Sunday, August 14, 2011


Number 311 is made up of the energies and vibrations of number 3 and number 1, with number 1 appearing twice doubling and amplifying its’ influences. Two 1’s also relate to the karmic Master Number 11. Number 3 lends its attributes of optimism, enthusiasm and joy, growth, expansion, communication and self expression.  The number 3 often indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked. Number 1 adds its vibrations of motivation, positive energy, ambition and inspiration, striving forward to achieve goals, and find fulfilment and happiness.   Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our intentions, thoughts and beliefs. The Master Number 11 resonates with illumination, enlightenment, inspirational, idealism and intuition. This makes 311 a powerful number of optimism, enthusiasm, communication, expansion and growth on all levels.

Angel Number 311 brings a message from your angels to keep your thoughts positive and bright because you are currently in a position where your thoughts and expectations are manifesting at a rapid rate. We create our realities and life experiences with our thoughts, beliefs and intentions, so make sure that you focus and concentrate on your desired outcomes and results and on what you truly want, rather than on what you don’t.

Angel Number 311 is a reminder that the energies and vibrations you project outward are reflected back to you. Listen to your intuition and follow your own inner-knowing in all that you do and keep your focus on your heart-centre and your Divine path and life purposeLook to ways to use your natural communication skills and joyful disposition to uplift others, and have the courage to live your truths and express yourself with love and optimism.

"The best way to predict your future is to create it." 
- Peter Drucker

Number 311 relates to number 5 (3+1+1=5) and Angel Number 5.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm very disappointed in these interpretations of number sequences, because I have noticed that the majority of them are just repeats. Same thing said over and over again. "Keep your thoughts positive, pay attention to your thoughts, your thoughts are manifesting, The Angels are here to remind you that you ate on the right path, follow your intuition and will lead you to your life's purpose for your highest good, you are about exit your comfort zone and embark on a new journey, embrace new beginnings coming your wzy" Etc, etc......its just the same thing over and over again with slightly different context and twisted around a little. These are all very vague interpretations of what we would "want to hear"

    2. See:

      Use your intuition and inner-knowing to decipher your personal message. Your soul will resonate with the appropriate message/s.

      The trick is that when you are seeing the numbers (no matter what they are), you are being directly communicated with. It doesn’t really matter that you don’t understand the message in a human sense, because your subconscious mind is hearing, understanding and knowing all for you. Even when you are reading the messages on this site, your guides and angels are communicating with you on another level, so let go of the need to understand on a human, conscious level. Just trust.

      The main thing about seeing and acknowledging the repeating number sequences or Angel Numbers is the fact that you are consciously seeing them. At this time, your angels are communicating directly with YOU. The messages are for YOU and they are about YOU and YOUR life ... It is up to YOU to take the time to go within, listen to your intuition and true self, and figure out what the message/s are telling YOU and what they mean to YOU. Only you know what lies within you ...

      Your highest guidance is unique for you and you have all of your own answers within you.

      As you are reading the messages of the numbers, you are consciously opening yourself up to the messages from your angels. Your messages will come intuitively and on a deeper and higher level. This is what you need to take note of ... each message is individual to the individual. The interpretations are a mantra or meditation that allows for communication on a higher level. The rhythm and flow allows for messages to come through on a higher level.

      Look beyond.


    3. its not for everyone so even when or if you aim to explain...if they do not get it then perhaps they are not meant to get it.

