Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Number 713 is a blend of the attributes and vibrations of number 7, the energies of number 1, and the qualities of number 3. Number 7 relates to the esoteric and mystical, spiritual awakening and development, emotions and feelings, persistence of purpose and determination, discernment and positive intentions, inner-knowing and understanding others, empathic and psychic abilities, and education and learning. Number 1 relates to new beginnings, creation, progress, inspiration and intuition, self-leadership and assertiveness, motivation and progress, striving forward, uniqueness and individuality, creating your own reality, positivity and activity. Number 3 offers assistance and encouragement, communication and enthusiasm, growth, being brave, expansion and the principles of increase, manifesting, broad-minded thinking, self-expression, talents and skills, and the energies of the Ascended Masters.    

Angel Number 713 indicates that the angels are infusing your dreams, thoughts and ideas with Divine love, healing and guidance. Use these positive energies in your lightworking and healing practices, and shine your light brightly as you live your Divine soul journey.

Angel Number 713 encourages you to recognize, acknowledge and honour your natural talents and unique abilities and use them to be an inspiration for others. Research, study, education and learning will enhance your personal development and growth and you will be intuitively guided towards all that you need to do and learn. Look to ways of supporting and expanding your own personal growth as well as that of others.

Angel Number 713 suggests that the determination and dedication you have displayed has manifested new opportunities to advance you along your life mission and with your spiritual purpose. Be safe in the knowledge that your material needs will be met, and you are fully supported and guided by the angels.

Angel Number 713 is a message that you are to surrender and release any fears or doubts you may have to the angels and have faith and trust that all is going to Divine right order.

Number 713 relates to Master Number 11 and Angel Number 11 on the higher plane, and number 2 and Angel Number 2 on the lower plane (7+1+3=11, 1+1=2).



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  1. I always see this number 713, 137, 317, in some way! it is my birthdate number, in "past life" experiences. Many comfortable relationships were of people with the 13th birthdate. My birthdate is 71388, 88 is the year harmonic convergence "began" i read. Also, i read 713 is part of 888, which is the number of christ. I never lost myself in numerology, however, with 1111, 111, 1212, 144 and 713 being so intensely everywhere..I could not -not be curious. I notice how many moments during 713, I'll have long moments of human change, enlightenment. Every choice is now based on 7's 13's or them as one number. it has been a least 1 1/2 years and at this point I'm riding the waves. There is this desire to have "thee complete" answer, however, I feel that answer being given every moment I encounter it. As many others, absolutely everything has a new, yet physical quality. I am stopping smoking, but i ash out cigarettes in "713" on my door border, in the same place. Its now somewhat of a completion of that moment of meditation for me; rather transcendental or just vicariously. Although, questions and the desire to know "bam this is why.." still lingers, I am riding the waves. I do, outside of families and associates choices to remain, feel that i am coming back into divine love and unattachment to the dense qualities of now. Any comments, or higher guidance? I also find myself, and have just realized that I commune with a higher perspective a lot! I know its not "me" because i feel i'm looking at me from there and bringing "me" into the place this higher perspective is. or where I already am lol...anything? My first and middle and last name also comes out to 20 letters; a composite of 7 and 13. I have a crystal skull I have charged with 713, its as if all these streams have a deep work, which I suppose excites me. I don't feel its a wicked and perverse generation that asks for a sign, but a open and truth searching generation that asks and experiences them.

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime.

    2. I keep seeing the number too in many different ways on many occasions at the oddest or most unexpecting nonchalant of times...my eyes will catch the number when least expected...and its bothering me cause I don't know what it means?... I was born 7/13/69...so it's like why do my eyes constantly catch visuals of this number when I'm not looking for it? And what is it saying to me? Somebody please help me to better understand what 713 truely means.(turnseven13@gmail)

    3. I woke up with 713 envisioned - the time on my clock was 6:23. I have never seen this vision before. Interesting times!

    4. Same! And that's my birthday too 7.13.88

  2. Also, may I add that in mid summer, I found a fallen branch that is abssssolutely beautiful. It was struck by lightning, I found it in the park, while allowing brownie choose the path and i caught eyes in a sense. it has this eye like formation on one side. Anyways, its exactly 20 inches...7+13=20! after carving a little! its my wand now. I am not attached to any belief, i "play" with what resonates with me, I'm leaving its potential to me and the next nows..

