Monday, July 18, 2011


Number 99 is comprised of the vibrations of number 9 appearing twice, amplifying its influences and energies. Number 99 relates to the attributes and energies of communication, inner-strength, leadership and leading by positive example, selflessness, a higher perspective, intuition and inner-wisdom, humanitarianism and altruism, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, serving others and lightworking, the Universal Spiritual Laws and your Divine life purpose. Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions.

As the number 9 resonates with endings and closures, the message of Angel Number 99 may be that certain aspects of your life are coming to a close and/or an important phase or cycle is coming to an end. Trust that this is happening for very karmic reasons which will become evident in the very near future. Fear not as this is preparing you to begin a wonderful new life and lifestyle that will see all fall into place for you in most positive ways. These endings are clearing the way for you to fully pursue your Divine life purpose and soul mission as your soul’s destiny dictates. Trust that all the information, guidance and assistance you will need upon your path will be supplied by the angels and Universal Energies.  

Angel Number 99 is a message from your angels that you are to get to work on your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Angel Number 99 is a sign that lightworkers are to step up to their duties and work for the benefit of humanity and the world as a whole. Have faith and trust that your angels are always available for guidancemotivation, support and love. All you need to do is ask.

Angel Number 99 is a strong message to fully devote yourself to your life’s mission without delay. Listen to your intuition and the guidance from the angels if feeling any fears or doubts about your path and/or purpose.

Number 99 also relates to number 9 (9+9=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9.

Also see:
Repeating 9’s  (9, 99, 999, 9999 etc)
Angel Number 9
Angel Number 999



  1. This just gives me the push and the hope that I need. Thank youu!!

  2. My mothere died at 99, she passed away on 18 Dec 2014, funeral on 27 th, 9 x3 = 27 what a saitnt

  3. This morning I saw 99 END, as in ending. And I saw 99 EXT, as in exit. I wish I could figure out what this means for me!

    1. Hi Andrea. Did you figure out what your ending was?

    2. I would interpret EXT as extending. Meaning now that 99end has ended, you can now extend your knowledge and power and healing to others.

  4. Thank you rush-collection :) you're blog helps me so so much. God bless you

  5. I'm guessing since this is the only repeating number I'm not seeing consistently, it means i am to continue my current life path for the foreseeable future lol. Correct me please if this is a mistaken assumption.:-D

    1. i think that seeing numbers you want to see makes them go away. but its not a bad thing, 99 is a very saturated number and apears rarely in my life but when i do see it i make a mental note. its more of a gentle nudge. numbers will come to you in time but you cant let them get you down. all numbers have a beautiful positive light to them and all you have to do is look.

  6. I saw number 99 in my vision :D

  7. Today I woke up hearing "Brooklyn 99" and yesterday I was inundated with double digits absolutely everwhere and all day. From 11,111,1122,33,333,44,55,66,1212,77,777,99,56(personally very significant) 88, 1144
    I was driving quite a bit yesterday about 400 miles. Between my odometer, my trip meter, the amount of gas that my car needed, license plates, road signs, and last but not least, every time in that last 90 minutes or so I glances at my waze app to see how many more miles til be exit, it went from 111,99,88,77, 66 very strange that I happened to look at those exact moments. Very interesting AND I'm looking for a major positive shift... Any tips would be appreciated 😊

  8. Thank you for the insights, much appreciated !

  9. Just had this epip. when watching the You & I music video. I don't even like one direction. hahaha =)

  10. Thank you so much for offering us these uplifting messages! <3

  11. I am ready to get to work. But how do I recognize my purpose and mission? Help! Thanks

    1. That's what I'm struggling with right now I am a light worker and I understand I'm meant to help and heal but I dont understand how I'm supposed to do that I've asked my guides for help but it leaves me more confused

  12. Thank you for this rush-collection! Last night before bed...I released any old thoughts, patterns, just old ways of thinking and then said, I trust. Twice this morning I received numbers 99. To me means...accomplishment, growth.

  13. I had a dream my boyfriend who lives in another state said look up 99 we've been talking about me moving out there but right now financially I'm not able to I'm thinking about finding a second job to save up and move out there

  14. I had a dream my boyfriend who lives in another state said look up 99 we've been talking about me moving out there but right now financially I'm not able to I'm thinking about finding a second job to save up and move out there

  15. I recently left a situation to protect my health, dignity, and sanity, sacrificing a room on a home where these energy patterns caused interference in my life to stay in a shelter this week.
    The angel numbers kept popping up more and more frequently the past two weeks building up to this. 11:11, 33, 44, 55.

