Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Number 715 is a combination of the vibrations of number 7, the energies of number 1, and the attributes of number 5. Number 7 is the number of spiritual awakening and development, understanding the self and others, introspection, the esoteric and mystical, empathic and psychic abilities, persistence of purpose and determination, study, research and learning. Number 1 promotes striving forward and pursuing goals, instinct and intuition, ambition and tenacity, initiative, changes, inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings and starting afresh. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 5 is associated with important life changes, creativity and new beginnings, auspicious new opportunities, making life choices and decisions, learning lessons through experience, imagination and curiosity, resourcefulness, adaptability and versatility.  

Angel Number 715 is a message that the angels are helping and assisting you with important changes taking place in your life, and are making sure that all goes according to Divine plan. Trust that these changes are for your highest good and will usher wonderful new opportunities and auspicious circumstances into your life. Trust your intuition and the guidance from the angels in all of your choices and actions.

Angel Number 715 indicates that you are being aided and assisted as you go through major life changes. The choices you have made and the actions you have taken will lead to new opportunities in your life and you are encouraged to stay positive and optimistic as you will soon see these positive changes take effect.

If you are considering a new project, occupation, business venture or any major life changes, this is the time to put together your plan and launch your idea. Trust that the right doors will open for you when your intentions are aligned with your actions.

Number 715 relates to number 4 (7+1+5=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.



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  1. i have ssenthis number numerous times in the last 3 hours and of course as i look the meaning up its allways on point and never a coincidence.. keep up the great work

  2. 7/15 is my birthday & I see it on the clock EVERY NIGHT!

    1. Mine to and I also see it all the time

    2. It's my birthday too, I see it every day

    3. It's my birthday too, I see it every day

    4. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


    5. Its 1:51 my bday is 7/15

  3. The angels keep talking to me when am in doubt, even though I know not to be... reassuring me that it's all still going according to plan.

  4. My birthday is July 15th (715) when I was born I weighed 7lbs 15 oz (715) the first house I lived in was 715 E division st and my area code in my town is 715...I wish I knew what was going on

    1. Hi there. I couldn't help but notice you said your are code is 715!!! You live in Eau Claire??? Perfect example of Syncronicity at its finest. There definitely "a lot going on" There.

  5. Hi there. I noticed you said your area code is715. You live in Eau Claire??? Syncronicity definitely is happening. This is a perfect example. There's going to be some major things happening there...

  6. was just having thoughts of killing myself.... looked down at my phone and seen it was 7:15 once again... then came to this page and decided to read what it meant.

  7. I am expecting and the baby is due on this day. Doctors say there is a chance that I have miscarried I'm just wondering what the significance of this pregnancy is. What am I supposed to be learning or doing as a result of this.

  8. Immensely blessed and Grateful!!!
    Thank you Angels and thank you rush-collection!!!♡♡♡
    I love You!!!
    Message is tottaly on point , as always !!!♡♡♡
    Looking forward to the changes !!!♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to All!!!♡♡♡

  9. My birthday is 7-15 I see this number all day everyday for years now what does this exactly mean for me

  10. I believe to have saw a spirit months ago at approx. 7:15 am in my house. I totaled my car less than a month ago at 7:15 am on my way to school. I also have seen the number 444 consistently since i was a child, im now 18. Does any of this have a meaning? Any replies would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  11. I wanted to know your thoughts. I had been in a marriage for almost 17 years and really wanting to get out of it . the details of all that don't matter, needless to say I had been praying and praying for ever to get out of it and not feeling like it was okay to want this. Anyway I was 39 years old and I met a man who was 46 and our meeting was profound. We were very much good friends , but felt a very crazy bond. Anyway we found out that we had the same birthday, July 15th . I had never met anyone with my same birthday. One day I realised that if you put the numbers over eachother
    39 it equals
    715 it felt like for both of us that the universe litterally brought us to eaxhother as we were both in abusive situations. We are 7 years apart and born in the 7th month. Anyway this began 2 years ago and we are both free to see where things go ! Also our names add up to 715, my first name has 7 letters, my maiden name has 5 letters and his first and last name have 5 letters each! It's cra cra!!

  12. Through this site I have been able to receive many many blessings that my angels has spoken to me I have guided me through this site to use the gifts and blessings that were given to me to pass along to the world they have called me to create my own blog as though I am ignorant to the ways of the internet I asked for their guidance this is a blessed sight

  13. My phone goes off at times to check the angel number. Now I read this one n the words Tenacious? What about the D, then right before that I read about the "Doors" Don't forget Morrison that must play a huge factor in this number n how he was right on track. People use a bit of cleverness in this n other numbers angel numbers. Good numbers lead to right thibkn

  14. My family is having issues right now, im laying in bed and i see the nuber 715 on my window. i look up the number and im seeing a bunch of adress's then i see 715 angels number. i look back at my window and the number is gone.. #blessed

  15. Great News πŸͺ½πŸͺ½πŸͺ½πŸ™

  16. For your highest good….major life changes…intentions aligned with actions… Divine plan….
    Trying to hang in there, trusting through divorce, sickness, alienation from kids, unimployment, financial problems. Know I am to be grateful I am alive, following my inner truth, but feel everything I treasured is leaving since my awakening - health, love, security, close bonds - causing lots of grief.
    Been seven years of this shitstorm now and it’s really testing my trust in my Divine plan πŸ™„. Did I really believe I would manage all theese tough experiences in a cluster? Wow.
    Love and cherish Spirit, deeply connect with the Universe, but would love some more 3D joy as well. Is it in my plan? Keep praying it is ❤️πŸ€—✨πŸ’«!
    To all of you striving, I feel you.Trust through the ups and downs of life, though everything might be hard, there might be something good just around the corner. Or there might be a bit of gold in that heavy backpack you’re carrying? So difficult to see when you’re in the midst of it, not finding the way out.
    To all of you, experiencing your dark night of the soul, my empathy, sympathy and love. Keep hanging onπŸ’«.

  17. The last comment was mine. This morning I am back to 715 πŸ€—.
    Have to tell you that something totally unexpected, but wonderful and a BIG change for the better, happened this week. So thankful, this change means everything to me.
    Do trust! Gratefully Yours Spirit, Universe, God almighty.

  18. Wow. So many ppl share my birthday and we all see the date all over. Thanks.
