Saturday, July 02, 2011


Number 36 is made up of the attributes and energies of the number 3 and number 6. Number 3 resonates with the vibrations of optimism and joy, inspiration and creativity, speech and communication, sociability and compassion, expansion and the principles of increase, spontaneity, talent and skills, self-expression and enthusiasm. Number 3 is a number associated with the Ascended Masters and the angelic realm. The Ascended Masters are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within, and help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. Number 6 relates to the qualities of unconditional love, balance and harmony, love of home and family, grace and gratitude, service to others, selflessness, responsibility, self-sacrifice, humanitarianism, the ability to compromise, reliability, and material needs and provision. Number 36 is a number of ‘thought-word-action’, creativity and enthusiasm; coupled with the ability to use the imagination and the intellect combined to bring about desired results.  

Angel Number 36 is a message from your angels and that you are being assisted by the Ascended Masters with manifesting provision of your material needs, and you are asked to release your fears of lack or loss. Your angels and Ascended Masters want for you to live your soul mission and Divine life purpose with passion and enthusiasm.

Angel Number 36 is a message to shift your focus from the financial and monetary aspects of the physical world to your inner spirituality and a place of unconditional love. It is a message that your prayers and positive affirmations regarding your material wants and needs (eg money, home, food etc) are being answered and responded to. Have faith and trust that your needs will be met and you and your loved ones will have all that you require in your lives.

Angel Number 36 asks you to trust that all of your material needs will be provided as you serve your Divine life purpose.

Number 36 also relates to the number 9 (3+6=9) and Angel Number 9.

See also:  Repeating 3’s and 6’s  (336, 363, 366 etc)
Angel Number 336
Angel Number 363
Angel Number 366

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. as ive been seeing this number repeatedly in the worst time in my life right now, we will see if this is true or not in the next week it is now 12-5-2013, if I survive this situation withoud killing myself due to the pain, this will prove that angels, and God are actually real and not just made up figments of the political agendas imagination to keep us im slavery of the mind and body.

    1. Are things getting better for you yet?

    2. They have gotten better for you. You are not on here searching for answers anymore. I guess, well I am believing that things are good for you now!

    3. George ,i am sending you positive energy right now !!Prayers and blessings!!!! ASK the ANGELS for HELP !! They waiting to assist YOU!

    4. recently the number 36 always appear, i wonder why

    5. Are you at a cross road in your life?

    6. Wow I wish some one will answer me.. ahhh I cant stop looking the angel number 36 every where every where ... one day I found it writing on a zoo in this 👉 🌲 im moroccan and i have been muslim im not believing Islam anymore ! When I start knowing about dear heavenly father I start seeing it I still see it .. now is just 12:00 am and i saw it 5 times .. the weird thing is that I come into this comment and i found 36 comments haha I know that God with me and Christianity is true but i dont know weach one exactly :) I see it everywhere everywhere some times i feel crazy like ahhh what do you wanna tell me pleaaas ... I wasn't strong enough now I'm sooo strong even the hard time I'm living in but thankful of God .. the quastion is what the angel wanna tell me I'm just not sure

    7. I've studied Hinduism buddhism christianity and I've learned that it's best to learn about different cultures and religion's you will even more and feel more connected to more and more people

    8. I hope you are doing better. God bless you.

    9. Good morning, I have dreamed of a set of numbers 3605 on a check from work.I actually dreamed of two sets of numbers but I vividly remember the 3605? The first check for 36 dollars.05 cents? Can you tell me the meaning? I just landed a new job.

    10. I don’t know who you are but reading this almost 10 years later, I hope you’re still here with us and thriving in your life. The world needs you.

    11. Listen if you don't believe in angel numbers then your faith is weak and ofcourse you're not going to see them work in your life. A positive mind and faith that it's working is the way to "make it work" you're not making anything happen it's divine guidance working through you but if you don't believe it can happen then why are you looking up angel numbers in the 1st place. You're sabotaging your own blessings and don't even realize it

    12. On a positive note I love this blog it's one of the more legit blogs I usually check multiple sites to make sure I'm getting the big picture message and this is usually my go to blog so just thought I'd leave a positive review and yes the messages are accurate at least in my life

    13. Did it work?

  2. 36, three six = 6 6 6. Appearing for me too and strange things can happen sometimes, time was like 11.36 and something pushed window (wasn't a bird flying window), journal where you can find girls pictures, her age was 36, favorite color: black, favorite actors: that it is possible to sacrifice. Car sale ad: bmw e"36" there was a plate in front "slave". And something that.. sorry my english.

