Friday, April 06, 2012


Number 999 is comprised of the vibrations of number 9 appearing tripled, amplifying and magnifying its powerful influences. Number 9 resonates with the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective, influence, benevolence and altruism, non-conformity, leading life as a positive example for others, influence, a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, duty and calling, strength of character, philanthropy, humanitarianism and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions.

Angel Number 999 brings a message that certain aspects of your life are coming to a close and/or an important phase or cycle is ending. Trust that this is happening for karmic reasons which will become evident in the very near future. It is clearing the way for you to fully pursue your life purpose and soul mission as your soul’s destiny dictates. Trust that all the information, guidance and assistance you will need upon your path will be supplied by the angels and Universal Energies. Angel Number 999 is a strong message to fully devote yourself to your life’s mission without delay. Listen to the guidance from the angels if feeling any fears or doubts about your life path.

Angel Number 999 can be a strong suggestion that a phase (or phases) in your life is/are coming to a definite end and you can expect many closures in your life. Fear not as this is preparing you to begin a wonderful new life and lifestyle that will see all fall into place for you in most positive ways.

Angel Number 999 is a sign that lightworkers are to step up to their duties and work for the benefit of humanity and the world as a whole.

Angel Number 999 encourages your to express your unique, true self and weave love into every aspect of your life and base your life on the principles of acceptance, integrity, compassion and co-operation. Realign with your heart and soul and discover your true nature and soul purpose. You have powerful energies within you and they are to be used for the betterment of your own life and that of others. Listen to your inner-yearnings and intuition and follow through with your highest ideals, insights and ideas. Trust that you will be able to find a comfortable balance between your material, family and spiritual paths.

Number 999 relates to number 9 (9+9+9=27, 2+7=9) and Angel Number 9.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I cannot get any answers about my path!!! I want answers!

    1. I feel you, Ralph612 Lol, me too.

    2. The answer is within yourself.

    3. What does that mean " the answer is within yourself? "

      It needs to be clearer because people may not know how to access such answers.

      How do they get them?

    4. Quite the mind and listen to your higher self , God and Angels messges , we often ask God , and he answer us thru intuition , signs and symbols ... Spend time in nature

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Just trust this very moment always. For this moment contains all posibilities for your life to flourish, although that should not be your aim. If you keep your connection strong with the most high, you Will notice that Love is all that matters. You are only à vehicle for It to radiate it's sacred Light. From Universal Love you will be directed unto yourself; your body and therefore this moment and from that authenticity flows. Still the starting point of that is always your personal connection to the Most High, our greatest Source of universal Love.

    7. Just trust this very moment always. For this moment contains all posibilities for your life to flourish, although that should not be your aim. If you keep your connection strong with the most high, you will notice that Love is all that matters. You are only à vehicle for It to radiate it's sacred Light. From Universal Love you will be directed unto yourself; your body, all your brothers and sisters around you and therefore this moment and from that authenticity flows. Still the starting point of that remains always your personal connection to the Most High, our greatest source of universal Love.

    8. This site is simple . these numbers appear before and after good or bad situations . just think if you had a bad day you will see them if u have a good day you will also see them. You gotta round up the all the missing puzzle pieces and get your own answer . Don't be lazy xD

    9. It seems you need to learn patience. Sometimes you just sit back while the guides prepare things. When you get the aha moment, then you will know it was setup for you. Just be blessed you are seeing a pattern with numbers and that you seeking a deeper meaning with the numbers. That my friend is the first path. Second path is your patience.

    10. Well, here it is, today: 999, so I looked up a couple of sites but this one is the best. I love the comments and want to thank +Niki Wattilete for healing words. +Anonymous, your 8/20 post is very insightful! Post from 5/24 is something my "other" would say!

    11. You want answers you have to go inside you. To the real you not the physical. Meditate. I hope you find your answers. Have faith and believe in the power you have. All the best to you.

    12. I am seeing these numbers often is well but its good to talk to someone who is going through the same situation

    13. i Feel the same... its so frustrating.