    4. Kianti... I was looking up another Angel number and started reading this blog. Your reply was in the same year as me except it’s 12/2/19. I really just wanted to share my last couple of months with the numbers. I, as well started seeing 111,11:11,1111, 333,555, 222, 1234, then the elevens started with the single number...211,311,411,611,711...I see 311,411 usually group together for a few days... then the others will group or just be... one day, I literally saw 111,1111,555,333,222 different times, different ways, on different things around 7-8 times. My “strength” ( the month and day of birthday???) number is 11... so I’m thinking that’s why I get so many 11’s. I talk to my angels. I thank them. Going through a huge life transition is very hard on the human mind emotionally and spiritually. It’s almost like I’m shedding my old self. My personality seems different. I’ve gone through a lot since March. Too much to write about on here. But I did my “wants” board, I’m taking steps to be in sync. I’m a weirdo.. Virgos like a plan to work, even if they or I didn’t do the planning. So often I find myself correcting my thinking, my vocabulary, my actions to fit what I’m supposed to do. I’m pretty sure I’m not to do that. I have to flow but my inside won’t allow it. I need relaxing tools. Maybe Yoga. Definitely need a journal to write in. Posting to a 8 year old blog probably isn’t a healthy way... lol... thanks for reading (listening)... Peace and flow to y’all xo

    5. Your post was very cool. It showed up on my cell accident? Been seeing the same number sequences you mentioned and I'm a Virgo moon, so, Spot on! Also, I take long walks, alone in the evenings. They're nature walks though and I'm in the city and it has done me the world of good. It balances all of the less pleasant effects of acension. Cheers, Regan

    6. As for anyone who sees your explanations as juvenile, vague, or pretentious I myself have spent thousands of hours studying the correlation between quantum physics, metaphysics, theology, astrology and psychology and the effects it has on our realities. In the process, I found the connection between source, our Higher Self, and the number patterns presented to us by the universe. They can easily be seen as a sense of confirmation that we are on the right path to fulfilling our God given destinies; the actual purpose and alignment and vibration for that which we were created to achieve during our lifetimes.Nothing happens randomly for those who choose to believe and trust in higherforces to guide us where we need to be:at the right place at the right time, so that we do not doubt our inner intuition even when it appears we are headed in the opposite directing of our soul's greatest desires.It is not circumstance when these numbers present themselves into our lives, such as 111, 1111,1119,911,811,118,138,and 318,is a biggie before a breakthrough, Add 1212, 1222,444,333,222,555,1138,10101156,and the numerous times we look and see 11 minutes after an hour.It is true we create our realities according to our beliefs,which lead to words and actions. It is our jobs to internalize the numbers and add to their meanings according to our own individual lives, and the private affairs and circumstances surrounding them Those who doubt the numbers have their own doubts to blame for their stagnation. That's not to say years may go by without seeing rewards or anecdotes for our actions, it means we have yet to truly trust God/ universe and master patience. The moment we release the outcome and trust in unseen forces is the moment we regain our strength and are able to focus on our souls job description.Surrendering is the key. Knowing what I know, this site is accurate in the underlying meanings of the numbers depicted for each one. For those who fail to find a correlation, my best advice is to release your cares to the universe and trust that Source knows the route to get us to where we desire more than we could ever imagine on our bestest of days. And to continue coming back to this site for insight in what to expect next, if only we are bold enough to believe in our dreams and that it's an actual possibility.

  2. Ive been in the repeating number wake up stage for almost a year now. It started with 11:11 111, than went to 222,333,444 for a long time , than 555 came into play, than they would all come mixed, and multiple times a day till the point where i was seeing over 5 different coded over 20 times a day almost anywhere I am near numbers in every form, now almost a year later Ive started seeing new code prompts, starting with daily 711 everywhere, than 777 and 1212 and 1010, now I am seeing them mixed with 911 and now just this week I am seeing over and over 611,711, and 311 as well as 666 and 123(6) And Ive seen now for the first time in a while the gran daddy 11:11 once more

    1. I have seen the exact same number sequences as you on a daily basis, except for 123. I have also seen a lot of other number sequences too. I can't really tell anybody else, because they all just look at me as if I am crazy, so it's nice to see some other people in the same boat. :)
      I still get confused from time to time about the significance of the different angel number sequences in regards to myself and my life happenings.
      Some extended info and/or tips or opinions from other people would be nice thanks x

    2. Well I am happy to inform you, You Are Not Alone! The very same thing that is happening to you and the gentleman above you, Has been happening to me for the last three years! So I guess I will myself and welcome the growing club of members of the awakening humanity to something grander and bigger to the reality than this tiny matrix that our authorities have imposed on us in this grand Universe. What that is I am not sure stull, but I have my theories. And it does look grand. One huge thing that I have figured finally out, thanks to Eackhart Tolle is that I am the infinite spirit living in eternal present moment of now. Its easier intellectually to understand this as intellectual information, but putting it into practice and living by this principal truly that is another story! But it helps to remove worries, concerns, problems etc. and I am starting to live by my true nature and express myself as truly who I am. What a freedom this is!

