Monday, July 18, 2011


Number 101 is comprised of the vibrations of number 1, plus the powerful energy of number 0. Number 1 relates to the attributes of new beginnings, creation and creativity, motivation, progress, initiative and assertiveness, intuition and inspiration, happiness and positivity, attainment, achieving success and personal fulfilment. Number 0 resonates with the influences of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies and resonates with the vibrations of eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 stands for potential and/or choice and is a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects. It is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It also suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find your answers. Number 0 amplifies and magnifies the energies of the number/s it appears with.

Angel Number 101 is a powerful message from your angels and the Universal Energies that now is a time of personal development, spiritual awakening and enlightenment. As you keep your thoughts, focus and intentions on your soul mission and life purpose, your elevated vibrations attract abundance and positive energies into your life. Use positive affirmations and an optimistic attitude to draw towards you all that you need along your path, and trust your inner-wisdom, intuition and the guidance from the angels. Take positive action in the direction of your dreams and desires and trust that you will find personal success and fulfilment.

Angel Number 101 tells you to pay attention to your intuition, thoughts and impressions as these are revealing the answers to your prayers and are providing guidance. It encourages you to trust yourself, the angels and the Universal energies and take direction and action as guided. Step out of your comfort zone in the direction of your inner-promptings and know and believe that you will find success and happiness.

Angel Number 101 encourages you to keep your beliefs, thoughts and mind-set focused upon your spirituality and Divine life purpose, as you are creating your own reality. Engage yourself in creative and positive endeavours and activities and use your personal skills and talents in a productive manner. Listen to the guidance of your intuition and serve your soul mission with passion and enthusiasm.

Number 101 also relates to number 2 (1+0+1=2) and Angel Number 2.

Also see:
Repeating 1’s and 0’s  (10, 100, 101, 110 etc)
Angel Number 10
Angel Number 100
Angel Number 110

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. Thank you rush-collection. Your site has been a blessing to me during uncertain times. Things are getting better now and I wanted to take this moment to express my gratitude for your work. Bless you.

  2. I saw this number combination today, and it perfectly matches how I am feeling inside! Finally I am free, and I see that all that I need is being given to me ...

  3. for the past week I have repeatedly keep seeing 01.01, 10,10 there is a certain things I think about at these times thank you so much

  4. I keep seeing the card Number 101 Silent Honor Ark, but it said more than just a card to me, like every time it came up it was telling me to look around and accept the world and embrace it.

  5. rush-collection im heading down uncertain times been getting lots of messages .. opportunities i lost breaks my soul... and circumstances dire karma full force..everything says keep going even though my intuition says its only a matter of time

  6. rush-collection ,thank you for this amazing website, It has been helping me on my journey. Sending you love and blessing .

  7. I seen this 101 number through a dream, it's all I can remember

  8. I always use this number and decided to look up on it and amazed by what I read on it I'm happy I used this number all the time

  9. Every time I look at the time this past week it is 11:11 every time.
    Today Now Reading this Its 12:12

  10. Hi... I have had continual repeating varying triple digits.. ie: 1:01, 2:02. 3:03, 9:09, 7:07 etc... this has been happening for a few months now and progressively more each week/day. I also see continuing 114.. or 1414 or 144 etc all the time. What does all this mean? I read all the wonderful clues here from rush-collection but they keep pointing back to Angels guiding me to focus on my Life Purpose or Soul Mission, but I don't know what my Soul Mission or Life Purpose is :-( How can I follow my Life Purpose if I don't know what it is. I'm so frustrated. I've been asking for help and guidance but still, I'm left in limbo, not knowing what God or His Angels want me to do. Please help me Joane or anyone. Thank you, with love, respect and peace.

    1. How to Work Out Your Life Purpose / Soul Mission


      (All of the bold/highlighted words contain links to articles relating to that topic. Simply click on the word for more information.)



    2. hi rush-collection, where does all the info for angel numbers come from? how do we know that this info is all true?

