Monday, August 01, 2011


Number 231 is a combination of the energies of number 2, the vibrations of number 3 and the attributes of number 1. Number 2 lends its vibrations of faith and trust, balance and poise, insightfulness and sensitivity, partnerships and relationships with others, encouragement and happiness and your Divine life purpose. Number 3 adds creativity, self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, skills and talents, ‘faith hope and charity’, friendliness and sociability, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 also resonates with the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked, and helping you to focus upon the Divine spark within yourself and others. Number 1 promotes new beginnings and starting anew, motivation and taking action, striving forward and progress, self-leadership and initiative, instinct and intuition. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. 
Angel Number 231 is a message from your angels and the Ascended Masters that they are helping with the manifestation of your goals and desires. Keep your thoughts, expectations and outlook positive and optimistic and trust in your creative manifesting abilities. Remember to stay focused on what you DO want, rather than on what you don’t want. 

Angel Number 231 is a number of faith and trust in yourself and your personal abilities and the energies of the angels and Masters. You are encouraged to step in the direction you desire with confidence and optimism, with the belief that you will find success and fulfilment. Do not be afraid to take on new challenges and opportunities as they will prove to be of great benefit to you. Never doubt yourself or the power of the angels as faith, trust and positive expectations produce miracles in your life.

Creativity sparks new ways of doing things, which positively affects both work and play.

Number 231 relates to number 6 (2+3+1=6) and Angel Number 6.

Also see:
Angel Number 123
Angel Number 132



Sacred Scribes

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. How every number is somehow positive? Everything is allways going good? There's none warnings, or bad things? cmon, explain me this...

    1. I'm not going to judge your answer, if you answer that ..

    2. Like all things, there are two sides, and there are both positive and negative vibrations connected to each number.

      See the tab at the top of the page entitled 'Vibrations of the numbers 1 to 10'. Both the positive and negative aspects of each number are represented there.

      When you are receiving messages from your angels, they are positive and empowering. Within though, there are sometimes 'warnings', such as to prepare for change, to use your intuition in all situations in order to be true to yourself and to be aware of the energies around you, to not allow others to manipulate you, the endings and conclusions of things etc. They are written in a positive light, rather than one of fear and negativity ... but in essence, at times, depending upon the number and circumstances, you are being 'warned'. Heed the 'warning' and you just may avoid the 'bad things' .... or at least, be able to look upon them from a positive perspective and see their hidden blessings.

      Sacred Scribes

    3. The number one message the Angels give us all,is not to live in fear! Only live in happiness and joy! So when we experience a negative,or positive experience! It gives us contrast,so we decipher what we want that brings us joy and happiness! And what we don't want ! This is nessasary to define any given moment of our lives! How could we ever know true love! If our hearts have never been broken!How could we ever understand happiness and joy! Whithout sorrow and sadness! The key is how we react to the moments in our daily lives, and how we percieve the moments in our lives! When our aditude is right the facts don't count! Meaning what ever any one individual believes, with absolute certainty! Is what hold's to be true! There no exceptions to this universal rule! We become what we choose to think,feel, and believe most of the time!

    4. How could we ever know true love if our hearts have never been broken! Contrast is vitally important, to discover,learn and grow! To define what we do want! And what we don;t want!

    5. The number one message the Angels give us all,is not to live in fear! Only live in happiness and joy! So when we experience a negative,or positive experience! It gives us contrast,so we decipher what we want that brings us joy and happiness! And what we don't want ! This is nessasary to define any given moment of our lives! How could we ever know true love! If our hearts have never been broken!How could we ever understand happiness and joy! Whithout sorrow and sadness! The key is how we react to the moments in our daily lives, and how we percieve the moments in our lives! When our aditude is right the facts don't count! Meaning what ever any one individual believes, with absolute certainty! Is what hold's to be true! There no exceptions to this universal rule! We become what we choose to think,feel, and believe most of the time!

    6. There are some...if you keep looking

  2. What does it mean if the number 231 continues to repeat? This number is of interest to me because I was born at the time and the number always repeats for me.

    1. It is to remind you to pursue your true life purpose and fulfill your destiny. You intuition will tell you what those things are. Look up how to do it on google or YouTube.

  3. Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always !!!♡♡♡
    We are all blessed and very lucky ,we are all an INDIGOS!!!
    #FearNot #PowerSurge #BelieveInYourSelf #BeTheLightYouWantToSee #BeMindful #BeKind #BeYou
    rush-collection you are an Angel and I honestly love you !!! ♡♡♡
    I receive countless messages daily & I can't begin to describe how enlighten,free and liberated I feel inside and out!!!♡♡♡
    You have created a wonderful & magical space for us all to come to and feel at home!!! ♡♡♡
    Thanks to your amazing blog and my strong connection to the Angelic Realm I have grown to know my self,believe in my self and my abilities ,to listen and trust my self and my sharp intuition & most of all to love my self for who I am!!!
    I am grateful for who I am inside out,for all my blessings,for all my abilities & for all my achievements !!!♡♡♡
    Stay blessed people ,as we all are !!!
    Love,peace and love to all!!! ♡♡♡

    1. Silviya! You are such a wonderful source of positivity! Please respond to this if you see it. Much love and many Blessings to you and to All!

  4. Amen... my Harvest will come!! #1 Fan

  5. Amen praise the Lord Jesus hallelujah

  6. Thank you for this 💖🙌✨. I've been seeing this number since the portal opened, 2/2/2020. Also, i want to ask something, well.. At the exact date i was experiencing weirdest thing with electricity. I was walking on the street and just happening to stare at the street lights, one of them was off. You know, as usual i was just being me with the colorful imagination then after few seconds it went on. I was shocked and just thought maybe it was coinsidence. So i did the same thing to the other lamp (its on) strangely enough it went off! I couldn't believe what i just saw, i keep repeating this to other lamps and lights i saw that day. It truly was happening. But somehow it drained me and i felt a lil headache after doing it. Im doing the research now about it. If you know something it'd be very helpful and i appreciate it so much. I mean, hey i didnt even know it's a thing till now.

    Sending love and light to everyone, i hope you are doing great 💖
