Sunday, August 14, 2011


Number 312 is a combination of the vibrations of number 3, the attributes of number 1 and the energies of number 2. Number 3 resonates with energy, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, spontaneity, broad-minded thinking, communication and self-expression, encouragement, assistance, and natural talents and skills. Number 3 also indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked and helping you to focus upon the Divine spark within yourself and others. Number 1 relates to self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition, new beginnings and a fresh approach, motivation, striving forward and progress, and reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs, intentions and actions. Number 2 carries the qualities of balance and harmony, selflessness and service to others, diplomacy, mediation and co-operation, faith and trust and also relates to your soul mission and life purpose. Number 312 represents society, communication, partnerships, duality and balance.

Angel Number 312 is a message from your angels and the Ascended Masters to stay positive and optimistic about your future and destiny. Do not allow fears or doubts to stop or hinder you from pursuing what your heart and soul prompt you to. Be true to yourself in every way and do not compromise your truths, values and principles. Beautiful things happen in your life when you remove yourself from fears, dramas, negativities and falsehoods.

Angel Number 312 indicates that the angels are assisting you in your life and are promoting love and trust within yourself and within your relationships with others. When you have the courage to be your true self it most often challenges the people around you, so express your truths and values in loving and gentle ways.

Angel Number 312 also encourages you to keep your faith and connection with the angels strong and clear as you progress along your current path. Have faith and trust and stay positive about your life plan and purpose.

If you have been looking to enrol in a course of study and/or further education, Angel Number 312 may suggest that now would be a great time to follow through with your desires. Do not allow a lack of self-belief stop you from pursuing your goals as you will have all that you need, when you need it, in every way.

Number 312 also relates to number 6 (3+1+2=6) and Angel Number 6.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. <3 I always use your site to look up my angels numbers (almost every single day!). Thank you so much for creating it! :)

  2. You are most welcome Caitlyn. I'm so pleased to know that you have found my site to be of value to you.

    Love, Light and Blessings,


    1. Let me tell you something rush-collection did you type all these numbers meaning by yourself . I hope the archangels did it because that's alot of work queen.That's if your a Earth human.

    2. Omg, you are real. It's like the easter bunny. I've been on here for years and never seen a reply. Lol good to see you're alive!

    3. I started to live by the angle numbers i have faith and trust in my angles I ask and go bye the number I see to help guide me to make decisions and choices and my life is becoming easier and blissful and loving God bless you from helping me understanding the meaning I love the our God our planet our uni our people

    4. Thank you for all you share. It's always spot on what I need to hear to confirm my intuitions. I have the most awesome Angels anyone could possibly have. Thank you for sharing the messages.

  3. If Msrch 12 is your bday, and you see this number repeatedly, is that also significant?

    1. That’s me too! See it all the time and it’s my birthday. I just read this and thankful I finally did! Good stuff!

  4. Hi Linda,

    more and more people are seeing their own date of birth repeating to them ...
    Most often it is a (subconscious) reminder of the reason of your birth - your soul mission and life purpose.



    1. Hi,

      3-12 is my birthday. And I have been seeing it everywhere. So much so its becoming creepy. I have never seen it this much. Does this mean something more?

    2. How do you figure out your life purpose? I see both my birth date 20 nov 77 and 312 a lot as in a crazy lot

    3. Jesus is trying to reach you and connect you with people to trust. A friend of mine who a few years before became from had a treatment place they went to and their room number was my Birthday.

  5. Thank you rush-collection for this site and thanks to my Angels. ..this site has been my companion for a while now. Thank you God. Love you all so much

    1. For several years i have been tormented by what i saw as demonic dreams. The dreams are always scary and seem to be intended to torment me. Several times while dreaming i have awoken following a loud single clap and my first name being spoken. In each instance when i wake i am looking at the clock and each time the clock has read 312. This morning when it happened again i felt drawn to log on and see if there was any significance to the number 312, this site was what came up. I have long felt i didn't know where i was going in life and that i am alone.I have had several things happen in my life that i shouldn't have walked away from and i always had a feeling that someone has been watching over me. After reading about the significance of the number 312 and how it has been presented to me, i feel a great sense of comfort in my life. I was so baffled as to why i was being awoke in this manner over and over. I guess i am to know we are not alone. God Bless!!!!!

