Sunday, August 14, 2011


Number 313 is made up of the attributes and vibrations of number 3 and the energies of number 1, with number 3 appearing twice, doubling and amplifying its’ influences. Number 3 relates to growth, expansion and the principles of increase, creativity, spontaneity, broad-minded thinking, self-expression and communication, encouragement and assistance, talents and skills. Number 3 also resonates with the Ascended Masters. Number 1 brings with it the attributes of self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition, new beginnings and a fresh approach.  It also relates to motivation, striving forward and progress and tells us that we create our own experiences with our intentions, thoughts and beliefs. This makes 313 the number of optimism, enthusiasm, communication, creativity and expansion.

Angel Number 313 is a message from your angels that the strong connection you have with the angelic realm and the Ascended Masters is assisting you with staying positive, light and optimistic about your life. Pay close attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom as you are being angelically guided towards the next steps along your path. Trust the messages and promptings and take positive action with confidence and enthusiasm. It is time to live your truths and express yourself with clarity, purpose, passion and love. Be a positive light to others.

Angel Number 313 is an indication from your angels that they are helping you to gain a positive and optimistic outlook and are helping to empower you so that you can walk your chosen path with confidence and grace. Be prepared to expand and develop your personal spirituality in new and exciting ways and look for opportunities to creatively express yourself from the heart. Use your natural interests, talents and personality to bring joy and upliftment to others.
Angel Number 313 indicates that you are surrounded by loving, positive energies. Make the most of these wonderfully auspicious energies and use them creatively to your advantage, and to the benefit of others. Project your highest self.

Number 313 also relates to number 7 (3+1+3=7) and Angel Number 7.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. I woke up at 3:13 am after having cryed my eyes out praying to God and the Angels!! I woke up with the feeling to look this number up and this is what I found. Thanking God , Jesus and the Angels!!! Feeling loved and so happy to know I am being guided!!

    1. I cant even express my gratitude its everyday I have signs from angels, rush-collection is truly a intuitive writer and Im thankful for her being a light worker in this world. I pray for all beings to find their path and follow and listen to their angels its been in my darkest times that a message from angels that resonated with me helped me gracefully walk my chosen path with ease . Thank you my heart is deeply grateful . I am a believer

    2. Wow... Happened the same to me... Exactly as you described... I read your comment as my own words.... :)

    3. i dreamt that i had to pay something that cost about 313.33 and then i woke up from the same dream at 3:13am. how weird!

    4. I believe that diabetes is a messaging system made by God. Because it consists of numbers. So my sugar was 313 and that's what made me look this up.

    5. Im not really into the angel thing, but 313 shows up everywhere. I look at the clock..313, won the daily number with my birthdate 313,wake up at night 313, just looked at the clock its 313. Its everywhere. What does it mean??

    6. Im not really into the angel thing, but 313 shows up everywhere. I look at the clock..313, won the daily number with my birthdate 313,wake up at night 313, just looked at the clock its 313. Its everywhere. What does it mean??

    7. Whether you're, "into the Angel thing," or not doesn't really matter, there are still benevolent entities in the spiritual realms that are helping you and trying to communicate with you even if you don't believe in them or aren't aware of them. But if you do become aware of them and consciousIy ask for their help, their assistance to you will increase 100 fold.

    8. I didn't believe in angels before but they have been shaking my belief system and im happy they did that. They have helped me through very very difficult times.. still going through that period.. when I said im exhausted of it all, they lift me up, made me feel more confident and happy. I learned to love myself and this was all of angels and spirit guides help. So, ask help from them, you will believe.

    9. You are verry blessed♡.
      Dont hasitate or doubt yourself♡.
      Angels comes in many ways, forms and guidians♡.
      Watch your karma, and everything comes fine♡.
      Love yourself and your soul can grow old♡

    10. Im just so grateful that this website exists to give meaning to the numbers that keep coming up and even more grateful to God for helping me come so far and for everything he does to help me every day and for keeping me alive. Glory to God in the highest :) <3

    11. For over a year now I see the number 313 nearly everyday. I finally decided to do some research about it I'm happy I did.

