Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Number 52 is comprised of the energies and vibrations of number 5 and number 2. Number 5 carries the qualities of personal freedom, curiosity and courage, motivation and progress, adaptability and versatility, new opportunities, making positive life choices, life lessons learned through experience and important life changes. Number 2 relates to the attributes of duality, balance and harmony, co-operation and partnerships, adaptability, selflessness and devotion, service and duty and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. This combination makes number 52 a number of personal expression, optimism, companionship and activity.

Angel Number 52 tells you that important life changes may come about sooner than expected and in unexpected and miraculous ways. Your angels ask that you be open and receptive to your intuitive thoughts and feelings and take positive action as guided.

Angel Number 52 brings a message to have faith and trust in yourself and the decisions and choices you have made in regards to current life changes. Trust that these changes will bring auspicious circumstances and new opportunities to enhance and enrich your life. These changes will also bring you into perfect alignment with your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 52 is a message that the changes occurring will bring about improvements and positive opportunities that will benefit your life on all levels. It is a reminder from your angels to have faith and trust in yourself, your choices and who you are within. Go with the flow of the changes in your life.

Number 52 also relates to number 7 (5+2=7) and Angel Number 7.

Also see:
Repeating 5’s and 2’s  (522, 525, 552 etc)
Angel Number 522
Angel Number 525
Angel Number 552

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. Thank you for posting this. I see this number all the time, especially at 12:52 am or pm. 52 tends to repeat itself throughout the day. I am currently in the middle of making choices...yes they are "life changing". This brings me more confidence in trusting my guidance. That my thoughts are aligned with my higher purpose and I should just simply trust them! Thank You!!!

  2. This posting blows my mind. I mean its true, the message the meaning. I got number 52 is combined from how long my relationship, like this: 5 is the 5 years I been in relationship with my first girlfriend and number 2 is 2 years I been in relationship with the second girlfriend. I feel there is something weird with that years, so I search on the internet and found your post. This is great. Thank you...

  3. I had a dream someone gave me a 52 dollar bill. I'm ready for a miracle.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I searched 52 for this reason:
    Two of my friends texted me at exactly 12:52 today. Both texted the word: AMEN *as a comment on what i told them (it was two unrelated topics i texted with each person) one person is ex magazine photo model who converted to Islam and now is happy with her husband (also convert) and have two children. She even wears a scarf.
    Second person is my friend who is ex combat marine who got sick from chemicals they use in warfare and now he is back home, has nothing. He likes Islam and the prayers help him with his pain but he is struggling to leave the current church, and today he was back in pain, so i comforted him with some of my words and so he texted Amen. What do you guys think? Was this message for him? Should I suggest him to come find peace in Islam as i do not wish to impose on him, but I think he deserves to be happy

    1. I'm wondering too about this number cause i see it all the time

  7. I searched 52 for this reason:
    Two of my friends texted me at exactly 12:52 today. Both texted the word: AMEN *as a comment on what i told them (it was two unrelated topics i texted with each person) one person is ex magazine photo model who converted to Islam and now is happy with her husband (also convert) and have two children. She even wears a scarf.
    Second person is my friend who is ex combat marine who got sick from chemicals they use in warfare and now he is back home, has nothing. He likes Islam and the prayers help him with his pain but he is struggling to leave the current church, and today he was back in pain, so i comforted him with some of my words and so he texted Amen. What do you guys think? Was this message for him? Should I suggest him to come find peace in Islam as i do not wish to impose on him, but I think he deserves to be happy

  8. Thank you so much, rush-collection! Love to you! <3

  9. I checked both my bank accounts and they both had a 52¢ balance,im a Libra by the way lol and the 7 thing somehow relates to me I've been told.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. 52.. This is starting to actually bother me, with how many times I see this number, as well as other things. Started in 3rd grade..soccer number was 5, my gf 2. (Shes my wife now were 41). At 17 my dad passed he was 52, then addresses, license plates,SS# ends 52, the time is nearly always 00:52. Random things on t.v.52 soldiers in ww2,after 52 years blah blah.. constantly..I thought the time ending in 52 when i look at my watch was me kind of subcontiously trained my self to check time in certain intervals, so i started to screenshot or photo weird 52 sitings, I would like to believe this is a positive issue..however with my dad passing at 52 i often wonder if this is a sign i will pass in 11 years, and this is a sign to get things in order? Im not sure, but, open minded, and really enjoyed reading others stories as well. Keep up the great work..