    14. So pray to God if u believe in him, I guarantee he will give u answers if u listen to him and read the Bible

    15. Hi all of you. I started seeing these angel numbers 2012, and now my life path is very clear... So, expect it to take some time. You will find answers if you look the meaning of these numbers (thank you rush-collection for this page) and connect to your higher-self, meditation. And I mean you have to do this daily. It will pay off, I can tell you that. Happiness for all and be grateful because you are very much walking the path of light. Never give up.

    16. To Lara (posted on 1/12/17) and anyone else. Relax, you are holding yourself back from getting the answers. Fear, panic, anxiety, they are just means to interfere with getting answers. Open your mind & heart AND have faith! Your lack of faith is stopping you from getting answers. Start your day, with a little thanks, be thankful for something, no matter how bad a day you are having, be thankful that you saw the sun today, a flower, an adorable bunny hoping around, something peaceful. Then once you get in the habit of that, be MORE thankful. Find what I call "inner peace" quiet your mind, faith will come, talk to your angels you can ask them for guidance, but also thank them for listening. When the day comes you get your first answer, thank them. You will find that the signs are not to scare you, just to alert you that they are trying to get your attention. I do not fear any signs I get anymore, numbers, music, smells, physical "coincidences" & dreams. Why? because I've had them my entire life. I have these signs to thank for saving my life as a child, when no physical person was around to save me, the signs did. It wasn't until I was in my 40s that I started to have an understanding of all these nonstop signs, and like you, I was fearful of the signs. I have an understanding in my journey how it works, but I also understand that I don't know everything there is to know, I never will in this life. I am thankful for the guidance I have been given.

    17. 1st, thank you rush-collection, you are a Lightworker, both blessed & bringing blessings to others.
      2nd Many say it well on this site, i esp like Barbara's comment.
      I see signs all the time. A few years ago i made a major move that affectrd every aspect of my life -work, family, health, finsnces...and nothing went according to plan!! Major stress on every level. Basically i completely lost control of my present & future. I have energy & i have courage but i was hit so hard on every front, it was a struggle not to be discouraged & just give up. Then i started seeing number combinations again & again - so much beyond coincidence that it seemed someone was planting them on my path! I knew they were signs, and of the numerology sites searched online, rush-collection's was the best. The site gave these main messages for different numbers: 1- have faith, even if u do not know & cannot control (and this acceptance & faith brought me peace), 2- our material & financial needs will be covered even if we lost some things, we would be comfortable & satisfied (and we were), 3- GIVE! Trust that lightworkers will give us support, so we have a mission to give & guide others in return.
      I see many signs, not just numbers, and the messages are always relevant.
      For those who say they want answers from this site, consider the site as a Google Map: you do a search, it points in the right direction with an abstract image ... but YOU have to do the walking to get there. Pay attention, invest in understanding your own life path and be patient.

    18. You need to focus on your dominat thoughts that you were thinking when this number appeared in your life/vision/whatever. Only you know your true calling ;)

    19. That's beautiful Barbara ❤️❤️

    20. I was frustrated too but I finally had the cuts to ask help from God, and he gave me answers. All you need to do is ask. Be grateful and be positive, I know it´s hard but anxiety is the reason why you feel blocked.

  3. After Nov. 11, 2011 I started to see 1111 and many other number sequence. What does that mean. Early this spring I started to see 444, 555, 777, 888, 999, and other numbers everyday. Before approaching summer, I see 888 and 999 so frequently. 888 is about financial reward is on its way and that a phase of my life is about to come to an end. 999 also tells that a phase of life is ending and I should expect many closure in my life.

    I couldn't imagined my life or my relationship could end with my husband because I love him too much. Even tho we have ups and downs, but I thought we could not possibly be separated because we have never been away from each other for more than a night after we got married. During this spring of 2012, we started to have a big argument about family issue and our finances. I was crying and thought many times over that if I don't leave him, then he will never change the ways he has treated me. My instinct told me that repeatedly seeing 888 and 999 tells me that I need to make some changes and end my living situation with my husband or my finances and life will never improves.