    1. Numbers were not made by man...666 is the number of man. Stop letting fear defeat your faith in God. God Made Numbers.Man discovered them.In addition,
      6 Protons, 6 Neutrons, 6 Electrons makes up Carbon in man.

  3. type google: illuminati number 36

  4. Are you sure it's not fallen Angels that is sending u or to make you notice these numbers? I started seeing first number year ago, 444 then 36 (these are occult numbers too, 36=666,triangle) very often. It's like something is using mind control to make me watch those numbers at exactly when i'm watching something. It sometimes appears to be good luck, like getting a job, but then it turns out to be consuming or making me sick one way or other. Angel numbers are always first when you try to find out what is the meaning of these numbers when searching from google or something, but i have started to feel that they are just a deception to try make you to believe spiritual guides, ascended Masters or higher selfs, if you dont want to believe them (hindu, buddha or something like that bs) it's going to make you crazy, feel really sick. Yes and i started to get 3rd eye feelings about few months later. I got rid of the feeling when i started to pray for real Jesus Christ. I have suffered from really bad depression since started seeing these.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. What works for me might kill you. The same is true about what works for you. Just be thankful for a solid faith, and allow others tolearn at their own pace. Also depression is serous. You need to speek to a medical professionals. Depression, like a broken bone, comes from not being able to use your body parts the way you should. Mental health illness is one of the most complex to treat and recover from.

    3. The fact that you removed this comment for the public to see is concerning. Stay on the path of Christ as He is the only way to the Father.

    4. The comment was removed by the author, the person who wrote the comment, not by admin of the site.

      per: rush-collection

    5. Hello ! I really don't know how to contact you we have same situation pleas can you contact me ? number whatsapp :+212626620159

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yes ma'am an excellent provider at that. I was recently helped out by a nun who gave me some dog food. Shortly after she left a car with a vanity plate drove by. It said JEHO JIR miracles are a daily basis of my life. Get to know God(or whatever you believe in) IN a relationship with God he/it knows how to best communicate with you and will present itself in a way you can understand

  6. I got 36 right after 444, a black angel feather when I asked for a white one, and black flashes

  7. To find out what your special number is, do the following:
    1. add the number of the month you were born
    2. add the number of the day you were born
    3. add the number of the year you were born.
    ex: my "birthday" is 7/22/1854. You would add 7+22+1+8+5+4= 47. So your number would be 47. TADAH

    1. but you forgot that 47 is 4+7=11 which in turn means 1+1=2. Tadah!

    2. What ever both of you! Did you notice the birthday??? 1854? Who are you. At first it didn't register, but when I saw you added it together with 1854 as the year I assumed it must not be a mistake
      So ta-da that!

  8. I had the number 36 show up in my life at 3 poignant times. I wrote a book about it, called 36 Sense J.M. Dare. I'd love for those people who see the same number to read it.

    1. Same here...36 is always show up almost evry other day im wondering why...

  9. I had the number 36 show up in my life at 3 poignant times. I wrote a book about it, called 36 Sense J.M. Dare. I'd love for those people who see the same number to read it.

    1. hi..j.m dare i was saw ur facebook page..but i just want to know what is the truly meaning of 36 number because its almost 5x a day i saw the number 36..

    2. Amen!!!
      J.M. Dare I found your book on Amazon and will definately buy it !!!Amazing reviews !!! 🎈🍀🕊♥️
      Love and light your way !!!

  10. This is somthing I agree with the person above I pray to Jesus Christ but my friend has Buddha religion listening to his advice has made me crazy sick and depressed almost like punishment.

    1. Buddhism is not a religion. A lot of people misinterpret this point. It's simply an eastern way of being, which resembles "religion" but in a simplistic way with out idolizing anything, including yourself.

    2. I think your mistaking your feelings to be the judge of your beliefs. The sickness you feel is simply fear of the unknown. I live in the States which is becoming more segregated. Especially near D.C.. no one wants to be the person to admit it they can't understand. Also the fear is of the unknown

  11. I read this at 6:36 my time. So there is that :)

  12. Figured I had life figured out and that was 6 years ago. I gratuated from college got a job met a man i loved and we had a beautiful daughter. now 6 years later she is in school and he is out of my life and it has taken me a very long time to figure out what mylife purpose is and it is simply to love and accept the things i can not change. Learn from the past and move forward because as small as the world is it is filled with endless possibilities. It is normal to worryits what you do about it in a positive manner that counts.... everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance.

