Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Number 66 is comprised of the vibrations and energies of the number 6 doubled and amplified. Number 6 carries the attributes of humanitarianism, community, service to others, home and family, domesticity and social responsibility, grace, gratitude and simplicity. Number 6 also relates to material issues and provision. Number 66 is a powerful number of unconditional love, healing and faith and trust in the Divine. 

Angel Number 66 is a message from your angels to put your faith and trust in the benevolence of the Universe as your daily needs are continually met. The angels are assisting, guiding and supporting you with manifesting your goals, desires and wishes. Keep your thoughts positive when the Angel Number 66 appears.

Angel Number 66 also asks you to balance your physical, material and spiritual lives. Focusing on your spirituality and living a conscientious and purposeful lifestyle will ensure that your material needs are met as you serve your Divine life mission. Give any fears or anxieties about your monetary and material issues to the angels for healing and transmutation, and trust that as you live your spiritual truths all of your needs will be provided for. Be open to receiving and accepting help and assistance from your angels, the spiritual realm and other people in your life.  

Angel Number 66 also suggests that all is well in regards to your home and family life. Enjoy your relationships and the companionship of those close to you and give love freely and unconditionally.

Number 66 also relates to number 3 (6+6=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.

See also:
Repeating 6’s  (6, 66, 666, 6666 etc)
Angel Number 6
Angel Number 666

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

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  1. For the past year everyday 24hours day and night, I see these numbers groups, or group of set numbers. It got so bad, I've started to log them nowv for about 6months now, date and time. .Here's the sets of numbers I get daily: 1:01, 1:11 , 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 6:06, 7:07, 8:08, 9:11, 9:09, 10:10, 11:01, 11:11', 12:12... When Im in Public, I see: 77,777, 7777, 88, 888, 8888, 99, 999, 9999... My email is carmine5100@gmail.com..Please contact me, Thankyou

    1. I too have been bombarded with the same after my Dad passed in 2009. I finally had something pop up on Facebook and boy oh boy. They are called Angel Numbers very interesting. Just type in angel number 11:11 and do a search.

    2. I know this thread is old but I've been going through something similar. Everywhere I look it's all sorts of synchronicities like that, especially ones.

    3. me too, I feel like Im going nuts with double and triple numbers, Whats interesting is that I can follow my life course just why keeping track of the meanings and applying them as I go along in my day. Reading Angle numbers a road map From the Devine to reach your lifes destination. Took me a minute to figure it all out but Im starting to see the point.

    4. i am the same, if anybody can shed light or wants to talk email me prpriddell (@gmail.com)

  2. Not sure what proof can be supplied to support this information. I'm looking for answers but kind of set on just the truth and not just another version of it. I've heard this number means "transformation" and even has something to do with the number of man(something to do with carbon), and I'm sure there are many more "guesses". I've been seeing this number for a few years now(4 or 5) and for some reason, I know there are others who see it or know of it. Some could use coded messages that follow this number. A tip-off among those who see it. CNN seem to be pretty hip on that number and purposely use that number for so many of their articles. I can say I do like this explanation but again, I still prefer the truth, and there is only one of those. Sadly, when it comes to truth, just what do we really know and what do we choose to believe? I can assure you, it's not even or balanced. We know so little and the truth has been hidden so well.

    1. Rusty kik me the realjoker865Monday, April 25, 2016

      The truth is different for every one of us and no one can tell you the answers you need .the answers are inside us .it's what we agree with and what feels right for us.there are energies here to help and to harm fill your day with love and positivity the energy you put into the world you will also receive for what energy you put out for the world to see will attract that same energy where it's good or bad energy you put out that's up to everyone of us .I suggest meditation and searching your inner self for answers .cause you can search every where in this world and find many explanations but only one will be your truth and the answers are only waiting for you to be calm and balanced and they will find you and reveal them selves. So meditate and invite all the love and help that God and the positive forces that are around you to help you some of those forces are from our realm some from others and some from through the time and space in the universe. Energy never stops it only transforms .so invite love in and expelled all that's negative .if anyone has anything they would like to ask message me

