Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Number 325 is made up of a blend of the attributes and energies of number 3, number 2 and number 5. Number 3 relates to optimism and enthusiasm, communication and self-expression, inspiration and creativity, encouragement and assistance, talent and skills, expansion and growth. Number 3 also relates to the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. Number 2 carries the vibrations of duality, partnership and relationships, diplomacy and adaptability, sensitivity and selflessness.  Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul mission. Number 5 resonates with personal freedom and individuality, major life changes, making important choices and decisions, promotion and advancements, adaptability and versatility, life lessons learned through experience and resourcefulness.  

Look within yourself and feel the changes that are taking place in your life as they are a reflection of what is happening outside of you. Take back your power and organize your life in a way that is conducive to your physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual health and wellbeing.

Angel Number 325 brings a message that life changes you are considering and being guided to make are the right ones for you. Trust the messages and promptings and get on with changing aspects of your life for the better. Trust that you are taking steps in the right direction according to your Divine life plan and purpose.

Angel Number 325 suggests that the changes that you are going through are most positive. Making changes can bring about fear of the unknown, but trust that these changes are necessary and will bring you long-term benefits. Allow your angels to guide you through the transitions and remember that there is nothing to fear. If you can learn to enjoy life’s changes, you will enjoy life itself much more.

A happy and positive move of residence and/or place of employment may be in the works. This movement will usher in positive new energies and will bring about wonderful new opportunities for you.

Number 325 relates to number 1 (3+2+5=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you! I see this # all the time...it also happens to be my date of birth. Cheers 2 u!

    1. It's my birthday too, which is why I began to notice it. It is everywhere. As an example, when you see a box of paper, on The Office, the sequence is on every box. In fact, I've seen the sequence on Eveeet paper or file box I've seen on Any tv show.
      That's one example from many

    2. I see it everywhere too. TV, total at the register, adds, commercials and its also my birthday.

  2. It's also the date of the first council of Nicaea where anything other than Christianity as defined by the council was made a criminal offense. Including Numerology.

  3. Thanks to God's gift to Ms. rush-collection for this website. These angelic messages are true and for real, I personally know it's a fact. Anyone who has other opinions not of a positive or Godly nature should pray and seek God. I am a strong believer in God and love to praise and worship him. God is the only One who knows every man's heart. Do not respond to anything on this website in a negative manner. Light & Love

  4. My wife and I are divorcing and she told me she has started dating again. I've been having severe panic attacks because of this new knowledge and I've woken up in a cold sweat at 3:25 am every day for nearly two weeks. I did not want to look into a "meaning" but my daughter asked to. My mind is a little blown right now. Thank you.

  5. I had been having doubts about interviewing for one of my previous jobs. The interview is actually tomorrow morning the 23/11/2015. This job had been one of the best ones I had, but with me getting comfortable in my current job, the salary and benefits, I wasn't sure if I wanted to interview again. I applied because of the negative energies in my current work place. I prayed to God for guidance on this. I kept seeing numbers in my dreams asking me to embrace the change, yet I wasn't sure. Last night I dreamed of number 325 and the message couldn't be more clearer. (Quote " A happy and positive move of residence and/or place of employment may be in the works. This movement will usher in positive new energies and will bring about wonderful new opportunities for you.")Thank you God for your guidance and thank you rush-collection for helping me understand the messages. You see, I always dreamed of numbers but I thought these were lucky number for lottery(yes I laugh). Till one day I chanced upon your website and then I realised these number were not the lucky lottery number but they were messages to me. I feel blessed that I can receive such messages and guidance every day of my life. Thank You

  6. I have been waking up a exactly 3:25 am for the longest off an on ..but for the last week or so it's been every night. Thanks now i know where to send my thanks and prayers

  7. I have been waking up a exactly 3:25 am for the longest off an on ..but for the last week or so it's been every night. Thanks now i know where to send my thanks and prayers

  8. This same song keeps playing,
    and it's very haunting.

    The duration is 3:25

    I've had several violent thoughts,
    indeed they are a product of fear.
    Fear of changes...

  9. Change of employment on the works for me !!!♡♡♡
    I've just finished my Personal Services add!!! ♡♡♡
    Happy and fulfilling change of work environment for me pending !!!
    Stay blessed people, as we all are !!!♡♡♡
    It is a priceless gift to have God and our Angels guiding us and motivating us to surge forward fearlessly !!!
    Love and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  10. NAMASTE...rush-collection 🌞

  11. I think you mean... "Look outside yourself and feel the changes that are taking place in your life as they are a reflection of what is happening inside of you." Our outer is a reflection of our inner.

    1. I thought so too, apparently it’s not written in stone;) ✌️

  12. I've been through it since the eclipse season. Your channeling has been helpful in the past. But things have gone to a whole new level now. Your blogspot is a GODSEND, a LITERAL script from the angels. I don't know where I'd be without it. I'd have my intuition, yes... But the reassurance of this guide has given me a confidence & power almost inconceivable. Thank you! We are in your debt, and the debt shall be paid!

  13. The debt will be paid when clarity is everywhere. This is not just my job, this is ours. When fear is lost and there’s nothing left but love, clarity will soon follow and then we can build. We can build because people will be ready to support eachother, old ways will soon be forgotten. When this divine union is complete we will go from a crawl to a jog. Slow and steady, are you ready?!?! May we rejoice and finally feel how love is woven into your very DNA, as it will feel so natural. Thoughts of wonder and relief will wash over your body. With this wash, comes hope and opportunity. Quality loving work will be rewarded.

    On a final note, love harder than every before. Spread love and light for this is the way forward to a MUCH happier, divine vision.

    “And so it is.”

  14. Hello friends and family I just want to say much love in our worlds and if y'all would please when you get the chance go stand and look in the mirror and tell the father thank you for the blessings that's coming our way and by the way this is Brandon Bailey I'm 41 years old or father didn't make all this and disappear remember the world is a hoe right ✌️😉

  15. Hello friends and family another beautiful day I say I just want to remind you all please never let your doubts and fears hold you back from your dreams anything is possible through Christ who strengthens us.,

  16. Thank you, resonates totally

  17. Thank you Angels,
