Sunday, July 10, 2011


Number 47 is a combination of the energies and attributes of number 4 and number 7. The vibrations of number 4 include those of productivity and application, inner-wisdom and practical-thinking, honesty and integrity, endurance and determination, conscientiousness and discipline. Number 4 also relates to our passion and drive in life. Number 7 brings the qualities of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, intuition and inner-knowing, psychic abilities and mysticism, independence and individualism, persistence of purpose and manifesting good fortune.

Angel Number 47 is a message from of ‘congratulations’ from your angels for the hard work and effort you have put in to achieving your goals and aspirations. Your angels ask that you keep up the great work and be safe in the knowledge that you are on the right life path and are successfully fulfilling your soul mission. Your angels are with you, supporting and encouraging you intuitively.

Angel Number 47 is a message that the work you are doing towards your personal spiritual development and enlightenment are being encouraged and supported by the angels, Ascended Masters and Archangels. They applaud you on your progress and urge you to keep up the good work.

Angel Number 47 may also be telling you that if you are considering expanding or beginning a spiritually-based career, practice or profession or heart-based venturethe angels will support and encourage you towards achieving success. You will need to put in some hard work and effort, but you will find long-term rewards and benefits for yourself and for those whom you serve. Ask for angelic guidance when feeling any doubts or fears as to your path.

Number 47 also relates to the karmic Master Number 11 (4+7=11) and Angel Number 11.

Also see:
Repeating 4’s and 7’s  (447, 474, 477 etc)
Angel Number 447
Angel Number 474
Angel Number 477

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. Replies
    1. This is my fav angel number website. I feel like it’s the most accurate and specific. I’ll always come back here for guidance :)


  3. 47 Ways of Elevating...LONGLIVESTEELO...EYE SEE YOU MANE!!!

  4. Keep posting. I love reading your blog.

    KING Capital Steez

  6. I have been seeing 47 way too much! and it has been my goal to figure out what it was. and this has helped so much! now this has all started from when joey badass came to new zealand along with the underachievers and i ended up chilling in there hotel room. now for those who know there group 'Beast Coast' they rap about 47 alot! I know steez would have been in that room with me an he would have seen that my spirit is a very positive one who wants to change the world so he started helping me. ever since that day 47 pops up at least more than 20 times a day its actually quite scary a few of my mates are starting to get scared as fell I have no idea what it was until now :) heres a link. and please stop saying steez never killed himself cause unfortunately he did. longlivesteelo 47

    1. Steez broke the code through self sacrifice for all the homies he loved, and fortunately for us be have been blessed with the b47ance set out from his sacrifice.

    2. Respect Alex that's a dream of mine to hang out with them, I love The Underachievers, never knew what they meant with all the 47 shit until 2 days ago I seen it probably 15 times in one day and felt the power of it. Feel truly blessed. Peace Indigos! Ps. the link to the video you provided does not work.

    3. I Resignate With Your Awakening I've Been In Touch With The # 47 For the past 7 years since my brother in-law left us too soon.
      He passed on 4-7-2014...He Has Been Guiding me ever since that day absolutely Beautiful feeling of peace

  7. Hi there my name is Darren. And the reason i have got on your site is i am adhd bipolar2 when I was young could not speak read or right went through to much. ..but one number always been there or i always see 47 ? ? And now what I just read means a lot.

    1. Randomly began reading comments and as a response and starting point for your inquiry, I highly suggest you read into “angel numbers”. You can find more information about this on google or YouTube as many people are going through a “spiritual awakening” process so to speak. It is one of many unique ways the universe attempts to capture your attention because it knows you will grasp this concept and understand. Never be afraid because source is always coming from a vibe of unconditional love and acts as a way to guide you in any way when you are open and receptive or going through any form of life challenge. If you can allow yourself to come into your heart and receive positivity and love, you will be able to align yourself and correctly decode the message tailor made for you. Now, there are general themes which each angel number represents however because we are all very special and important in our own unique and specified way, each angel vibration is relatively different and personalized to each individual in their own circumstance. The angel 47 has many positive qualities and attributes and when added makes up the master number 11. The eleven is a teacher of teachers and an enlightened being. Jesus would be just an example of this. It is the ability to reach god consciousness through presence and bypassing the mind. Everyone has this potential and being aware of the number 47 simply means that you are on your path to becoming enlightened; the most evolved state a human soul can reach. There’s a lot more which goes into this but I hope this bit was helpful to you my friend.

