Saturday, July 02, 2011


Number 37 is made up of a combination of the vibrations of the number 3 and number 7. Number 3 resonates with the energies of joy, inspiration and creativity, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, spontaneity, broad-minded thinking, talent and skills, sensitivity and self-expression. Number 3 is the number of the Ascended Masters, and indicates that they are currently involved in your life. The Ascended Masters are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within, and are helping you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others. They are also assisting with manifesting your desires. Number 7 carries the attributes of mysticism, persistence of purpose and knowledge, ‘the Collective Consciousness’, spiritual awareness, spiritual enlightenment and development, intuition and inner-wisdom, psychic abilities and understanding of others.  

Angel Number 37 is a message from your angels that you are currently travelling along the right ‘life path’, and you are encouraged to persist in this vein. The Ascended Masters are with you giving you guidance and assistance when needed.  

Angel Number 37 is a message of ‘congratulations’ from your angels and the Ascended Masters.  They are most pleased with the path you have chosen to take and offer you their assistance and guidance.  Your clear connection with the angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters is ensuring a strong channel of communication and you are receiving Divine guidance every step of the way. Call upon the angels whenever you feel the need for help and support. You are encouraged to continue on your current path.

Angel Number 37 is a message that you have the angels and Masters working alongside you, helping you to manifest positive abundance and auspicious opportunities into your life. You are being rewarded for past efforts and work well done.

Number 37 also relates to number 10 and number 1 (3+7=10 / 1+0=1) and Angel Number 10 and Angel Number 1.

See also:  Repeating 3’s and 7’s  (337, 373, 377 etc)
Angel Number 337
Angel Number 373
Angel Number 377

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  2. I want to manifest so bad but my anxiety and OCD problems are so bad, what should I do?

    1. I have had the same issues and here's what it takes. You have to learn to take control of your mind. Meditation is very helpful to get into this. You need to learn to be able to clear your mind of thoughts/stop thinking on a dime. When your anxiety starts kicking in and your mind starts to race you can just turn it off. I learned how to do this in under a couple months. One method I used to concentrate my mind to turn off was use the ringing I have in my ears. If you have it, it will help very much. Learn pranayama breathing techniques as a beginner. It's a sure fire way to learn how to get your mind clear and the extra oxygen that you intake into your blood stream helps calm your anxiety quickly and relaxes you. I am still dealing with anxiety but I have the ability at this point to control it like I was never able to before. I am confident that I am right around the corner from being free from it for good. The anxiety comes from worrying about things and then the anxiety itself crates more worry and negative thoughts. These things just continue to feed each other in an ongoing pattern until we learn to control our minds. Once we control our minds we control our emotions as a result. People have a constant stream of thoughts. When our minds deviate form a pattern of positive joyful thoughts into patterns of worry and fear we become burdened with the awful anxiety and we become stuck without realizing that we ourselves are the ones creating the problems we are experiencing to begin with. Medications only mask the anxiety temporarily but it will inevitably return unless we put the absolute dedication towards correcting the problem ourselves. Become absolutely honest with yourself about what you like and don't like. Be real about who you are to the core and let go of any bullshit. Remove anything in your life that is not serving you in a positive way. Combine these things with getting control of your mind and you will find yourself becoming more and more rid of the anxiety daily. It might now be easy all the time but I can assure you it feels so much better than being a victim all the time to our own minds. We do have the ability to control and correct the issues we suffer from. Don't let anyone tell you differently. :)

    2. Hi Michael,

      I know you posted this over a year ago, but I just read it after dreaming of the number 37. Your words and the meaning of the number really resonate with me.
      I too have suffered anxiety and also depression, but I do feel that now, I am turning a corner in to a new chapter in my life.
      I just wanted to ask you about the ringing in your ears. Can you bring on the ringing? I tend to have it a lot, but have learnt to control it and can fade it until it stops. I also get a sort of sensation, in my ears and head, of being underwater. That's the only way I can describe it. It's a strange sensation, but I actually like it.
      I agree with you, by the way, that habitually thinking in negative terms can train your brain to think that way as a default. I know this from my own experience. I was always worried though, that if I didn't experience the negative emotions, I would be in denial. Now, I am starting to think more in terms of 'this emotion doesn't fit with the circumstance/situation' and that I should just learn to let it go. That's why I am wondering if you can explain further what you mean regarding the ringing in your ears, etc.
      Thanks :)