    3. I see all these numbers also.For the last 7 years and I am seeing so many numbers and a day to day basis. I love it! I am honored that the higher powers, angels,and dead relatives are communicating with me. What a experience!!!

    4. I have seen so many numbers to.And I am honered that the higher Powers,Angels Saints and Dead Relatives care so much about me and communicate on a regular day to day basis Also its nice to see and hear that others have experience the same. We are truly speical.Praise all that is Great and Almighty! Peace Out!

    5. The same for me. Except 123 (for me it is 345). I also see a lot of 31,32 (more lately),33,34,35,36,37,44,12,21 and 51,53,54,55,57,58. Oh yeah, and mixed. I recently had an exam which I prepared really hard for and taking above 9 is very important because it will depend on my next 4 years of life, with consequences in the future, I'm waiting for the results a bit stressed and sad... i think the numbers have something to do with it

    6. Yes, That is amazing! I awoke at 24...I know... a little unbelievable, but it's true. It's like it happened overnight, and at the time I didn't even realize. I guess you would have to have been in the dream to even believe me. LOL...PLL ;P

    7. Same here started with 333 then 1111,444,555,1010, 1212,....Now I'm seeing all the number 1-9 with the number 11 afterwards and pretty clueless on the message such as 311 811 511 etc......I am very curious to know

    8. Ive been experiencing the exact same number sequence / evolution too, except for 12:12.

      Right now it's mainly 711, 311, and 333.

    9. With me it started with the 11:11, and then it changed to 123, 234, 1234 and now for the past couple of months its been from 1-12 with 11. (111, 211, 311, etc) This goes on all day long. I wish I knew what it meant??? I understand the 11:11 as it is the gateway of opening up to spirituality. Then when the 123, 234, 321, 432 etc started I think it was like a countdown, or a raising or lowering of my frequency. Kind of like an adjustment period or a stabilization of the incoming energies. But the 111,211,311,411 etc I haven't figured out yet and it's driving me a little nuts cuz I can't figure out what it means as it happens every day all day long! Anyone got any info on this? Namaste! :)

    10. woow this is happening to me as well, it began with 11:11 , then 1234, then 911 and now 211 311 411 511 1011, wish i knew what it is.

  3. When ever i seen the number 311, with out a doubt and with out fail it means that big money is coming in for me. i either get it within 24 hours and no longer than 3 days. Most likely it comes in 24 hours.

    its mentioned that 311 brings joyous news so may be its still along those lines. but 311 has always noted for me money is coming in.

    1. Ramona, I really hope that's the message my friend that has passed was trying to tell me. It's been almost a year that I had the dream/encounter so hopefully it's big:-)

    2. thank you for sharing Ramona Hurley. I was woken up at exactly 3:11 AM this morning & quickly fell back asleep. I've been seeing combinations of 3s and 11 for a couple of days now at least. With much gratitude. Light and love ❤️

    3. Hey there, for the past 3 Mornings ive woken up and on my tv and time was 3:11am exact. This happened 3 mornings in a row with the last one this morning. I hope your right about the morning part coz ive been thru alot and need it

    4. Ive seen 3:11am on my tv for 3 days straighT. All 3 times ive woken up and turned on tv to see the time and it was 3:11 every single time. With the last time being this morning. the tv has to load as well and when it did, guess what 3:11am. But i hope your right about the money part as i need it bad.

  4. 3/11 is my birthday, so this number arrangement means a lot to me. And after reading this, it fits me to the T...

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime.

