Thursday, November 17, 2011


Number 721 is a combination of the attributes and energies of number 7, the vibrations of number 2, and the influences of number 1. Number 7 relates to study and learning, spiritual awakening, Divine and inner-wisdom, emotions and feelings, mysticism, empathic and psychic abilities, persistence of purpose and determination, and good fortune. Number 2 resonates with balance and harmony, duality, partnerships and relationships, personal will, decisiveness, insightfulness, ambition, diplomacy and mediation, sensitivity, your life mission and soul purposeNumber 1 is the number of inspiration and intuition, creating your own reality, uniqueness and individuality, self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings, creation, progress, striving forward, motivation and progress, positivity and achieving success.

Angel Number 721 is a message that your faith, positive attitude and prayers are holding you in a very positive light and your desires and wishes may be granted with abundance manifested through your positive energies. Be grateful for your blessings, and stay happy.

Angel Number 721 prompts you to give any doubts, fears, worries or concerns to the angels for healing and transmutation. Trust that your doubts or concerns will be replaced with faith, self-belief and confidence. You have nothing to fear.

Try something new and get excited about your life. Stretch yourself beyond what you think you can do and learn new skills that will help you in other areas of your life. When you follow your own heart you will find yourself growing in wisdom and courage.

Number 721 relates to number 1 (7+2+1=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1



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  1. Wow, this is amazing because I have been on a journey of spiritual enlightenment lately. Also, because my birthday is July 21 aka 721. I have been waking up at 7:21 AM exactly, seeing 7 emails and 21 updates on my ipad and even driving down the street. This is absolutely amazing!

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime.

    2. I have a feeling I was meant to see this on this exact moment my birthday is 2/24/1988 and ending of phone number has 666 888 in it is there anything you see in this.

    3. i have the same birthday and these numbers haunt me daily ---finally decided to look them up. now my bf sees them too but his bday is 831 (ILOVEYOU) feels stange like it was destined. wonder if its just a common number sequence bc i see it so much especially time and licsense plates and addresses...

    4. same here, My Bday is On 7/21 and I've been catching 7:21 very quickly right before it changes to 7:22, as well as 444 and this has been happening for about 3 months straight every single day.

    5. me too boom 721 is the great awakening .,. dark to light ZuZuQ too . .

    6. My birthday is 721. I look at the clock at this time. I played a game and my score was 712.

    7. Yess I see 722 and my b day is July 22 it's everywhere all day it's become my guidelines I follow it's so on point

    8. My birthdate & lucky numbers. Am a Cancer so we are born on the cusp of Leo 7/22 Cancer water sign Leo Fire sign. I see 444, 1010, 1111, 1212 all the time and Cancer and Leo signs are suppose to have special blessings from God

  2. Thank you. My brother was born 7/21/60. Me was a few times. But this lifetime i was born 6/23/69. My number is 222 thank you

  3. Recently when i look at the clock alot of the times it says 7:21 am or pm aside from other times of the day. why???

  4. 721 means "LOVE YOU "
    seven letters, two words , one meaning.
    U must have seen the pattern everywhere. In ur mobile,computer, newspapers,id cards,car numbers, clock. It simply means all of nature is appreciating the path u have taken and it also means they see u all the time and loves you. The force will watch over you and guide you . And u gonna enjoy ur ride!

  5. 721 means "LOVE YOU "
    seven letters, two words , one meaning.
    U must have seen the pattern everywhere. In ur mobile,computer, newspapers,id cards,car numbers, clock. It simply means all of nature is appreciating the path u have taken and it also means they see u all the time and loves you. The force will watch over you and guide you . And u gonna enjoy ur ride!

  6. The LORD has sent me on an amazing JOURNEY THIS EASTER & like always these beautiful ANGELS brought me the MESSAGE.
    You can't help but love this whole beautiful system we're apart of. I'm ready to follow this man until the end of time, and it's real simple. All you gotta do is hop in the car and let the LORD in the driver's seat. He'll drive us to that sunset and get us to where exactly we need to be in this life, and then show us it doesn't stop there.

