Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Number 330 is a blend of the attributes of number 3 appearing twice, amplifying its energies and resonating with the Master Number 33, and the vibrations of the powerful number 0. Number 3 brings self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, skills and talents, friendliness and sociability, manifesting and manifestation, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 also relates to the Ascended Masters. Master Number 33 symbolizes guidance, compassion, blessings, the teacher of teachers, inspiration, honesty, discipline, bravery and courage and the spiritual uplifting of humankind. Number 0 resonates with eternity and infinity, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point, potential and/or choice and developing one’s spiritual aspectsNumber 0 amplifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with.  

Angel Number 330 indicates that your angels are trying to get your attention and is the Universe's way of alerting you to take notice. The message is to listen to and follow Divine guidance in order to take the most appropriate actions at this time. Remember that everything happens for a reason ...

Angel Number 330 tells you that any positive changes or projects you are considering right now will be well worth your while, and you will be assisted in their undertaking. Many Ascended Masters surround you at this time and are offering their guidance and assistance. All you need to do is ask as the angels and Masters are waiting to answer your prayers.

Angel Number 330 may indicate that now is a time to reflect upon your achievements and successes and bask in the rewards and positive abundance you have manifested in your life. Your energies and intentions have helped to manifest opportunities and circumstances that will provide the solutions and answers you seek.

Angel Number 330 resonates with optimism, positivity, receptivity, faith and trust and a deeper soul understanding of your life purpose. Be open to receiving well-deserved blessings, love and support from your angels.

Number 330 relates to number 6 (3+3+0=6) and Angel Number 6.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you! I believe this is what I needed.

  2. Some one please explain to me why I wake up 330 almost everynite and why I have 3 children my first had 3 babies ... My dreams when I sleep.. Sometimes I am seeing events happening as third party and when I wake up its all over the news... Am I going crazy?? In box me missfloraj@yahoo.can

    1. Same for me, 3:30 every night, and strange dreams.

    2. Same for me, 3:30 every night, and strange dreams.

    3. Our smoke alarms go off at 3:30am and they do it 3 times! Doesn’t happen all the time but has happened twice in the last 6 weeks. I believe it’s my mother.

  3. can someone explain 3301 please?

    1. Happy to. March 30 1. Would be the 1st birthday of Jesus.

    2. Wait? Is this real life?

  4. thanxs so much .. now i see the big picture .. 3 has been in my life since the day i was born..now i know why

  5. Thank you for this. I've also been waking up at 3:30 daily for the past 3 weeks, and I do believe I'm in the process of receiving a message. I've also had strong headaches the past two days, which at first I attributed to a lack of sleep, but now I'm sure is related to something else. Reading this helps, though. Thanks again!

  6. 3:30 is the cosmos; it is the stars, the galaxies, and the planets. 3:30 is the universe. 3:30 is life and life is 3:30. 3:30 is coming. It is coming for us all. 3:30 leaves no one behind There is no escaping 3:30, for 3:30 is coming.

    1. Explain more please, if with some scriptures, that will be awesome. Thanks and be blessed

    2. Kinda scary you comment has this morning in my country it started the panic around corona virus and I have been preparing ourselves (family) for the days to come. I just paid a bill of 330€ at 13h30 with 33 percent battery on the phone.

    3. wow..crazy how things like this happen! i was at my first adoration when i saw the shadow of Christ split into 3 pieces

  7. ^i loved that, thank you :)

  8. I had this dream in which my I experienced intense emotions. It was raining and it was night. My guardian angel was standing on the railing of the balcony. I reached for her hand to help her come down and into a place away from the rain but suddenly everything went white and I looked up. And she said "Riya now you are 330. Remember the no. 330" Please help me... I don't get what she wants me to do...

    1. Ariana Pelt, I don't really know but I can guess that if you keep up your positive thoughts you will bask in the rewards from them. Also, your Angels are watching over you with love. Keep the faith and trust and be open to receiving. You create your reality with your thoughts, intention and actions. Stay positive.