    I finally decided to move out of town to where it's closer to my job. We both are winding up with an emotional and relationship phase in our life per number 888 was telling me. We missed each other more than ever, but I still continued to visit my husband every weekend. I am able to save a little more $$ by living closer to my job and by avoiding the everyday long commute. Our relationship has improved so much for the space and long distance between us. Now I understand and trust that the angels are with me and they are communicating with me thru numbers everyday.

    For anyone who see the number sequence in their daily life, heed the angel's guidance and pay attention to their communication with you.

    1. So where you and your husband still together even though you two lived in two different areas? What ended up happening to the marriage?

  4. Is it ok to share this page

  5. Hi Laura,
    its ok to share the page wherever you like ... you just need to state where the information is from and the source links etc

  6. Hi,

    I wanted to ask how did you learn about each number's meaning?


    1. At Its basics this is a form of numerology

  7. Can i share this page?��

  8. You all need to be no 6 angel. And than the angels gonna love you .ets truth ! They love when you pray. Doesn't matter which religion you are .help every one every day!!!!good luck! how cry too match

  9. I have repeating three repeating 9's in my Numerology chart!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. HI, rush-collection
    Is it okay to share 2 paragraphs of this page? Thank you.

  12. That's okay with me Natasha.

    Blessings to you along your path,

  13. Thank you so much rush-collection. I really appreciate your info. from this site. It helps me a lot when I need guidance. Hope the others will notice this either.
    Much love.

  14. I'm having some trouble in life I have turned to psychics and prayed to the gods about having 2 girls live with me due to the fact I was told I'm half demon wolf helix and kairos while the other half of me is normal ..... Where can I seek answers for my sanctuary ???

    1. If u can please email me to help me out I would be less stressed. My email is My name is Brian.

    2. booty call or love men are complicated

  15. How can I find out what my "life's mission" is?

    1. M.delsan484@gmail if you figured it out yet please share.

    2. Have you figured it out yet!? If so please share!?! :(

  16. ALL of the bold and highlighted words and phrases contain links to articles that I've written that go into further detail about that particular topic ... so click on the words within the text and find out more ....

    or ... here are some links for you:

    Blessings, Love and Light,
    Rush Collection
    Sacred Scribes


  18. 999 is the number that I found in my cel pone this morning, and I truly believe what you say about it. Thank you rush-collection for sharing this amazing information.

    1. Me too. Anonymous said somethimg about reading the bible and God will give you answers. I agree. God lead me for my path which is now very clear to me. It always was but I was too afraid to believe in myself. Sometimes fear blocks everything! So you need to be ready and confident for changes go come! And spend lot of time hearing your true self, God and have strong faith. We all are connected, love to you all.

  19. Hi Amber thank you so much for your great work and for sharing all this spiritual knowledge. Absolutely love reading your blog when i am in need of answers to better understand my messages. Thank you ☺

  20. Wow have been seeing many multiple numbers lately however today was the first day I had see the 999, this is very powerful as I am coming up to a stage in my life where a decision (not mad by me) will be made that will affect my life in a very powerful way and the only control I have over that decision is to be in vibrational alignment with Source and allow the process to take place. I have an expectation in me that all will be well and everything keeps working out for me, then I read what is written here with your insights and my vibration rises so high that I know all I manifest is coming to fruition.This decision comes in approximately 2 to 3 weeks, so I shell come back here and share the outcome. Thank you for your website I am ever so grateful!!!!!!

  21. I asked the universe to step in and help me with bettering my life while I was driving home. Less than a minute after, a truck turned in front of me with 999 on its license plates. No more confirmations needed lol.

    1. That happens to me all the time. Glad I'm not the only one.

    2. This happens to me too. I feel so blessed. Grateful. :)

  22. Wow!!! I guess this means my ex boyfriend & I are done! I asked the Angels for a sign earlier today & I just saw 999 twice in the last hour. We broke up in June & things got out of hand & ugly! We can't communicate until after court, but I still love him so!! Wow!!!