  6. Thank you. I use your sight daily. Like several times a day. Thank you thank you thank you for your work and light!

  7. Help me understand why i keep seeing 724 and 3:12 birth date 7 24 1988 birth 3:12 i only see them when im succeeding but when im unhappy i don't see them.. Sometimes i look at clock and see the numbers 7:24 or 3:12 how can i follow and understand my meaning on earth.. And to understand is god is real

    1. Look on you tube fractals DNA golden rule or known as the fibonacci sequence, there's more to life than we might think and it's kinda hard not to see the God force at work .. =)

  8. Wow...great.. thxs alot.. 😇👍🏽

  9. I see 3:12 in time mostly, it's crazy... Is this like a message or it's normal?

  10. This goes 2 anyone with a good heart and a positive mindset,if it was 1 thing u could tell me 2day wat would it be?

  11. Are We/I really this insignificant to equate or matter?

  12. If you need to know, u can always ask. Angels will guide you

  13. Shit crazy I'm birthday is 312 I mean I see this number everywhere I mean everywhere I look I'm in a different state right now my room number was 312 like its crazy

  14. Also me i see 3:12 when the time passes. Every time i see it for example i see when i am in facebook post with 312 like i don't know what coused this plz help me

    1. When you see 312, this is its message. Good things. Watch out for other numbers that appear, look up their meanings, and guide your life accordingly. Of course you have free will to listen or not, your choice. But from firsthand experience, if you have faith and follow the messages, your life will change dramatically and for the positive. The faith part is usually the most difficult for some but for others it's easy. Find what works best for you. Ask a question of how to solve a situation or make yourself better in an area, specify (out loud) that you want a message via numbers, and wait. You can't be too antsy and take every number as a message but over the course of a few days to a week, see what number resonates with you and look up its message. Life changing. Best of luck to you.

    2. When you see 312, this is its message. Good things. Watch out for other numbers that appear, look up their meanings, and guide your life accordingly. Of course you have free will to listen or not, your choice. But from firsthand experience, if you have faith and follow the messages, your life will change dramatically and for the positive. The faith part is usually the most difficult for some but for others it's easy. Find what works best for you. Ask a question of how to solve a situation or make yourself better in an area, specify (out loud) that you want a message via numbers, and wait. You can't be too antsy and take every number as a message but over the course of a few days to a week, see what number resonates with you and look up its message. Life changing. Best of luck to you.

  15. This is so amazing! My birthday is also 3-12 and for the last approx. 3 years, I've been seeing 312 almost everywhere I look, even waking in the middle of the night. It is crazy, but I knew it had to be something/someone trying to tell me something but could never figure it out.

    Just found this website and I am floored that the entire description matches everything I either am involved in currently or have desired for awhile.

    (In 1998, I was violently attacked, stabbed and strangled and left for death by my daughter's father in a jealous rage. He served a prison sentence and was released recently. As I neared his prison release, I started seeing 312 more and more. Since it's also my birthday I thought it was a message that I needed to be careful because something would happen to me on my birthday, so I was on high alert.

    But in the midst of my fears, I kept reflecting on my goals of helping other young ladies that may be experiencing domestic violence or expanding on my non-profit ideas of assisting people in need.....but I had been placing my fear of his return before pursuing my goals.

    But as the date came and went and then he was released and I remained safe, I knew these numbers must have a different meaning that wasn't like a warning of danger.)

    I am truly happy to interpret this to mean that I need to focus on my goals of helping others and use my intuition and gifts for the greater good.

    Thank you for this amazing explanation!

  16. I was being told to listen to my Angels when i wake up in the night i look at my phone and the time is usually what my Angels want me to hear. Google that number or any that you see with reference to the world about you. These are messagess for you