  8. Now I'm 36 years old and senca in muoy tiuy and separated after 15 years lost my life mostly my kids i don't wake up to every morning and the wife. Now I feel i for some reason I'm being tested in some kind of bad way. . I really hope 47 is 47.

    1. Hey bro don't know if you even remembered you left this comment but regardless I wish you well.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. R.I.P King Capital #47#longlivesteelo

  11. Word I see you homie steez I know you expect my assention just watch

  12. Yo yo Rule
    Peace Steelo 47 (11)c Belgrade

  13. I truly appreciate all your work...all the knowledge you have gathered for anyone to find is beautiful. I send you all my love and blessings. Everything is always so current with my life..

  14. R.I.P Capital STEEZ, we lost a God. However he's still in our spirits, spread his message.

  15. 47 R EYE P CaPiiiTaL ST333Z 47

  16. My religion is Odinism, so the angel part I don't believe in. I know my gods are with me by showing me signs, but the number 47 has always appeared whenever Im not focus on something. For ex
    I play a app called Clash of Clan and when I add more troops in my barracks. It stops at 47 troops for each barrack everytime this past week. When I don't think about it, but even when I do it still would happen most of the time. Than I thought of the movie Ronin 47, but just looked up 47 first. Idk if this article helps out anything. At least there some meaning to it.

  17. My religion is Odinism, so the angel part I don't believe in. I know my gods are with me by showing me signs, but the number 47 has always appeared whenever Im not focus on something. For ex
    I play a app called Clash of Clan and when I add more troops in my barracks. It stops at 47 troops for each barrack everytime this past week. When I don't think about it, but even when I do it still would happen most of the time. Than I thought of the movie Ronin 47, but just looked up 47 first. Idk if this article helps out anything. At least there some meaning to it.

  18. R.I.P King Steelo! Why'd he have to take his life!:( he would of became famous in time, he just gave up to quickly! Shout out to the 818 and 801 where I reside! 47 is a movement and it'll keep getting bigger as people open their minds.

    1. Regardless of wanting to be famous, he felt that since he couldn't save the world only because the world didn't want to save itself, it's pointless to keep going and gave up... he succumbed to the madness and the rest was history. His music is unique and witty eye appreciate his style and flow altogether, he should've held on a little longer im sure someone of spiritual class would've reassured his existence as a very persevering human being #ripsteez #2soon47

  19. See it everywhere, n I am 47 , my surround sound volume will only go as high as 47

  20. See it everywhere, n I am 47 , my surround sound volume will only go as high as 47

  21. How the heck would you guys know what this number means in reference to the "angels"?

    Do angels speak to you in your dreams??

    1. Yes. Actually just the other night then i woke up to see ur comment funny you would ask.

  22. 47 is my lucky number, im from England and have spoken with people all around the world who also see 47 alot, im being led to believe there's something special about the number.

    I was born in a house with the number 47, I used to get the 47 bus to see my dad...

    I see it so much, time, battery percentage, etc

    1. The same happens to me. Especially with time, battery percentage and liscense plates. And many other things. My name is 47. My initials are AG...which is the atomic symbol for silver which is atomic number 47. My first name has 4 letters and last name has 7 letters.

  23. First off, I see 47's everywhere lately. The number follows me, but it also is me. The very name I was given propagates the essence of 47 to the universe. My initials are AG. AG is the atomic symbol for silver which is atomic number 47 and in group 11 on the periodic table. I was also born on 1/1. Also, my first name has 4 letters and my last name has 7 letters. Definitely no coincidence here.

    1. I just saw your comment. My initials are AG as well. Just got the number 47 (battery percentage) at the hour of 11:11. Thought that I should check it out as the house I grew up in was number 47. My TF is AG as well. I never connected the silver lining, heh heh. Thank you!