    2. Hi I used to see number sequencing for years...the last 2 months I have been seeing 66 everywhere and frequent..especially my phone 🔋66% ! Trips me out even as spiritually in tune as I am. We have to seek the Lord for guidance and help with interpretation.
      I do biblical meditation. Everyone should try it! Rusty kik me the realjoker865 I do free demonstrations
      Email: apmee.org@gmail.com

    3. I always see the numbers 66,44,444...i. got super emotional when I read what 66 meant amazing angels are with me I really need to start letting them in an helping me God Bless

    4. I always see the numbers 66,44,444...i. got super emotional when I read what 66 meant amazing angels are with me I really need to start letting them in an helping me God Bless

    5. Evil spirits? Hahaha what a joke! If you have open communication with your angels ect ect your beyond *evil* evil is earth bound not the spiritual realm. Get real.

  3. I see 66 everyday different times a day!

  4. The number 66 follows me everyday I see it at least 12 times per day

  5. I read a book once that said that these guys were seeing the same numbers again and again and then they found out their house was haunted with evil spirits.

  6. I've been seeing 6 or 66 constantly for 2 to 3 years now I'm at my wits end with seeing it I'm afraid it's witchcraft or something

    1. Coincidentally I also get 66 everytime my batt indicate that🔋 66%. I don't know why, but I can't say things have been simple since this number started getting my attention. But I am certain The Almighty will make a way and ease things for me.

  7. I had a dream with the numbers 1,2,7,11,66. Yet 66 seemed to stand out more than the rest of the numbers. Long story short i googled what 66 meant and when i clicked on the first link which was this one, i stayed in shock seeing the numbers i dreamt 12.7.11-66

    1. That is really cool, Jesus. Did any other signs occur? I see the date 12.7.11 at the top, and that is amazing!

    2. Remember your dreams. That's where I get most of my number messages. Like I got time 8.53 this morning. A gym instructor telling me workout with me at 8.53 ☺

  8. All my life 66 is everywhere everyday! Good to know its not bad !

  9. im another that sees 66 atleast 10times everyday for awhile now,for a week or so it was really bad like 20-30 times aday

  10. Hi guys for me mine little bite strange because I was in dream where I received a ball from the sky when I looked I see this number 33 and I received a hat at the same after that I keep seeing this number all the times every times,everywhere wanna know what all that's mean to me please let me know...

  11. I've just accepted that I'm a 66er. It started about 4-5 yrs ago and I've know others who see it to everyday several times a day like me. I don't think it is bad. I think it is a sign of some sort. I feel that I'm in good company!

  12. I've always been a 34, but lately my eye has been catching 66. Can our numbers change?

    1. Hi Kristy,

      It's not that our numbers change; although, II suppose they can change in a sense. Our Angels speak to us through the numbers, so they can speak to us through infinite possibilities as numbers are infinite.

      And as you grow and change, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and as your life takes different paths and phases, your numbers and messages can and will change. For me, before 11/11, I would always see 222 and 911, then I started seeing the 1111.

      After that, I started seeing 444, 4444, 333, 777, 888, etc. And then I started to recognize other numbers that were messages. Now, I follow my instinct when I see a number that I believe is a message, and sure enough when I look it up (I also have the book of Angel Numbers by Doreen Virtue, but I'm obsessed with this blog!), the numbers are always right on for exactly where I'm at in life or what I'm going through. The messages are always point-on. Example: I saw 0066 and knew that the 66 was a message for me and that the 00 amplified the power of the 66 message, because the messages of numbers with 0 are amplified and even more powerful. I also saw a 744 to night, and 1414. Sometimes, I'll look up one number and see more numbers in the total count of this blog and know their messages. I see them in license plates, on receipts, on the clock, anywhere. I hope that helps.


  13. I just came out of a really bad break up with a girlfriend who was a sociopath and narcissistic I cried everyday till I had chest pains, I prayed a lot for Relief from my pain one night I went to bed as always with my tears I Began to dream Of the number 68 8 66 I immediately looked it up Without going back to sleepI have not cried since that day

    1. I'm sorry you went through this. I am still dealing with my feelings for a narcissist for over a year after. I keep getting signs to let go and of encouragement from the angels. I've done meditation and cord cutting, still I cannot get him out of my mind and heart .He isn't even the first or worst narcissist I've been with. Makes no sense. You are blessed you have recovered.

