6. Your true self is one of vibration, harmonics, and light. What you see is only a perception of your emotion. Some say, this world only exists in our thoughts but I believe it is both real and fantasy. What happens here, imprints on our souls, but being that we are immortal beings, it is more of a vivid dream. When you enlighten, you awaken your "true self", or your soul; just like waking from a dream.

    7. Interesting Nathan..this is how I felt like I dont belong here..I normally daydream..When I was young.. I was looking in the mirror crying asked God/myself who am I?

    8. Ynnah Chua,what you just stated totaly describes me!
      That's how I feel! ♡
      Love & light your way!

    9. The one that has no name, no identity, no history.. the one that is infinite light, piece of the creator..the creator itself. The only thing that exist

  2. thank you Nelson Sr Yu !!! Blessings and abundance to you !!!!!!!!!!

  3. What to do if I feel guilty about things I did or didn't do?thanks

    1. Life ultimately correct itself.

    2. Guilt separates you from your true self. Just feel it, recognized it and let it go. Don't let guilt to make you forget who you really are. Forgive yourself and go back to the higher and deeper one that lives.

    3. Forgive yourself and move forward 🤗

  4. Focus on the present and future..be proud of what you are doing and will do

  5. Every day i see all kinds of numbers, anywhere really. Not just one number but mostly all of them come in doubles, triple, quadruple, etc... I first started noticing them in 2011 but i never knew about numerology. Then i looked it up.

    1. Jesse Selman, I would love to know what did you find out I two experience this all the time

    2. I found out that the angles are trying to teach you how to listen to them. There is some thing or things that you are needing to do, so listen and ask to see.

    3. The universe is calling u... Your higher self is seeking you awaken dear ones��

    4. We sometimes believe the world revolves around us. In truth, most people don't notice us until we draw attention to ourselves. The world seems dark and hateful, but it's just a cycle of life. The pendulum inevitably swings to the other side. Happy people attract happiness, sad and\or depressed people attract same. It's time to be strong, dig deep, soldier on.

  6. Dear Angels,
    I know I have a heart that is very sensitive for others, I always want to help. But I am so sad and depressed a lot because it feels like people are always out to hurt me and they don't like me. What can I do? I want to keep helping others but sometimes I don't think I can make it through this life.

    1. Send some loving energy to yourself hon. Put your right hand over your heart chakra, then your left hand over that and ask the Angels/Universe/Divine Source of energy to let the flow of love fill you.

      Do you have any practices for protection or grounding? Like surrounding yourself with white light? Or working with crystals to ground yourself?

      I also use love songs to myself to energise me up so that I can fill my cup and let it flow on to others with love. Sending you a big energetic love hit from the Angels and the Universe. x

    2. I recommend the power of positive thinking. Plus, really enjoy feeling good. In other words - allow yourself to enjoy the enjoyment! Sending supportive energy! <3

    3. I recommend the power of positive thinking. Plus, give yourself permission to feel good! The world around us can only affect us if we let it. You have the power! Sending supportive energy your way! <3

    4. http://sacred-texts.com/nth/shinn/gol/index.htm

      Please read this book if you feel nudged to do so. This is an issue that can be easily rectified with just a wee bit of spiritual knowledge, and this book is an excellent source. And please don't give up! You are worth much more than that, and you are here to do something that only you can do. <3

    5. http://sacred-texts.com/nth/shinn/gol/index.htm

      Please read this book if you feel any intuitive nudge that it will help you. What you are dealing with is nothing that a little spiritual knowledge can't fix, and this book is an excellent source. :) And please don't give up! You have a wonderful big heart and special gifts to offer this world that only you can offer, and we will all be at a loss if you give up. I'm rooting for you!

    6. You can't help everyone, you can only help yoursel, as much as you can help others. Each has their own responsibility to their own life path.

    7. Don't seek aproval from others. Strentghten yourself, gain confidence by loving yourself deeply. I was "like you" before I know it's hard. Help yourself first, being strong and sensitive at the same time is possible. You will see you don't need aproval and you will see they don't hurt you anymore vecause you are strong and they always strike for the "weak" (I don't like that word but you know what I mean) you are strong inside, you just need to believe it, and decide: enough is enough :) trust me, it took me years!

  7. Hi Amamda. This life is hard and being sensitive is so soul draining. I'm glad you're writting and venting. We are all on a path and believe it or not you are following the plan you are meant to ne on. It is hard. I'm sure the angels see your good.

  8. Grateful for your reminders, always! 💜

  9. I have reconnected with my higher self and have started doing shadow work. Sometimes it feels like a great burden to be here resurrect ing with life path number 22 as my mission is bigger than I ever imagined. And I see everyone passing me by while I'm here being pressed to go through everything with no short cuts I guess that's the ego talking. I know it won't be easy for me and I need help finding balance. I ask humbly that anyone that reads this can send me your love and prayers if you wish to do so. All is greatly appreciated and will be paid back as I am one you will know personally as the master builder Xander and will orcastrate with the universe for all. Peace and love always and forever <3

    1. ❤����good vibes are on their way! Keep up the good work!

    2. Bendiciones, amigo, mucho éxito en tu camino <3

  10. Awesome message !!! Thank you Angels and thank you so much rush-collection for your hard work and dedication!!!
    You have created a truly magic space available for everyone at a touch of a button !!! I love you !!!
    Stay blessed people ,as we all are !!!
    Stay positive and strong and adamant !!!
    Always and forever grateful !!! ♡♡♡ Love,health,peace and Light to All!!!♡♡♡ Amen!!!

  11. Follow not, remove labels, cold objectivity is developed whilst being numbed by numbers.

  12. Dear God, angels, whatever true source is;
    Thank you and may you keep my family safe from harm. May you send us strength, grace, self awareness, and tact as we ride through tumultuous waves. May my mother and father feel peace of mind, security, and wellness. May they be blessed with protection from the higher realms at all times. May they be unchained from financial debt and the burden of toxicicity. No weapon shall prosper against us.
    Thank you. Amen.🙏

    1. @Bloo, I repeat after you !!! Amen!!!🙏❤ Sending blessings ,love ,peace and Light to you and your family!!! ❤🙏

  13. Be the light you wish to see in the world around.

  14. For God's plan for us Lightworkers is to prosper not to harm God loves a beautiful soul who is willing to help and serve in humanity but God will reward us Jesus loves all of us and divine realms will always bless us and protect us from danger

  15. Thank you Abba Father Lord Jesus

  16. Praise the Lord let your holy spirit be with us Lord

  17. Merci infiniment pour ce décodage des messages des Anges. Depuis la mort de mon mari ces messages ponctuent mes journées et grâce à toi, rush-collection, j'ai pu avoir leurs significations. J'ai beaucoup avancer depuis sur mon chemin spirituel. Ces messages m'ont permis de prendre de nombreuses décisions importantes. Avec amour, lumière et gratitude.

  18. Thanks be to God first angel number for this 2020 thank you Jesus and to my loving angels

  19. Thank you rush-collection, Thank you Angels and the Universe! Peace and love to ALL! 💜

  20. Lord i handover everything into your hands

  21. Thank you!!!💗🙏🥰😇💖😜🌻

  22. The time is 07.44 and 74% battery level. It's either a coincidence or it is a message for me. Thank you x

  23. Thank you!!! 🎉🥳🎉😇🙏🥰

  24. I arrived here from the Stargate code P36-744.

  25. Hi, Can someone please help me? I am a lightworker and I am experiencing demonic gangstalking. How do I handle overcome this?
