Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Number 477 is a blend of the attributes and influences of number 4 and number 7, with number 7 appearing twice, amplifying its vibrations. Number 4 carries the vibrations of hard work and building solid foundations, effort and application, devotion, practicality, honesty and integrity, endurance and determination, dependability and responsibility, stability and ability, passion and drive. Number 4 also relates to the energies of the ArchangelsNumber 7 vibrates with the mystical influences of the esoteric and spiritual realm, inner-knowing and understanding others, spiritual awakening, compassion, study, learning and education, empathic and psychic abilities, dignity and refinement, persistence of purpose and higher learning.

Angel Number 477 is a message that the work you are doing towards your spiritual aspirations and personal enlightenment are being encouraged and supported by the angels. They applaud you on your progress and urge you to keep up the good work.

Angel Number 477 encourages you to recognize, appreciate and enhance your understanding of yourself, your life path and your spiritual life purpose. Seek your personal truths every day as when you know your own truths you are able to create a solid and stable foundation for yourself and your chosen life path. Focus upon trusting your own heart and intuition and allow your knowledge to turn into deeper wisdom

If you are considering expanding or beginning a spiritually-based career, practice or profession or service-based project, the angels will support and encourage you to take the necessary steps.  

Angel Number 477 tells of your strong connection with the angelic and spiritual realms, and this has opened the doorway to Divine and angelic guidance. The angels encourage you to continue on your current path and applaud your commitment and courage.

Number 477 relates number 9 (4+7+7=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9.

See also:
Repeating 4’s and 7’s  



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. ❤️ the light in me shines brighter because of the light that you shine rush-collection. Thank you for being a pioneer and lighthouse for billions of souls. Thank you thank you thank you!

  2. Immensely blessed & grateful always!!!
    Thank you rush-collection & thank you Angels!!!
    Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  3. Seriously, that's alot of writing number messages.

  4. Angels numbers have given me hope and a light in my life. Has helped get thru the trials. Thank you! I hope the AP on IPhones is updated soon. It’s a great shortcut. But, going to the actual INDEX brings a greater clarity .

  5. Thank you for this. I recently started chanting again and saged my house and saw this number. I guess I'm on the right path?

    But I still don't know what I'm supposed to be doing on this plane and I've been begging my angels for guidance. I also don't know what spiritual practice I'm supposed to be doing. I'm not into any of the examples of spiritual practices that I read in your blog.

    Can anyone help me with this?

  6. Thank you for your accurate readings that's help me through my spiritual awaking,much appreciated and greatful,raylan jasper

  7. Thank you Universe/God(source)... im always going thru trying times alone... it get frustrating, I feel like giving up .please pray for me.

  8. Wow Angel number 477 brought me back... Thank you Angels. Im so grateful .I did not give up yay!! Great things are ahead #1 fan

  9. Amen...thanks from Charlie to all of my Angel's and Ascended Masters and all who assist in the greater good for all beings everywhere...thank you Lord my Godfor your service and servants who carry your message of loves it is light conquering the darkness evermore. AMEN

  10. Always and foreverπŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ₯° grateful!!! πŸ’—πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰

  11. Mathias SaetherFriday, March 26, 2021

    Thank You!

  12. Thank you…AsΓ© πŸ™
