Thursday, August 04, 2011


Number 244 is a blend of the attributes and energies of number 2 and the vibrations of number 4, with number 4 appearing twice, multiplying and amplifying its influences. Number 2 brings it vibrations of balance and harmony, co-operation and diplomacy, devotion, duty and service, adaptability, partnerships and duality. Number 2 also relates to faith and trust and our Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 4 resonates with our willpower and effort, traditional values, stability and ability, patience and practicality, building solid foundations and working with determination and diligence towards achieving goals. Number 4 also has to do with our passion and drive in life.

Angel Number 244 is a message from the angels that you need to see yourself in a higher light (as your true self), and your angels are helping to boost your self-esteem and self-belief. Stay balanced, grounded and focused, safe in the knowledge that your angels surround and support you as you tread your Divine life purpose and path.

Angel Number 244 also encourages you to think of ways to bring your ideas and dreams to fruition and put your efforts towards achieving those goals. With a solid plan in place and a true belief in yourself there is nothing you cannot achieve. Take balanced, well-considered steps and keep your focus on positive results and outcomes. Give yourself permission to be all that you can be.

Angel Number 244 asks that you acknowledge the determination, discipline and hard work you have put into your endeavours in the past, and know that they will have long-term benefits and rewards. Take heart that your will and efforts have been well worth your while, and your angels encourage you to keep up the great work you have been doing.

Number 244 relates to number 1 (2+4+4=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.

Also see:
Repeating 2’s and 4’s  (24, 224, 242, 244 etc)
Angel Number 24
Angel Number 224
Angel Number 242



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  1. Replies
    1. I c this number all the time in everyday life

  2. Thank you for this website! I love it so much!

  3. This number showed up on a facebook correspondence as the time I sent it.......but when I looked at the clock it was only 2:15. My guides like to mess with my ipad. Love it!!

    1. Mine are like that too sometimes! :) Mine definitely have a fun sense of humor!

    2. Yes! Mine too. Knowing the angels are there makes life so rich. So grateful!

  4. I don't know how many may view this site but it is deeper than you may imagine. It's more than just a random message. It's exactly what you need to hear at this time in your life. Deeper than that you really have to stay true tp your numbers. When you play with curiosity you may find that those angel numbers don't exist. To whoever takes the time to relay these messages YOU HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE. I am beyond grateful and truly believe in the messages you relay.

    Thank you.

    1. Who exactly sends these messages angels or spirit guides or god and are they always around us lastly who exactly are tgey and why have they come into my life i see tons of angel numbers 222 777 3333 444 555 i just want a little more information on these spirit guides if you can tell me a little more about them

    2. Spirit Guides

  5. Thank you so much! <3

  6. I saw this 244 in my dreams and ldon't know nothing about it

    1. I did last night for the first time...part of a dream and mentioned 244 twice in a row. Still trying to put the pieces together.

  7. I always come here for reminders. I don't know what I ever did without you Angel rush-collection♡ much love and light. Oh and yes Angel blessings♡ Shine bright.♡

  8. I woke up around 2:30am this morning and all I kept saying in my head is the number 244. I guess I was trying to remember it. That is the only thing I remembered from my dream is this number. Now finding out what this number mean, I'm truly greatful. The message came at the right time. I needed to hear this. Thank you so much for this site. May love and light continue to surround you. ❤��

  9. Thank you!!! Much needed message &ad always on point !!! ♡♡♡
    Thank you Angels & thank you rush-collection !!! Always and forever grateful!!!Health,love,peace and Light to all !!! ♡♡♡

  10. Thank you ����❤

  11. I always see 1:44,2:44,10:44,4:44,3:44 ... numbers in daily life. When I go to sleep or I woke up I see these numbers. Even when I book the cab I see same numbers. Can somebody tell me the meaning of it.

    1. Im not sure, but maybe you are searching for something and you wish so dearly to have an answer. The longing to know keeps us all hanging on.

    2. From day to day i too see those numbers or similar sequences. It good knowing my angel is there...

  12. Im not sure, but maybe you are searching for something and you wish so dearly to have an answer. The longing to know keeps us all hanging on.

  13. I do too, to me it is a sign of encouragement and security from the angels <3

    1. Yes! This is what I believe, too. I just dropped my only child at college. So sad. I asked for a positive sign. The day I dropped him off I opened my ipad at exactly 11:11am and then again at 11:11pm. I also saw a rainbow that day! I love the angels. ❤️❤️❤️

  14. One day the story will fade away, it always does. Can only hope the last few chapters are the lead up to different times. Im sure, angels are guiding me to where i need to be.

  15. I had a dream i was in a sleeping room. In the corner of that room came a gohst out of the wall. He had a paper and a pencil in huis hand. He (or She) wrote on the paper the number 244. Aftersales that he came more and more closer tot me, and started screaming that moment i woke up. That dat u thought alle the time about it, and about that number 244. Than i went to Goole, and searched for: " number 244" and came tot this site. This is really how it happened.

  16. I'm currently going through a divorce and it's been very traumatic. It's 5:58 am and in in bed crying because I'm lost. All of a sudden 244 popped into my head and i felt compelled to look it up.

    I'm too upset to be comforted at the moment, but reading this does help. I have written it down in my journal to comeback to in the future when I'm in the right mindset.

    Thank you for this wonderful site.

  17. I enter into the new year on a positive note with god by my side. No actions will persuade me into procrastination. I have finally dicided to let go of all Negativity. A new leaf has been turned in my life. God bless us all. Hallelujah, amen.

  18. I just felt like telling you rush-collection...thank you, thank you, thank you for the work that you do. My guides and angels use these numbers to communicate with me throughout the day, every day. If you had never made this website I would never have been able to learn to understand. I can't tell you how many times I've been directed here for love, encouragement, healing, peace, and many other things. These numbers have gotten me through some pretty hard times. So thank you so much for all you do. I really, really appreciate you! Sending much love and light. <3 ~S.R.S

    1. So beautifully said. I feel the same way. Thank you, rush-collection!��

  19. My mom just got the number 244 at 2:44 when her kindle book stopped and screen displayed the clock. And she was already doing spiritual journaling.

  20. rush-collection thank you for your site I have been wakeing up at 2.10 am and 3.10 for months they kept repeating I was told they are messages from spirt or angels so found your site after writeing down when I wake found what the numbers mean and had a wonderfull fealing now I write down every time I wake up different numbers now different messages which before I used to ignore now I pay attention they don't repeat iam developing my connection to the spirts/ angels
    thank you rush-collection

  21. Love and gratitude rush-collection! Thank you for encouraging all of us to awaken to out inner truths as spiritual beings having a human experience! Heaven on earth is real. Awaken awaken awaken my loves! <3 <3 <3

    Love Light and Infinite Upliftment!
    Thank you! <3

  22. So relieved from this passage , I sit for my personal Trainer fitness certification... Ive been extremely nervous and downing myself lately... test in 3 days wish me luck... Thank you Angels

  23. Grateful����‍♀️��🧚🏻‍♀️🤗


  25. Thank you so much. Nothing like love and kindness. Gives me peace. Sending love and blessings to all.Doing birthday is today just glad I woke up to see another day. 75 and still strong 💪 ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  26. The time was 2:44, and I had 24% battery life remaining on my phone; if that's not a coincidence, then I don't know what a coincidence is.
    Thank you, spirit. 🙏
