Monday, August 01, 2011


Number 218 is a compilation of the influences and attributes of number 2, the vibrations of number 1 and the energies of number 8. Number 2 adds its attributes of balance and harmony, partnerships and relationships, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, encouragement, duality, faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose. Number 1 promotes positivity and optimism, creation and new beginnings, self-leadership and assertiveness, inspiration, achievement and success. Number 1 tells us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 8 resonates with personal power and authority, inner-wisdom, truth and integrity, dependability and self-reliance, karma and manifesting wealth and abundance.

Angel Number 218 brings a message to have faith and trust in your intuition and inner-knowing and believe that the angels and the Universe are ensuring that your monetary and financial needs will be met. Give any money worries and/or fears to your angels for healing and transmutation and know that all will be taken care of. Have no fear of stepping towards your goals.

Angel Number 218 is a message to expect an influx of funds, a win, a promotion or pay rise. Use the extra money wisely.

Angel Number 218 tells you to be open to the flow of giving and receiving and be grateful for the gifts and blessings of the Universe. You get back what you put out and your thoughts, beliefs, expectations and outlook determine your results so ensure that they are positive and optimistic. Allow prosperity to enter your life on all levels and accept gifts graciously with a simple and heart-felt ‘thank you’.

Number 218 relates to the karmic number 11 (2+1+8=11) and Angel Number 11.

Also see:
Angel Number 812


  1. February 18 is the most appearing number to me, other than 111's and 1111... Ever since my awakening, I have accepted the position as a Wealth Creator... with a life path number of 3, plus a balanced lifestyle I'm pretty much a walking Goddess. I wish this understanding for others as well... =)

  2. I see the mumber 218 on my odometer miles in my car, when i pause the music it always stops at 218 or when i manually fast forward and drop it to any mumber it drops 2:18 when I look at the time it shows 2:18 or 3:18 when someone requests me to follow me on Instagram it shows 218 followers and i turned 2:19 followers when I pay something and my change is 2:18 I swear on my life this is true. My take on this its a Satanic cursed put on me by the government. My days are numbered.. May the Lord Jesus welcome me into his Kingdom. Amen.....2.18???!!!!

    1. I myself do not believe in numerology, however I do believe that our angels will get a message across in any way possible. Through numbers, through other signs, or just through a feeling... i often resort to this site which has given me a lot of good advise and needed knowledge however i try to leave most of my messages to chance or a strong feeling from in my self. I used to see the numbers 911 which i thought was a bad sign as it appears you think 218 is. One day i googled it and to my surprise the message was for me to be a light worker, preach or rather spread the word of God. It says i should write which i have had an urge to write since i was a child though i never knew what to write about. I love to help people and so 911 is fitting for me. I see other numbers and some seem like nothing more than a number some at times urge me to google. Every time the message is fitting and needed. I have storries that make me wonder if i have lost my mind because they are so coincidental that the average closed minded person would think i was making the story up. I do not believe that there is anything satanic about your numbers. I believe if you open your mind to your angels trying to speak to you and the message that is being given to you on this site or the next, that you will begin to recieve more messages and possibly in different ways. I hope this helps ease your thoughts of doubt nd gives you comfort. It has been over a year since i googled 911 and 3 or 4 years since i started to see them numbers so i can't say i fully understand it and infact it is still all pretty new to me. I know that my life is improving and that is enough to for me.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is my lucky number 218 pls help me to grab my lucky :) thankyou

  4. i dreamed of the number 218....and i m seeing 1313 or 1111 every single day my life

  5. Wow I am glad to have finally found some answers. I have been seeing 2:18 on the clock everyday since the new year began. It’s actu my deceased mother’s birthday which of course is always special to me. But to see 2:18am and pm is undoubtedly weird. Hopefully this explains everything. Thanks I appreciate this.

  6. Well 218 in my birthday my sister birthday is 812 if it gets any crazier ..check this my sons birthday is july 15 ..if you count the day in between from 7-15 to feb 18th it's percisely 218 days in between...its year 2018 and all my 3 closest friends fathers birthday is either dec 8th which is 1208 or nov 18.which is 11/ sons are 9 yrs and 9 days part....great read thank you

    1. my brother's birthday is 18. 2 and everywhere I see everywhere 218 my birthday is 21.8

  7. My birthday is 218, I'm a manager where i count drawers down, and I once not so long ago cashed out a drawer that was supposed to have $218.75 which 75 is also the year of my birth, I always see 218 though, on the clock AM or PM, in my change when I go to the store, bus or cab numbers, I also see 1218 a lot but yeah 218 seems to be everywhere all the time

    1. I have a birthday also 218, and same i see this num. Everywhare

  8. "Angel Number 218 is a message to expect an influx of funds, a win, a promotion or pay rise. Use the extra money wisely."

    Did everyone experience this?


  10. My birthday is 2-18. Ive been seeing this number everywhere.

  11. My birthday is 2-18. Ive been seeing this number everywhere.

  12. I work self employed so a promotion and pay rise is out the question, the postcode lottery win would be nice so I can concentrate on full filling my soul mission helping alcoholics get off alcohol...I feel blessed guided and protected Amen x

  13. i have been seeing 218 for as long as I can remember.. and i always felt like it was a sign to point me in the right direction. When im doing good in life, i tend to see it more. When im not being productive or accomplishing anything in my life and staying stagnant this number seems to disappear. I see it on average 1 time per day now, and this is not me intentionally looking for this number. I will see it in license plates, on the clock, on cars driving by as the USDOT number. I will buy something and directly in the middle of the serial code somehow it highlights itself as im holding the object (34752183985). I see it on my tracking numbers all the time when i purchase things online. My dog recently passed away and the bottom of the urn that i received from the vet, the numbers 218 were apart of the code, for what im assuming the serial number or something like that. Im 22 now, and have been seeing it for last 10 years or so. coincidentally that is around the time my grandmother passed away. I got a new phone number, started out as 206-218-.... my brothers birthday is February 18th. Its something that has forever been interesting to me and I saw it as a sign to keep following. I truly believe its my grandmother giving me signs in life to keep doing down the necessary path. As an entrepreneur I am working to be financially independent and have my business being fruitful. "m Angel Number 218 is a message to expect an influx of funds, a win, a promotion or pay rise. Use the extra money wisely. " Reading this gives me some more clarity and calmness, but I still will work towards my goals everyday because I think thats part of the plan. Life is a trip

  14. Thank you ❤️ I am Open and I am ready to receive ๐Ÿ™ I welcome financial abundance into my life and I embrace my new and better. God bless us all ๐Ÿ™❤️

  15. MY Birthday is 2/18.

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