Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Number 329 is a blend of the energies and vibrations of number 3, the attributes of number 2 and the influences of number 9. Number 3 brings self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, skills and talents, friendliness and sociability, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 also carries the vibrations of the Ascended MastersNumber 2 resonates with service to others, diplomacy and compromise, balance, flexibility and adaptability, duality, encouragement, support and kindness. Number 2 also relates to faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul mission. Number 9 relates to lightworking and humanitarianism, spiritual enlightenment, service to others, leadership and leading others by positive example, altruism and benevolence, and endings and conclusions. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, the concept of karma and the Spiritual Law of Karma.

Angel Number 329 is a message from your angels to put your faith and trust in them as they send you guidance through your intuition, visions, thoughts and promptings. Trust and believe the messages you receive and act accordingly by taking the appropriate steps. The angels know your life mission from a higher perspective and their guidance and directions come from a place of love, light and wisdom. Live your lightworking mission with faith, confidence, trust and wisdom by living your life as a positive example to others. Know that you are well blessed.

Angel Number 329 encourages you to have faith in your natural lightworking talents and abilities, and put them to good use. Trust the guidance from the angels in all aspects to do with your life mission and keep up your wonderful lightwork. You are helping others by living as a positive example and shining your love and light on the world. Always choose the path where you can do the most good in the world.

Angel Number 329 also brings inspiration to finish a project that you have been procrastinating over, and tells you to let go of things that no longer positively serve you.

Number 329 relates to number 5 (3+2+9=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Not only do I keep seeing 329, my birthday is March 29, so this number is extra special to me...

    1. Same here. And March 29th is my birthday as well.

    2. Holly crap. My bday is 329 too and one of my nickname is yumyum, yummy. I thought I wrote the first reply. Too close for comfort. I also happen to be an aries and one negative trait of an aries is procrastination. Wow.

    3. sooooo weird! I'm almost afraid to ask anything else that we may have in common. Nice to "meet" you... sorta : )

    4. We are all aries with bday 329 and Procrastinators.. FUNNNNYYYY!!!

    5. My birthday is MARCH 29th also lol!

    6. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


    7. This is such confirmation for me. I just saw it. And I have been pondering this very thing all day. Thank you for sharing your Light with us.

    8. I am a 329er, too!!! anyone born in 1955?

    9. Wow my birthday is also 329 and i love what it says too

    10. It's my bday too, and I started see it just before my dad died and last time just now..

    11. OMG.....me too..see it all the time and its my bday

    12. My birthday is March 29, 1984 and I have always seen this number whenever I glance over at a clock, or see the price of something, etc. Its really weird and so I started doing research on it, which led me here snd I read all of your statements which are extremely similar to mine and I must say...Im weirded out even more!! There is definately a reason for these occurrences!!!

    13. Happy birthday 🎂🎉🎂

    14. I must share (something I don't often do) My birthday is March 29th as well. I have been pondering thoughts recently on my life's purpose and adapting to change in my life that are out of my control. When I feel like I need a moment to myself I get in touch with nature. So, I decided to take a walk yesterday and noticed a license plate that only had 4 numbers (o letter) 0329. The irony is I had just listened to a podcast the day before about the number 0 and how God (as we understand him) is trying to get our attention. Well I have always saw the #'s 329 and just put it with my birthdays number. Seeing the 0 in front made me search the meaning which led me to this article. This was confirmation to me. Especially since my step daughter (who I feel very strongly is a part of my life’s mission) came to me as I was reading this to tell me her lightbulb in her bedroom that I had changed less than a week ago had just blown and she needed me to change it again. There are no coincidences in this life. If you are seeing any sequence of numbers that make you wonder “why am I seeing this” Stop and ask what’s going on in my life, who or what am I thinking about? Open yourself to accepting these gifts from our God and his Angels to keep us on the path we need to be.

    15. I must share (something I don't often do) My birthday is March 29th as well. I have been pondering thoughts recently on my life's purpose and adapting to change in my life that are out of my control. When I feel like I need a moment to myself I get in touch with nature. So, I decided to take a walk yesterday and noticed a license plate that only had 4 numbers (o letter) 0329. The irony is I had just listened to a podcast the day before about the number 0 and how God (as we understand him) is trying to get our attention. Well I have always saw the #'s 329 and just put it with my birthdays number. Seeing the 0 in front made me search the meaning which led me to this article. This was confirmation to me. Especially since my step daughter (who I feel very strongly is a part of my life’s mission) came to me as I was reading this to tell me her lightbulb in her bedroom that I had changed less than a week ago had just blown and she needed me to change it again. There are no coincidences in this life. If you are seeing any sequence of numbers that make you wonder “why am I seeing this” Stop and ask what’s going on in my life, who or what am I thinking about? Open yourself to accepting these gifts from our God and his Angels to keep us on the path we need to be.