    12. I had so many incredible experiences as I continued on to my spiritual journey and your experience is exactly what just happened to me—after days and nights spent in the hospital by my adorable mom’s side, crying my eyes-out, got home but couldn’t sleep and turned to the clock to see 3:13 and so as usual, I came to Sacred Scribes to see that it is all true and my experience was also your experience. There are no coincidences.
      Thank you Angels and Guides and Ascended Masters for the love and support and help.

  2. This is a beautiful number of creativity and expression of love, im so blessed to find the meaning of it here as I always do. I gave $313 to my brother to share the love with him. and 313 keeps appearing and ive jsut been told the door to express my creativity in physical is arriving , Fashion Design yay!

  3. 313 always appears in front of and i am following this number for the past 2 or 3 years even if i didnt want to this number appears in the form of time number plates file or folder no whatever but it comes to me My birthdate is 31 and my girlfrends date is 13 i need a better view on this number help me out through this if you can .......

    1. You are being guided in order to allow your mind to open to further messages. Believe in the feelings that enter your body and embrace them, for once embraced... the rest of the answers you seek make themselves known within yourself from the light!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. 313 also shows me up to several times a day. On car sign, on receipts, time and many more places. I'm also looking for what this number is trying to tell me?

      Please contact. 😄😄

    4. 313 showed up on my car's gas mileage indicator today. In two days I am flying home to the "313" Detroit, Michigan my home. I've been so down this year with so many negative energies around me and tragic things happening like my brother having a stroke and extensive damage to my home. However, I feel things getting better everyday and although it was a hectic day, seeing 313 was another beautiful sign out of many that I've been receiving lately. I'm so thankful to God and my angels for protecting me and sending love, light, and prosperity my way.

  4. Marcus 6 letters divide by 2=3 birthday 3-13-1990 my son jayden 6 letters divide by 2=3 birthday 11-13-2012 he was a premie. Suppose birth date. 12-12-12 my brother died when he was 13 his basketball jersey number was 33 add 31333 power of 13

    1. Friend ! I have also unlocked the psychic ability just as you have ! We see numbers and have the natural ability in ourselves to decipher them even from large amounts of numbers. Follow this guide for you are on your path..

    2. me name from 6 lataters and me brother same he's died 2012,06,26 and I born on 1998,06,12 he's born date 2007,12,27 me mom died this years 2017,11,01 she died 26days before her birthday do I'm next? ----NEED HELP PLEASE----

  5. i was staying in a hotel room in Mexico while i was watching two and a half men. In the show Charlie goes to see a woman, and the apartment number the woman was at 313. The hotel room I was staying at 313.I kid you not, this number keeps appearing everywhere I go, gas prices, when I look at the watch, the locker I get at the gym. I went to target two weeks ago and the bill 313. Is it that i am looking for the number and everything is just a coincidence?

    1. No such this as coincidences my friend.

    2. This number is a clear message to you my friend... you recognise it because your spiritual being is speaking out and reaching your limited mind. Listen to your feeling, thoughts and emotions at times of these messages and the truth will unfold itself through you.

    3. Same dude here from 2014 who was in Mexico in 2014 and saw the 313 number is popping up again and again and again. It started last year in 2020. The coincidence is that my Dad died from Cancer in 2015 and this year 2021 my mother was diagnosed with Cancer. Number starts appearing before something bad happens to me. However when I see the number I don´t feel bad...I feel some sort of confort.

    4. Your story from 2014 to now...It gave me extra encouragement many thanks �� and depending on the cancer perhaps change your mother's diet reset her gut brain. I to was give a diagnosis beat it,have hope and stay in that comforted mindset.Your story gave life when you didn't know it did watch how the universe returns it too you.������️

  6. By the way this all started last year 2013, nothing like this has ever happened to me. I thought it was a bad luck number because y father told me he had cancer on 12-31-13.

  7. Namaste. Never be afraid to ask the ascended masters for assistance. They have already mastered the physical realm and are always ready and willing. Ho'oponopono.