    3. Hi Michael,

      I know you posted this over a year ago, but I just read it after dreaming of the number 37. Your words and the meaning of the number really resonate with me.
      I too have suffered anxiety and also depression, but I do feel that now, I am turning a corner in to a new chapter in my life.
      I just wanted to ask you about the ringing in your ears. Can you bring on the ringing? I tend to have it a lot, but have learnt to control it and can fade it until it stops. I also get a sort of sensation, in my ears and head, of being underwater. That's the only way I can describe it. It's a strange sensation, but I actually like it.
      I agree with you, by the way, that habitually thinking in negative terms can train your brain to think that way as a default. I know this from my own experience. I was always worried though, that if I didn't experience the negative emotions, I would be in denial. Now, I am starting to think more in terms of 'this emotion doesn't fit with the circumstance/situation' and that I should just learn to let it go. That's why I am wondering if you can explain further what you mean regarding the ringing in your ears, etc.
      Thanks :)

    4. hi g force if you wish to have the frequency in your ears then sit in silence pay all your attention to the sound and go ito it if that makes sence the frequency is from mother earth 528hz

    5. Now another year has passed. I just wanted to comment, as far as my experience with mental health. While I don't want to come across as disagreeing with Michael, since I don't fully, I did want to say I tend to be careful about saying what will work for other people. Unless you are someone, you can't really know what is possible for them. We are only human. I think the anxiety can get out of hand when I am trying to be "better" and not have the mental health problems I have. I take medication, and have found it's an essential part of my life. I personally have seen that sometimes the spiritual path will alleviate all my concerns regarding my health. Sometimes my miracle comes not in the form of instant change or change from the spiritual realm alone. Although I do see miraculous healing in my life for me the healing of my mind comes from the hands of modern medicine. A well rounded approach of therapy, personal medications, and medication work best for me. I'm not a Dr, and even though I was raised by a psychiatrist and went through training to go into nursing, I am not a Dr. I always recommend talking to one. You don't have to follow their instructions if you find their not improving your symptoms. Just make sure whatever you do for your health is a result of your own decision. Dr or Priest or Counselor that person is not you. Don't doubt you.

    6. Continue your journey to find God and really consider these main components in your life and how you weigh them:

      1.) Value, what you value the most -- it could be a spouse, loved one, ect. Show them the same love and happiness you carry for them. They will take note and what you GIVE to people, will be returned to you in one form or another.

      2.) Morals, how do you indentify good and bad in others? Apply the same logic to yourself and derail from self destructive behaviors.

      3.) manifest your desires, make your dreams as real as possible. Visualize what pure happiness is to yourself. You might not meet the same conclusion in your mind, but know that degree of happiness is attainable if you believe so.

      4.) Love. Express to people your love for them, and yourself. Love is what's heard and noticed across all demensions


      I was suffering from ADD, MDD for five years straight. Until I told my self I had enough and out loud did the pain start to leave. Think of your anxiety and OCD as indicators for bad, self destructive behaviors.

      I truly hope you find what your looking for and you're in my prayers. Follow what I said above and you will find it.

    7. So very grateful!! Thank you! Love, light & abundant blessings right back to you...and All!����

    8. Carry on never give up it donot matter at all little is better then nothing carry on sending hope and courage

    9. I have the same issue, but i've been getting hammered with psychic attacks and negative energy. i am doing what i can to block them including setting up programs for my angels to vet and block all negativity in my direct presents. i am also getting attacked on a spiritula level too. the closer you are to God the more you get attacked. be at peace and ask your angels to help you manage your thoughts. i am having trouble in this area too. so lets both work harder to achieve this feat.