  5. I see the number 311 all the time. Anybody care to comment and I will expand. Thanks.

    1. I have seen this number repeatedly for as long as I can remember. This gives me something to think about but doesn't answer my question as to why. Wondering if you feel the same way?

    2. Really do. Sorry it took me so long to post. There is something real here. I used to look at it as a premonition of bad things to come but now I look at it as a good thing but still do not know what it means. I see 311 everywhere. I saw a guy at a soccer game teh other day and he had a tattoo on his arm that said 311 (and not the band) it was a military thing. Then I was on Amazon and was looking at something and every review had 311 comments. No kidding. I printed it out and still have it. What I take from this is there is alot more out there that we cannot understand yet.

  6. Whenever I see 311, it always reminds me of the band 311. I immediately think of the song Come Original (listen to it!), and it reminds me to be myself. Now after reading this description, it makes perfect sense. Find yourself, love yourself, do what you want to do with all your passion, and you will find your happiness. Success in anything in life comes from love.

    Most times I am driving when I see the number 311. I will see it on exit signs or mile markers. Other times I see it on the clock. I always get a comforting sense that everything is okay. 311, to me, feels like it means that I am on the right path, but need to stay true to who I am, and know that that is enough. I should stop worrying and just do. Stop fearing my "flaws", and be fearless.

    I believe that there is something guiding me to look at this number. I have also been guided to look at 1234, 1243, 234, 911, 321 and now 310, 910, and 1233 ( a number before...). I have also had very interesting dreams that I looked up on and found everything to be true to my situation. In a nutshell, my dreams and these numbers are telling me that I am in the process of starting a new part of myself and my life. It is a journey that will need hard work and determination, but will give me life-long beneficial results. I need to stay true to myself and express myself in order to succeed. However, recently I have been a little depressed and "stuck in a rut". My dreams have been of the fears I have and running away from my problems. Seeing the recurring numbers reminds me that I have help around me and can ask for it whenever I need. I have been seeing these recurring numbers for about a year. I am aware of them now and have started researching the meanings.

    I believe I was guided to find these explainations so I could read how to progress. I wasn't getting the picture yet, so in two seperate, subconscious states I was "warned" or "guided". Now I know that all this is not just hocus pocus. There is too much coincidence and meaning behind all these numbers that relates so deeply to my life. Everything I read is true for me. 911 means to me that my goals are almost complete. I need to continue to believe in myself and my work and lead the way to inspire others. I am almost finished with this transformation of myself at this point in my life. Not only can I feel it, but I am being reassured through my dreams and a subconscious pull to numbers.

    1. I could have just wrote your post myself - thats how closely I have those same thoughts / feelings!

    2. with a couple exceptions.. One being - I did think of 311, but not 'Come Original' rather 'Down' lol.

      Good luck on your journey!

  7. My friends and I went to the beach. There were three of us, we got two hotel rooms. The first one was 311, then we got another one completely nicer and different with an ocean view for a good price and it was 311 as well. I had de ja vu the whole time and I learned about the power of manifesting your fears and desires.

  8. Hello last night I had a dream or visitation from my deceased friend Phil. It was so vivid as he knew and I knew he had pasted on. I asked him how he is doing and has he visited his mother or brother yet? He replied No not yet but I wanted to come see you. He said they wrote on me 311 several times so I wouldn't forget to tell you. I have no idea what this means and if anyone could shine some light I would greatly appreciate.

    1. If you are good communication skills with people in general then you could use it to look for ways to use your natural communication skills and joyful disposition to uplift others, and have the courage to live your truths (what are truly your very Heart core beliefs) and express yourself with love and optimism.

      Namasté Brother (as anyone on Earth is of spiritual family)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Time and love. . It has to do with time and love its crazy.

  11. Hello everyone....I've been feeling recently great urge to unite with my twin lover....I wonder if my twin lover is my own Higher Self calling.I've had vivid dreams about his personification and at times...he would physically appear in my life like for example: suddenly walked pass me when HS knew I'll look into his face.Its without me knowing.