  8. I often see this number but I also wake up @ 3:13 am. What does it mean rush-collection?

    1. The meaning of it has already come to you.... That sign lead to a feeling within yourself... that then lead to you here. Trust your path and never loose faith of the love... I can personally assure you of this!

  9. Is this a coincidence that the no. 313 appears in front of me? Currently m facing really bad time of my life, as my life has changed cause of wrong decisions I seek solutions from God. I keep praying most of the time for solutions. But I find this no. wherever I go, is this a coincidence or God is guiding me something? If He is guiding me then m not able to understand what He wana tell. Please help me to find answers.. Please tell if its an coincidence or what?

    1. This is NOT a coincidence .... believe me and believe in the thoughts and feelings that have created your spark. Never loose sight of the universe within a materialistic world! This place has lowered our higher beings into a place of items and greed. You are becoming more and more awake as the messages and feelings you have create action towards your future that God is speaking to you to reach out for.

  10. what you seek seeks you too. so we seek to know. word is love.

  11. I don't see the number 313 , 4-5 times a week, i see it 4-5times a day, i'm agnostic thanks to my biology and science studies, I came to a conclusion this is no coincidence i have had many tests to prove it like months ago i had a choice to make to watch john wick or another movie and i chose john wick to my surprise there it was in the opening scene at the gas station in a huge red and white sign how could i miss the number 313, anyway my question is if angels or ascended masters are trying to send messages to me, will they ever talk to me? Or let me see them physically? Even my name is Uriel (one of the 13 archangels)

    1. They are ALREADY speaking to you my friend... you have already heard them! They have spoken to you to follow these feelings inside of you and that has lead you to be in this path... this path that has allowed ours to align. You need to believe in these feelings and messages as you are being offered SALVATION!

  12. Thank YOU GOD
    I GIVE YOU(((((((JIYEON+SEAN)))))))

  13. Omg.. I got the answers for my prayers on 31/3/15 i.e. 31/3 number is there in the date itself. Its really unbelievable moment of my life. Thank God for answering. I wish i could get my love back.. Thank u God.. Love u.. :)

  14. I have had 313 follow me my entire life and by no means is this a good thing . 313 a.m is especially bad and if you are awoken at this hour then know don't think but know that you are surrounded by entities you cannot see but are using you as a vessel. Why 313 a.m ? Because this is an hour where the most amount of humans are asleep and easiest to possess. There are countless millions of these trapped souls desperately longing for a human experience and our dreamstate is just such a place that they can enjoy this glimmer of humanity they have so desired for . People who wake at this hour maybe being protected from being possessed and have been given a chance to avoid these possesions . Sleep paralysis oftentimes will occur at these times as well and its like a feeding frenzy at these timescales. If one where able to see the higher vibratory stages at these moments then the fear that would come over you would be so immense that it would stop your heart and your spirit would immediately see this world before being ushered into the next phase of vibration. There is so much more to this and I have left out large parts because honestly who is going to believe me anyway. But to the very few that my words ring truth upon be careful of what you invite into your life . On every level there is a source of sustainable power that can be acquired from each ascending and descending level and there are " MANY " looking for a free joyride . Sleep tight .

    1. The is not the same "anonymous" and I just wanted to say the law of attraction is very real and it's important people use it for their well being. If you stay positive about any situation and ignore the things you don't want in our lives - and be honest about what is good and stay true to ourselvesvonly good will come of any situation and you will find yourself grateful for even seeming negative situations and the life lessons they bring. I find affirmations work miracles. Just believe that All things do work for good - because if you believe it they will.

  15. I feel the same way i don't get flashbacks they are more like deja vu's and they happen a lot its like i feel an epiphany come over me and i get a deep understanding of the universe or something that happened already because i saw it happen i also went to get checked out and i am 100% healthy just a bit of depression but thats because of all of the signs that i see i feel as if life is fake or predestined.