  7. I forgot to activate my new bank card so I used the account I had emptied but knew there was enough for this item. I was wrong. My total at the store was 7.21 I had 2 cash and my account had 5.21 the card declined but the card and the cash together was exactly 7.21 so I looked it up.
    This site made me realize my mother’s birthday is 7/21 and she has passed away 9 years ago. . Thank you.

    1. This is old, but note the date you posted. Also my birthday is 7/21 and my mother’s name is Lena. I love the synchronicity.

  8. Thank you rush-collection! you are my angel! and you helping me much in the last ten years.
    I read a lot in your site, that I need to give the angel my fears "give any doubts, fears, concerns or concerns to the angels for healing and transmutation".
    what does that mean? I really want to do that but I dont know how.
    How do I do that? What is the way? I realy hope you can help me with that.

    1. Hello Meiravs, there are many ways to release your worries and fears to the angels and spirit guides. But what’s important is what resonates with you. I personally have a visualization technique that I perform whenever a negative thought our belief enters my mind space . I envision the negative thought as a butterfly in my hand and I thank this butterfly for the valuable information that it has brought to my attention and after showing gratitude, I release the butterfly from my hand into the sky for healing and transmutation. As I release this butterfly, I say to my angels out loud of in my minds eye that I release this worry or negative thought to my angels for healing . I repeat that this thought doesn’t support my highest good and no longer belongs to me so I release it to you for healing and transmutation and ask my angels to replace it with a thought that is positive and loving and that serves my highest good. After the release of that thought/butterfly, I thank my spiritual realm for their assistance and affirm that I have complete faith and trust that they will guide me to my highest truth. My advice is be creative and feel from your heart. Our emotions are what carries our manifestations to source. I’m not sure if you are familiar with brain and heart coherence. It is a powerful tool and I highly recommend that you research it and practice it daily. I send you love and light and send you many blessings of love, health prosperity and fulfillment! Namaste ����������

  9. Blessed and grateful!!!♥️🕊🍀🎈Amen!!!Love,peace and light to All!!!🇧🇬

  10. I constantly seeing my crush birthdate, and sometimes it goes with my birthday. What does this mean?

  11. My "Air Fan" Has a Problem.. Always Makes "beats" Noise..

    when i tried to fix that..
    It start to makes A Different "beats"..
    "7 beats" Then "2 beats" Then "1"

    i Realy dont know..
    From That Moment when i heard it.. directly stuck in my head.. And That What led me here.

    im 29 yeas Old Ex Muslim..
    I'm "agnostic" At This Moment .

  12. I always use to see 720 earlier but gradually I have started noticing that 720 is now been replaced with 721 why so??
    Also I use to dream about flying up in the clear sky and I see this quite often.
    Generally what I see in dreams ( all the small things). It really start happening during the day which Then remembers me about the dream that i had... what is all this ? Pls help

  13. me to 721 is my fav # and means the great awakening . . right ZuZuQ .,.

  14. Praise the Lord Jesus im so blessed

  15. For the love of the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth RESTORE of Christ and MorherEarth, in unity and her father and his son.

  16. Thank you so much for everything!(:

  17. Timely 🙏
    Endless love and gratitude 🤍

  18. I can't believe I'm not the only one, for years I've been trying to wait for the universe to tell me what was going, why I kept seeing 721 everywhere. I knew it was a lucky number though because apart from it being my birthday I see it everrryyyhwereeee. Car tags, receipts, phone numbers, clocks, prices, you name it there isnt a day that goes by that I don't see 721. but now I know. I'm on a journey

  19. I can't believe I'm not the only one, for years I've been trying to wait for the universe to tell me what was going, why I kept seeing 721 everywhere. I knew it was a lucky number though because apart from it being my birthday I see it everrryyyhwereeee. Car tags, receipts, phone numbers, clocks, prices, you name it there isnt a day that goes by that I don't see 721. but now I know. I'm on a journey

  20. Wow, thank you Angels, I am listening