    I feel like being in this shelter and sharing what joy, solace, counsel, and resources with my surrounding bunkmates is what I'm supposed to do, even if I feel very lowly while temporarily houseless.
    After all, they gave me the luckiest bed of all.
    I was given bed #99.

  16. hello All,
    could someone help me ..I have been seeing numbers indicating I need to follow my life's mission and purpose,however I am unable to determine what life purpose the angels are talking of..can anybody help me read the messages even better.If I see 1151 do I read that..would be kind of you to do that...

  17. Hi there smirti, at the top of this page, click on 'how to read angel no's - rush-collection gives a detailed explanation here ��. Abundant love, light and blessings to you my fellow light - worker ������

  18. Out of no where!...I found myself deeply attracted and distracted by the number "99". I literally woke up one day (in my early 20's) and noticed "99" nearly and damn near; every where I went. From license plates to advertising, to addresses, down to my own date of birth (7."9".8"9"). In the beginning I was a bit confused and hesitant towards the tangible phenomenom. It stuck out like a U.F.O in a clear blue sky. Like a lion cub next to hungry hyenas. I could not help but to recognize the number 99. I slowly gave my attention and interest into it, researching spiritual meaning's of the number that eventually led me into numerology and ancient belief system's. Long story short--I still have not figured it out completely but yet I still feel completely responsible...I feel completely helpless and completely aware of number"99". So far I have learned that 9 is the highest number of all numbers. I have learned that there are 99 beads in an authentic rosery, and I have learned that "99" is 66 upside down. Not just that, I have learned a little more as well but I try not to research the phenomenom; I want to teach and learn from my own experience as great historical Philosophers do. Not that I am claiming such a title personally, but my gut, my inner self, my conscious--tell's me to. I am not of any religion and do not consider myself an atheist. I have never been (28yrs old now) a religious person beside growing up around and curiously attending variable churches. From Morman, Catholic, Christian, and Muslim churches and mosques...I have never been completely intreiged or interested in either. Even so, to believe there is no higher energy or power over all; is the most unbelievable thing I can imagine. The number "99" feels like my preacher and my leader. It feels more real to me than looking at the Bible, the Quran or ancient hydrogliphics carved in stone. I am not looking for someone to judge me or try and convince me of something else or tell me things to discourage my thoughts and experience of spirituality. I am simply looking for someone with words of wisdom, positivity, and advice; with a hint of love :). Opinions... opinions are welcome as well. With love to you all, Tiffanie

  19. Thank you! 🦄🦄

  20. Thanks! 💘

  21. You are being screamed at by your angels! I have experienced leaving my body and speaking to the Angels on more than one occasion I believe I know what they ask of us and how they communicate and you are so right Tiffanie there is such a higher being/beings above the churches and all other religions. A true God would not force us to go to a particular place to speak words from a certain book designated to that specific religion it's all bull shit believe in the Angels

  22. You are being screamed at by your angels! I have experienced leaving my body and speaking to the Angels on more than one occasion I believe I know what they ask of us and how they communicate and you are so right Tiffanie there is such a higher being/beings above the churches and all other religions. A true God would not force us to go to a particular place to speak words from a certain book designated to that specific religion it's all bull shit believe in the Angels

    1. Any advice or tips on how to leave my body, and speak with my Angels/Guides? I have been trying for years. I really need to connect

  23. How can I ask for help and guidance? What's the correct way to ask them (my angels) for guidance and protection?

    1. The information in these posts I have written will help/guide you in regards to communicating with your angels:

      Calling Angels Into Action

      Help and Healing from the Angels

      Guidance from the Angels

      Channelling Messages from Angels

      Signs from the Angels

      Sense the Presence of Angels

      Connect with Angels

      Writing to the Angels


  24. I just woken up and found number 99 printed on my left shoulder. Can someone get me what it means

  25. I unfortunately am confused on my life purpose and soul mission. And I don’t understand why

  26. ❤❤❤
    A new begining indeed.🎈

  27. what do i do if i see these numbers? How can I make it practical ?

  28. Anyone know the meaning of 99 being etched in your right hand? It’s a dream I keep having.
