Friday, July 15, 2011


Number 84 is made up of the vibrations and energies of number 8 and number 4. Number 8 resonates with the attributes of manifesting abundance and prosperity, inner-strength and inner-wisdom, patience, self-confidence, giving and receiving, achieving success, employment, practicality, and karma  - the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 4 carries the vibrations of hard work and building solid foundations, effort and application, devotion, practicality, honesty and integrity, endurance and determination, dependability and responsibility, stability and ability, passion and drive. Number 4 also resonates with the energies of the Archangels.  

Angel Number 84 is a message from the angels that you need to see yourself in a higher light (as your true self as a Divine being). You have a lot of work to do and much to achieve in this lifetime and your angels fully encourage and support you. Your Divine life mission requires that you be your authentic self and work at your most brilliance in order to achieve success on all levels. 

Angel Number 84 indicates that the discipline and hard work you have put into achieving your goals and aspirations have been recognized and acknowledged. Your determination and efforts have been worth your while as work done well in the past is bringing you rewards today. Your angels encourage you to keep up the great work in order to continue to achieve and attain your desired results and outcomes. As you work diligently towards achieving your goals you will manifest success on many levels.

Angel Number 84 is also a message from your angels that an important cycle or phase in your life is about to end. Your angels want to assure you that these changes are necessary and will usher in positive opportunities and situations that will be better suited to your wants, needs and Divine life purpose and soul mission. This may be in relation to your career and/or income earning capacities. 

If you are being prompted to begin or expand a spiritually-based practice, career and/or profession or service-based venture. Angel Number 84 tells you that it is a great time to look to pursuing this avenue of work. If feeling any fears, doubts or concerns, call upon the angels for guidance and support.

Number 84 also relates to number 3 (8+4=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.

See also:
Repeating 8’s and 4’s  (844, 848, 884 etc)
Angel Number 844
Angel Number 848
Angel Number 884

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

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  1. Gratefully blessed!�� Thank you & Love, Light & Blessings sent your way too.

  2. Words of gratitude only can define it...
    Just gratitude only....

    Thank you so much !

    Thank you Angels !

  3. The frequency for ringing of the ears is 8448hz. This is an octave above 4224hz (also angelic) and is 4 octaves above 528hz which is the angelic frequency. Maybe our ringing of the ears is angelic interaction.

    1. Yes it can ... and this is how it works for me. When I hear the ringing, the message start flowing.



    2. ❤🦄 I love you rush-collection for this confirmation. Last night when the 8448 message arrived, it did so with strong ringing in the ears. Both ears.
      All day I was trying to recall a sentence I wanted to write down and at that time my ears began ringing the sentence reappeared. ❤
      Sending much love and light to everyone and all. My interactions with the Angels is special. I feel their presence and ask them to confirm it to me.
      My whole body begins to tingle each time I ask their confirmation
      They are always around us, surrounding us with love and healing and helping us each out that unique part of ours and share it with the world.❤☀️

  4. Give Thanks Sistren Blessed Love

  5. Je ne regrette pas d avoir autant souffert pendant ces 40 années passées. Aujourd'hui je suis éternellement heureuse.merci a tous mes dieux de l univers. Grâce pour vous tous.

  6. I love you angels! Thank you so much rush-collection.

  7. Thank you We are Blessed 🙏❤️

  8. Every single time I get a message like this something really bad happens.

  9. My birthday is 8/4 I was born at 8:04 my mom has 8 grandchildren 4 boys 4 girls