  9. I just a a HUGE negative interation with my cousin who I've been best friends with all my life (I'm 62, she is 65). Our disagreement was done through the use of our emails. The last one she sent said goodbye and good luck. This sounds like our relation is over. Then I saw 330 on the clock. The result of other double, triple numbers I've been seing (constantly) talked about discarding the old for the new to enter. I suspect now that our relationship seems to be over, they have been referring to that. As we have gotten older our similarities and beliefs have gotten further apart from each other. FYI, I never wake up at 3:30 but I usually see on clocks 333, 133,233,433 and so on as well as all the other numbers. I definitely feel as though I am in a growth spert of sorts. Thanks again rush-collection, you are a lightworker and I appreciate all the blessings coming into my life as well as the contrast so I can see clearer. God Bless.

    1. Remenber this....the past is past. The relationship you had is in the past. Any new relationship you have with her is new but will become the new past. Every day is new. Dont judge today by yesterday. They are two different things

    2. What a lovely post. Love and Light!

  10. Thank you very much for this love.

  11. I invoke my Realizations to the whole of humanity. The Revelation has come to Fruition. HALLELUJAH, AUM.

  12. My birthday is also 329 and i love what it says too

  13. I'm here!god send me here through a portal,i know it sounds like im crazy,but I'm'not jesus christ whiwh is older brother and a man that was perfect I love him for that but im a bit different than my brother i commit mistakes like evryever one else imI'not perfect but I'm gonna try to be best that i can be because thats what are father in the heavens want to at least try thats all,so you can choose to believe or not today is day one,so lets celebrate because are dad did not end the world today!

  14. I keep seeing 330 on my time 3:30 and 330 is my birthday March 30th

  15. My birthday is 330 also. I see 330 everywhere. It's not just me. My friend's see it also. I feel blessed.

  16. Perfect message, perfect timing, as always. I find your channelled messages of the numbers are pristine, I believe coming from Source via the Angels to you, to all of us blessed to find your work. You opened my eyes and allowed a clear channel of communication in my early days as a lightworker through to present, that has always been a reliable source of guidance. The impact on my life from mainly yourself and Abraham & Esther Hicks has been phenomenal. You have both connected me to Source, the Angels and my Inner Being and my life is so joyful, exciting and abundant because of this. I now get to guide and assist others in my everyday life and I always highly recommend your website to all of my clients, students and followers. We are all so very grateful for work and wish you many abundant blessings and much joy. Source chooses those who listen well to hear the clearest. It is your pure intentions and abundant gifts that have reached so many, that make you a shinning light we are all so blessed by. Thank you rush-collection xx

  17. This is a very settling and calm message.. so grateful for this passage. I have alot to learn .I please pray you be patient with meand thank you for everything. #1Fan

  18. At this moment I am thankful to know my real family is here as well. 3 surrounds me. Even the B.C. has four 3s , 3 5s , and a 6.
    If I may ask for prayer over me from all listening as you read.
    Know your loved. We'll see each other soon standing in our Truth. Our Dharma.

  19. This is the son of God I just want all y'all to know how beautiful my father is and how forgiven he is and just know that we all have blessings coming our way on God Amen

  20. Okay I can't hold it in no longer this is Brandon Lee Bailey I'm 41 years old and I'm not sure if everyone's heard that I'm the son of God I'm fully awake and I want to let people I trust believe me my people that I have the power to contact those this in heaven yes beautiful conversations you wouldn't believe and there's nothing more than for me to say I'm ready to take on my mission and help those that's in need of anything because of what I'm always saying if my daddy made it my daddy can fix it I'm more than just a man of faith I'm a true man with power and I was here to help our world get better and to clean our house up so that's exactly what I'm fixing to do all I need is my belongings

  21. Brandon Bailey and I forgot to say that even with.all the one's even heaven I have the gift to communicate conversations thank you father you are the BEST THANG THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED IN MY LIFE I'll give you PRAISE FATHER with every breath I take just like it's been for YEAR'S know hugs and kisses y'all much love
