Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Number 53 is made up of the vibrations and energies of the number 5 and number 3. The number 5 relates to the attributes of release and surrender, freedom, progress and motivation, versatility and adaptability, courage and making positive life choices.  Number 5 is the number of taking chances and major life changes. Number 3 relates to creativity, personal charisma, community and sociability, expansion and growth, joy and optimism, communication and self-expression.  Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters, and indicates that they are with you, assisting when asked. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within.

Angel Number 53 is a powerful indication of important life changes occurring in your life (or about to occur).  These changes have come about due to your positive attitude and intentions to better your life on all levels.  Your prayers and positive affirmations have manifested your desired changes, and ‘better’ is now on its way.

Angel Number 53 is a message from your angels and the Ascended Masters that they are working closely with you as you go through a major life change (or changes). These changes may seem challenging, but rest assured that they are necessary and will prove to be most beneficial in the long-term.

Angel Number 53 asks that you trust your intuition and inner-wisdom and allow your angels and the Ascended Masters to aid, assist and support you through these transitions.

Number 53 also relates to the number 8 (5+3=8) and Angel Number 8.

See also:

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  1. Wow, I had seen this little round sticky in the bathroom floor for about two weeks. The janitor had swept and mopped but it continued to be there, and it got my attention every time I went into the bathroom. Finally decided it must mean something, picked it up and claimed it. I'm glad I did, because I now know what it was all about.

  2. Thank you <3 This guidance came to me yesterday! I was told to pay attention....so I did. Thank you for providing this guidance.

  3. I dreamed about my daddy who is no longer here on earth and in my dream he said this number in my dream....So I see this was a way of my Daddy telling me everything will be okay for me....

  4. I could not express to you how much this number and every other has helped me have the confidence to make important life changes to better myself
    Thank you rush-collection for the priceless information you have brought to the world

  5. Wow, this is so relevant to my life right now. Dreamt with this number, but i didnt remember the dream, just the number. I rememeber feeling a big in distress and then seeing the number 53 pop up, and then my dream was over. Thanks for the info.

  6. I need more details if possible

    1. When you see the number Batman, stop and listen to your own intuition and the messages and signs that present to you.


    2. jamie parenteau *#47*Friday, September 09, 2016

      rush-collection is right.
      & remember life is simple, people can be complicated. Dont complicate a simple situation that is a key to ur destination.

    3. wow ive just found 53 on my arm in a freckle clear as daylight my girl friend seen it as i was not looking .im 53 yrs old and born at no 53

  7. I need more details if possible

  8. I would like more details if possible

  9. I keep seeing 53 but this is also both my parents birth year, my dad has passed on & I don't speak to my mum so I wasn't sure if this was to do with them. What you said does resonate with me though as I have been/am going through some pretty big stuff lately. Thanks.

    1. It can most certainly be (and most often is) signs and messages from past over loved ones.

  10. Great, I've been avoiding the numbers and they get scrambled and mixed up, but now that I remembered I kept seeing 53 and 5, 3 constantly, so here I am checking it this morning, now I see I truly manifested these happenings ,they are great, but letting go never is, but just when you focus on you as I am, sometimes they do come back, I just must continue to love and work on me, so I will be well built, solid, and unbreakable when it or anything comes this WAY! LET GO ANGELS!!!!! #growth

  11. My husband (age 33) has been seeing the number 53 since he was a pre-teen. He sees it everywhere... License plates, time clocks, measurements, bank account balances... I mean everywhere, multiple times a day. I'm taking him to our tarot reader next weekend to finally get to the bottom of it!

    1. Omg. I'm not the only one. I thought I was crazy. I can't get away from it. It's everywhere all day everyday.

  12. Thank you so much, rush-collection! <3

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you September 05 2016!!!!

  14. I also am seeing the number 53 constantly, if I look at a clock it's at 53 minutes, when I look at my phone it is 53% charged. This has only just started to happen but I am not too sure on the reason why and what I should look for.

  15. I have been seeing the number 53 for years ,and have to say I have been very scared of it.I have had fibromyalgia for 22 years and am in constant pain . The number just keeps popping up, I wake up it something53 o'clock or someone coming out-of a house in a programme on telly , even in a computer game I picked up a gun and it had 53 on its side . I have been trying to publish a book I wrote years ago , could item a sign

  16. I am at St. Marks church in Glendale, CA right now. It's around 11:50 at night. Every Maundy Thursday after the Solemn Mass the Sacrament is reserved at the Altar of Repose in the Blessed Virgin Mary Chapel. People come and stay at the church whole night praying.That's why I am here praying and chanting whole night. While chanting I was using one or of those clicker apps on my cellphone to keep the number of my chants. You know every time you click, the counter counts one. I was on number 50 and all of a sudden, like someone pushing my finger, unintentionally and unconsciously I clicked 3 times one after another and then the number stopped on 53. I thought it should be an important message from my angels. Can you please help me understand that?

  17. I see this number everywhere, more than any other number, on clocks on signs on wine bottles, my recent passenger number on a plane, the house directly in front of me, everywhere. I was also born in a house number 53, I recently seen my birth certificate and noticed my birth time was 20:53
    What an odd little fun number that follows us.
    My partner thinks it's a universal thing, like we all have code attached to us like computer software, some code is just more apparent than others.

  18. I was at Denny's today and I looked at a photo of a car they had by the door I noticed a pair of dice hanging from the rearview mirror the first pair of numbers I noticed was five and three undecided because that was the first set of numbers I noticed that was my message and crazily and oddly enough the message resonated with me proving to be my message

  19. Always and forever grateful!!!
    Stay blessed people!!! Love,peace and Light to all !!! ♡♡♡


  21. Grateful for every reminder.Amen.🧘‍♀️❤🙏🎈

  22. Thank you Jesus and to my Angels

  23. I am glad that i am not the only one seeing this number. I have been seeing it since 2013 but lately i see almost every hour every day..53 minutes over. But allso on cars etc. Crazy! But i can allso see the changes in my life. And they happened after meeting soul mates or Twin flame or what ever.I have met many these years. Thank you for explaining this number !!

  24. @Batman, do you live in Las Vegas? If so then, Hi its me Tonia! Lol. If not, nevermind. Have a nice day. But if its you and still need more info maybe i can help you... Ttyl.��

  25. Thank you rush-collection. I hope that you and all that you love are safe in the Australia fires... This is my first choice then Sun Signs for any number i receive. Thank you for being technical and not emotion or opinion in your defining of the numbers. I like that its exact or precise without fluff. I hope you understand what im trying to say. Thank you. 💖

  26. And I’m so grateful for it:) ❤️🙏🏻🙌🏻✌️


  28. Thank you thank you thank you… for ALL of my Blessings and for those on the way! 🙏 I am ready for my new ❤️ And I am open to receive my better … 🙏🙏🙏🥳🥳🥳❤️❤️❤️ Let it be!!! 🙏❤️❤️❤️ #53

    1. As Above… So Below… THANK YOU 🙏 for it all 🥳❤️❤️❤️ Amen 🙏 Back to the future….🙏

  29. Thank you… Amen 🙏
