Monday, April 23, 2012


Number 42 is made up of a combination of the attributes and energies of number 4 and number 2. Number 4 brings the vibrations of practical thinking, security and building solid foundations for ourselves and others, inner-wisdom and patience, application and productivity, and resonates with the Archangels. Number 4 also relates to our passions and what motivates and drives us in our lives. Number 2 relates to receptivity and love, partnerships and relationships, duality, adaptability, faith and trust, service to others, flexibility, balance and harmony, diplomacy and mediation, understanding, support and encouragement, and serving your soul mission.

Angel Number 42 is a message from your angels about pursuing your passions and life purpose. When you do things you love and put your heart and soul towards achieving your goals, the angels give you guidance and assistance every step of the way.

Angel Number 42 brings a message from your angels indicating that you are to maintain faith and trust, and know that your prayers have been heard and are being answered. Your angels are working very closely with you and are assisting with achieving your success. Set your intentions and make sure that they are clear and concise, then release your expectations and allow your angels and spirit guides to set up signposts and synchronicities for you to notice and follow.

Angel Number 42 also encourages you to pursue your ideal career and/or profession. If you are intuitively prompted to begin or expand a spiritually-based career, practice or profession or heart-based service or venture, the angels will assist with establishing the foundations that will lead to your desired results and ultimate success. Working to serve others will manifest all that you want and need in your life.

Number 42 also relates to the number 6 (4+2=6) and Angel Number 6.

Also see:
Repeating 4’s and 2’s  (422, 424, 442 etc)
Angel Number 422
Angel Number 424
Angel Number 442

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS



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  1. 42 is also the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe & Everything.

    1. I can't help but wonder if Douglas Adams either knew angel numbers or were intuitive gifted.

    2. I know what the question is. The question is, what is number 42? And here we are told what number 42 is and it has been right in front of our faces and we all have been doing that but no one knew the real question.

    3. No the question is what is number 42 and the answer is there for us to read and we are told what it is. 42 is an answer to an ultimate question and the number 42 is the real question which we are told here and we all/all of us, have been doing what 42 means and the question has been right in front of their faces or the answer. But when they hear the answer they are confused but instead they should ask what is 42 then they will realize it has been right upfront of their faces, to seek Jesus/ to fulfil your needs your wishes your desires your fantasies.

    4. The number 42 is math. If you turn the letters of math into numerology form and add up the numbers it equals 42. Math is in everything. Sacred geometry is a form of math, the flower of life is part of sacred geometry, the flower of life is found in everything in existance. There for math is found in everything in existance. The quran starts with three letters and no one knows the meaning, could this all be a massive clue that we just need to unlock?

    5. Douglas Adams was a hard line atheist and suffered from depression and died at age 49 of a heart attack. I belive, look up the golden rule and you decide, mathematics and nature go hand in hand, kinda hard to think it's all just random. The truth really dose set us free !

    6. Im a leo, name is daniel, born july 24 of 87. Only ever lived on 24th or 42nd street. My area code for most my life has been 402, i turned 24 on the 24rth

    7. Im a leo, name is daniel, born july 24 of 87. Only ever lived on 24th or 42nd street. My area code for most my life has been 402, i turned 24 on the 24rth

  2. This was interesting for me to read as 42 keeps following me around. Even when I check the time its usually 42 minutes past the hour. OK that could be just my subconscious that I've somehow programmed to notice 42 but the number is always around me even when there's no way I could be causing it.

    1. this happens to me and my group of girlfriends! we always look at the clock at 42 past the hour or just see the number randomly weird!

    2. this happens to me and my group of girlfriends! we always look at the clock at 42 past the hour or just see the number randomly weird!

    3. My group of girlfriends and I see the number all the time too! Almost every waking hour we look at the clock at 42 minutes past the hour or even just see it randomly wherever we go... definitely a sign! weird though, right? The number has got to mean something

    4. 42 is my number as well! I see it everywhere, clocks, reciepts, change (money), on tv. literally everywhere and what ever signifigant other I have ever been with starts happening to them too....for how much I see it, it can not be a coincidence.

    5. 42 is also my number it's been following me since 2012. I always see a mixture of numbers n 42 is always there. I used to be scared of it now it's 1 of my lucky numbers.

  3. Is there a difference between 24 and 42? I feel differently when I read one versus the other. I wonder if it's just me getting hung up on word choice or if there really is a difference there.

    1. I dont know that answer but i wish i did. The numbers that always show up for me is 24 and 42. When i see those numbers everywhere it seems to tell me good is happening (24) or something bad is about to happen (42).

  4. Yesterday I was at goodwill and a man walked up to me with a store credit of 42 cents, he said it wasn't much but would help.I thanked him and told him to have a great day.I took my purchases up to pay and handed the cashier the 42 cent credit, he adds up my purcheses and it was $42.42 ...the cashier asked if I had planned that lol!!!! I believe its a message.

  5. This is so interesting! !!!!this number 42.....definitely means something to the ones that keep seeing it.this is far more than coincidence ...I've been seeing this number for's quite spooky ...but I knew there had to be a reason ....thank you

  6. I have been seeing the number 42 for the longest but I thought I was a bad thing thank god :)

  7. I dreamt I won something at an event my ticket number was 42

  8. 42 and 24 are very significant. 24 being my birthday and Im seeing the numbers everywhere anytime..these past weeks. Its driving me crazy cause I Dont really understand..but Im deciding what i want to do with my life and what path to take and like my I do believe the angels are guiding me because Ive come such a long way.So im going to continue trusting and being patient. XOXO

  9. The number 42 came to me in a dream last week and I have been noticing it past the hour on the clock while randomly checking the time since.

