Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Number 64 is a combination of the attributes and energies of the number 6 and number 4. Number 6 brings its vibrations of simplicity, gratitude and grace, service to others, guardianship, care and nurturing, domesticity, reliability and responsibility and the monetary and material aspects of life. Number 4 adds its vibrations of practicality, production, progress and management, building solid foundations for the self and others, devotion and application, determination and inner-wisdom.

Angel Number 64 is a message from your angels that you are to remain optimistic and positive about your financial and material issues as they are being taken care of by the angels and Universal Energies. Keep in mind that the negative energies of stress and anxiety repel the energies of prosperity and abundance, so the angels ask that you keep a positive frame of mind and release all worries to them. Trust that you are supported in all ways.

Angel Number 64 indicates that the hard work and effort you have put into your endeavours will have long-term benefits for you and your loved ones, and you are encouraged to keep up the great work. Know that your needs will be met due to your diligence and determination to succeed. You need to see yourself in a higher light (as your true self), and the angels are helping to boost your self-esteem and self-belief as your Divine mission requires that you be your authentic self to continue working at your most brilliance.  
Angel Number 64 is a message to stay grounded and focused, knowing that your angels surround and support you as you work on your Divine life purpose and path.

Number 64 relates to number 1 (6+4=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.

See also:
Repeating 6’s and 4’s  (644, 646, 664 etc)
Angel Number 644
Angel Number 646
Angel Number 664

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

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  1. I was worrying for my life course so often because I had some bad experiences in my life and I also was worried if I will get a job and a job that I will feel ok there. I saw this number is vigilance state.

    1. The number six, and four. Has been coming to my attention now for a few weeks now. And I was wondering why? So tonight I just thought I'd google it. And what I found was amazing! Cause right now I am going threw a financial crissis. But now I know to just remain positive. Cause this to shall pass ��

  2. Thank you. You have confirmed my heart's vibration which resounds above the noise of this world. Bless you.

  3. I had a lucid dream a few nights ago and as I came to, I saw these numbers appear in the background:
    64 01


  4. Thank you so much, rush-collection! <3

  5. This is great work, rush-collection, thank you!

    What this number represents is a Humongous task,
    but it can be done. Consistency is the key, that which I am shifting into now.
    I hope you all do too!
    Peace be with You! :)

  6. Thank you for posting this rush-collection !! It's exactly the messages that my angels have been giving me repeatedly yet coming through in one number meaning of '64' which is also the age my dad passed to non-physical and he is a valuable aiding force in my life journey and I had always known the number of his aged physical death was relevant intuitively....yet the angelic realm and Spirit know I ask for and love confirmation of the intuition I receive. Much love to you and all who seek from our broader Spiritual perspectives and those who don't....as all of our physical life journeys here allow for expansion.
    Deborah :)

  7. Thank you for posting this rush-collection !! It's exactly the messages that my angels have been giving me repeatedly yet coming through in one number meaning of '64' which is also the age my dad passed to non-physical and he is a valuable aiding force in my life journey and I had always known the number of his aged physical death was relevant intuitively....yet the angelic realm and Spirit know I ask for and love confirmation of the intuition I receive. Much love to you and all who seek from our broader Spiritual perspectives and those who don't....as all of our physical life journeys here allow for expansion.
    Deborah :)

  8. 64 has been my favorite number since elementary school (I'm 24 years old now) and I feel a kind of strength and confidence when I think about it or see it. I don't know how I became so attached to this number but after reading this I feel even more strength and confidence. I've been struggling finanially for about a year yet it's always seemed to work out when I thought it wouldn't. I'm so glad to know the meaning of 64 now! Thank you for this post!

  9. The word "OM" also reflects the number 64. Since its the 15th and the 13th alphabets in the English language.

  10. Wow! Just had a double 64 showing :)

  11. Nope. These angel numbers and related messages are simply encouraging self-deception.