  11. Thanks rush-collection but it doesn't help me because I have strong connection with God and His Angels and I seem to know what "could" be my purpose or soul mission, YET, I suffer debilitating relentless chronic pain. and have been for the past 3 years. This makes it all but impossible to act on my inner guidance and passions. I pray a lot. I talk with Angels Michael and Raphael and of course I turn to Jesus for physical healing. The pain I suffer is extreme and constant and gives me "brain fog" so it's challenging for me to focus for more than a few minutes at a time - I'm so depleted and exhausted every day/night. Even as I write this, the physical pain has been extreme and is right now also. So, in receiving the 14, 114, 411 (and other combinations of 1 and 4) so very often (every day), and also the repeating 101, 303, 404 and throughout all numbers frequently, what am I supposed to do about all this guidance if I am in extreme pain 90% of my days and nights? I'm so very confused. Please help me out with these number patterns. And if I am supposed to be following the guides, how can I if I am afflicted with the chronic pain - what is the REAL message here for me? I feel so tormented by reading the messages of these numbers because I simply cannot mentally of physically follow through. Please help me. Why would I be given guidance if the Angels and God know that I can't fulfill their guidance. Thank you.

    1. Sandy, learn to meditate, youtube has loads of meditation, start with guided meditation where you listen to someone talking you through it. I have fibromyalgia so I know what your going through. The trick is to learn to settle mind chatter, the thoughts that come into your head. Through guided meditation it keeps you focused on the persons voice and what they say for you to do. You will get thoughts come into your head but you will learn when to recognise when they come in. Throw them back out again and again concentrate on the meditation. If you can stick at it, it will benefit you immensely. When you learn to shut stuff out like toxic friends, ticking clocks, a pin drop to the floor and so on you know your on the right track. It's a slow process when you are becoming spiritual. When you can master meditation, I suggest you look up Reiki but use the traditional Dr Usui teachings you can google it. If you study Reiki you can learn to heal pain yourself. To bring your psychic abilities back to life can take years. I was spiritually broken, I'm now getting stronger in listening to my intuition. Good luck and keep at it.

    2. Hi Sandy. From my experience all these numbers mean is that change is available, change is coming and all you have to do is try and have faith. Try, try and try again. Try even when you are exhausted. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Never stop trying. Keep trying new things you think might help you with your pain. It doesn't matter if they help or not. It is the action that you are willing to try to be better and you are willing to put your trust in God that you will get better. Discard what doesn't work and keep trying. Try mental/physical techniques, videos, research, vitamins..just keep trying. The fact that you are on here asking questions is a good sign. You are trying so keep on keeping on and one day all will be well. That is what the numbers mean.

    3. Hi Sandy, As you try realize there is no reason for fear. The numbers are telling you that everything will work out, so there is no need for fear. The numbers are telling you that it is your time and you are being supported to do all you have wanted to do. You cannot fail if you try. Do what you KNOW you need to do, but have put off. Do what you have put off for years because of fear. Do what you can and you will be supported and it WILL work out and your life and your body will be better for it!

    4. Hi Sandy, I hope you're doing better! My sister who is 38 years old has fibromyalgia so I know exactly what you're going through. My sister has been battling fibromyalgia for 15 years, so I know your struggles. I would recommend going to several pain management specialist so that you can learn about the the treatments they offer. My sister finally met with a pain specialist doctor who really knows what she's going through who she really likes. She has seen several over the last 15 years and finally last Thursday she met a pain management doctor she likes. My sister jas opted to get pain injections starting this week and we're praying/claiming that this is my sister's breakthrough in the name od JESUS.! With that being said, Sandi please stay in the race even though every moment is hard for you to bare because of the pain, continue to keep the FAITH and don't give up! GOD has something in store for you, just like the previous writer before me said, "Change is coming" that's why you keep seeing the repeating angel number. GOD bless and I hope this information is helpful.

    5. Dearest sandy, through my personal experience with spirituality its not even having to learn what thoughts to control brake the barrier or tangible an untangle because with spirituality its perspective that changes the result. Dearest sandy listen to your inner voice what ever that may sound like to you. Know that you can ask God for any messages as long as your receptive to him you don't need a specific time to talk to him or a specific object just say okay God what do you want me to know about these numbers that your seeing and if you look at the spiritual meaning of anything know that God is replying to you all the time. Blessed be you and blessed be your angels and God because all paths lead to the divine.

    6. I sent you a message. But I would like you to email me at and come with an open receptive mind. Blessed be sandy and let me know where I met you when you email me so I know not to deleat it. Thanks so much I would love to talk with you.