    J Kennedy

    1. Never hurts to be in order but I imagine it's more likely your dad showing you he's around. Not likely (although possible of course) that he'd pass at 52 then you would too. (Again, a sound checkup is good advice for anyone, as is getting your estate in order.) Sylvia Browne believed we all have several exit points, perhaps his last was 52. Did you have a good relationship with him? Were you close? Did he leave you with love? Some of the best people leave this world so early; I believe they've accomplished all they were sent for.
      You have awesome, straightforward energy, and I love that you met your wife in the 3rd grade. Sound like you've got an awesome life lining up (41..so young!) and some amazing celestial energy, in the form of your dad, backing you up. Good luck!

  12. i had vision about this number 52 i think 2 weeks ago i didnt dream about it,i just saw it like a vision,its weird, it just appeared when i closed my eyes when I am about to sleep again, but prior to that I have been seeing numbers 111,222,333,444,555 and 11:11. i dont know why I have been seeing these numbers but i can feel that something great is about to happen, miracles is about to happen. Is there anyone who experience the same thing? please email me shegfred.ordas@gmail.com

    1. Yes I have been experiencing exactly the same...numbers such as 555, 333, 111, 11:11, 22:22 etc now I'm seeing 11:52 a lot and 52 in digital clock....I'm currently going through some big challenges, me and my sons father have split I need to move home, I'm currently looking for a new job as my current job is so negative it's impacting my life. But on the plus side my music career is going very well and my last 3 songs have been played on the radio station where I live and I'm about to release my 3rr album. Excited to see where all this takes me.

    2. This is very similar to my situation now. How did everything go with you?

    3. I had a VERY lucid dream where I was walking behind my spirit-guide, and he turned around to tell me "you have 52 angels around you" He repeated the sentence twice like he really wanted me to take it in, and not forget. We we're walking down an isle, yet we were not really on a floor.It was though he was very busy working on my "case". I woke up and wrote it down. Now that I looked it up here, it makes sense. It was more than just about protection. At first I thought it was only protection because I had so much darkness around me. But apparently it was a message also. I love this website. It makes it so easy when it comes to numerology. You get answers in a matter of seconds. I have to thank you rush-collection.

  13. Replies
    1. Amen!...Trust,Hope,patient and faith ect... is the only solutions in any problems.I appreciate with great respect.Thank you..

  14. Amen !!!😇 Grateful for every reminder!!!♥️🍀🎈😇
    Love and Light to all!!!🎈

  15. Year ago a was searching for the meaning of this number i've read this topic and it was true the vibration énergie of 52 big changes in my life happend .. Know the same thing i see 52 all the time and i'm so excited for the next changes 😍😋

  16. Every number have same meaning

  17. Amen!!!!🧘‍♀️🎈🍀🙏♥️

  18. Phone on 52% and it was 4:52pm 🙇🏾‍♀️

    1. Same just happened phone on 52% and three time was 1:52. This happens daily

  19. I met a man named star. i had no money for food, i couldnt accept the money he offered so instead he split his pizza with me and gave me some of his time to just listen to me. It meant absouletly everything to me.

  20. Grateful for every timely reminder. 🙏♥️

  21. I have been seeing the number 52 at least 5 times a day for over two weeks, whether it be the 52 minute of the hour or on number plates, email numbers, phone percentage and street signs! I then found out that today I am pregnant (unexpectedly) is this meant to be ?!

  22. Filmed my daily tarot reading. Looked at my screen 00:52 seconds into video and my available space was 52:52. Wondering. I see all kinds of repeating numbers constantly, and the last time I saw 5656 56th there were a couple of suicides. It was exactly what my search for that meaning had come to. So I was wondering what 52 meant, obviously something's coming I don't know. I seen one comment about that said there would be big changes. And I have channeled big changes for a while.

  23. Also see:
    Repeating 5’s and 2’s

  24. I am turning 52 this month.

  25. I hold on to my faith and trust.
    Blessed and grateful,always going with the flow.❤🙏
    Sending much love and light to everyone and all.🙌💎

  26. I just open the site and it was 00;52am sharp

  27. So excited to see what is to come from this 🥰❤️

  28. Earlier on my eyes were guided to 00:52 so I read this description and then read the link for *Choices* and left a comment then came back here to type this message. Thank you again, rush-collection 🙏🏽😌👌🏽❤️🌈🌟✨💫
