Monday, August 01, 2011


Number 217 is a blend of the energies of number 2, the vibrations of number 1 and the influences of number 7. Number 2 brings its attributes of adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, consideration for others, service and duty. Number 2 governs relationships and partnerships, encourages balance and relates to our Divine soul mission and life purpose. Number 1 resonates with the vibrations of self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative and instinct, achievement and success, fulfilment and omniscience. Number 1 relates to new beginnings and reminds us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 7 adds its influences of mysticism, spiritual development and psychic abilities, an understanding of others, independence and individualism, study, learning and knowledge, endurance and persistence of purpose.

Angel Number 217 is a message from your angels that your positive thoughts and affirmations are working and are now manifesting your wants and desires into your life. Continue doing the spiritual, emotional and mental work you have been doing as they are having positive effects on your life. The angels encourage and support your spirituality and are with you for guidance and assistance whenever you ask for it. Trust that you are living your Divine path and fulfilling your life purpose and soul mission.

Life works itself out in ways that we could never have thought of, thanks to our angels.

Number 217 relates to number 1 (2+1+7=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.

Also see:
Angel Number 712



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. This just made me cry. I've never cried from having a revelation. For the last year I have been battling major fears. For the last 3 weeks I have been practicing the law of attraction (aka the secret) and I have felt so at peace & confident. Until two days ago, my fears crept back in and I had a total breakdown. They took over my body. My inner self was telling me that it had to do with the full moon and energy around me, as I am an empath. Anyways, I spoke with a dear friend who was able to get me back on track....and i've been seeing 217 repeatedly. Which is my birthday so I thought it was neat. But I just saw it again and I finally said "I need to look up the meaning of this." And coming across this meaning was the most beautiful thing ever. I KNOW this week has been a test of my higher self and they want me to know that I am on track, I am okay, and my desires are manifesting. Absolutely incredible. I am so grateful for this moment.

    1. My birthday is 217 as well. In Genisis 7:11, it says on the second month, the seventeenth day, the windows of Heaven were opened. God destroyed the wicked and saved Noah.

    2. its my birthday as well <3 .. I see this number all the timee ..

    3. my birthday too and i see it a lot too

    4. its my bday too!!and i see it alot as well!! not alone!

    5. and I thought it was just a weird coincidence!

    6. Also my birthday, my lucky number and reappears in my life constantly. I've lived in apartment 217 address 2117 and been assigned to hotel number 217 by sure chance a few times. I've won on roulette on 17 more than once at the same setting. I am not a gambler. I went to Vegas twice, 21 years ago. It happened then. I'm also an empath. This is really interesting.

    7. My new apartment number. I felt drawn to it.

    8. this is not my birthday but it is a number i used to spell my name during the pager days. I see this number on the clock every so often. Very interesting!

  2. I saw this number two days in a row, and I do see it every now and then. Numbers that keep repeating (or shouting at you like, "hey, look-look, look!" must have meaning. Thank you for your insight. :)

  3. I have seen 217 repeatedly this week .. It is my birthday and my lucky number. This just blew my mind

    1. It’s my birthday too and I always see it

  4. I just stumbled across this number which happens to be my dad's birthday. Thank you for the bible verse.

  5. Thanks beautiful! =)
    I really needed this number so much, I have seen this number for 4 years..everyday.. i also many aother numbers,, but this is special to ME..=) For everyone who seek this number,, wish, hope, belive and it WILL manifets..thts my experience..=)) EVERYTIME=)..

  6. This number has continually repeated in my life for 32 years now. I started seeing it in 9th grade.

  7. Feb 17 is also my birthday and I see 217 everywhere. Recurs in Stephen King books - see esp The Shining and Stanley Kubrick's interest in it. They had to change the room number in the film for the hotel's sake. In any case, I see or hear this number at least once a week.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. its my birthday too!i keep seeing this number everywhere..its driving me crat😑

  10. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

    It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.

    It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


    1. What does it mean if it's a loved one date of birth? I kept seeing it last week on the time, dated documents even when I jumped on the scale! That's the date of birth of a man who holds a very special place in my heart and we are no longer together.

  11. this comment made me cry and solidified the message for me, thank you. same deal, same time spans. after making conscious efforts to integrate myself with my truths, woke up this morning after a profound dream, reaching an epiphany and crying profusely. mourning for what now definitively feels like a former self intertwined with some weird hazy melancholic joy for what can and will be.

    felt guided to read the bible and while reading these passages resonated with me: "When He had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers' money and overturned the tables. And He said to those who sold doves, 'Take these things away! Do not make My Father's house a house of merchandise!.' Then His disciples remembered that it was written, 'Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up' John 2:17

    enlightenment is losing sight, do away with all worldy/mental shackles long passed rigidity intertwined with your search constraining you. sacrifice to rise beyond, trust and follow where spirit leads always. be sincere, the universe is beyond abundant

    with the sincerest of love, someone thought to be beyond condemnation and wretch hood from a lifetime of the most profound intellectual and sensuous despair. when theres nothing left but the tiny glint and sheening light of the path, follow it

  12. I see 20:17 on my clock. If 0 has bo meaning i think 217 from it might mean something.

  13. This is my mom's birthday and ever since she passed away in 2012 I have seen 217 all the time over and over whether it be in road signs, the clock, prices, etc I see it a lot and I always felt it was her communicating to me and this article just reinforced that for me. Before she passed she would also see this number a lot and it was her birthday. It was even in the last 4 of her social (0217)

  14. My Birthday 2-17 as well, also an empath! Love this site.

  15. 217 has been in my life for 4 years now. I have lived in apt 217 for 30 years, though never had the number appear anywhere else until I met someone 4 years ago. They live in house address 217, which is odd in itself. Since the the number comes up ALL the time. I can’t even begin to try and tell all the stories. A good example is yesterday a friend texted me a question I saw 2 hours after it was sent. The subject related to the person I met 4 years earlier. My answer texted in to her at 2:17pm. I wake up at 2:17. I started doing online games to take my mind off this Solitaire... and then complete the puzzles in 2:17. I google something related to the person and there are exactly 217 whatever’s. 2/17 also happens to be the day my dad passed, btw. I buy a card for the person and it costs $2.17. There are reasons I try to forget about this person, and then the universe keeps throwing them in my face with this number. Other ways too, though we are talking about numbers here.

  16. Thank you so much for this. I have always believed this number is in my life for a reason! I grew up at 217 and see it in times, cash amounts, page numbers - literally everywhere. I do feel like I am living in purpose and this fits so well with that. You've made my day!

  17. Grateful for every reminder!!!

  18. My birthday is 2/17/00 born at 2:17 am and I live in Springfield illinoIl I dare you to look up my area code

  19. It us my birthday and I see it constantly since my mom passed 4 years ago. It brings me comfort and also makes me smile every time I see it.

  20. I'm trying to organize an online protest against sociopathic, narcissistic and psychopathic personality disorders. I beg people to email anybody that will hear us with the power to change things. Write the APA,write legislation,, write lawyers, write every country in the world and demand court ordered neural scientific treatment and cognitive behavioral therapy to anybody exhibiting symptoms and behavior of these illnesses. Rich, poor, black, white, Male, female,, Democrat, Republican it doesn't matter. They court order anger management for far less offensive behavior... They used to lock up us gays for far less as well. Doing this could be a game changer. Doing this could save the world.

  21. Thanks be to God and to my loving angels

  22. Thank you so much, I'm blessed no matter what.

  23. Thank you Angels💯
    🧡 i love you!