    2. Try unwiggling the cord from the root instead of cutting it then fill the hole with love x

  14. 66 is a powerful number for me as well. I see it every day, every where. License plates, bus routes, and even on stupid video games with points. I, however, feel it is a deeper meaning for me...and I've been extremely patient waiting for an answer and letting my guides point me. I am getting a little frustrated as to what that deeper meaning is suppose to mean...if that makes sense to anyone? I realized years ago these numbers were meant for a relationship I was in...and then it failed. One day... the repeating stopped. I took it as... the uni has now saved me from a bad relationship. EXCEPT...Now they are back. I'm happy, calm and life could not be better. I'm single, making great money and safe. I just don't know what to make of this?

    1. The angels will direct you in times of your life as you need it. If you are seeing them again that proves they are guiding to a better life as they did before. ^^ God bless you!

    2. The angels will direct you in times of your life as you need it. If you are seeing them again that proves they are guiding to a better life as they did before. ^^ God bless you!

  15. I've been seeing 66 on everything i see all day long. It was nice to hear that it is not suppose to be bad.

  16. 66 has been in my life for about 13 years now about to get a tattoo but before I did I decided to see if it had meaning an we'll look at that it is worthy of a tattoo

  17. The number 66 has been in my life for about 13 years now ..The number has been so prevalent that I was thinking about having a tattoo of it. That's why am here I wanted to see if it had meaning and was worthy of a tattoo. Well I guess it is

  18. 66 started for me on the 23rd of December 2015. Driving to my moms 3 hours north of me. I set my cruise control to 65. The whole drive itncruised at 66 (give or take) ever since then, daily, the battery on my phone right now is at 66% .. changebat the store. Totals at then store. Video games, I got my refund back and with the amount that was in my account, then added my refund i checked my bank and it totaled 6609. it's fricken everywhere. Glad to know it's not bad... I've been having a lot of negativity in my life and my 3.5 relationship with my sons father has been really rocky, and my mental state is stressed and depressed. Reading this will deffinitly help me think more positively. Keep it coming 66.

  19. I see 66 all the time too.. One that got my attention was that It was a cycle of a new life it had said it also meant pregnancy and yes it was true my wife is pregnant with a second child which 66 was also meant to be a girl. now I have accepted the number 66. from many thing that I seen in life I think 66 has being the biggest impact I have ever had it had really change my way of my mind

  20. Thanks For this information! Before I've seen this meaning/message of number 66, I was afraid and concerned because I didn't know what it meant, thinking it's a bad omen or something. I would keep seeing 66% every time I looked at my phone(battery life). Also, my phone number is comprise of only the digits 1,2,3 before I would think it's just a coincidence. I was completely wrong! This Sacred scribe site has reveal to me that number 66 is related to the Angel number 3 6+6=12 1+2=3. I'm utmost thankful because i do feel as though I'm going through a spiritual phase. peace love & light rush-collection. xo

  21. I would like to look at this as an indication to start reading the most selling book in the world that comprises 66 books in it. "BIBLE"

