Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Number 62 is made up of the vibrations and energies of the number 6 and number 2. Number 6 brings its attributes of love of home and family, nurturing and care for others, balance and harmony, parenthood, guardianship and service, the ability to compromise, grace and gratitude, integrity and reliability. Number 6 also relates to the financial and material aspects of life. Number 2 adds its energies of duality, sensitivity and consideration for others, diplomacy and mediation, adaptability and receptivity, insightfulness and intuition. Number 2 also relates to your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 62 is a message that the work and effort you have put towards serving your life purpose has been acknowledged by the angels and Universal Energies and you will be rewarded for work well done. Be open to receiving and accepting your ‘good’ and know that you are being assisted and guided by the angels. Listen to your intuition as you are receiving directions as to the next steps to take.

Angel Number 62 is an important message to do with your personal spirituality and Divine life purpose. The angels, Ascended Masters and Archangels encourage you to maintain faith and trust in yourself and the Universal Energies, and trust that all of your monetary and material needs will be met. Give any fears of lack or loss to the angels for healing and transmutation and trust that all of your needs will be provided for. The angels are helping you to recognize and acknowledge the Divine light within yourself and others.

Angel Number 62 may also be a sign that a new acquisition, purchase or person will be entering your life and this addition will be of long-term benefit to you. Be open-hearted, accepting of others and generous of spirit. Maintain faith and trust in humankind and the Universe and you will see that your life will work out in wonderfully miraculous ways.

Number 62 also relates to number 8 (6+2=8) and Angel Number 8.

See also:
Repeating 6’s and 2’s  (622, 626, 662 etc)
Angel Number 622
Angel Number 626
Angel Number 662

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. I am at peace and elated with this message. Thank you Guardian Angel's and Archangels!

  2. I'm thanking for this site!
    It gives me so many energy and positiv thinking in my life. I feel like i can really keep the goal =)
    Bless to everyone

  3. It is really a miracle as just recently I have started noticing numbers in my life . It really seems miracle as supernatural forces trying to talk to you

  4. Just had a dream, long dream, dealing with some interesting concepts. At one point I looked at a price tag and so clearly saw the number 62, so, I decided to look it up. This was a fun page to read! Made me feel a bit better 😂, made sense based on my dream. Isn't it funny that Freud had an irrational fear of the number 62?

  5. Awesome!!! Thank you Angels and Universalenergies!!! Much needed message and welcomed and accepted !!!
    Thank you rush-collection !!! Always and forever grateful!!!Love,peace and light to all !!! ♡♡♡

  6. Can this be a messages about having a baby?

  7. Awesome!!! Thank you Angels and Universalenergies!!! Much needed message and welcomed and accepted !!!
    Thank you rush-collection !!! Always and forever grateful!!!Love,peace and light to all !!! ♡♡♡

  8. Awesome!!! Thank you Angels and Universalenergies!!! Much needed message and welcomed and accepted !!!
    Thank you rush-collection !!! Always and forever grateful!!!Love,peace and light to all !!! ♡♡♡

  9. Thank you so much, all you said is so true.

  10. Much appreciated & reminder.
    Grateful and blessed, as always.
    Pleased to know that someone has decided to copy and paste my words above(in my previous comment,dating back to 3.07.2017). Smitten actually. However,since we are all unique, it will be way better for everyone to express their own gratitude in their own unique way.
    @Tiffani Gostynski 10th of October 2017. #BeYou #BeThelight ♥️🙌
    Sending love,health,peace and Light and wishing you all blessed and easy journeys.♥️🙌

  11. This text touched my heart !!! Thank you angel number 62 .62 years is how longy beautiful church been standing
    God Bless. #1 fan

  12. This text touched my heart !!! Thank you angel number 62 .62 years is how long my beautiful church been standing.
    God Bless. #1 fan

  13. I want to say thank you to you rush-collection for this reading, over the years I've read it many times. I feel like the number 62 is my constant companion and reminder that I am uniquely taken care of. I see it all the time, thank you <3

  14. Thank you Dear Father One of All … I am ready 🙏

  15. I believe!!! Thank you 🙏

  16. I've been seeing 62 everywhere almost everyday since 2021. Sometimes I see the number three or four times a day. It is crazy. I think whatever is coming into my life is going to to it very soon. I can feel it. I'm ready and I'm open hearted to everything. God bless you.

  17. Tüm güzel yenilikler seninle olsun. Hayatın eğlenceli, kolay ve aşkla dolu olsun.