  12. Love and enlightenment to all, great so many people are getting in tune with their spiritual sides and have communication with the angela

  13. Since I have come to learn about numbers, I have been seeing all sets of numbers since December,2014. Lately i have been seeing 711, 777, 555,333, 11:11, 911 and many like 12:12, 1717, and just now 311. I get confused because whenever i see those numbers i end up forgetting what i was thinking about. I have never received any confirmation yet. But I have faith in the universe that I am walking on my truths and in direction of my mission on earth.

    1. I see those numbers too! wherever I go, I see 11:11, 911, 713 and now 311 and the same mind stopping thing happens to me as well!

  14. I see 311 everywhere...

  15. Me too. I see it all over the place. I'm sure its a sign from God.

  16. What a relief!! I am not nuts. I see 311 in many ways...Phone ads-the time on the phone is 311. I wake up in the middle of the night-its 3:11. I just don't know what it means. I see it on trashcans, I stop near a house and it is 311 address. The only thing I can reason is that is grew up in a house with address 311 and my dad passed away in March 2011. Please! Please! post your similar experiences. I want to find a meaning.....

  17. i saw number 113 while i was in my twin flame connection so what does it means

    1. How did you know it was a twin flame connection?

  18. 311 has become a nightmare to me. Wherever i go its there... I get anon mobile calls in middle of the night starting 0113...I also find it in my various account numbers. For unknown reasons i translate this as a date so the 3rd November coming up i'll probably feel a little aprehensive :/ The other way i see it is as a multiplication, so 33. Not everyone recognises the possible significance of this number,but for me this is a number that has unfortunately become quite sinister. Though not for all of course so apologies in advance as i dont wish to upset anybody :)

  19. I've been into astrology and numerology for almost a year now, I believe they go hand and hand or at least in my life they do. It started with 11:11 on clocks,billboards,game clocks you name it then 10:10 which is still 11:11 because 0 doesn't exist 0 = 1. Ive now begin seeing lots of number combinations seen throughout these post, Its seem to catch 333 a lot 311,611,811,711,1129,555,222,its really exciting and beautiful to know your loved and looked after by God,The Source, or whatever you call it. I thank my ancestors for there sacrifices for me and humanity :) Love,Light, & Graditude...

  20. Its in the bible the book of numbers, god talks to us in numbers, because words lie but numbers dont, check out your date of birth or the other way around, its all there, just has to be decoded, good luck

  21. So the entire reason I came here is because my alarm, which HAS to be set and has never gone off on its own before, went off at 3:11 AM last night. It was strange and while I did not feel any eerie feelings, I had a sense that SOMEthing/one set it off. I checked this morning and my phone has no alarm scheduled for this timeframe, never has.

  22. For the past few weeks now all I see is 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711, 811, 911 or either 1's themselves or mixed with other numbers. I am trying to translate this divine message, what does this all exactly mean? I am certainly appreciative that I am able to experience this and always wanted to!!

  23. 311 is my birthday..March 11 and I constantly see this number mostly when I look at a clock or sometime I wake up in the middle of the night at 311 it seemed real strange to me but I know it has meaning

  24. I constantly see 211,311,411,555, and 911 everyday. I used to see 111,1111 everyday, but now its only sometimes. I also see 1001 a lot. Can someone help me figure out the exact message these mixed numbers are trying to give me? I am curious about 555 because that is my birth time.

  25. I constantly see the numbers 211,311,411,444,555,911, and 1001. I used to see the starters all day everyday (111,222,333, etc.) But now those are on occasion. Can someone help me figure out exactly what the message is from these numbers. I am really curious about 555 as its my birth time. Thanks

  26. My birthday is 311, and my boyfriend's birthday is 113. I constantly see the numbers on the clock during the day or middle of the night. I also just see the number around in general happenings, like receipts at drive-thrus. Is this connection a good thing?? I feel it is.

  27. So about the band 311....check out their message. They formed in the late 80s/early 90s and likely had no knowledge of this sequence.