  3. I have seen the lovely 37 ever since I graduated high school. Heck, even today I saw it whilst filing my tax return. Its always been that comforting, confirming, self reassuring, cosmic guiding number.
    Blessed be. Always :)

  4. I see the number 37 everywhere several times a day in all different ways and it's become too much to be a coincidence, even my partner has noticed how much it shows up everywhere on a day to day basis it's even in my dob. I was born 31/03/91 and one day something told me to do a calculation so I did 31x03x91x37 and it = 313131 which is the day I was born also this has been my lucky number all my life it's just so repetitive it's got to mean something any advise would be much appreciated.

  5. I see the number 37 everywhere several times a day in all different ways and it's become too much to be a coincidence, even my partner has noticed how much it shows up everywhere on a day to day basis it's even in my dob. I was born 31/03/91 and one day something told me to do a calculation so I did 31x03x91x37 and it = 313131 which is the day I was born also this has been my lucky number all my life it's just so repetitive it's got to mean something any advise would be much appreciated.

  6. I see the number 37 everywhere several times a day in all different ways and it's become too much to be a coincidence, even my partner has noticed how much it shows up everywhere on a day to day basis it's even in my dob. I was born 31/03/91 and one day something told me to do a calculation so I did 31x03x91x37 and it = 313131 which is the day I was born also this has been my lucky number all my life it's just so repetitive it's got to mean something any advise would be much appreciated.


  8. My 19 year old son was killed in a car crash on April 10, 2013 along with his 3 childhood friends. Shortly after the crash, my clock started flashing the number 37 (I have actual video of this). We realized that not only was 37 his football jersey number but I have a picture of him, his friend that was driving the car and the last friend that was with them that day. The picture was taken 5 years earlier when they were all in their jerseys. You can see my son's number 37, in the middle was Corey and all you could see was the 3 on his jersey and next to him was their friend whose jersey number was 7. So there were two sets of 37.

    In the car that day of the crash, his two friends were in the front seat. One was 18 years old the other was 19. In the back seat was my son who was 19 and his friend who is 18. 19+18=37. So there were two sets of 37 in the car that day.

    If you look at the GPS coordinates for the address where they crashed, the longitude - the latitude equals 37.4 (four of them were killed in the crash).

    My son was born on December 6 at 9: 46 AM - 12+6+9+4+6=37

    My son's initials are LTE. L is the 12th letter of the alphabet, T is the 20th and E is the 5th. 12+20+5=37.

    The crash happened on the third day of the week (Wednesday = 3 ) and the 911 call was received at 4:03. 4+3=7

    I would say my son is trying to tell me that somehow his life and death is connected to the number 37.

    My clock still flashes 37 frequently. Sometimes it also flashes his initials!

    1. So beautiful thank you for sharing your story!

    2. WOW. Yes. Thank you for sharing. I know the pain of losing a loved one in a car accident. And I also know all about 37

    3. Your son will always be with you to guide you through life and negative emotions. I believe he wants you to understand this and have peace of mind. Amazing about the initials. My theory on that is that his energy it shown through that median

  9. 37+37+37=111

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  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. She wants you to have peace and to be lively and positive about everything. We can't control all of life events but we can make the best of them. Through admiration, remembrance, and loving thoughts

  13. There are numbers which are trying to warn you.. Angel number 37 is a warning that there are certain events which will occur in your life that you have no control over.
    "When life gives you lemons make some lemonade."