  2. Found this number 329 on the moon no lol out loud yes on the moon.

  3. I have been seeing 3:29 as a time of day, a lot lately. It is also the time I was born in the morning: 3:29 am.

  4. I have been seeing 3:29 as a time of day, a lot lately. It is also the time I was born in the morning: 3:29 am.

  5. Bigtime message to "surrender"... Just had quite the synchronicity with this #...

  6. 3/29 here omg its like they are purposely seeking my attention , i saw a spirit the other day - im open to it i want to help

  7. I have been seeing the number 329 in the most random places for the past 3 years everyday it is also my birthday too let's all get together somehow through email and try to figure this out this phenomenon. Yy4u777@gmail.com

  8. My birthday is also 329 and i love what it says

  9. Tru7h visit my page . YouTube for 7s . Numerology info .

    DEVORJAE Dedmon

  10. I've seen it SSSOOO many times and itsithe birthday of someone who I loved so much. Also, the time stamp of rush-collection for this post is 4:26 and that's my sister's birthday. This morning the song Joanna by Kool and the Gang kept playing over and over... So many signs,yet still so confused. :'(

  11. 329 is the birthday of a man I love so much. Plus, the time stamp of rush-collection's post is 4:26 which is my sister's birthday. This morning i kept hearing the song 'Joanna' over and over. So many signs, yet still so confused :'(

  12. I have seen 329 for a couple years at least and keep asking what it means to other people but don’t really get an answer and it’s getting more frequent. It’s also my birthday. I have always been spiritual but never connected with anything to express it. Got cancer and it led me right to spirit and been a student to learn what the message is and what I am needed to do while I heal myself. If anyone wants to connect would welcome it carol@clewis.com

  13. Being seeing 329 everywhere look and it's also my birthday

  14. I don't know but those numbers 329 I've always seen it... Home at work on a road almost everywhere and everyday on a wall on a cars I mean everywhere looks like it's hunting me, and I always waking up early in the morning at a time on a clock 3:29... It's everyday

  15. In my dream. I saw 3:29pm on the phone. I don't like the person who was using the phone so i keep checking the time. Also, it's not my birthday or something that is related to me. Hope I'll get an answer

  16. Lol are you guys like me? I curious how similar we all are maybe we all should unite and finally cleanse this world

  17. Amen to a world cleanse!!

  18. All of the things I read are true on here. I wantu learn how to channel my mind and energy directly to positivity without minding how negative our world is. Thank you for such a wonderful article. I'll always come back to read and aquire this unending knowledge. Thank you

  19. I keep seeing the numbers 3:29 on my clock. I won’t touch it for quite some time. I pick it up and it 3:29. My daughter passed away last year on March 29th, just 9 days after she turned 22. Please help me understand why I keep seeing this time. At first I was very sad. I do not like that set of numbers. But then a very sweet young lady brought these Angel numbers to my attention. Is this my baby girl trying to talk to me??

  20. I keep seeing the numbers 3:29 on my clock. I won’t touch it for quite some time. I pick it up and it 3:29. My daughter passed away last year on March 29th, just 9 days after she turned 22. Please help me understand why I keep seeing this time. At first I was very sad. I do not like that set of numbers. But then a very sweet young lady brought these Angel numbers to my attention. Is this my baby girl trying to talk to me??

  21. I see 329 all the time, it's my birthday like many of you. I recently totaled my car and not only did my incident report have the number 329 in the police report, but my new car's payment is due on 3/29. I've never leaned into any of this, but lately after catching the clock on 329 so many times and making a folder on my phone I've found it hard to ignore. My question to anyone who sees this is: most of these angel numbers say that it's someone you know who might be talking to you, but as a proudly out trans person whose been kicked out by my mom because of it, it seems unlikely that my ancestors would feel different than my mom.

    Do these numbers have to be people or ancestors? I am afraid that I can't even count of these angel numbers to support me, if that makes any sense.

  22. I think this number was meant for me because my birthday scheduled (3/29) because my brother had taken so long in labor. Has to be a sign, right?!

  23. I'v seen 629,829 and now 329... Thank you for the confirmation. So Grateful tooooo