  22. Thank you for your explanations! I keep seeing 66 % on my tablet computer.

  23. Number signs are so important for us, especially when we are not yet ready or open to receive messages in other ways. We are constantly surrounded by numbers in this day and age which helps perfectly with receiving messages, information and signs from numbers! Last year, I told myself that if I don't look I won't see, so I became more aware of my surroundings, paying attention to details and signs! The first number was 8. In that period of time I was moving fast through my path and 8 guided me perfectly! As I got to a cross roads in life, my numbers changed with choices and routes. I saw 6, 10 and 5. Now I've come to here and now, but I'm quite slow because I'm transitioning into a new state of being. But the numbers 33, 44 and 55 have encouraged me. This year I saw 66 and 77 as I a sign but I forgot where and how. I remember thinking, well I wouldn't see those numbers on a clock considering everytime I would look at the time it's 33, 44 or 55 minutes past all day and all night! I still see 33, and 44 now but sometimes it 34 or 43... Interesting! Today I woke up from a dream which had a ladybug with the number 66 on its back. I'm guessing it's time to love my responsibilities and to balance my life out... I also see 1313 lately... Just now as I'm writing, I guess that explains what I'm going through to some extent... Everything is changing within me, sometimes it's I suffer from it and sometimes it's a relief. My spiritual gifts are increasing and it's amazing but everything else is changing, my appetite, my interests, my hobbies, my career... I feel like everything I should be doing should revolve around this new found love! It's just a slow, confusing and hard process to change your physical life and actions into something completely different and unknown! All I know is I should be doing something lovely and I will find out soon... A very long message, I felt like I just had to share it! I should probably buy a diary/journal haha! Peace and love to you (whoever reads this) and blessings :)

    1. Hi, Your story sounds beautifully similar to mine. Even from trying not to look at clocks due to reaching too hard & still seeing the signs. I am just getting started with truly embracing this new found awakening as of the last couple months and experiencing all the things you mentioned even the exact same numbers with the exception of mine being 23 or 32 instead of the 34 or 43 & the 1212 instead of 1313. I also just recently felt compelled to write a rather long comment on this page of 77 angel number which I never do. But my question to you since you might be farther along your spiritual ascension is, have you noticed continued progress since this comment? Also do you have any advice to better understand and communicate back with the angels since we do have a clear awareness of their presence?

      Thank you so much.

  24. I have been seeing 66 for the last several months and then some. I am glad I finally decided to find out what it means, I have been really wondering. I have been going through a transition for a while now. I thought I would not end up going back to school to pursue my long time dream. Just the way how everything came about is a miracle in itself and I am a bit older for it too. ;) This is just one, there are more that the universe is trying to convey.

    1. Yep. I've been seeing that on occasion more frequently as I have gone through a quick transitional stage that has been, while almost earth moving in a positive direction, quite painless as I have placed my faith in integrity and accepting the gifts that God or the Universe is giving me, but only as I collaborate with it. For me, 613 is that co-creative message, make your own love, or be the change you wish to see in the world, 66 for me is almost a subset of that, do the work that needs to be done and you will be blessed.

    2. I'm not a religious person but what happened to me and my pet cat Joey in 2013 still blows me away!


  25. Just recently out of nowhere I packed my things up and moved to Huntington beach California from Vegas. I don't know anybody here and I have no idea what made me do this. But I have been following a path given to me by my creator. I'm living out of my car, I've been getting decent work and staying healthy. I know I will make it, I just have to continue working hard and keep saving. I've been really worried lately. Everyday for the past two weeks multiple times a day I kept seeing the numbers 66. I really had thought it may be a bad sign considering all the nonsense everyone says about 666. Not even a minute before I read this article, I was praying. Praying for guidance and acceptance to help me get thru this time of mine. I said, please give me a sign. And after I prayed, one minute later I had this random thought to look up "why do I keep seeing 66". After reading this article right after asking for a sign I am 100% convinced I do have angels, and the spiritual world is real. I have never been answered by my creator like this, and I wanted to share my story in hope to inspire someone. Thanks for your time, god bless.

    1. You did and you have. Follow God'path and your Angel numbers. God's love and guidance is alive and real. God bless you

  26. i would love to speak with someone about these things who are very knowledgeable,my kik name is almightyroyals

  27. That really resonated with me. I just noved to CA and my 1 month sublease is running out and I'm nervous, don't want to live out of a car. Just nervewrecking but been seeing this number a lot lately and have been worried about jobs/money and it all working out but I know it will.