  10. for the past 7 years I can't escape 42, at least 10 to 15 times a day it is alwayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssssssssssssss there

  11. I thought I was the only one seeing this number everywhere. I see so many times a day now it's 12:09 and I've already saw it 4 times already. I don't know if my subconsciousness is programmed to see it or it's something else. I don't know if it has some meaning or it's something to stop thinking about. You said something about angel telling me to keep my faith and be strong. I kinda started believing this since I've been really depressed lately but I don't know if we should ask questions about 42 or 42 will just remain a question. Sometimes I say to myself, it's something humanity trying to impose, just to make us ask the wrong questions for example songs that are called 42 and go for 42 seconds or the song number 42 that lasts for 42 seconds also, 42 is always interesting in movies, so many of them had 42 written somewhere. (into the wild 42 is there written on the bus) Sometimes it's in the products we use. I think humanity itself is trying to impose this number. For some reason, maybe to get us to be crazy or it's just nothing.

  12. I thought I was the only one seeing this number everywhere. I see so many times a day now it's 12:09 and I've already saw it 4 times already. I don't know if my subconsciousness is programmed to see it or it's something else. I don't know if it has some meaning or it's something to stop thinking about. You said something about angel telling me to keep my faith and be strong. I kinda started believing this since I've been really depressed lately but I don't know if we should ask questions about 42 or 42 will just remain a question. Sometimes I say to myself, it's something humanity trying to impose, just to make us ask the wrong questions for example songs that are called 42 and go for 42 seconds or the song number 42 that lasts for 42 seconds also, 42 is always interesting in movies, so many of them had 42 written somewhere. (into the wild 42 is there written on the bus) Sometimes it's in the products we use. I think humanity itself is trying to impose this number. For some reason, maybe to get us to be crazy or it's just nothing.

  13. Thank you wholeheartedly, rush-collection! <3

  14. When i meditate i have seen the number 42 in subconscious state. What is it mean, any messages are there?

  15. 42 has been in my life for about 30 years on the clocks, bank statements, daily life. So i keep thinking this is telling me something massive is gonna hapen when i turn 42. Of course first thought is death. So i try and think about it possitvley so i don't live in fear and this totally helps

    1. Boy, that aint death! That's life ! Lol dont fear, do research on the angel number 42. Does not mean what you think, lolol have NO fear!

  16. Our true thoughts come just as our breath comes, without our decision.Birthed in oneness/energy

  17. I am not trying to fit in or get attention by saying this, however... I have been haunted by the number 42, the time threw out each day, the charge percentage on my phone, ect... ect... It goose on and on, I have mentioned it to my significant other and she sees it as well. There is so much to chat about, I am looking for, and look forward to speaking with the, (whomever if anyone, this concerns) Angels in the flesh?? In God's image we were created super strong AKA Powerful. Inspired minds are a powerful thing....I better stop for now. So much to do

  18. Okay, what I say is nothing but the complete truth. I found this site because I have been having the number 27 come up ALOT lately and googled "any significance to the number27". There I find this site on top. After reading what it has to say I then decide to see what's said about 42, because that number use to appear or be said by someone else all the time in the past. I read what's said and then at the bottom, there it was "27" comments on this page for the number 42. However after I leave a comment u all should see 28 or so on and so forth. Anyways, kind of weird in my book y'all. Any answers or advice on that matter????

  19. To the person who made this blog, thank you, I don't know how you get all these information, my hunch is that you have access to an angel's tutorial notebook OR you can talk to your spiritual guide OR you're AN ANGEL OR all these numbers are related to astrology and I am just too dumb to understand all of this logic... Anyways,this blog helped me to guide myself and other souls a lot in life, thank you so much <3

  20. I have been following Joann for years now. EVERY TIME I CHECK A NUMBER IT'S SPOT ON!!! These numbers are from your spirit guides sending you messages. It's helped me in so many ways. Keep listening to your numbers.

  21. Thank you Abba Father thanks to my loving angels

  22. I am comment number 42, this message was for me. Thank you so much.

  23. There all just imaginary meanings created by your mind.. Wasted years of my life giving authority to meaningless symbols N humans faulty interpretations of them.. #goodluck ✌🏼

    1. Then why are you here? It seems they still mean something to you. If youre tired of interpretations then meditate on each number and you will receive the answers meant for you through your connection with higher self.. Have a nice day.

  24. Its so amazing. Thank you rush-collection. I hope all is the best they can be in Australia. Or where ever you may be now. Thank you.
    Gratefully, Tonia Michelle Feagle

  25. I started seeing 43 everywhere at work on clocks. For about 1.5 yrs. Now I have started to see 42 everywhere, at work on clocks, petrol Bowsers etc. Anyway I will see were I go with it✌️⛄πŸŽ„

  26. Is 42 and 52 connnected .. cause I see both a lot .. like when I see 42 .. 52 comes up next.. not every time this happen but very often

  27. Wow. ☯️πŸ‘―‍♀️🦜♥️πŸ§ΏπŸ‘‰πŸ½⬅️πŸ“”πŸ“˜πŸ“˜πŸ“˜πŸ”₯πŸŒ³πŸ™πŸ½πŸ‘°πŸ™‚πŸ†™πŸ†™πŸ†™πŸ†™πŸ†™πŸ†™πŸ†™πŸ†™πŸ†™πŸ”΄

  28. I dreamt my dead grandfather telling me in my dream that I will live for 42 years...I'm scared.. :(