  12. The harsh reality is you need to learn to change your reality meaning thoughts. Do not live at the mercy of obstacles. I found out I may not live for long therefore I have to change the way I think. What motivates you? Why do things bring you down? Question everything and follow what motivates and inspires you. If you are in pain ask for a sign and learn to quiet oneself. Meditation changes your thought patterns greatly. I highly recommend the man that channels another being called bashar on youtube. The channeller is called daryl anka. I find his perspective is on point moreso than common new age individuals. If you are unsure of anything ask yourself what do I have to lose? Let your guides/higher self give you the green light. Peace.

  13. I saw this number written on the ground where I exercise 101,101 101. First day I looked and felt something. Next day I looked and said to myself this has to mean something. Then on that third day I said this definitely has a meaning. It has to! later on in that day I was interested in something which I have no knowledge about...So I looked on the internet and found three separate articles with the number 101 in front of them. I couldn't believe it..Not only that. But up until that day..I went through some trying times. Awful..Saw just how evil people can be ...To make a long story short...Ever since I've gotten back my happiness and feeling inside so incredible I cannot describe. Through those trying times I kept my faith..Never strayed...and The Lord
    His Angels. My Mom. And all the good answered... THANK YOU ALL FOR HELPING ME! LOVE

  14. I've seen 00:00 and just now 01:01. I feel blessed everyda, and say a silent 'thankyou' to my angels everytime I see double numbers

  15. I see double numbers every day. Tonight it was 00:00, then 01:01. I feel blessed.

  16. How did you write every single one of these?

  17. I can make a super computer with number 101.
    The base of simple computer is 0 and 1.if you see this number 01 in the parallel mirror world is 10 so
    10+01=11. 10_1=9
    For multiple 11×9=99
    But what is 100
    100_001= 99. 100+1=101
    Zero is surrounded by 1 and 1 or 11.0 is emptiness between two things. ......
    If somebody support me I can make someny machine which are the best and dont need any switch ir petroleum to start so if anybody like support me this is my email

  18. I almost see 101 everday, microwave, clock, email send time, car license plate, scores, some of them are to real to be a mistake. I send a text to my wife to make sure she pray when she wakes up n when she goes to bed during her trip n when i send the text it was 1:01 am. Like i said its happen to me so many times i googled it and sure enough its a biblical number or angel number. You need to see it to belief it n it so constant that i started to do the cross every time i see it. Thank you all my christian brothers n sisters.

  19. Hi rush-collection,
    I appreciate your work. However I see every number but "00". I also see these quite often. Could you you help me please?
    Thank you

  20. NUMBER 0
    Number 0 carries the influences of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies, eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, the beginning point, potential and/or choice, and amplifies the energies and vibrations of the numbers it appears with. Number 0 relates to developing your personal spirituality and spiritual gifts.
    Number 0 represents potential and/or choice, a spiritual journey, developing your spiritual aspects, listening to your intuition and higher-self, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 also relates to the God force/Universal Energies/Source, and magnifies the influences of the numbers it appears with.
    Number 0 is the number of the Universal Energies/Source, the beginning point, eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, developing one’s spiritual aspects and connecting with the Higher-self, and denotes freedom from limitations. Number 0 also amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with.
    Number 0 represents the Universal Energies, the beginning of a spiritual journey and stands for potential and/or choice, developing spiritual aspects, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 powerfully amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with.
    Number 0 relates to developing one’s spiritual aspects and carries the vibration of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies, eternity, infinity, potential and/or choice, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point, and its energies emphasize the attributes of the numbers it appears with.

  21. Angel # 101 is phenomenal right at now in my life!!! actual and apparent signs are visible!!! Thank you Lord for the Angels!!! Zander a Mccoy posting!!!

  22. If you are reading this you will have an awesome day.
    Without the angels, I'm nothing without the guidance we are lost. Only the help of the angels and your acceptance to follow will set you free and reach everything that had seemed unreachable.
    One Love PK

  23. Thank you so much for all of your work. I am at your site twice a day looking up different angel numbers that I have been encountering and I would truly be lost without my angels and you and your work. Thank you, rush-collection. You are an earth angel and I am grateful for your help.