  28. I just awoke to a morning meditation dream, which is when I wake, soak the sunlight into my eyes for 1 minute, then close my eyes without any thoughts in my head... just ready to recieve.
    I was given an address for the first time in my 49 yrs of life.
    It was 3111 Angel House Road.
    Haven't found anything yet.
    If anyone else comes up with something, let me know.
    Peace and Light to ALL.

    1. Your comment was made on the 17.07.2017
      How awesome.
      I hope you've decoded your 3111 combo.🙏Love peace and Light to you and all.♥️

  29. Awesome message !!! Positive always !!!
    Forever grateful!!!
    Stay blessed people !!!
    Love,peace and Light to all !!! ♡♡♡

  30. I have been seeing certain numbers more and more frequently lately, as I was traveling to see my oldest daughter, and grandkids and my youngest daughter also traveled down to visit as well I saw 111, 222, 333, 555, as well as other frequent numbers like 7:11, 12:12, 11:11,and 12:22 but most of all I see my birth month and day a lot, which is 111 Jan,11th. I also see 9:11 a lot as well. My daughters see numbers too, but my youngest sees 555 a lot as well as 333 and some others. To anyone who is afraid to talk about numbers you are seeing please don't think your crazy even if everyone doesn't believe you, it's just that not all of notice and are not in sync with our true selves. :) I believe you.

  31. I have been seeing certain numbers more and more frequently lately, as I was traveling to see my oldest daughter, and grandkids and my youngest daughter also traveled down to visit as well I saw 111, 222, 333, 555, as well as other frequent numbers like 7:11, 12:12, 11:11,and 12:22 but most of all I see my birth month and day a lot, which is 111 Jan,11th. I also see 9:11 a lot as well. My daughters see numbers too, but my youngest sees 555 a lot as well as 333 and some others. To anyone who is afraid to talk about numbers you are seeing please don't think your crazy even if everyone doesn't believe you, it's just that not all of notice and are not in sync with our true selves. :) I believe you.

  32. Its very important that we understand this: If you are seeing lets say, 1 number sequence at a time. Example: seeing repeating 22, or 311, or 66, etc, then this site is very very helpful. But, if you are in a position in life where you are seeing various number sequences like 1234, 11, 22, 33, 44,55 88, 99, or 211, 311, 411 etc, then you MUST DISCERN FOR YOURSELF what they mean FOR YOU. For example: 66 meaning to someone that is just seeing "66" frequently and no other numbers, then that most likely means the meaning on this website -focusing too much on the material world. But, if you are seeing 66 along with 22, or 33, etc, then it means something entirely different, that it is a step that you have completed. Take for example also, on this site the number 13 says to mean upheaval, and this may be the case if you are just seeing 13 and 13 only. But, if you are seeing also with 13, the numbers 55, 22, 66, 77 or any other numbers, it most likely means you are going to go through positive transformation of some kind as 22, 33, 44, means you are taking steps towards something positive and 13 is a sign of transformation. This site is great, but if you are heavily being guided you MUST discern for yourself or the meaning of one number can make you start thinking about a number in the wrong context. Numbers can be used positively or negatively, and if you focus on one number meaning something that doesn't seem to fit with you, then it will deter you from the correct meaning your guides are trying to get across. Look at your current life situation and trust yourself to know what they mean for you.

  33. Hello, over the past 5 years I have continuously observed the numbers 3:11. I was told that 311 spelled ”H 3LL” (obviously without the letter H.) I’ve been rationalizing my interaction with 311 until this internet search enlightened me on the possibilities of 311 begins something other than an “evil message”.I wish I would of researched this number years ago. So I have been telling myself I am evil (evol-love) or cursed. Moreover, until my resent Google search of 311, my theory has changed based on the information posted. Why or what this frequent observation is about? With out intention or purpose to observe or know the present time of day, my eyes would see these numbers displayed only on digital clocks, such as cable boxes, cell phones, microwaves, T.V.s or whatever has a numerical digital interface, not analogous. It only seems to appear when I could careless about the time or not interested in the time of days-Is my subconscious idirecting my vision towards the digital interface or clock as you will? 311 is not as discerning to me anymore because evidently, I am not the only being in the universe experiencing “numerical messages from the unknown”.

