Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Number 327 is a compilation of the energies of number 3, the vibrations of number 2 and the attributes of number 7. Number 3 resonates with energy, growth and expansion, spontaneity, communication and self-expression, encouragement and assistance, talent and skills, joy and enthusiasm. Number 3 indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked. Number 2 brings its vibrations of diplomacy and co-operation, consideration for others, finding balance and harmony, duality, devotion and selflessness, faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul mission. Number 7 resonates with spiritual awakening, development and enlightenment, mysticism and psychic abilities, understanding the self and others, persistence of purpose, good fortune and manifesting your desires.  

Angel Number 327 is a message from your angels and the Ascended Masters that you are being ‘congratulated’ for living and serving your soul mission with faith, love and trust. You have followed the guidance from the angels and Masters and are currently living your Divine life purpose.

Angel Number 327 is a message to pay special attention to your dreams, daydreams, visions, recurring thoughts and feelings. The angels and Ascended Masters are sending you Divine guidance regarding your life path and purpose and ask that you take action according to direction. Your meditations, prayers and positive affirmations have aligned you with your Divine spiritual path, life purpose and soul missionYou will be called upon to take action and apply your knowledge in useful and helpful ways. Use your natural spiritual values, intuition and communication skills to uplift others. 

Give yourself the time to breathe, re-centre and re-balance yourself, and connect with your higher-self in the present moment. Allow your soul to speak to you. Listen to your gut feelings and intuition and trust your feelings when making decisions for your life.

Number 327 relates to number 3 (3+2+7=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Wow !!! Thank you so much for this !!! My birthday is on 327 and I been seeing it a lot !! I believe so much that higher beingS are helping us in our Spiritual evolution !!

    1. Mine too! Happy birthday!

    2. I would love to talk to you more on this...I have experienced the same. I too was born March 27. Please email me if you could: cvlove2@hotmail.com.

    3. Same my birthday is March 27 & I’ve been seeing 327 like crazy lately

  2. I use to think that this number was a curse.. Many thanks for the reassurance that I am on the right path...

    1. And exactly what path is that diana you posted this in September what have you gained since then?....

    2. my birthday is also 327 and i have been seeing this number a lot lately.

  3. Finally a reasonable explanation and its good to see that there are others like me XD

  4. I knew these numbers had to mean something. I was seeing them to much to think anything else. Thanks for the enlightenment.

  5. Thank you I finally left a unhealthy relationship. I was bouncing from hotel to hotel until i got ready to go out of state, kept getting room 327. Im like again? The lady at the front desk said I should play those numbers. I knew the number had more meaning. I knew in my heart I was supposed to leave. But I was scared to be a single mom, scared of change, scared that I made a mistake taking my kids. When I got to my destination, several states away. I turn on the hotel tv(room 217), it was a church show on and i looked for the remote to change the channel. But wait! they're talking about number 3 2 7. Meaning Trinity fulfillment and agreement. I don't believe in coincidence. This whole month I been praying to God and my Angels. Thank you

  6. This is so amazing this is my sobriety date and to me is when I started to really believe in my Angels that are guiding me and went to a AA meeting tonight as was able to share this site with another young man that was feeling down and when I told him he had Angels to Google it with a number or his sobriety date his face just lite up and gave me a big hug and felt his energy had truly changed to positive thank you Angels for letting me help someone else tonight ♡

  7. Hallelujah, AUM.

  8. I wakeup daily at 3:27am
    And this scares me.
    Is it something that i should bother or not?

  9. I wake up daily at 3:27am and it scares me.. is it something that i should bother about?

    1. I do the same. Almost nightly. Very strange.

  10. Looking at the meaning of the number I feel the angels are trying to get your attention. You are being congratulated for living and serving your soul mission.
    But to pay attention to your dreams, daydreams,visions,
    recurring thoughts and feelings. You are getting divine guidance. Read the meaning again I think you will find a positive meaning. I know I did.... Have a blessed day...

