Monday, July 18, 2011


Number 100 is comprised of the vibrations of number 1 and number 0 appearing twice, amplifying its influences as well as those of number 1. Number 1 brings the attributes of new beginnings, activity and action, tenacity and self-reliance, motivation, striving forward and progress, ambition and will power, self-reliance, creating your own reality, self-leadership and assertiveness, and achieving success and fulfilment. The number 0 is a powerful vibration as it resonates with Universal Energies (the ‘God force’), and reflects the energies of infinity and eternity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 stands for potential and/or choice, and when this number presents it is a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects and is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find all of your answers. 

Angel Number 100 is a reminder from your angels that you are receiving Divine guidance through your intuition and insights, recurring thoughts and ideas, as well as via ‘claircongiance’ (knowing facts without knowing exactly how you received the information).

Angel Number 100 encourages you to take positive action in the directions of your inner-promptings, gut feelings and true desires. Do not allow negative thoughts or emotions deter you from your spiritual path, and remember that a positive attitude, mind-set and outlook will manifest and reflect as inner-peace, joy, success and fulfilment in your life.  

Angel Number 100 asks you to ‘walk your talk and talk your walk’.  

Number 100 also relates to number 1 (1+0+0=1) and Angel Number 1.

See also:
Repeating 1’s and 0’s  (10, 100, 101, 110 etc)
Angel Number 10
Angel Number 100
Angel Number 101
Angel Number 110

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

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  1. i just got a dream whr my angels asked me to learn the power of 100 n i was happy throughout the dream as a cat was d medium i got my msg from.

    suggestions plz.

    1. mine to , my cat sultan 💗💫 trust your gut instinct it doesnt matter what the vessel is, there is only infinite oneness in respect to all creation. grateful blessings

  2. ‘claircongiance’ ???? did you mean, "claircognizance"? just curious.

  3. Dreamed I found money on the street. The only bill I could see was a 100 dollar bill. I thought it may be a message from the Angels!

  4. I think in my dream i saw the number 100 in the eye (blue) of a man. About the claircongiance, sometimes i know things and i´m not sure if it is this or something else... Any help?

  5. Replies
    1. My love to you and yours, always! ❤️

  6. I have always thaught, known, i was different than other people. One series of events led to another, and finally i can put to use what i think i was given and have never been able to explain, and definatly not use. I don't think i could "use" it if it wasn't what i was needed to do. The magnatude of messages and the number is extreame. I've been becoming more self aware by leaps and bounds. I think i'm beeing taught to listen. Now I just know that i can start to trust it, if my intentions are pure. I have always had a degree of being able to"see" and now i'm looking for someone to discuss it with that would understand. While looking up another number i noticed that someone had put there email in for possable conversations so here goes if someone has a bit of advice, etc. let me know. (

    1. Hey I would love to conversate and share our experiences because I have had some absolutely amazing things happen in my life and some unexplainable events that a typical human who doesnt have a good understanding of the metaphysical world would say I was a nut case or crazy but I have so many gifts and abilities that I have developed over the past few years that thankfully for my angels guiding me has led me into another level of consciousness and thinkkng. I have the power of prediction and I also have the ability to make people feel a certain way without saying anything but being in the same room my energy level is at a very high frequency. I can also feel what everyone is thinking just buy looking.

    2. Hi Kenneth. I would love to talk to you about your experiences. I think I am at the start of my journey and I would like to hear about succes stories from other people who once felt like I do now. I don't know how to put my abilities to good use and be an inspiration to my kid instead of the complete failure like I feel now. Just looking for some inspiration I guess. Anyone else reading this who can relate to this?

  7. Hi rush-collection,
    Thank you for your website. I'd be lost without it... LOST! It is comforting, insightful, firm and fair.
    Thank you ������
    Martine x

  8. Thank you so much, rush-collection! <3

  9. Last night i was given or told the number 101 it was so clear in my dream i dident seem like a dream there was also a women in the dream but all i saw was her hands dose that mean something more then 101 alone

  10. Last night i was given or told the number 101 it was so clear in my dream i dident seem like a dream there was also a women in the dream but all i saw was her hands dose that mean something more then 101 alone

  11. I will walk my talk and talk my walk. Thanks a lot for your help, rush-collection. The Pentagon will no longer affect humanity. The Revelation has come to Fruition. Amen.
    -Shaunicorn7 (08/11/1996)

  12. This is so spot on for me this morning........Thank you so much

  13. My girl friend mom dreamed about a number 10010 what does that mean

  14. I hope this offends no one, yet I feel there are multiple spiritual backgrounds here. Lately alit about Christianity has been coming up for me. I am not religios, I believe in a creator, just not a specific one. Of any of you are Christian, might you point me to the reason behind murdering Jesus and being saved only through that? I am not being senical here, so please do not take it that way. Blessings!

