Saturday, August 06, 2011


Number 246 is a blend of the attributes of number 2, the vibrations of number 4 and the energies of number 6. Number 2 relates to service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, consideration and receptivity, relationships, fulfilment and happiness, faith and trust and Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 4 adds its vibrations of honesty and integrity, traditional values, hard work and responsibility, practicality and application, diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose. Number 6 resonates with love of home and family and domesticity, service to others and selflessness, responsibility and reliability, providing for the self and others. Number 6 also resonates with personal willpower, independence, initiative, action and overcoming obstacles.

Angel Number 246 is a message from your angels that they are helping you to manifest your material and financial supply in order to provide for your needs. Keep a positive attitude and a focused mind-set, use positive affirmations and prayers, and trust that your needs will be met. The Law of Attraction in action.

Angel Number 246 brings a message to reassure you that your material needs (such as home, transportation, food, clothing and utilities etc) will be met. Your prayers for assistance with your monetary needs have been answered. Keep up the good work you have been doing and expect abundance and prosperity to flow into your life. Be grateful for your blessings and share them freely with others as this encourages a continuous and steady supply. As you give so you shall receive.

Affirm the best for yourself, your loved ones and the world as a whole. Honour your higher-self’s guidance and passionately pursue your soul mission using your unique communication skills and inner-talents and abilities to enlighten and uplift others. 

Number 246 relates to number 3 (2+4+6=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.

Also see:
Angel Number 642



Sacred Scribes

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you and your angels..really a wonderful gift x

  2. Wow.
    This is a direct reply to some of my thought worries as of lately. Thank you for spelling these messages out like this. <3

  3. As best a human can be in this day and age, I will be true as to how an ideal man shown by Christ can be from this day forth and forevermore. No worldly pleasures will persuade me from the holy path I choose to follow. Eventually all will wonder and ponder only into his glory. I believe and affirm that I would need his help throughout all my endeavours for I acknowledge my humanity. The Revelation has come to Fruition. Hallelujah, AUM. Amen
    - Shaunicorn7

  4. Hallelujah thank you Jesus and to my loving angels

  5. Hallelujah thank you Jesus and to my loving angels

  6. I am dreamin this number lastnight, and this morning, I immediately search the meaning on it in google. Finally, now I've found the answers. I can't believe it, tears fall while reading this wonderful meaning. From today, I feel blessed and abundance. Thank you fpr the universe to teach me to be more positive always

  7. Thank you Abba Father and to my angels

  8. i woke up last night sudden saw this number. i would like to thank you for this and thank you my angels

  9. I asked my angels and the universe fir a signal last night if i am on the right path to give me a sign i woke up and looked at the clock it was 246 thankyou angels and universe

  10. I asked my angels and the universe to give me a sign last night of i sm on the right path i woke up and looked at the clock it was 246 thank you universe and my angels for everything

  11. Thank you Angels...#1 Fan... ive been keeping a positive mindset, ive changed too for the better... I pray i make it thru its not easy. Thank you Universe/God (source)

  12. I have seen this number both in the after as well as in the AM for the past few days in a row. I am delighted at its meaning. Thank you so much for blessing me with such a beautiful message. I really appreciate this site. Much love. XOXO

  13. I have seen this number both in the after as well as in the AM for the past few days in a row. I am delighted at its meaning. Thank you so much for blessing me with such a beautiful message. I really appreciate this site. Much love. XOXO

  14. Hallelujah, rejoice I give thanks for grace ,and except humility 🙏

  15. Asé Asé Asé 🙏

  16. rush-collection Sacred I just wanna TRULY THANK YOU FROM the Bottom of MY HEART for KEEPING the DRIVE , PRIDE, and VERY UPLIFTING COURAGE / STRENGTH through ALLLLL & ANYTHING TO ENSURE OUR SAFETY NET STAYS STRONGEST EVER ❤️ Please GRACIOUSLY Continue TO SEND OuR Angela OVER TO HElP Guide us / protect us forever and ever I will pass it On with lots of love ,and lots or hugs
    miss ya Jas., miss ya Hag .!;)

