Saturday, August 13, 2011


Number 303 is made up of the vibrations of number 3 and number 0, with the number 3 appearing twice, amplifying and magnifying its influences. Number 3 relates to the attributes of expansion and the principles of increase, spontaneity, broad-minded thinking, encouragement, assistance, talent and skills, self-expression and communication. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters, and indicates that the Masters are around you, assisting when asked. They help you to find peace, clarity and love within, and are helping you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others. The Ascended Masters also assist with manifesting your desiresNumber 0 magnifies and amplifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with. Number 0 a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects and is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find your answers.  

Angel Number 303 is a message from your angels that any positive changes or projects you are considering right now will be well worth your while, and you will be assisted in their undertaking. Many angels and Masters surround you and are offering you their guidance and assistance. All you need to do is ask. The angels and Ascended Masters are waiting to answer your prayers.

Angel Number 303 gives you the courage to live your life with enthusiasm and optimism, safe in the knowledge that you are well blessed, loved and supported in all that you do. Live your life with joy, passion and purpose as this will manifest your true desires. Be prepared to expand and increase your spiritual development and awareness and be grateful for the blessings in your life, and those yet to appear.

Number 303 relates to number 6 (3+0+3=6) and Angel Number 6.

Also see:
Repeating 3’s and 0’s  (30, 303, 330, etc)



Sacred Scribes

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Hi rush-collection,
    This is the #1 best site for Angel Numbers. Bless you 10 fold for your work.

    I would like to let you know that 224 is coming up as 226...oops!

    Much love...of horses too...Colleen(Canada)

    1. Thanks Colleen!!


    2. rush-collection This angel number site helped me through a divorce and I was guided bery Closely by angels and the synchronicity with my life happenings. I just want to say thank you and I love you!

    3. I really enjoy your blog it is very informative and educational-keep up the GREAT work

    4. Absolutely agree this is the number 1 best site for Angel Numbers, thank you Divine Spirit <3

    5. you are my only numbers guide..the rest are not as great. thankyou everyday xxx

  2. i got a peak on the number 303 while day dreaming, does it have the same meaning?

    1. It sure does John ... day dreaming is one of the best times to receive the numbers :)



    2. Awesome! I usually receive numbers when I'm day dreaming or thinking about goals and aspirations.

  3. I can't believe this is following every minute of my life. It's incredible. It's true, people. We're not alone. We really do have back-up form the Higher Ups. You just need to believe, ask, have faith, and believe again. I will remember this domain if I ever receive something awesome in life. <3

    1. Yes it is real and we are not alone, guidance is always there it's up to us to notice and work with it, Blessings to you

    2. I couldn't agree with you more. The last few years have been difficult, my whole life has always had its challenges and as pretty as I am I never really fit in and although I met a lot of people over the yeats and probably missed out on some great opportunities, I lacked the self esteem and confidence in myself to take any chances. So I became a widow 3 years ago, and two of my children moved away. My youngest is 17 and will be carving out his path soon. So I went from a family of 5 to just me and a teenager who is either playing video games or with his friends. I have lost everything, home,job,car,best friend and partner,the flawed family I fought so hard for even my car. Then othdr problems arose. Way more than most people couldnt survive. I felt hopeless and ready to give up. But a few months back something changed. It started with a shining stone where my neighbors home had been for over 40 years. Turns out it was a amethyst and quartz rock bivger than a football. I knew it was a sign and meant for me. Then I started to find crystals, not cut and polished but they were everywhere I went. Then the numbers started and I am so grateful I found this site. I am changing more each day. No lomger feeling sad and alone but anxios and excited abput the next chapter of my life and all the happiness and abundance that are waiting for me as I believe more each day that true happiness is waiting for me. Ive been letting go of the past and forgiven the people who have hirt me and started to be grateful for everythimg I do have and release any megative energy and people. With your help I am reading the constant signs Im getting and havimg faith that everything is goimg to be ok and all that ive been through will be distant memories !! I am hooeful.and so blessed. Thank you God, angels, jesus, ancestors and the universe !! I am so tgrateful for them and this site that through you I am able to understand what I need to do and this courage to do it. God bless πŸ™πŸ‘ΌπŸ‘£✨🌷

  4. rush-collection,

    Your site never seems to stop amazing me, time and time again. Thank you so much for making this blessing available to us. I 2nd what colleen wrote above!!

  5. Thanks for the amazing ressource that you created for everyone out there! You are wonderful and helpful, people like you are much needed on mother Earth.


  6. Also the person who has the name rush-collection or Johanne are good people usually because my mother used to be called Johanne (french name) and my sister-in-law is called rush-collection to (not still sΓ»re if its with a h or not never asked.:-D

  7. Hello, this is every interesting, it seems that I see 303 on some of the weirdest things. It feels like it is telling me something but I just don't know what. Where do you get your finds for these numbers? I am very intrigued and just unsure of what to think when I see this number. Please let me know, I will be extremely greatful. Thank you!

    1. I have a strange obsession with is number as well.
      Subject: 303

  8. I have been seeing 303 everywhere for the last few weeks. Oddly enough it started after purchasing a musical instrument called the roland Tb-3 which is a remake of the roland 303...