  23. Closing doors and opening new doora. Challenge that was accepted was accomplish but more periods about you that makes you, you is being g opened, guided, all and all being put together piece by piece as a puzzle piece.

  24. Does the mean a permanent end of a relationship? I sometimes think if you let go it will come back at the right time in a new chapter. My mind and heart are sayimg two things and its yes and no. Im asking for angels to give me new signs other than numbers but they arent listening.

    1. For me it was that we had a break-up but we got back together and he left me again a year ago and I can´t stop thinking about him. I wonder does this mean that he will come back to me again or is he gone for good from my life. Completely. He has proposed me three times or so and he has been asking me many times after but I felt it will not work because we had lot of problems unsolved. It´s hard when you love someone and it just doesn´t work.


  26. I have been dealing with these numbers since 1998 and my life has been hell ever since. Beware

  27. This is it, all what have been happening in my life the past days came to this conclusion, and now the angels gave me the 999 sign and everything makes sense now. I am so delighted and full of love in my heart.

  28. Hi rush-collection, I was curious to find out if you have any works out-books, etc. I love your work and would love to learn more about it! Thank you in advance.

    1. Hi Tracie, all of my published works online can be found at:

  29. I had the weirdest dream:
    Everything in my dream was mirrored. I could not understand anything language based but one message left on my phones answering machine. It was a man who sternly said "You can't tell me what church to join! MY number is 999!" before I answered the message the numbers of the answering machine were fastly changing from 0-1-2-3-4-5. I have NEVER dreampt of numbers in my life. I am weirded out because I have never been to church and i just started reading the Holy Book so maybe it is a sign? The words the man said to me did not sound directed at me which is also very odd. Please, what does this meaaan??!!

  30. Trust your instincts. Trial and error. The numbers aren't set in stone. They are GUIDELINES Each individual will see signs differently. As rush-collection wrote them. Kind of undefined. That's perfect. Key words that resonate with you. Quiet yourself and listen. Use all your senses. Be open to guidance. You will hear God's will clear as day. :) whatever you call God. Universe, Allah, Buddha, whatever, it's all the same

  31. The morning of April 7, 2016, I felt very unsettled. I felt turmoil in my gut like 'something was going to happen' maybe an earthquake, a terrorist attack, a massive solar flare, etc. It continued to grow stronger as the morning wore on. I walked from the computer room into the kitchen to get a drink of water at 9:50 A.M. , past the microwave. Immediately, in a split second, I 'saw' the number 999 on the clock. It happened in the blink of an eye. "Couldn't be, I told myself, the clock is reading 9:50". It was so odd and so out of place and struck me so strongly that I returned to the computer and researched the number 999 and found a wealth of information. BTW, I did not know about the number 999 until this happened. 999: Completion; time to unclutter; finish up tasks; humility/humanity; basically, "Finish Up What You Came Here to Do." I continued my chores, etc. and the morning wore on but by now my gut feeling had turned into a terrible anxiety. The kind where you can't sit but are constantly walking, unsettled. It was about 2:00 P.M. and to quiet myself down, I returned to my computer room and put on some head phones and started listening to some meditation music. It took about 45 minutes for the meditation music to end. I breathed a little easier, removed the headphones and just then I 'saw' a Demon. Let me give you a little bit of my background: I am in my seventies and found out after much mental/psychic turmoil in my life and getting down on my knees and pleading with G-d for answers, that I am an Empath. A Lightworker - you know we're here to help all ascend to a higher spiritual plane of existence. I won't go into all the paranormal/ demonic/spiritual experiences I've had but you get the point. BTW, I not only see demonic entities but 'smell' them as well and have on more than one occasion, thrown them out of my bedroom. This particular "Demon" I saw that appeared right after the meditation was dark ( I won't say black but a dark dark gray) and it didn't look straight at me but was walking from left to right. It did not turn its head toward me. I got the distinct feeling it was definitely was on a mission of some sort. It kept looking straight ahead and I became very scared because I 'knew' that it was a specific demon with a specific job to do. I have to tell you, this experience scared me to my very core. I had the feeling that it was here for someone and I thought it might be me. I even told my husband about it I was so distraught. I can describe it and can even draw it. I could not see its face (as I stated above) but it was wearing a long coat (or a shroud) with a hood) over its head. This was an Angel of Death and I got the distinct impression that it was looking for someone; that this was its sole purpose. The viewing lasted long enough for me to understand what I was seeing. I was so shaken up by this experience because I thought that it was coming for me. I had the feeling that myself or someone close to me was going to die. This experience was so deeply profound that I had to take something to calm myself down and go to bed. The next morning when I awoke I realized I had had a mind blowing experience and was able to walk away, unscathed. This is just another experience I've written in my diary. So far I'm still here and my loved ones are here but I did call my youngest and shared this experience with him and told him to be careful. Come to find out he had had a car accident that day (small one) and it was the anniversary of his separation. This world is full of energies both good and evil. I believe spiritual warfare is alive and well on this planet and ramping up. I am also a Lightworker on a mission. Please take care, All of You and continue to Seek the Light.