  24. These numbers are getting ridiculous. If you can't decodify them then how do you know angels are specifically behind them? I'm no saint so I know they don't signify purity or whatever.

    1. Oh, I can see you aren't a saint, but neither is anyone else here, so you're in the right company. You keep posting to try and find fault or to expose angels and their messages as frauds, but I think it's because you want to be convinced, not because you want to convince us of anything. I can tell you that none of this is nonsense, it really is the truth, but you have to do the work yourself to see how this relates to you and your life, I can't do it for you, no one here can, and actually, not the angels either, they help you, but it's your responsibility.

  25. Thank you so much, rush-collection! <3

  26. Dont give up guys. we can save this world together. 47 foreal

    1. @Shafa Asino I love your comment!!!🙏❤ My words always! Do not give up!!!
      #BecauseTogetherAForce ✌🎈

  27. Rip Steelo
    Miss you man.. ! 47 !
    Love from Bulgaria!

    1. @Annonymous Tuesday ,Nov. 01.2016
      Happy to see another awaken and enlightened Bulgarian spirit around !!!🙏❤🧘‍♀️✌🍀
      Peace ,love and Light !!!

  28. I appreciate the effort that went into this post, but please explain to me how downloading 47 sims mods is a sign I'm heading down the right life path?

  29. R.I.P capital steez he would have done so many great things we miss you man

  30. Played poker once on zynga app.. someone typed 47 twice.. day after I cut my boarding pass,,,it had 47... I arrived my distention at 18:47.. next day I arrived to my new extenuation 347... I signed up for company similar to uber..they send a activation. code to my mobile had the number 47... these are only happened within 48 hours ....I start seeing this number like a month ago..and since then ive seen like more than 30 times.. I dont know.. what the heck I should think or do

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. To all those people who want evidence and are asking to be understood & get confirmed................

    These things are not Illustratable...............are not
    learable.................are not teachaable..............

    It a mental moral thing in your heart............You have to have it in your heart its feelable...........You have to get it by your feelings...........

    You cant get to these things rationally with your brain..................

    Its by heart that you an see rightly..............

  33. I just want to thank the authors of this page for doing this. Since numbers started following me, and a very violent and confusing awakening, i have used this website everyday and there is no other this complete. Much much love from Argentina.

  34. Oh dear it's scary and interesting

  35. R.i.p Capital steez

  36. Wow!!!
    First number 17,then 47,then combination of both!!!I sure am on the right path!!!
    I'm absolutely thrilled to have it confirmed so many times!!!♡♡♡ Thank you rush-collection!!!You are an Angel!!!
    I'm forever grateful!!!Love and light your way!!!♡♡♡

  37. I don't think there are words that I can type to describe how happy and relieved I am to have discovered your website dedicated to the messages of "Angel Numbers", but I will give it a try anyway.

    Before I even knew about Angel Numbers, I was going through a time of great questioning regarding my spiritual beliefs. When I first discovered your website, I was skeptical about the idea of numbers have hidden meanings in them, but I kept noticing the repeating pattern of "47" appearing all over the place throughout the day. I see the number so much throughout the day. I decided to search this site and figure out what "Angel Number 47" may have to teach me and am so very happy to know I am congratulated on my efforts to be the healthiest version of myself I can be. It's also refreshing to know I am on the right life path and growing stronger spiritually each day!

    Thank you so much for your enlightening message rush-collection! I have decided to put my faith into the Angels and live my life with love and light!

  38. Thank you !!! Always and forever grateful!!! Love and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  39. Tah Daah!... thanks again for the trUly awesome website. I don't know who Steez is but i i do know this; the truth is stranger than the fiction. :-) ❤

  40. Full moon tonight. Many feelings stirring in me. I sat for a second meditation to help get in touch with myself, and upon concluding I sat at my computer to get some work done that I had been putting off all day.

    Battery at 47%. Wasn't that what my phone's battery is at, too?

    Yes, yes it was. Glad I looked it up!