  9. I am somewhat new to the site I was introduced to rush-collection sacred website by my sister. I begin to notice the number 3 appearing often and lately my new street address is 303 and when I return to join in website and read what it meant it blew my mind. I received everything that I read and I would like to personally thank you rush-collection for utilizing your gift and being such a blessing to the people. May u be richly blessed always. If you have anything you can add to this it would be appreciated.

  10. This morning I had a strange dream. I dreamed I received a text message that said 303-EME. Nothing else. What does it mean? And btw...I'm constantly receiving "dream texts"

    1. I found a page named angel searching 303-EME.. amazing.. it doesn't talk about angel...but it's so particular... i'm confused

    2. EME may be earth mineral engineering

  11. I don't know if this is the meaning or if it has something to do with where I live. 303 is my area code.

  12. Hi rush-collection, I love the work you put into this site. I have always used it as a reference for the numbers that show up in my life. However, I'd like to extend your work to my audience. I know you have copyright regulations etc. Tell me how can I share your work? (I wanted to quote what you said and your url)

  13. Thank the Lord, I'm in tears right now because I have been going through some things (marital, financial) for the past weeks. This message from the angel to me is right on and I give God the Glory.

  14. This is a true blessing. It has opened up my heart. My eyes and my soul. My spiritual journey is starting for real now
    Thank U so much rush-collection

  15. Hey rush-collection, these numbers are so accurate it amazes me. What your process like for receiving the intuition for these? Have numbers always spoken to you? Just curious. Many thanks, Mason.

  16. Thank you rush-collection, I have been waking up up at 3:03 for the last few mornings. I have been getting visions of strong light coming from my hands. Do you think this is to do with Healing or lightwork ?

  17. Wonderful site, God bless you for your wisdom and service in bringing this to the world. I am eternally grateful! Sending divine love to you! xo <3

  18. I am about to close on the purchase of a little garage apt that I immediately fell in love with when I saw the ad for it. I have been divorced for 2 years, haven't dated, been a scaredy cat to do something big, and have felt very stuck. I cannot begin to describe how overwhelmingly right it feels for me to buy this apt. I have been delighted by the creative wheels turning in my head and the explosion of positive feelings and thoughts I am experiencing. The address? 303

  19. I'm at a real cross roads in my life job I hate, unfulfilling relationships and being let down by who I thought were good friends. Seeing these numbers have given me the hope and inspiration to make changes and look forward love and light.

  20. Hi rush-collection and thank you for your work. The night after I lost my mother, I woke up at 3:03 and looking at the numbers on my digital clock while lying down, it spelled mom. I can't tell you how often 303 shows itself to me, the latest being when I received a watch from my daughter, the time was set to 3:03, no battery. That is one of many, many examples over a ten-year period. I took my son to football camp and his room number was 303, I saw a license plate 303, I wake up at 3:03 a lot, and the list goes on! Is there significance or is it my hopeful imagination?

    1. There is absolutely a great deal of significance, as you have pointed out yourself ;)


  21. Thank you! Exactly how do I know what it means though? It's the interpretation that puzzles me so.

  22. Sorry but ive been seeing these numbers for years and nothing has changed.

    its only a number. nothing more than that.

    1. It's all about the Law Of Attraction, my dude. It's explained on this site so check it out. Basically what you put out emotionally comes back to you physically. The numbers come in to play because your guides are helping you to joyfully serve your life purpose to benefit yourself as well as others, via the Law Of Attraction. You really need to check out Esther Hicks on youtube, she really hits it on the nail. I wish you luck on finding happiness in your life experience, friend.
      Peace out and rock on,
      Matilda S.

    2. It's all about the Law Of Attraction, my dude. What you put out emotionally (in thought form) comes back to you physically. With the numbers, your guides are giving you advice and assistance with serving your life purpose to benefit yourself and others. Check out Esther Hicks on youtube, she really hits it on the nail. In fact, just 17 seconds of positive thought kicks the Universal forces in your favor--so get after it and take the reins in your experience! I wish you luck in finding happiness in your life experience. Go have some fun for awhile and feel the joy and the release of resistance.

      Peace out and rock on,
      Matilda S.

    3. And remember: where your thoughts go, energy flows (whether good or bad)

  23. I normally see the number 1111 everyday but last night I woke up at 3:03 am to someone yelling my name . I startled me and woke me from a dead sleep but of course no one was their could this have been my spirit guide?

    1. Absolutely. And it is a lot, lot more common that you may imagine ;)


  24. I'm a corporate trainer and everyday this week, I've dismissed my class at 3:03pm. The class pointed it out to me. I knew it had to mean something.

  25. Thank you again rush-collection. Every time I look on your site it always helps me. All day everyday. God bless and namaste. Love and light always.

  26. We lost our beloved dog & family member of 12 years last night. My eldest is inconsolable & she just received a missed call from +0303. We have never seen this number & she insists its dominic trying to reach her. Is it?