  32. Thank you rush-collection for your amazing insights and help - I was led to your site after receiving many instances of "seeing" numbers - like many here - my skeptical mind insisting it was co-incidence - but as we all should by now know, there is no such thing!
    My take on this is that we are all "players" on the Stage of the Soul ... but only now, in my 56th year (11) and having been born on a 29th day (11) AND with three 9's in one area of my numerology chart, am I seeing the bigger picture.! Great eh? I have to wait until I am 56 to finally, absolutely and irrefutably wake up ..
    Its like being given a fantastic gift but being told you cannot open it "until you're of a significant age to appreciate it! Ouch!! Message to self - IF and when you have to come back, will you kindly wake me BEFORE senility hits !! Blessing to All

  33. Hi, My name is Monica and I been seeing doubles number since my son turn 12. His birthdate is 12/12/2003. And every since doubles number been most every day.

  34. Dear Johann, many thanks for this website.
    As today we are June 12, 2016 that means 6 + 12 = 18 = 9 and 2016 means 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 18 = 9. We have 9 + 9 = 18 = 9 9 again. Does that means 9 9 9 or only 9 ?
    We have also the same number 6 + 1 + 2 and for the year 2 0 1 6.
    Would it be possible for you to comment this date ?
    TVery beautiful day to you from France. Myrtille

  35. I am your 6,999th follower on G+. How cool is that? And it's my first time on your site. Thank you and many more blessings to you and your work, Rush Collection. Very inspiring :-)

  36. Answers always come when you are ready to receive them. In the meantime be happy with the bits and pieces you receive, life is like a huge jigsaw puzzle, each piece brings you closer to the finished product!

    1. 100% spot on John. Thank you for wording it that way :)

      Brightest Blessings,


  37. Today is the 9th of July and this morning I received a lottery ticket with three 9's in it ... That's a lot of 9's ... and then I was inexplicably connected with this site.

    I am excited! Bring on the change! Things can only get better.

    Thank you rush-collection!

  38. I have not been working for 3 years. I believe this phase is ending, and my coup de grace-job: what my life's struggles have led to--is very near! Thank God!

    1. So did you find a job there after? I have been looking for jobs too for a while now and today morning saw 999 on the liscence plate in front of me. When I saw what it meant, it scared me because I don't want it to be anything bad related to relationship with family. I love my family too much to be disrupted. I continued reading on this sight and found your posting. Just curious. I havent been working for over 9 years. I really hope that's what it because every interview I attend seems to work out but I don't hear back from them. Just need some answers and clarity in flife.

  39. I saw this number beneath a silver engraving of Krishna that I keep in my room. It's been there for a year but I saw it for the first time today. I'm crying. Thank you so much, rush-collection. This website has been like a lighthouse to me.