  14. Thank you so much, rush-collection for being so kind to offer us all these divine messages! ��������������

  15. I'm blessed and highly favoured in Jesus name. I will move in this wicked world with the power of the holy spirit bestowed upon me. The so called Kundilini energy will be my tool to use for winning the earth dwellers over to my creator for they are deluded by the false power portrayed by the serpent/pentacle. There is no way out for men of EVIL to LIVE for they know if such a creator exist then they are sure to never see the light of day ever again. It is never too late for the act of repentance. Yahweh's time has come. The Revelation has come to Fruition. Hallelujah, Amen.
    -The Esoteric Christian Race

  16. A homeless person whom I befriended, sat on a Cafe step chatting to me.I noticed several references to the Number 37 as we chatted, as I left I realised the number of the Cafe was 37. To my knowledge this is the second time in recent history that spirit has used this number to guide me. Thankyou for confirming this.

  17. 37 was always my favourite number idk why... And I've seen the number 37 in so many places! It's not a coincidence it can't be... Thx for this explanation of the meaning of 37

  18. I am younge (11) but I kept seeing number 37 on the clock. Every time I looked at the clock it said __:37. And reading the article of Number 37 made me feel happy

  19. hello i need your help so bad.
    i start seeing numbers around 6 years ago.
    i saw around three different numbers (932-11-17)
    and before 5 years i start seeing
    before i start see 37+73
    i wish i could know if this number is have a good or a bad meaning..
    37 attackes me the most when my father grandmother and my friend passed away.
    i see 37 more than 50 times a day. and more often before i have a new planes or i need to do something critical
    because i have such a bad expirance about this number its making me fell uncomfortable a lot. please any advice ? maybe 37 tryng to tell u r in the wrong pass in life ?

  20. Thank you angels and everyone. This is beautiful, i'm grateful. My angels, ascended masters, archangels recognize my efforts and are proud of me enough to congratulate me. You save lifes

  21. All your messages/articles are well appreciated

  22. Thank you see the number 37 everyday & oh look I am the 37th person to reply haha I love synchronicity it is just great. I love you all have a great life.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Amen praise the Lord hallelujah

  25. Thank you so much. I'm doing much better in life. I'm so grateful for everything.

  26. I’ve also been seeing 37! I see it everywhere. On clocks, car plates, house #s, and youtube videos!

    I asked God 3 times why I see the number because I think God is trying to tell me something. Every time I pray before going to bed (about seeing 37), I dream about my crush Noah.

    In my dream, he’s my boyfriend and always ends up kissing me at the end of each dream. I dream that every night after I pray about 37! (sometimes of Noah), well Noah’s a farmer, and I pray for him during his busy times (like planting and Harvest).

    My mom thinks Noah likes me back, and I have this feeling about him like God is telling me I’m going to be with him someday. Please have support on this.

    I think God’s trying to tell me something about my future with Noah or something.

  27. If its how You feel àlign yourself with him.
    Take a leap of faith. lifes full of experiences and there maybe more experiences for those that dare to try. Angels will guide you.

  28. When i see number 37 i will smile...sometimes when i feel something is not right then the mumber 37 appear i feel like everything is alright... When im driving infront of me a car eith number 37 on it i feel like the universe with me... Even my brother win a lucky draw and the number is 37...i also see my brother twin sons wearing a shirt with number 3 and another one is daughter weight when she was born is 3.7kg i think and the time is wife working id is 307...untill now i dont know why i do tattoo witj number 37 on my hand...and it is the only Chinese number 37 is san chi... And when combined it will be 10 and was born on 10th June...untill now i still wondering what is all about... My daughter keep asking me whynis 37 in my hand...and people also asking me what is the meaning of my tattoo... Hope one day i will find the im 32...maybe another 5 years i will find the answer or maybe next month on 3rd of july...for me 37 is lucky... 37 with my life is vert close...because everyday when i look at the mirror i can dee the number in my body... Hope to find the answer

  29. Why do this messages all say the same thing? This is such BS lol. If you read any angel number on any of these sites they all relatively say the same thing. Big changes, stay positive blah blah blah. People are sheep

    1. And in comes the atheist to bring low vibrations to the world, please take your negativity somewhere else

  30. Thank you Angels, grateful, I love you!