  13. I keep Seeing 36 like almost everyday please i really wanna know what's this means. email me

  14. Dont know if this helps but 666 is the 36th triangle number. Look up triangle number #36 for more information about what it means. I honestly think that great powers have learned to control the conscious and subconscious mind allowing them to make things more noticable like the numbers they use in their paganistic rituals. Ive been noticing 333 for years but recently i started noticing "ggg" alot. Not i seen it more than normal but my brain notifies me of where its at more than normal as of lately. Well the first thing i thought was g is the 7th letter. So technically its 677 which just so happens to be linked to pagans. Allister crowley even wrote a book involving some of its meaning. I had never heard of any occult using the number so i find the connections wierd.

  15. i have seen 36 every since like november or december single day yet today i search it up. i have no idea what this means and i am onlly 11 someone plz tell me!!

  16. I have just found your site... Thank you for being here!
    I had the numbers 18 and 36 in a dream..
    I feel blessed

  17. I have just found your site.. Thank you for being here!
    I have had the numbers 18 an 36 given to me in a dream of two parts..
    I feel blessed.

  18. I found 36 cents in a parking lot. Asked for a sign that things are rolling okay - immediately knew to check here. Message received and appreciated.

  19. I saw 36 twice at work today it was weird because i never saw 36 is my age.

  20. This number 36 is following me since my school days I end up with roll number 36. In college my register number ended with 36. My LPG number is 36. Even my bike number ends with 36 . these both numbers 36 and 63 mostly I end up with these two numbers. I think I'm going to live only till 36.:-)

  21. I had a dream someone was giving me a white jacket with beige stripes I thought it wouldn't fit me, it was a size 36, this person persuaded me to put it on so I did and it fitted me perfectly. What could be the meaning of this

  22. Amen!!!
    Immensely blessed and grateful !!!🎈🕊🍀♥️
    Thank you so much rush-collection !!! I love you !!!♥️ Blessings and love to you !!!

  23. Angels yeah. Sounds totally believable...

  24. Hi there, I found your homepage interesting. Whenvever I gonna pick a number, I also visit this page. Actually, I just type "Google" with the number I picked.

    I am so curious, actually. I just found you are such a well verse in Psychology, Philosophy, Language and Christian Religion. On the other hand, you also know the Law of Karma and Law of the Universe.

    Actually, I am being blessed with your godly words. I am so happy that there is someone like you who come up with this homepage. It is really helpful whenever a person would seek advice. Just like the old sayings, "Ask and you will receive. Seek and Knock and you would find. The door would be opened to you." And another saying that says, "Think before you leap." Like we are always reminded that we should think first the consequences before we do our actions or decisions.

    I hope you would be reaching many people and helping them in their emotional needs. You are such a supportive person.

    Thank you. And, God bless.

    May God blesssed you and keep you.
    May God be merciful to you.
    May God turns His regards towards you.
    And gives you peace of mind, heart, healthy body and soul.

    In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

    God bless in all your undertakings.
    God also sends angels for you so you would be guided in your daily tasks.

  25. Grateful and blessed.Always.🙏♥️🎈

  26. Thank you Abba Father Jesus praise the Lord hallelujah

  27. I just looked at the time and it was 2336. I then glanced at my battery percentage on my laptop and it was 36%. I then looked at m phone battery percentage and it was 36%.

    I have been asking (praying) for material things recently as I am unemployed and struggling to find a job. But reading about the number 36 has made me realise that I have to focus more on myslef as a spiritual person and then maybe all of my dreams will come true and my life will change for the better.

  28. Agree for sure. Yeah!

  29. At my wits end. Seeing this number everywhere. Just lost financially, mentally, and on the inside. I don't know what tomorrow brings, but I'm holding on.

  30. I've been working on a budget and worrying late at night. Then played yatzy online and saw my points were 3636. So this is SO on point. My angel guides are so sweet and so funny too. I had 2 3's and had a last roll and I only needed a yatzy. I said, it's not likely I'll get 3 3's. And then I did!! That was a gift. c: I love my angels so much.

  31. Thank you 🙏 Asé 🙏