  16. Do you know what this is my friend,
    THIS is your awakening ... a moment when waken from your sleep inside of your human form. Do not worry! it has happened to myself also. When you awaken your soul begins to take in the universe it has so long been without contact with. It has to refresh on everything that is... that is why it is such an intense being.. an intense feeling.
    Have faith that this will pass and pure understanding will come to be within yourself, when you first wake of a morning even your human body feels this as it becomes more awake... the same thing with your soul.
    With my transformation I have uncovered things within myself only I know how to interpret... even to the point of psychic gifts.
    I can FEEL INTO people... theycan tell me a problem and I can feel the exact point in their lives that are caught and need to be released. I can solve problems inside of my head.. with such an analytical sense that is only purely natural to myself.
    I am here tohelp anyone who seeks the answers as you are very close to becoming to understand the universe.

  17. I am Uri from the above comment and anonymous talking about deja vu's^ i would like to know more do you have kik? Or some form of contact info? I feel the same way my friends come to me for help on anything because i can analyze any problem with ease and have vast knowledge on almost any subject.

  18. I see angel numbers beyond all chance - to the point and in ways that I have no doubt they are real and a sign of the awakening. I was so happy to be greeted by 3133 first thing this morning. 3.13 was also the time Wayne Dyer always found himself woken to write. I thought to myself that's good time to wake and get up and write.. So the next morning I laughed when I woke at 3.13.


    1. Correct! Every single time an angelic number appears to you, it's always contextual to the given situation.

    2. Thank you. I was exactly thinking about it to ask for gidance after reading all the comments here. I also see number 313 all the time, also waking up in that time and my daughter was born 3.13.

  20. The number 313 holds particular significance in the religion of Islam. It was the 313 Muslims whom were rounded up in a town to be executed by the rich and wealthy Arab army, several thousand strong with all of the greatest weaponry. The Muslims were not trained warriors nor had they ever fought any war, they were with their prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and the prophets own family wanted to murder him as he advised his family to reassert their beliefs in monotheism, at that time the Arabs worshipped Idols. The Arab army felt they were victorious and the holy prophet and his comrades stood up and fought, they totally annihilated the strong Arabs and there were stories told of Angels on horses as large as the clods whom came to the aid of the Muslims and the Muslims gained victory. 313 is victory and greatness yet all greatness is to God alone the highest the merciful and the absolute and eternal, none is like him and he is unborn, the everlasting master of all.

    1. I love your understanding. Thank you. I needed this. Strength. Bless you.

  21. I was born on a Friday the 13th and just assumed that this is why I've been seeing 313 multiple times daily for the last 2 years, however, the last 2 years of my life have been a big struggle and continues its demise. Im now sure that seeing this number is a sign to me but can't figure out what it is telling. I seem to be suffering from major anxiety that can cause seizures but do not feel anxious and have continued to remove/hide myself from the ones that love and care for me. HELP..... PLEASE...

  22. I was born on a Friday the 13th and have always been a fan of that number, however, the last two years, I've been seeing 313 everyday multiple times. My life has been very successful up until the last few years,where as things have gone downhill. In a nutshell, I used to be happy. Now I suffer anxiety attacks that can lead to seizures but do not feel the anxiety,just the symptoms and have fallen into a depression. I know this 313 im seeing is a sign of some sort but may have been looking in the wrong direction (conspiracy, death and destruction) or what might be in our near future. I'm am completely lost on the direction I am supposed to be taking my life, career, relationship, family, or in the big picture, WHY AM I HERE. Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Ask yourself:

      - Am I happy with the direction in which my life is headed?
      - Am I happy with how I spend my time?
      - What are my greatest talents?
      - How can I refine and perfect it?
      - What talent or skill can I share with others?
      - How can I share that skill and talent with others?
      - How can I use this talent to earn an income in order to enable me to devote my time and efforts towards it?
      - What would make me happiest?
      - What is my PASSION?

      Listen closely to your heart’s answers and trust your Higher Self.