  11. Looking at the meaning of the number I feel the angels are trying to get your attention. You are being congratulated for living and serving your soul mission.
    But to pay attention to your dreams, daydreams,visions,
    recurring thoughts and feelings. You are getting divine guidance. Read the meaning again I think you will find a positive meaning. I know I did.... Have a blessed day...

  12. I allow my Christ self to flow through me at all times for me and my people. All the negative thoughts or deeds that I have done in my past be vanished from the hearts and minds of all humanity from this day forth and forevermore in the name of Jesus. I will hearby influence others to walk the path of righteousness through me. Hallelujah, Amen.


  13. For the last 2 weeks I awake at this time 3:27am? I pray every night before I goto to bed for the angels to watch over my house & guard & protect my children while they sleep! I still walk around the house after I'm awaken to make sure every door is locked & window is closed! Every night at 3:27am

  14. My bday is 327....I find myself always looking at the clock at this exact time...day or night! I was born on my grandfather Pop"s bday and this number has always felt special to me...even more now that he crossed over to the spirit realm.

    1. this is really weird, 327 is my and my grandfathers birthday as well, and i have been seeing it everywhere

  15. Thank you so much 😌 I’m so glad to receive this message. II need to remember to give myself sometime to breathe, to re-center and balance myself in order to gather up my energy so that I can put my energy to uplift others 💕 It’s such a relieve to know that I’m going on a right path and direction following my guidances. I couldn’t be more thankful 😌 thank you so very much! with love and light, Rosie ❤️

  16. I've been waking at this time for Abit 6 months now and it's sometimes from dreams and sometimes to find my TV turned on ever since this happened my life has changed jurastically and it's been for the better! I couldn't have found a more relatable explanation. Thank you!

  17. 327 is my Birthday also and I see it all the time ! I have crazt stories of seeing the numbers

  18. This number is actually the birthdate of my oldest child my son. I see this number almost daily. Wether it's on a gas station sign, time on the clock or just randomly in other places. So now after reading this when I see 327 I will thank the universe and my ancestors for guidance and being with me. I will ask what is it that they want me to know or do. This was very helpful.

  19. The messages continue to confirm my life path just as i need it. The timing is remarkable!!

  20. I was born with gifts, have been given more gifts past 2 years. I seen things few see, for my eyes are open. I'm the 3rd of the 3rd of the 3rd generation healers and others. I'm Cherokee,Irish,German more Cherokee. I'm called Spitfire. Visions, abilities, and etc. Gifts from God. Past 2 years don't sleep much, always wake around same times every night. Which is 4 times a night. Attached by those who don't know me/don't understand or scared of me. Why? I'm a child of nature, child of the light. I've always know I was different from others. That's all I can say right now. If you truly want to know my numbers, my birth. if your gifts are true. You
    tell me what they are.

  21. I prefer a higher standard. God numbers that promise even more fanciful stuff. Thanks

  22. On June 24, 2022, i dreamed 327 keep flasing on my dream that night

  23. Thank you 🙏 x

  24. My son whom I call my golden child was born 327 and I see it all the time as well. He's been in and out of trouble for years and everytime I see it I think he's in trouble or something bad is happening to him. Yesterday a angel was my Uber driver her eyes 🥹 told a story they were so blue and beautiful and as soon as I told here I'm seeing 327 at each and every gas station on the same road my son is in prison at Hwy 301 she immediately brought me here and showed me what I needed to not be afraid of 327 any more Angels walk amongst us everyday in disguise but some of them can't hide it's clear that their angels and I recognize one yesterday. Thank you Tiff my angel Uber Driver ❤️ your eyes told it all

  25. 327 is my Birthday. The Devine message following 327 is all I need… it’s comforting to know that I’m being guided by the angels and Ascended Masters, I’m truly elated and blessed 😇

  26. Peace and Love be with you this Journey is Beautiful