  40. 999 come and go in batches, for a year now. Grateful to you all! 💜

  41. Thank you rush-collection for such a beautiful and insightful site. Many blessings.

  42. Just saw it on a license plate tonight it was weird!

  43. Just saw it on a license plate tonight! Very strange number

  44. Hello. Most of the number sequences are really clear. However, this triple 9 had me a little confused such as the line said "trust that this is happening for karmic reasons which will become evident in the near future." Does this mean to trust something will happen to me in a good way or the other way around? I'd appreciate if you could clarify that for me. Thank you very much.

  45. Hello. I would like to ask for help on this triple 9 number. Most of the number sequences are clear but this triple 9 I'm not really sure such as the line said "trust that this is happening for karmic reasons which will become evident in the near future." Does this mean something will happen to me in a good way or the other way around? I'd really appreciate if you could clarify this for me a little bit more. Thank you very much.

  46. Dear rush-collection. I know you are busy and don't have time to answer to all of the comments here. I'd really appreciate if you help me on this one thing. Most of the sequence number written here are clear to understand but this triple 9 had me a little confused. The line such as "certain aspects of your life are coming to a close and/or an important phase or cycle is ending. Trust that this is happening for karmic reasons which will become evident in the very near future." Does this mean some event will happen to me in a good way or something that will actually show me something to end the thing that have haunted me for long, which means not pleasant. I'd really appreciate if you could clarify a little on this. Thank you very much.

  47. Thank You

    This was needed and feels real right now

  48. I usually see repeating numbers. But today I was in awe that I saw the number 9 seven times in front of me it was 9999 999. In my car and a plate simultaneously. Interesting that I had a healing reiki and energy session right after where they said to me I was very spiritual.
    Later I has a call from my my spiritual group which is Christian, two years ago I started on this path and received Christ in my heart, something I never expected in my life. I feel stuck in two worlds, prayer has become a very strong part of my life. Now people ask me to pray for them they find it very healing and peaceful. I'm also taking a class to learn more about the word and theoterapy. Lots of messages pointing towards that direction. Just thought I shared since it was a very spiritual day and looking for feedback based on your experience. Be blessed

  49. At the same time I saw 999 and 444. I see numbers all the time they know I pay attention to numbers so I'm constantly getting woke up at 222 to 111 1010. I can't sleep at night. But I love it.

  50. I was born sept 9 of a 9 year ... and now that I'm getting older, I see I have been given some things that can save humanity (free energy, food growing tech that would be helpful to dry areas, a few other things) ...but I have also discovered that since we basically live within a hologram and the future is pretty much already mapped out, I'm starting to realize why the people who run the world don't want me to make these things public. They want de-population not for everyone to prosper, which makes me sad. So where to go from here ....

    1. Don't give in and don't give up. It is people like you (with talents and skills that can help others) that really need to step up and 'do good', regardless of what 'those in power' are trying to orchestrate.
      Shine your Light and shine it brightly Mike. (short for Michael?? .. as in Archangel??) ;)


    2. We need to fight back. Do good. Good always wins.

  51. Love and Light to All!!!Stay blessed !!! Always and forevergrateful!!!
    Thank you Angels and thank you rush-collection!!! ♡♡♡

  52. If you need clear answers I do Akashic Record readings and am happy to

  53. @Fairyladymimi: Good for you I am going through the same situation with my boyfriend seeing each other only on weekends now used to every two days because we had an argument over finances and my job and I'm hoping this space between us will eventually bring us closer :) sending you best energies!

  54. My new boyfriend and I are seeing the same numbers, what does this say about our connection? I saw 999 and then he saw it after, by the way we were in a remote place and saw it on number plates. It was a definite message from our guides. We are also seeing other numbers the same too. 555 777 911

  55. Imma believer my life # is of the trinty # 3. I always see alot of sequenced # like 369, 33, 333, 66, 666, 99, and 999 in my everyday life. I constantly wake up around 3:33am all the time. I'm a believer I have faith in God I have faith in spirits I have faith in the invisible. Our true power is inside us you just got to slow down and listen.