      Blessings to you upon your path,


    2. Jeff Nisbet,
      Don't worry,your not going nuts. I and so many other people have been going through so many different symptoms of what i truly believe to be a spiritual awakening.
      I have studied the conspiracy theories and still do,it has led me down some pretty weird rabbit holes,but yet..some...... ....believable.
      And,it seems to sit right with me,as i put the knowledge i'm learning to different situations,events,contact with people and organizations,and all other happenings i am starting to see that there is a very secret plan going on in the darkest and oldest corners dating back to the VERY BEGINNING OF TIME,and a battle between satan and God for your soul. Seems to me that this awakening process takes years.
      I believe one of the reasons we're here is to learn. If i was going to give some advice,i would say,
      -follow your heart and your intuition.
      -listen to your mind,but let your heart decide ultimately.
      - all people,animals,the earth and everything on it should be respected,loved,and cultivated and cared for with love,then earth will care for her children in return.
      - all people no matter what their color,financial status,sex,etc should be respected and cared for,love thy neighbor.
      - this does not mean treat an evil person good,no,but you must be honorable and try as hard as you can to bring them to the light.......but,do not be beguiled or corrupted by them,and do your best not to let anyone else be either.
      Do not trust the authorities of this world,they are corrupt and do the biddings of the government and their own selfish endeavors. The government works for satan.
      Try to stay in a positive vibration,it will help you ascend faster. This means....
      Stay away from things that make you feel negative/bad,sad. How? Don't watch the news.
      And other bad things like horror movies.
      Watch funny things,things that are cute or make you happy. I could say sooooo much more,but i think you are going to be doing your own research anyway so you will see that not everything is as it seems,and there are things here that no one noticed before,or were told didn't exist.
      And for everyone else who reads this;
      I have faith in all of's a pain in the butt sometimes,but it will be totally worth it. Do Good. Peace.

  23. Pray without ceasing. Read your Bible. Pray in a quiet place and sit and listen for the answer. It may not always be what we think it should be, but God our father knows best. I pray God gives you he answers your looking for and peace.

  24. LOL you people have too much time in your hands, its just a number!

  25. I had someone give me an address and something told me that it didn't exist I shit u not didn't exist freaked me next day hotel room sure enough 313 next day u got it clock glance at 3:13 777 angel power

  26. Thank you so much! <3

  27. Been seeing this number the past few days with today being so very often on car number plates. Its also my beautiful partners birthday and month 3/13/88. I have been tossing and turning all night. My life is challenging me with a step I've Been afraid to face, but I have been backed into a corner and the opportunity has presented itself. I wanted to look up another number sequence. I grab my phone and boom 3/12 (mine and my partners birth months) and it flicks over to 3.13 I look them both up as I have seen 3.12 the past few days as well and they are both so very encouraging whilst I face this scary next step. But it's the best thing for myself and my son. One can only be intimidated for so long before you take a stand. Thank you Angels. I knew you were apart of this. I knew u were telling me this is the time.

  28. All this is part of your awakening. Everything you are all doing and experiencing now is carving the way for the future. Being drawn to certain places and people. Some of these people that might really stand out to you, but not in a positive are all part of it, you needed to remember them.

    Soon all these things will be revealed. Each person/song/signpost, times on the clock are all there to guide us when the right time comes. It may not make much sense now but it will when it starts happening.

    Just store it all at the back of you mind and you will know what to do when the time comes. And keep following, there is always a message!

  29. I see 313 or 3:13 AM / PM whenever I see clock, when I was playing PS3 game Destiny I added some online players and 313 was part of their names too also my score most of time comes to 313, I saw number plates of the cars and their 313 was on the number plates............I made some websites about ISLAM and the first battle which happened b/w Pagan Kafirs and 313 muslims with Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, If 313 didnot took stand at that time then their was no Islam and World will never be Same Again

  30. Well my birthday is on 3.13.82 and I'm constantly seeing 3.13 on the clock. I've been through quite a bit as a young adult and even in my adult age. I am an introvert and some people have told me that based on my birthday I am a natural clairvoyant. I don't believe that but I am a pretty good judge of character. I have very little freinds and I find myself being extremely lonely. I am very fascinated with the spiritual realm because I think it comes naturally for me. Just by reading these comments I can say that I wish I could hear my acsendent masters or my ansestors. I don't think that I'm of this world because of the way I am and some of this strange things I experience. I'm Always seeking answers on a spiritual, anscestal, concious and universe level. Please can someone help me with this?

