Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Number 59 is a mix of the vibrations of the numbers 5 and 9. Number 5 resonates with learning life lessons through experience, personal freedom and free-will, important life changes and making positive choices, motivation and progress, versatility and adaptability. Number 9 brings its attributes of lightworking and humanitarianism, leading by positive example, Divine and inner-wisdom, generosity and benevolence, the Universal Spiritual Laws and karma, spiritual enlightenment and awakening. Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions.

Angel Number 59 is a message from your angels that sweeping, positive changes are ahead of you. You are asked to let go of the ‘old’ with love and gratitude and make room for the ‘new’ to enter your life. Be assured that these life changes will have long-term positive effects on many levels.

Angel Number 59 is a message that changes in your life will align you with your Divine life purpose and soul mission, and the angels encourage you to live and fulfill your lightworking duties and destiny. It is time to shift your focus from the material to the spiritual.

Angel Number 59 also suggests that changes made to your career or profession will bring you greater personal fulfilment on many levels. It is a prompt to put your focus towards beginning or expanding your spirituality as your lightworking skills and talents are greatly needed by the world. It may be encouraging you to begin (or expand) a spiritually-based practice, profession and/or career. The angels ask you to shine your light brightly to illuminate the way for others.

Angel Number 59 is a message that it is time for you to embrace your life mission and soul purpose and focus upon your passions.

Number 59 also relates to number 5 (5+9=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.

See also:
Repeating 5’s and 9’s  (559, 595, 599 etc)
Angel Number 559
Angel Number 595
Angel Number 599

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery




Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. Most of the time, 90% I look at my watch, digital or windup watch and its 59 seconds..

  2. My guidence always taps my shoulder 3 times.or pokes me always 3 times.....

  3. I see the number 59 all of the time! I know it isn't just random, it happens all day, everyday. It usually occurs when I'm working on raising my vibration, and without looking for it, the number 59 appears.

    1. I see number 59 clock every day, and hour after hour . I don't know what that's, it appears everywhere

    2. I see number 59 clock every day, and hour after hour,I don't know what that's, it appears everywhere

    3. I see number 59 clock every day, and hour after hour . I don't know what that's, it appears everywhere

  4. I often see 9:59 am and pm. Even more than 11:11. So much so, I had to look it up and see what it might mean. I resonate with what is said here.

  5. The number 59 always rings a bell in my ears and I keep getting confused I now understand

  6. I put a Youtube video on last night of a humidifier sound as the noise helps me sleep. However, it was not helping this time so I just paused it and went back to bed.

    When I just checked where I paused it, the numbers showed: 59:07 / 9:59:59. Had a I been a couple seconds earlier, it would have been a perfect pattern but this was already eye-catching enough.

    Also, just got off of bus with a unit number of 1111 and looked at my phone while on it to see the time was 5:11.

    I highly doubt this is all random.

    1. Wonder if you realised you posted this on 5/9 haha

  7. Follow the 59's
    It will lead you to something you could never imagine nor will you be able to talk about it...

  8. Haritha WanigasseukaraTuesday, December 22, 2015

    59 is a very good number

  9. I have been work in on waking up my psychic ability and today I looked at the clock it was 9:59:59. I guess it means I'm on the right track. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks y'all

    1. Hi Jennifer, I have been doing the same for last 2 years and working on self awareness is a major thing for opening up physic abilities. For me, I did this through mindfulness meditation, learning the core teachings of buddha ( not the religion - look for buddhist centres with the triratna order if you are not religious, however if u are there are other buddhist orders you can join). Also, I took up a reiki course and I am studying crystals - of which there are some to open up physic abilities. Lots of info on Web, but Judy hall is an expert on them and spirituality also, she has a good book on crystals that is around £ 20. Hope that helps you, my psychic abilities have increased greatly since doing all the above! ☺☺☺ Good luck my fellow light-worker! 💜💜💜💚💚💚 Namaste 😇😇😇

  10. I have been work in on waking up my psychic ability and today I looked at the clock it was 9:59:59. I guess it means I'm on the right track. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks y'all

    1. if it feels right inside then you are on the right path.