  34. Started seeing 311 everywhere around late 2012 or early 2013. Met someone in 2014, I felt like I had manifested this person and everything felt like we were meant to be. On/Off until ultimately parting for good in 2017, but I still see the 311 everywhere multiple times a day sometimes. Dunno what this means, hope it's not the end of our chapter in eachother's life. :(

  35. I have seen numbers for some time now and have been reading on them CONSTANTLY. They help. I don't know what to make of them a lot of the time. I feel like I'm supposed to understand. I'll keep trying.

  36. I saw 417 for a while this past year. Last night while sleeping/dreaming 311 waszapped into my left open left palm. Started looking it up when I woke up.

  37. I've obviously been here before & how awesome and timely this message is....
    Around my Birthday last year or little prior it, I met this very nice man who's date of birth is 3.11(3rd of November).
    We experienced what was a short and untying romance,then he had to leave the country and as much as that was pretty unexpected and sudden, it also felt like a releaf for me. Because in the short time that we mingled ,I realised that his energy was on the lower side and my energy was becoming his food.
    That was the point when the Universe interfered,thankfully and rid me from his low vibrations.
    Must I say that I am sincerely grateful for this and all that Universe provides and does for me. In the end of the day I deserve THE BEST & THE BEST is what I'm manifesting. Amen.🙏
    Now let me continue my story( it is very interesting actually😉)....
    So....forward six months or there about......,last night I was working on my IG Pages, they are three basically....🤣 & somehow I ended up at a very handsome Greek male's profile.....
    What i did...., well nothing more then any other curious person would 😂, I just strolled down his profile and flicked true it...
    I really liked how he comes across,what he does and how his mind works...
    It is obvious that he projected ME and I came to see....
    I discovered that he is this very tall, dark and Good looking man with big soft brown eyes(like a bear)....,he is a Film Director and travels the world ,he appears to be compassionate and kind and sweet....
    I strongly sence this vibrations...and how wouldn't I, for I carry and project this same vibrations....
    Energetically we've somehow attracted one another....
    Let's get closer to the point I am trying to get to...😎😅
    I really liked a Nature photograph in his profile and I left a very sencere and heartfelt comment.....
    Today I received notification that he LIKES my comment, which stated " The colours of life. Happiness lays in the bed of simplicity, mindfulness and boundless love.#trailblazer"
    I took a note of him noticing my presence and liking what I had to say, then I followed a link that lead me to his FB page.....And guess what....
    His date of birth is 03.11.(1982)=(1010). And that's what brought me here. (311)Another day, another 311, another man, another Scorpio.
    So here to my shock and look of disbelief......
    This man might be of a significance....
    And that is what I strongly feel.🎈🙏🍀 Blessed and grateful. I love you rush-collection. My guiding light ,my Earth Angel.♥️ Much love and Light to All.🙌
    PS. Let's not forget the three Scorpios in my family- Grandad,Dad,Brother. All 3 of them born on the 4.11. Needless to say more.🙏

  38. I would love to say that i always have an opened mind before and after the message. Always grateful to read any devine message that the angels are showing me. To those who are doubtful arent going to get their message. To have this gift is truly a blessing and very amazing. THANK U.

  39. Thank you so much rush-collection❣

  40. Grateful for each and every reminder.
    I was awaken at 3.11am last night.
    I was dreaming. No recollection of what about whatsoever. I am my life's creator. I deserve the best and manifest it.
    Endless love to everyone and all.❤🙌

  41. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️

  42. I just wanted to say; I've read the interpretations on other websites and literally you get 100 different answers that all sound like every other number on their page. This website however, actually breaks down the energies and frequencies...where there's a rhyme and reason for the interpretations. So thank you for that. It's the only website Ive found that actually explains the numbers in depth. The other articles are also very informative and helpful.