    1. Hi,
      There is nothing wrong with you,you are seeking the truth and knowledge. Just don't play in the dark corners,it's not good for your soul.
      May you find the answers you seek on your quest.
      Stand straight,chin up.......and on your way.
      Every one else is just jealous because of the natural spiritual gifts you possess and they want to strip you of your inner power.Forgive them and move on,they know not what they do.
      I have been persecuted in my life over and over in so many ways,and always do,but now i know it is shaping me,helping me hone my psychic/intuitive skills. And toughening me up,for what will come.
      And you too,all of you awakening. That's what it's about,awakening to the matrix of this world.
      See you good ones on the flip side!

  31. I have been seeing palindromic numbers the last few months and also 1:11, 2:22 etc.. and I don't even intentionally look at the clock. I have always been a person of awareness, but never to this degree. I have done some research and feel like my guardian angel(s) have been trying to speak to me. I am at a time in my life where everything is going wrong. NO matter what I do. Just wanted someone's thoughts on this. Any advice or opinion will be read and prayed about. Thank You. Amen.

  32. My birthday is 3/13 but all my life i see 313 everywhere. If it's 313 on the clock for some reason i'm lead to look at it. Addresses...anything with that number. I'm 52 and can't remember not being made aware when that number was around. The numbers bring me comfort when i see them.

  33. 313 as a number relates in Islamic traditions to 313 mystic warriors of the prophesied Messiah or Mahdi - which is the same as the number who stood by the Prophet Muhammad at the Battle of Badr. The former is the final prophesied battle the latter was the first for muslims. It seems to be associated with calling to the Mahdi or Messiah - a high level of spirituality and renouncement of the material world.

  34. For everytime I see this number - Thank you! Grateful for your support!💜

  35. I've been waking up for no other apparent reason at 3:13am for just over a week!

    1. My granddaughter was born on 3--13-13...I knew it was a special day but I didn't know how special...and I don't know why it has taken me so long to look it up..Any feedback would be appreciated..Thank You

  36. My granddaughter was born on 3--13-13...I knew it was a special day but I didn't know how special...and I don't know why it has taken me so long to look it up..Any feedback would be appreciated..Thank You

  37. 3-13 is my birthdate as well. I am wondering, is it possible for this angel number to be pointing me in the direction of someone? I have a college friend that moved across the country 11 years ago and rarely now comes home to visit. We are not in constant contact at all but the very day he was back in our home state, I saw two flashes of 3:13 inside of 5 minutes, one on my phone's clock and one on cell phone's clock shown on a movie I was watching, which strangely led me to look him up and I found out he was home, contacted him and we met. Since then, I have had incessant instances of 313, on the clock, time clocks, receipts, license plates, room numbers, etc. to the point that it's almost unbelievable, and while it's my birthday number, it always reminds me of him and my connection with him.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. 13 has been with me since the year 2013. My father passed on December 13. He and I were very close and I know if there is a way for him to help me he he will. I have been thru very difficult times since his passing. I moved to Washington in 2013 and was in a very toxic relationship. Every time I booked a flight I got seat 13 but I felt it was because no one wanted to sit in seat 13. I ended the relationship and moved. 13 still is in my world every day over and over. I wanted to go to concerts in the city I was in the toxic relationship and I looked at the concert dates and they were all on the 13th. I am considering moving back to the area and I checked on apartments and the move in date that was available is January 13th, the rent is $1300. monthly. After I got all the information I checked my facebook page and I had 13 notices. I do not know if I am being guided to go to this city or to stay away. I am in turmoil over this because I do not know which direction to take. Can you help me?