  3. This is the first time I checked on an additional meaning to 713. In the early 90's when my younger brother was dying from cancer, I was beginning to embrace my intuitive skills. When I was alone in my apartment, the number 713 appeared on a solar caluculator. I knew the numbers meant something and I didn't really figure it out until several days later. When you add 7+1+3= 11 then 7+13=20 and finally 7x13=91 Well, my mother passed away on 11-20-91!!! Iknew my mom was letting me know that she was close by. I was able to sit with my brother in his hospital room and relate this and other information to let him know that it wasn't the end, it was just a different place and most important...Mom was waiting for him! Whenever I see the numbers, I know Mom is close and saying hello! I take great comfort that I am on the right path in exploring my intuition. It is a gift and I know my Angel guides are watching over me!

    1. You are blessed and you gave comfort to your brother in just the right way. So much Love and Light!

  4. I was born at 7:13am and weighed 7 pounds 13oz at birth.

    I share a birthday with my gramdma

    Who was born at 7:13am and weighted 7 pounds 13oz at birth.

    1. I was born on July 13th at 11:37 and weight 7 pounds 13oz. We're in a club or something!

    2. Very cool. AMAZING. I love numbers, I have a thing for them. This 7 13 is my son's birthday & I see it a lot

  5. Seems I have been waking up on my own at 7:13am lot..

  6. I just saw 17:13 on (2014-)07-13.

  7. Wonderful, I just saw 713. Thank you for your teachings!

  8. I feel this number is haunting me I see the combination of 137 etc.all day in my Tra els at different locations. My girlfriend thinks I'm crazy. I see 3:17 or 7:13 on clocks why do I look at them at that exact time. I needed gas badly,ironically I stopped to pick up a guy who ran out of gas on this trip. Long story short I dropped him off and gas was 1.68 I decided to get gas at the place next to Walmart when I got there it was 1.73. I bought the gas when I came out if Walmart 50 minutes later the gas price was changed. Any insight to me and these numbers please help

  9. Alicia MelendezMonday, March 14, 2016

    Ok. This has got to mean something here.. I TOO was born 7.13.88 @ 7:13 am and weighed 7lbs and 13 oz. my daughter weighed 7 lbs 13 oz. I always catch the clock right at 7:13. My totals for purchases are very regularly $7.13. What does this really mean?! Someone please help!

  10. I see 7:13 on the clock every time or even when it's 17:13. Birth weight 7:13, my date of birth is 16/10/85 add them 7/1/13 name in numbers my first name and middle name samantha jayne 13 letters last name edwards 7 letters. Numbers to letters samantha 77 jayne 55 edwards 75 simplified to 3, 1, 3 added is 7 lol

  11. Everyday My head turns to the clock at exactly 1:37, 3:17, and mainly at 7:31 Am & Pm. This has been happening for months. I always played the cash 3 as 731 but hit it back in 1979..Its boggling me so much as I see these times in combination daily for the past few months. As I was reading about the number 11 above, I won a large Bingo on number 11 and paid off my house in 2012. Any comments aporeciated as to why I see these numbers everyday on the clock

  12. I see 713 all the time my birthday is also 713 ?


    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  13. Amen thanks be to God thanks to my Angels and rush-collection

  14. Praise God thank you Lord amen thank you ny guardian angels and all angels

  15. This number seems to follow me around me around, the till receipt was £7.13 earlier, just looked at my phone and the time was 7.13pm...I feel blessed x

  16. I was born July 13 1998 and I keep seeing the numbers too. Always at 7:13pm for some reason. I also keep seeing 444 or 311. It’s been happening for days. I guess it means we’re lucky, since 7 and 13 are seen as lucky numbers.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. We are all the chosen 1 ..713...we are very kind hearted people..yet so powerful..we are here to help others that our purpose. We need to help and protect ones who are weak who need guidance light love..use ur special ability..remember do it cuz u want 2..be humble, patient,be kind..people are mean not cuz they want 2..we was just not taught how..