  24. Immensely blessed and grateful!!! ♡♡♡
    Awesome message and on point !!! ♡♡♡
    Love ,peace and Light to All!!!♡♡♡

  25. Merci Merci Merci

  26. La magie des anges est merveilleuse. Je me sens si bien sous leur lumiere.plein d amour pour tous

  27. What your saying isn't exactly the truth...
    to trust your own self means you rejected trusting upon Jesus Christ for salvation. These "angels" are rather demons, they come as an angel(s) of light, else they couldn't deceive you. I see the number 101 nearly every day.. I'll just happen to pick my phone up within those 60 seconds and see 101.. this happens to me, and my brother all the time, and no it's not a coincidence, it's very spiritual indeed. Jesus Christ has front n back, I'm not worried.

    1. When you pray to God our Loving Father and His Most Faithful Forgiving Son Jesus Christ, do you not ask Him to guide you, to send you a sign, to make way your path, to lead you down the right road, to send you direction? How so do you think God sends His signs to his faithful? Does He not send angels to help and watch over His faithful servant? How do you presume they are to communicate with us? How does He give us the answers we seek when we pray for guidance? How does He show us the signs we so desperately need to see? Are numbers not signs and symbols? We are not rejecting Him by following our own intuition, we are praising and Glorifying His name by following the blueprint of our soul and the life purpose that is His Will, for each one of us personally as individuals and creating the reality through our choices and decisions of Free will that He originally intended for us, that we may fully be Made in Gods image and so His Will may be done on Earth just as He has planned in Heaven. Now, please forgive my judgemental tone here but what part of any of that is Satanic/Demonic. The Devil uses the gift of Free Will as his most powerful tool against us. If we see these numbers as signs, guidance and answers from God and His angels that help us to be the very best version of ourselves that through us may they see He who made us, if we use these signs of guidance to get closer to God, strengthen our faith, to walk hand in hand with Christ our Lord, to receive the gifts & blessings that our Loving Father sends us and from that go forth and multiply those blessings tenfold toward our brothers and sisters all over the world, spreading love, peace & blessings because our cup spilleth over with Love, I'm not sure how that could possibly be demonic/satanic?

    2. God says "Is it not i that made the stars?" Did He not tell us that He will send angels to watch over and guide us and he will make our paths straight. His Will shall be done, and this is just one of the miraculous and mysterious ways in which our most Wondrous & Awe-inspiring, Benevolent & Most Superlative, Most Loving & Merciful Father in the Heaven works. He is Omnipresent, He is everywhere, on the microwave display, on your phone screen, in your car on the radio, everywhere you are, God is and He is trying to communicate with you in this way. "They listen but they do not hear, they look but they do not see" "Let he who has an ear to hear, incline it toward Me" (Paraphrased).
      We lean not on our own understanding but on every utterance and promise that cometh forth from His lips, He has set us apart from the world that we may see the truth in his words. Having true faith has nothing to do with going to church nor believing any of all of what is taught of God and Jesus, that we lean not on our own human understanding of Him as a collective whole but through our strength in faith and deeply personal connection with Him, may we draw so close to Him that we may not be blind to the signs He sends us and the answers and guidance that ask for when we pray. Maybe it's different for you, maybe your prayers and guidance are sent in the form of physical glowing angels and flaming, talking bushes appearing in your midst, although I highly doubt that, so how else is He suppose to talk back to us? Send guidance, encouragement, inspiration, motivation and constant reminders of His Love for us, if not by use of numbers, and angel numbers at that? Your "logic" and perception baffles me, you are of course entitled to your own opinion and free to make your own choices about what to believe, but opinion is not truth, the truth is the truth whether you chose to believe it or not and as much as you are Free to make your own decisions, you are not free from the consequences of such.
      I send this with the utmost of purest intentions, and would offer some friendly advice to reshift your focus, there is no place for rigid monotony when it comes to matters of the Lord and your heart and soul.
      May God & His Angels Bless & Protect you and may He who Loves us so unconditionally, make your paths straight.
      In Jesus name, who sacrificed His own life so lovingly, that I may live happy and free, in the Light of the Lord.
      AMEN, AMEN, & AMEN again!

  28. Oh, wow. I read at many places this topic, but most of them different heading and different content. This is something I find very fruitful, Thanks for the share.

  29. Thank you rush-collection for helping me with your sights. You have been able to give me so much help along the way :)