  28. i keep seeing random repeating numbers like 757 161 717 626

  29. Its very important that we understand this: If you are seeing lets say, 1 number sequence at a time. Example: seeing repeating 22, or 311, or 66, etc, then this site is very very helpful. But, if you are in a position in life where you are seeing various number sequences like 1234, 11, 22, 33, 44,55 88, 99, or 211, 311, 411 etc, then you MUST DISCERN FOR YOURSELF what they mean FOR YOU. For example: 66 meaning to someone that is just seeing "66" frequently and no other numbers, then that most likely means the meaning on this website -focusing too much on the material world. But, if you are seeing 66 along with 22, or 33, etc, then it means something entirely different, that it is a step that you have completed. Take for example also, on this site the number 13 says to mean upheaval, and this may be the case if you are just seeing 13 and 13 only. But, if you are seeing also with 13, the numbers 55, 22, 66, 77 or any other numbers, it most likely means you are going to go through positive transformation of some kind as 22, 33, 44, means you are taking steps towards something positive and 13 is a sign of transformation. This site is great, but if you are heavily being guided you MUST discern for yourself or the meaning of one number can make you start thinking about a number in the wrong context. Numbers can be used positively or negatively, and if you focus on one number meaning something that doesn't seem to fit with you, then it will deter you from the correct meaning your guides are trying to get across. Look at your current life situation and trust yourself to know what they mean for you.

  30. Thank you Angels !
    Thank you rush-collection !

  31. Im so relieved to find that so many people are seeing the same thing. I am 16 and the number 66 appears everywhere, at first i was afraid something bad was gonna happen but then i realize it must be a sigh. I've never been considered a religious person never really liked it, i believe in some things but its been blown out of proportion. maybe its a sign, at first i believed it was related to the devils numbers but now those suspicions are gone. thank you

  32. I’ve seen 66 everywhere, even the battery icon percentage on my phone! Thanks for letting us know what the number represents as I thought it was relating to negativity... I look forward to new adventures & spiritual growth. :-)

  33. In this context, check out the 66th shloka of Chaper 18 of Bhagvad Gita.

    1. "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear."

  34. 66! All day long! I GOT IT NOW! THANK YOU FOREVER!! 🙏🙏🙏☝️☝️☝️😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩💏💋🌊⛱🌴🌵

  35. Wow I kept seeing 66 today and just read the bit about unconditional love. I feel so much my family put conditions on everything but the angels are telling me all well with those close to me even though I seem to be the only one who loves unconditionally. I'm an emotional empath and I feel everything very deeply so to me the conditions people put on each other to be a certain way are just intolerable. I'm not sure if that makes sense cos it's hard to explain.

  36. Since starting merkaba meditation I see multiple numbers every day. I honestly believe it's the only thing that keeps me going that and my dogs. They love unconditionally unlike most people I know sadly.

  37. Interesting, I was trying to multiply 66*66 all day in my head, and then googled it just now to check my math and found this. Any idea what that might mean?

  38. You have been a huge help in my spiritual life may God bless you

  39. When i finished reading i found 66 comments...

  40. Feeling So Blessed to Receive Such Loving Support From My Heavenly Angels N Thank Them All To Live Out What Is Needed From Me ������ Thanks For Loving Me !!!

  41. bonjour ...je vois que ce chiffre 66 n'est pas négatif pour le coup...mon gendre se rapproche de notre région depuis 3 mois (il vit chez nous avec notre fille) et il nous dit voir ce chiffre partout depuis qu'il est chez nous et là depuis un mois c'est à notre tour (mon mari et moi) de le voir sans qu'il soit à côté de nous....mais pourquoi nous 3 ? merci de vos lumières et bonne année !

  42. God is alive and well. I'm rahmiel614

  43. I’m 66 & I feel Blessed, Thank you Lord for all your Blessings & Gifts.

  44. In the last few months I have been seeing and hearing the number 66, I wasn’t super thrilled to check the meaning of it because I have heard that multiple sixes are a bad sign associated with Evil. However this past week I saw this number repeatedly. Yesterday my sister was showing me a video of her children and the number 66 was mentioned several times, I had someone telling me something about their relative and mentioned that they were 66 years old. But after ordering my quick Taco takeout from the local restaurant today and seeing the order #66 written on the white paper bag, I knew that the Universe wanted my attention and that I come here to read the message. All Angel numbers messages have a positive, uplifting meaning here and the number 66 is a positive message of encouragement, which is wonderful if it is really true.

  45. 6 or variants of the number I get either visually or audio at random