  15. Have been seeing 100 a lot the last two weeks and the number 10 all last week.Very interesting.

    1. Dear rush-collection, I see 100 many times in my vision. I am glad for your divine work and the guidance I receive from your work. You have mentioned here about "walk your talk" and "talk your walk". Could you please elaborate what that means exactly. Thanks & Regards. Gargi.

  16. Hi rush-collection,

    Thank you so much for your detailed insights and guidance. I have a query regarding the above message. In the last line, it is mentioned 'Walk you talk' and 'Talk your walk', could you please explain it in detail. I did not understand it clearly.

    Thank you,
    Best regards,

  17. "We love you, rush-collection." --from my spiritual guides, the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, and Lord Ganesha.

    I am so very grateful for you and your wisdom. Thank you.

  18. I had a pretty epic fallout with someone in my life who once i was very close with. The kind that most don't reconcile. Some have even died over such things as this. Well 100 days later exactly we contacted one another though social media and made up. Forgiveness and new beginnings. Life it's beautiful and short. Don't take forgranted those around you who love you. And don't let such emotions as regret hate and holding on to grudes keep you from bein happy.

  19. I had a pretty epic fallout with someone in my life who once i was very close with. The kind that most don't reconcile. Some have even died over such things as this. Well 100 days later exactly we contacted one another though social media and made up. Forgiveness and new beginnings. Life it's beautiful and short. Don't take forgranted those around you who love you. And don't let such emotions as regret hate and holding on to grudes keep you from bein happy.

  20. I had a pretty epic fallout with someone in my life who once i was very close with. The kind that most don't reconcile. Some have even died over such things as this. Well 100 days later exactly we contacted one another though social media and made up. Forgiveness and new beginnings. Life it's beautiful and short. Don't take forgranted those around you who love you. And don't let such emotions as regret hate and holding on to grudes keep you from bein happy.

  21. I had a pretty epic fallout with someone in my life who once i was very close with. The kind that most don't reconcile. Some have even died over such things as this. Well 100 days later exactly we contacted one another though social media and made up. Forgiveness and new beginnings. Life it's beautiful and short. Don't take forgranted those around you who love you. And don't let such emotions as regret hate and holding on to grudes keep you from bein happy.

  22. I had a pretty epic fallout with someone in my life who once i was very close with. The kind that most don't reconcile. Some have even died over such things as this. Well 100 days later exactly we contacted one another though social media and made up. Forgiveness and new beginnings. Life it's beautiful and short. Don't take forgranted those around you who love you. And don't let such emotions as regret hate and holding on to grudes keep you from bein happy.

  23. Thank you first to God, the angles, and saints, and toLady rush-collection for this wonderful site. But every time I start a venture that I desire, I am met with catastrophic failure every time. Why? Have I over spent my karma points to not have enough? I just found out that my patent got terminated, and asked for help in restoring it.

  24. How very accurate. As ever.Indeed.
    Blessed and grateful.

  25. Thank you so much, I'm grateful.

  26. Thank You for this website; it is a GODSEND. I am still a receiver of Archangel Messages and I am very BLESSED, PRECOGNITIVE AND POST COGNITIVE as well as CLAIRVOYANT. My intuition is now at 100% and things are becoming very interesting and they are SUPERNATURAL and MULTI-DIMENSIONAL.

    Vanessa Golston
    Wednesday, 01/29/2020

  27. Thank you guardian angel and to my boyfriend SAEED from Iran my boyfriend he give this number 💛🙏

  28. Thank you this page angel numbers rush-collection. My fience always give this meaningful number love positive outlook. Thank you so much i LOVE YOU SO much this page. Stronger couples. Because of this page. 💖👨‍👩‍👧💖🙏👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🙏🙏🙏

  29. Im back on track