    1. Ask for help from angels to convey their opinion through dreams images or anything...they will. The answer is within you btw, sit calmly and evaluate whethwr it is wise to go there or not. Im not an expert but whenever i was anxious i tried it and my life is running smoothly. The angels are at your service, ask and you shall know :) Btw it seems like your father is here for you, he is here to help you. Ask help from him :)

  40. I just asked for help from my angels... As I began to start working, 313 appeared as a confirmation... feeling so blessed:)

  41. I've been seeing this number sequence for years. But this year it is very vivid. My hometown is 313. My birthday is 3/31. 7 is the number of completion. I've begged my angels for children. I keep thinking I'm gonna find out I'm having triplets then one them another set of triplets. Idk why but I feel deep in my heart these numbers mean something. I'm also getting married the seventh month of the year. This is confusing yet uplifting. I see this sequence as well in time am and pm. My apartment # Is 13103. This is sooooooooooo freaky

  42. Ok so today is my birthday yayyy me
    And i came across this add i love numbers always have and i feel i have a very powerful birth date 03-13-85 which is also 13 born on a Wednesday at no lie 6:33am just wondering what all this could meet

  43. My father used to have number 3-13 on his licence plate. Recently he passed away and since then I've been seeing this number everywhere, particularly on my phone's clock. So every time I see this number it reminds me of him and it gives me comfort.

  44. I have been seing this for the last month. Every afternoon. My birthday is 3/13. Thought it was a coincidence. Should this mean anything?

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  45. Today we wrote a contract on a new home. My husband and I have been looking for 2 years to find a home (I am realtor). I never thought of looking at the address but I know of clients who look at Feng Shui and numbers so I thought out of curiosity to look up our new address. I was so surprised and happy to see this post! We are looking forward to this new life, new house and new change. Thank for the Angels and God watching out for us!! I am so relieved knowing this is meant to be for us. Thank you :)

  46. I've been seeing angel numbers everywhere everyday for almost 2 years now. It started with triple digits, now its usually like numbers with a 1 between them, like 313 or 919... They reveal themselves in anything that uses numbers: clocks, t.v., games, etc... I also get daily physical sensations, like tingles or feelings of love in my skin which have been occurring since my wake up over 10 years ago at age 15. Sometimes the sensations are in direct response to my thoughts or environment, sometimes not. I've had other experiences as well. I feel this website has helped me understand the numbers, although I still don't understand my life or my purpose or my path... I love the messages of positivity, though I have no idea what I'm here for. I trust that the universe will use me as needed, with or without my knowledge of it, but sometimes I feel completely lost. I'm like a chameleon on this planet, cleverly blending into society, but at the same time nothing here is for me, nothing does it for me. What a lonely life...

  47. 3:13 crops up from time to time. It was also the date my mother passed away. March 13 of 1997. I happened to just see it as the time and felt led to look it up. Indeed, my ascended masters have been guiding me. Everything that was stated about this number fits perfectly in my life right now. Amen!

  48. Everywhere I go and and everything I do seems to have 313 attached to it. I didn't start seeing it until my wife passed in 2010. She was VERY MUCH into angels. Now, every day (no kidding...every day) I see the number 313 somewhere. Most of the time it's me awakening at 3:13am every day. I don't use alarms to wake up. I used to just wake up at my intended time when I needed to get up early. Now, since she's been gone, I'll wake up, look at the clock and it's 3:13am. Thanks for this information. Now I feel a newfound tempo in my heart. Peace and blessings to you, and all.

  49. Mellain MathiesonFriday, October 06, 2017

    I just looked up what 313 meant.. blew me away.. for 32 years i have seen 3.13 on my bedroom clock.. and most time through every day i see something 13 on the time.. i just seem to be drawn to looking at clocks and watches and even on television with times on them.. 32 year's ago my girlfriend's 2 year old daughter passed away from cancer.. my friend rang me at that time to tell me tamara had passed away.. i didn't get up cause i thought i was dreaming.. so when my friend got back to me in the morning she told me that's when she called me.. so from then on that time appears to me nearly every day.. if not that time it's always something 13.. so now I'm happy

  50. My phone was at 31% at 3:13am...i just happened to stop what i was doing to look at my phone for no reason. It's very accurate to my life right now.i am amazed by Angel numbers and synchronicities in my life right now. Im about 14 days after my spiritual awakening and its been nonstop.