    1. It most certainly can be ...



  27. I just Love your website!!! Thank you so much for your awesome messages and insight!!!

  28. I use a gematria calculator

  29. I had a dream in 2007, 3 nights in a row and woke up at exactly 3:03am all nights, in sequence, having the same exact dream. In my dream, I'm in Washington state on an island near the Narrows bridge. I'm looking out at the Puget sound from a small island close by. I'm with others who are trying to get away from something, and as I turn around to look back at the bridge, the entire sky lights up brighter than anything you've ever seen and flames hit me as I awake looking at 3:03 on the clock. I am SURE that it was a nuclear bomb. Do you think this could be an omen for the future, or perhaps glimpses of realities that may have already happened. I'll hopefully never know. I pray that it is closer to the Angel's 303 interpretation and rather not the Devils hour as some have told me. Any thoughts?

  30. Devil's hour? I just woke up and went to toilet and after watched the clock it was 3:03. I had a dream about that all corporations were collapsing.

  31. Thank you rush-collection.

  32. Hello rush-collection the reason I read your post is because I saw the same number twice on the clock 3:03 at night as well as 3:03 at afternoon...and somehow your post resembles my condition..i started meditation not long ago it's been hardly 1 month and last night while meditating I felt like I had reached new level and in addition to that I saw that number I am new to this can u please elaborate on the reason why I see those numbers did u go through the same experience and how did u derive that it's the angel's number..u reply would be appreciated by heart.. Thank you

  33. My car number plate are also 303,i just keep seeing 303 and 1111 what that's meaning for me? Can someone help me out with it? I kinda love my car number plate 303 for the first time i bought my car.

  34. Wow i just seen this number 303am and i was in thought realm, thinking on goals, buisness you know, come across this and everything mentioned, just gave me clarification😊 thanks alot!

  35. Thank you for creating this site. It is my go to page whenever I need answers to the repeating numbers in my life! ☺

  36. I was waiting for my ride to arrive after work and this Asian guy sat down next to me and started chatting with m, said he was an Angel. We spoke about spiritualit. When my ride arrived he said see you later Mr 303.??!!

  37. Thank you rush-collection I am on your site all the time as I am getting bombarded with angel numbers at the moment.

    1. You are taking steps to understand what is being communicated to you by your angels. I believe this will ensure your success in all you to do, as it aligns with your divine purpose. All best to you as you continue your journey.

  38. Thank you, rush-collection.
    Blessings, Joy and Love to you and yours.

  39. Thank you rush-collection you are a blessing! Love to you and thank you again for your wonderful site! 😊

  40. I had a crazy experience with 0303

  41. Dear rush-collection...
    Thank You so much for explaining the meaning of repeating numbers. I visit your site often (as repeating numbers and palindromes keep happening to me all the time) .... Really appreciate your kindness and effort in helping us decipher the meaning. Sending you positive vibes.

  42. I went to sleep after setting my alarm for 5:00 am ,the alarm went off when I got up to turn it off I seen that it was only 3:03 am I thought maybe it was a dream but I really believe this really happened it felt so real I googled 303 on web an came across this site

  43. now i am registerd my CAR with no 303. ANY SPECIAL MESSAGE?

  44. thanks for helping me and for being there whenever I need ..I will try to ask for your assistance and I will keep your supporting love help and guide in my heart and in my feelings. I feel save secure and guided and blessed for reaching out to me on this special daytime.

  45. Thank you for this piece of information.
    Feeling peace within

  46. I love your page, thank you for sharing your knowledge ❤

  47. Hello rush-collection, just found your site and love it! Do you do personal numerology reports? Thank you

  48. Blessed and grateful, indeed.πŸ™❤🌟

  49. Thank you. I have been seeing this number everywhere recently, and it makes a lot of sense.

    1. In a sequence seen number 202, 303, 404 ,707, 808 . What does it mean?

  50. Hi rush-collection

    This is the fist time posting. I am a creative artist/ jewellery designer who listens to both Angels & Ascended Masters. Going through various levels of transformation, these numbers are "very important" as they guide me not only through this time but it will "propel" me into the success in future.
    Grateful thanks to you for all your guidance and love.
    Blessings Catherine

  51. Wow loving Father we thank you for everything blessing and guidance i recieve it in Jesus name thanks to my guardian angels and to you rush-collection

  52. rush-collection,

    tha k you so much your site has helped me to understand exactly who I am and what I'm supposed to do. because of your insight I myself am beginning to understand my own psychic and intuitive gifts, and am beginning to use them for the greater good. I recently started my channel wow oracle on YouTube. thank you soooo much

  53. Thanks be to God Jesus i love you Lord amen thank you guardian angels

  54. I have awakened that last 2 days at 303 and have a lot of 3s as well. Along my journey every message has been acknowledge going forward. These last days have actually brought me to tears and my inner love has bloomed. I look forward continually now and my focus on my life mission is very clear and have written it out in my journal. I now feel absolutely certain this is ready to happen. I cannot thank all you, my angels and Jesus enough!! I Love You all!!!
    Blesdings and Deep gratitude to all!!

  55. Today's message was very loving. I could actually feel I was hugged. Thank you angels. Love right back attcha!

  56. Amen in the name of Jesus Christ holy name Amen & Amen πŸ§ΏπŸ’–πŸ’›πŸ’―