  11. I sleep with my tv on lastnight i feel asleep i woke around 2am to see an infomercial was on i hit guide i noticed i was on channel 59 i turned the channel to 42 fell back to sleep woke again for no reason at 4 to another infomercial hit guide and was suprised to see it said i was still on channel 59, once again i turned the channel only to wake up at 6 back on 59 after 3 times i felt uneasy about it and turned my tv off completly i mean thats just weird

  12. Was at a fork in my life when it came to career and love. Now after asking for guidance and using common sense i know what road to take and i am looking forward to the unknown because i know that i am capable of anything if i put my mind to it.

  13. I have been see the number 59 for a long long time. On clocks signs randomly everywhere I look.. I have been lost for a long time an feel empty an not at ease ..Maybe I'm being told something...I really don't know

    1. Sit down and write on a piece of paper the negative and positive of the situation you are face with. Then write some goals you would like to accomplish because only you can make a difference in your life.

  14. Every morning before I get into the office, I have about 40 to 45 minutes of Prayers and soul reflection in some private room at the workplace. By the time I look at my watch it's always 07:59 AM.
    I'm writing this comment because I looked at my watch a few minutes ago and it was 1459 hrs and I decided to search for the meaning of the number 59... and I have found it. I can relate to this.
    Thank you.

  15. you know i was afraid ones why am always i see 59 always in time in car number ever where, lastly i said my be i will be die in my age 59,

  16. Thank you so much, rush-collection! Love to you! <3

  17. I always look into the clock and it always ended with 59 mins. I am got curious since I don't believe in coincidence. HOW WILL I KNOW THE CHANGE IS COMING?

  18. Thank you Angels and thank you rush-collection!!!
    Stay blessed people ,as we all are !!! ♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to all !!!
    Always and forever grateful !!! ♡♡♡

  19. How on point,as always!!!
    A great opportunity has already presented it's self to me,I am now awaiting for my Agent's call!
    I believe and I know that I will receive the call in right Devine time !!!
    I already see a positive change within me & many of my close friends and within my beloved !!!
    I am proud of my patience,persistance and stamina !!!
    Work well done!!!
    I am always and forever grateful!!!Amen!!!
    Thank you rush-collection & thank you Angels !!!
    Stay blessed people ,as we all are !!!♡♡♡Love,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  20. i was born 1959 i lost my mum when she was 59 and now im about to be 59 i noticed spirituality on and off all my life and became aware of seeing and feeling them more over the last 8 yrs. i feel as i grow read and learn my skills as a lightworker are also growing this is the yr of change thank you feeling grateful and blessed

  21. Amen!!!🎈🕊🍀♥️
    Grateful and blessed !!! ♥️

  22. Call upon the one angel of abundance. Christo Yoshua. He will guide the angels for you, you do not have to call upon angels. Jeshu knows exactly what you're going to ask for before you ask for it and the angels are already and have prepared everything. Numbers can't save you, not numbers alone, there is only one way to be saved one truth to everything and one maker who created all the life which sent his son. His son is in him and he is in his son. I Highly encourage the moderator not to disallow this message. If you do so you will be stifling the truth, you have been warned, not by me but by the spirit of Truth. God loves you all :-) I have received a lot of guidance through these numbers, but I think it is time for me to move and stop looking at the numbers quite so often , and start looking Within Myself more. With the way they show up so crazy sometimes though I'm sure I'll be back. PS I totally got 39 40 and then a 57 58 59... that means it is time :-), may God bless you all and love light your way, and mine too! :-) thank you for all the work you did with these numbers but make sure you are giving credit to the one who put them all here in the first place. The one who spoke the entire universe into existence. Or certainly at least our solar system, as I understand it; or shall I say, as I do not understand it. Just be well everybody. And thank you; maybe you all know something I don't but I'm afraid to call on anything heavenly besides the name of my savior, Christ Yoshua... the one who the people of today called Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I tell my angels thank you from time to time in my own way, but I would be very wary of trying to direct Angels around or request help from them considering God and his son are the ones who direct them in the end... Or don't direct them.

    1. you had to write a whole book in the comments didn't you

  23. 59 is upsetting myself I wish I had something else to say it’s painful he’s dead he died in an accident I pray you sweet man rest in peace

  24. Thank you for the message. But I decline - i don't want any of what is laid out here.

  25. I have no idea what this means