  51. I took leave and drove from TN to MD, the whole day i kept seeing 313. I get excited when i see it cause that’s my birthday but gas was 3.13, my gas mileage at one point the road in MD i was driving on was 313. I saw it on the clock, and even exactly when i had 3 hours and 13 mins left for my trip i just happen to look at the GPS. Everyday afterwards i have saw it at least once.... it’s been about a week now.

  52. Deja-vu’ is nothing other than a moment in time being altered for some reason or another. Be it by God or by something that wants to change the course of history. If this is not of God, it’s not natural, and will be dealt with whenever judgments come to pass. I’ve had something stop me from going left when I heard the soundbarrier break in my left ear. I feel nothing was manipulated or forced to change; (to my knowledge) being it wasn’t something I chose to partake and it wasn’t a being or something tangible that stopped my attempt to go left. It was an unseen force that gently prevented my going left. Almost as if my reactions were refusing to listen to my minds command. Nothing that I can say was against my will being I was immediately grateful and left in awe; knowing my spirit and soul would’ve had no physical being if God hadn’t prevented my intention. I forgot about this until my awakening and it came back to me along side many other things I intentionally suppressed, to help keep me sane. I believe we are all connected to our higher self, through spirit; even when we aren’t consciously aware of this fact. Now that we are going through a rise in consciousness, we are able to understand matters like this on a more profound level. It’s amazing for those of us whom have these gifts and desire the awareness to help us to help others. It’s all about sharing the God given gifts so that we all get closer to ourselves, The spirit of Christ and Our Creator- God the Father! We are all one in the Body of God- The Body of Christ! Through The Holy Trinity we shall all find eternal love and life! All roads lead to God and these numbers are just one of His many languages that help us, within His Creation, to understand what He needs for us to understand! Nothing happens by chance and everything happens for a reason. Even if the reason isn’t quite understood at the time we’re going through something. Jesus Christ came to free us from sin and if we just aim to do as He has shown, we would all be steering this place back into one of love and light! The Spirit of Christ is present; all you have to do is believe!

  53. In Shia Islam mysticism, 313 is the number of soldiers in the army of the 12th "hidden Imam" (Mahdi, or Mohammed Ibn Al Hassan Al Mahdi), son of prophet Mohammed, also known as the savior of the world and mankind. He will arrive with prophet Jesus (Isa) to defeat the false Messiah, or antichrist.

  54. The same no 313 has chased me for a long time and it has also changed my life and got me nearer to Allah. I don't know what really it means but it always reminds me the the 313 warriors who defended Islam 1400 years Ago. I hope it's a sign of Good Luck and Fortune.

  55. I noticed when I was young the numbers have come to me in so many ways it's hard to keep track I've taken this as a sign that I'm in the right place there are things about the number going back as far as Egypt also 313 Muslim worries also shia it's a prime number etc etc if anyone really know why I wake up or see 313 around all the time let me know

  56. I feel blessed also thank you jesus the angels and all the wonderfull people in this world💗

  57. Thank you loving Jesus and to all my loving angels amen

  58. I believe in the signs of repetitive numbers and patterns strongly. I usually see 1111 or 333 alot. Lately things have been really rough for me and my son. I'm an engineer so all day I look at numbers, while running calculations for a timing value change in a program my final answer was 313.131. I thought the answer was really bizzar so I did a recalculation and got the same numbers. I figured this maybe a message or a sign. I want to share my story and see what others may think and see if I could get an answer to this event that has lead me here.

  59. I was journaling a message to my inner being expressing appreciation of how far we’ve come together and how appreciative I am of their loyalty and optimism towards making my well being their top priority and I so happened to stop mid sentence and glance quickly at the time it say 3:13AM I then proceeded to right “See what I mean you’re always here with me! I love you all so much! ❤️��” Living life with a sense of KNOWING is so good!

  60. I keep having a dream with 3 horses and they keep telling me 313414, the only reason I hit up Google is because it's happening alot and it's freaking me out.

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  62. In my experience 313 means you're going to be screwed up! Get ready to have some extremely hard times!

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  63. Absolutely Perfect...Much Love and Blessings
