Monday, August 01, 2011


Number 219 is made up of the vibrations of number 2, the energies of number 1 and the attributes of number 9. Number 2 relates to the attributes of duality, balance and harmony, relationships and partnerships, adaptability and diplomacy, receptivity, attention to detail and decisiveness. Number 2 also relates to your life purpose and mission. Number 1 brings its energies of creation and new beginnings, striving forward and progress, achievement and success, inspiration, motivation and attainment. Number 1 encourages us to take positive action and tells us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 9 resonates with leading by positive example, lightworkingphilanthropy and humanitarianism, problem solving, generosity and benevolence. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, karma and the Spiritual Law of Karma. Number 219 is a number of the ‘humanitarian’ vibration and you are encouraged to be of service to others through living and serving your life purpose.

Angel Number 219 tells you to focus upon your career and life purpose. Be optimistic and maintain a positive attitude and outlook as these will manifest your desired results and outcomes. Stay focused upon your Divine life path and soul purpose and trust that in doing so you are teaching others by being a living example. Use your manifesting tools and talents to create opportunities to connect, share and teach others.

Number 219 relates to number 3 (2+1+9=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.

Also see:
Angel Number 912


  1. I see this number often lately and it rings true. Its funny I started off seeing double/triple digits (like 222,333,444ect...) now I see very specific number combos & I have a strong feeling so I know to pay attn. I'm now moving into the point in my life where my purpose is my priority and really understanding what my work is in this life is I have found your explanations to be helpful. Sometimes I feel I'm to focus on one part of the meaning you give not the whole meaning. Since I see so many specific number combos I see the common thread of all the various meanings. This is a tool and we all have different guidance and paths so the numbers will mean diff things for different people. I try to combine the messages from the tarot, your angel number meaning and my own inner guidance to see the whole picture. Thanks again for all you do.

  2. Thank you for all of the knowledge and wisdom you put into these descriptions. I Am constantly referring to your numbers.
    Many blessings,

  3. I saw this number in video at a conference today that featured a clip from the film Metropolis. The number featured above an elevator in one of the scenes and I knew in that instant I had to search for its deeper meaning. Than you. <3

  4. PLEASE READ!!! My name is Cody. This might seem weird but I'm seeing allot of numbers from a video game along with other surreal weird feeling... Signs? Clues? Or directions? But this game isn't a usual for the company nor like any game I Ever seen or heard, much less played. Ever since I noticed them, big change has been happening in MY life and in me and in correspondence with the 219 numbers on the main characters dorm door and constantly seen in my life now. Along with the numbers 555. This is happening now and i finished the game last night. It's a decision and story based game it has seemingly infinite possibilities. And go deep and insightful and is extremely self reflective. I'm playing a second play through now. I used what I learned from my last playthrough to make my decision to see more possibilities. It really had me into it. It's so surreal to me like it feels so... this game you can interact with select objects talk with characters in the game take on the fabric of space with the power to rewind time in complex puzzles but with a somewhat annoying limit to that power. Every choice you make and actions you take affect the future as well as the present and the past. It gets more insane but I'll keep that to myself. This game is called "life is strange" I need someone to talk to that has played this game and also see reality unlike very few in this world. I need someone who can see/feel beyond this world. I don't intend discrimination but I need and opened minded Christian with a brain for some what college level sciences it thinks like astrophysics biology and a spiritual insight. Ik I'm being specific. Or am I insane?

  5. I dream of the number 219 & 220 often, whether I am looking at a clock in the dream or some ways those numbers. Very insightful & accurate.

  6. Great thanks. Ur the best.

  7. I've been seeing this number for YEARS every single day. If I had tally marked how many times, I'm sure I would've succeeded 219! I have left my job and decided to focus on this career 219 is telling me. This definition really resonates to my situation! A lot of my desires have manifested as well from maintaining the positive attitude and using my manifesting tools! thank you.

  8. Forever grateful.Love and light alwsays!!!πŸŽƒπŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ’—πŸŽƒ

  9. Always grateful!!! πŸ’—πŸ˜œπŸŽΆπŸ˜Š Thank you!!! πŸ₯°

  10. My guides play yatzy with me and I have been looking up the numbers on your site. Getting alot of wonderful massages. Stay true to thy self and others. The cleansing is almost over.

  11. My guides give me numbers playing yatzy. I have been using your site for the massages. Think you for helping in your writings. Cleansing almost over. Peace and love to all.

  12. Thank you for every timely reminder!!! πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ˜‡

  13. Thats my birth day numbers bro 2000y 10th month 09th day 20001009 just delete 0 i havent thought about it for 20years °.°

  14. I’ve always seen 219 within the past couple of years here and there, but I never thought much of it. Recently it has been nonstop and in my face... I see it in the time, when I pause a video right at 2:19, last night my friend randomly said it was 2:19 am and needed to go to bed, my total at the store being $2.19, the list could go on and on! My birthday is February 19th, 2/19, so when I first saw this number I just thought “oh hey that’s my birthday!” But due to the fact I see it quite literally everywhere, and that particular day has significance I’d be crazy to think it didn’t mean something much more. I’ve been absolutely clueless with my career path. The thing is, I know what I want to do, maybe not to the fullest extent, but I have a rough idea! I’m just afraid of it being the wrong path and a waste of my time. I happen to be very passionate about it and it brings me a great deal of joy. This is when self criticism can become your worst enemy. I need to wake up and realize what I’m worth, what I’m capable of, and allow myself to succeed my dreams. I can’t help but feel like someone is working very hard for me to realize this.

    1. I have seen this sequence of numbers (219) for as long as my memory takes me and I remember EVERYTHING, back to when I was 2 years old. This is also my birth month and day. At first I thought that it has to be a coincidence but when it started appearing in the most unexpected places and at times I wouldn’t only see it but hear it, is when I realized that there is so much more to that number than just a reflection of my date of birth. I also feel that someone is working very hard on my behalf to put these signs in my life. The above meaning of this number sequence makes a lot of sense and I see a lot of myself in it, but I’m still trying to make sense out of certain parts of it. My hope is that this number continues to guide me through life as it has. Every time that I see/hear it, it instantly puts a smile on my face because I absolutely sense the divine working on my behalf and I’m just so incredibly lucky to be spiritually open and sensitive to these beautiful messages.

  15. Amazing and helpful information.