  56. great stuff! thanks for sharing.

  57. Great stuff! Thanks for sharing.

  58. I should have been asking more detailed guidance from the God long time ago, but the timing wasn´t right. Now I know. Trust in these numbers and meanings and ask help from the God if something is missing. He is always available.

  59. If anyone struggles to find clarity in their life visit my website!
    I am an intuitive guided healer! I channel through your highest guides and help you find your life true path and release and heal All of your blocks! It's ALL on my webpage! I am here for you!

  60. God will give you an opportunity but he won’t give you exactly what you want.

  61. God will give you an opportunity but he won’t give you what you want. So trust you’re gut feeling!

  62. I keep seeing 999 or 9999. I just got laid off from my job that I have worked at for 16 years. That coincides with this angel number message.

  63. You are an angel, thank you so much

  64. If anyone needs help on finding their life path/soul mission etc, send me an email with your full birthdate and full name. I will freely give anyone the stepping stones they need. The rest you have to find on your own, as all the answers are within, only your intuition/heart/Higher being can give you all the answers you seek. I speak from experience and wish that everyone can experience an amazing Spirutual journey. In the end, you just have to trust and listen to your heart (Meditation is a great way to get in touch with your intuition). My email address is

  65. I don't know what to say. If you understand the father and son and angels and yourself and you have communication to the angels and they pave your way in life... understanding your spirituality comes naturally

  66. Came here for 999 and there were 111 comments. :)

  67. My son did a deposit today of part of his inheritance into fixed deposit... his statement afterwards reflected R99.999.999.99 We're interested to know what significance that could have.

  68. Such a beautiful inspiring message, thankyou. The synchronicities having occured the past few months have been mind blowing. And the dreams have been out of this world wonderful. Visions of angels & feeling deeper spiritual connection is amplifying beyond what I could ever imagine would eventuate. 8 years of innerwork are finally bringing change and this inner vibration within my body is so high at times it feels electrifying. It's so nice tuning in and feeling this heightened Universal love. Blessings of love & light to all ⭐⭐⭐

  69. As I'm happy in my relationship with my husband. Can 999 or 9999 represent change in career or job? My husband got laid off and took another job for more than half the pay and we've been struggling. He got another job offer that would be a major blessing for our family. He hasn't started yet.. I've been seeing 999,9999 every where! What could my Angels be trying to tell me?

  70. Thank you! I'm the 99,999th viewer of a video that shares important information. Thanks a lot for your huge work. I come to your website on a regular basis, having mirror numbers and double numbers all the time. Love and light to you.

  71. This has been so satisfying to read as I finally see the results of my hard work. Wishing everyone who sees this page an infinite amount of blessings!

  72. Last night someone asked me in my dream about me and if I noticed angel numbers 999 and angel numbers 333

  73. I love this website! Thank you rush-collection for posting the meanings of these high vibrational numbers. I hit the jackpot today! Lol! 999, 222, 444, and 77 were showing up for me! Beautiful! XOXO

  74. I also love this website and have been frequently visiting of the past few years. thank you :)

  75. Beautiful and timely message.
    A firm shift on all fronts indeed 🙏🔥🤍
    Endless love and blessings to us all 🪄🙌

  76. The love, light and goodness that we are will change the world ✨️ We must not give in, nor give up. Regardless of all tests and challenges along the way.
    We must shine even brighter - always and forever 🩶✨️🙌🏻
    Blessed us all be 🙏🙌🏻

  77. Thank you so much for this guided wisdom is very helpful to have a motivational sores on the Internet, which is usually full of misinformation and trolls

  78. These days a lot of times I see 999 on the number plates.. and there is possibility of a phase in life being over. But I am still not getting all the positive push to close this phase and move into another. While I am trusting God and the Angels to guide me to the right direction, there is still some unsure feelings or thoughts. Don't know how to deal with it all.. Praying for guidance and strength.. Thanks.
