Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Number 319 is made up of the vibrations and energies of number 3, the attributes of number 1 and the qualities of number 9. Number 3 brings growth and expansion, self-expression and communication, sensitivity, self-expression, creativity, joy and optimism. Number 3 also carries the vibrations of the Ascended Masters. Number 1 brings its qualities of creation and creativity, ambition, motivation and progress, insight and inspiration, new beginnings, self-leadership and assertiveness, fulfilment and attainment. Number 1 encourages us to step forward in our chosen direction, and reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 9 resonates with lightworking and humanitarianism, service to others, leadership and leading others by positive example, inner-wisdom and the Universal Spiritual Laws. Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions.

Angel Number 319 is a positive sign from your angels and the Ascended Masters, prompting you along your path. Your visions, ideas and thoughts, inner-wisdom and intuitive feelings are sending you directions for your life map. Trust the messages and take positive action as guided.

Angel Number 319 is a message to do with your life purpose and soul mission, and encourages you to pursue your spiritual interests, career and life choices. Using your natural communications skills, lightworking abilities and talents, and living your life as a positive example for others to learn from, are important aspects of your soul mission. Call upon the angels for guidance and assistance when feeling the need for concise help and/or direction. You are encouraged to continue to live your personal truths as a spiritual being, and remember that your thoughts create your realities, so be sure to maintain a positive attitude and outlook.

The world needs your help right now and the angels ask that you send out the Divine love and light within you towards those who need it most. Simply hold the intention of sending beams of loving energy towards any person, place, place, animal or circumstance/situation. Trust the angels to assist you.

Number 319 relates to number 4 (3+1+9=13,1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. My birthday is March 19 and I have been seeing the number 319 every where. I have so much going on in my life that I simply feel overwhelmed and it is leaving me in a 'half glass empty' state of mind. I have never been very religious but I strongly believe that when the Universe is talking to you, you should pay attention. And the Universe has definitely been yelling my name.
    Thank you for these positive words; they soothe my aching and overburdened heart and soul.

    1. Same here! March 19 and I've been seeing 319 everywhere for the past 3 years. Just filled my gas tank and pump stopped at $31.90. Lol

    2. My birthday is March 19th too and I see the time and just random numbers or 319 everywhere I go as well ❤️ I love it!

  2. I have been experiencing the same visions during these past few weeks. I have been seeing 319 through clocks, wifi pass code and others I cannot even remember. The consistency is overwhelming and I am very fascinated as to what the universe is telling me or what grandeur change is in store for me. I feel that my pursuit for happiness is about to come into surprise. I do really need this positive outcome to arrive, my soul has been scarred and I need some soul healing. Thank you for these encouraging words and I will do my best to recognize the signs and pursue where ever this leads me. :)

  3. 319 is also my birthday but I have been seeing this sequence for over 10 years. Never really understanding what it meant. Glad to have found this blog. Thank you!

  4. I have always tried to share my energy and strength with people when they were sick….I prayed one day for a sign that it was working and this is the number that I was given. It was the best answer to my prayer. Thank you, rush-collection for giving our Angels a way to communicate with us.

  5. My birthday is also 3-19 and my mothers also we have never missed a birthday togetger on over fifty years we also experience the numbers 3-19 everywhere in our life. Its overwhelming and no coincidence now I have some answers.

  6. With all my heart!
    Grateful 💜

  7. The last part of this message resonates with me so much as I know I have a divine power im supposed to share with the world, this has helped me so much as I'm only develping my pierr to help the world, so thank you, for the longest time I didn't understand why I'm seeing these numbers, now I do :)

  8. Este mensaje se me presento 3 con los números 9:13, 1:39 y 3:19, así o más claros mis maestros!! Amén

  9. 319..those numbers first appeared in my life at the age of 15 when i was young and in love. That was our date, but thing ended. And i started seeing those numbers reappearing everywhere and i mean everywhere sometimes unconsciously waking up & checking the time. & today i was talking with a close friend about life path numbers and he mentioned how he related to 4 because thats the day of his birthday. Idk weird how i was looking this up and he mention 4 after 319 and now it say they relate." Also i call him my spirit bro after we had a psycadelic experience together,but we were born the same year same month, a day apart hes march 4 im 5 pisces�� the universe work in mysterious ways

  10. I've been seeing 319 everywhere, now for about 20 years. The odd thing is that 319 is my birthday. I've tried to figure out what is the meaning of it. I'll buy something, and it's 319, my change is 319, I look at the clock it's 319, I wake up it's 319, my flight # is 319....on and on. I had decided that I needed to read every chapter 3 verse 19 in the bible, I didn't get anything out of it and I'm a spiritual person to begin with. I then decided, okay, I'm not going to travel at 3:19 am or pm. I'm not taking a flight or train, cab, etc, that is 319. I believe something is trying to tell me something, so now, I try to stay away from the number. Then I read this. Angel 319, hmmmmmm

  11. 319 has been my lucky number since 1993, about a year before Prince released the song 319. It has been good to me on a whole, though I have chosen not to allow it to guide me, I'm just pleased when I see it. I have a huge collection of photos and a bizarre collection of stories about 319. What fun being partially obsessed with a number can be! Friends and family send me photos of 319 too.

    1. That's one of my favorite songs and right after the song came out it was like that number wouldn't leave me alone

    2. I have also had the same thing happen to me with this number, but with me I'm a dancer and I love dancing to the song and after I got ahold of that song it's like the number 319 wouldn't leave me alone, to this day I see it everywhere

  12. One of my favorite songs is called 319 no joke, but since heard that song it's like the number won't leave me alone, it's crazy

  13. One of my favorite songs is called 319 no joke, but since heard that song it's like the number won't leave me alone, it's crazy

  14. I just saw a facebook post and it said to search angel number and then the time I saw the post, which was 3:19 am. So I searched angel number 319 and read the article. I cried after reading because I realized that 319 is the birthday of my brother. He died at the age of six because of dengue and I was 9 that time. I was devastated and I had a lot questions to God. So to answer my own questions, I studied medicine but I had no answer. Everyday I always wish my brother will come back. And now after reading the article, I got some answers. He is my guardian angel. His name was Michael.

  15. Sharon Gordon-JacksonWednesday, January 27, 2021

    I have had dreams of two 3 digit numbers in my life so far. The first was 957 and the second was 319. The first thing I noticed was that my numbers were all odd numbers. Then I started seeing these combinations everywhere; on license plated, digital clocks, phone numbers, addresses, etc. (so happy not to see them for gas prices anymore.) Next I noticed that the numbers both had a 9 in common. Thus 31957. My fathers twin brother was funeralized on March 19th. Both numbers were sent to me in the 1970's. It has been a great source of comfort to have this platform to my avail to put some clarity to my visions. I am grateful.

  16. Amen praise God thank you Jesus and to my holy angels

  17. Thank you !! Ive been seeing 319 for awhile , I Love this text , I will not give up and I will succeed. 2023 will be Awesome , full of Abundance and Favor.