  41. I've been seeing the number 47 several times a day ever since October 2017. Whether that be in books, articles, license plates, times, temperature, videos, video games. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly it's suppose to mean for me! xD

  42. Wow! I started typing a comment before but stooped. This was after i got the angel number sequence that went 1121 then then after i read i just decided to search for 447 and this powerful message appeared. Now as profound as that IS i thought it was best i kept it to myself for now.
    Right now i'm sitting on a sofa and I clearly remember myself feel the angels sit by my left and my right. and today for the first time i decided to sleep in this same couch feeling well protected but just after a minute i got up then i bent my head to my left and saw my hand resting on the cushion that has an embroidery of an angel on it, and that when when i just got compelled to share this with all my lovely friends out there.

  43. Immensely blessed and grateful!!!🎈🍀♥️
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!♥️

  44. I am representing 47 so much I had to look into this feeling.

  45. I see this number so much an i just wanna know like how does the person who wrote this know about it juat a curious questiom

  46. I see 47 a lot but i want to know how this information was provided, i believe this an makes a lot of sense to me but i just wanna know where abouts it came from if someone knows i would really appreciate it if u can tell me

  47. I'd really appreciate if someone could tell me how this information was provided. This number brings me a lot of questions but it makes a lot of sense

  48. I also have this question. Where does this number come if its not explainable mentally. Is it understandable or we need to have our own projections of this number? I really know what the third eye shit is and i have got a lot of projections(one time i was flying ine the space at a very high space full of darkness), but don't you think your just having illusion based on your own though by doing this? Exactly like gods. Please we need explanation even if you think were stupid and that were not open enought i am so fucking open minded and ego death but im in a step of confusion right now. Like, how can you know all the numbers of angels? Thats wack

  49. Holy fuck I can't believe I finally read this. Just after I saw my 100th (exaggeration) 47 today on my iPad, I come across this knowledge. The universe is mysterious! I love life!!

  50. Holy fuck I can't believe I'm finally reading this. Just after I saw my 100th (exaggeration) 47 today on my iPad, I come across this knowledge! The universe works in such mysterious ways haha!! I LOVE LIFE! I LOVE YOU.

  51. Forty Seven is the truth. Thanks for the info, yo. Shit's on the come up <3 love brothers and sisters

  52. much love forever and always

  53. Repeatedly 47% battery percentage 🤔 ...This passage is leading me to want to search deeper , I feel it have so much more meaning ... Hi Angels will you please reveal more insight on # 47... As always Im your # 1 Fan 🤗🤗🤗

  54. Congratulations, feels like ive been at school learning about the angels and spirit and ive passed the exam...bachelors degree for me lol😃

  55. I have been seeing this number everywhere, thank you x

  56. I highly recommend looking into “angel numbers” guys. It is there you will find the wisdom and answers you seek. It is not that uncommon for the universe to make attempts to grab your attention in any way possible whether it be through repeating numbers, signs, wordplay, animals or any other form of guidance. Just attempts to answer any unresolved questions and steer you in the direction which will make you happiest while completing your souls purpose on this earth. Deep stuff guys.

  57. Whatever he or she give the idea about angel no 47 meaning, is it correct, how someone derive the meaning of different angel no. I have seen this number for past one month each day 10-15 times, i am just confused what is really going on.can any one tell me actually what angel no wanted to tell me.

  58. All The Steez Love 😭 #47Soldier

  59. Amen thank you guardian angel this number and confirming that this site's most definitely will be blessed and satisfied what ever happened. And thank you for my Fience saeed from IRAN he's always give this number positive thoughts love you so much..🙏🙏👩‍👩‍👧‍👦👭👩‍👩‍👧‍👦🙏💗💗🤩🤩

  60. I see this number all the time, and I always pray that my angels and the universe give me my one wish, to help me immigrate to the USA via asylum using a tourism visa, I'm so excited!!!

  61. 5 years ago I hooked up with an old friend after 25 years. We chatted lots on the phone and he recommended a book. Bring out the magic in your mind. It said in the book destiny lays at door no 47. His flat was No 47. We parted 2 years ago. Every half hour of the day 47 is everywhere. I recently read about Steez ❤️ here I am 💫 Thank you universe ✨ ✨ ✨

  62. Im here thank you ✨ ✨

  63. Thank you Angels,
