Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Number 925 is made up of the attributes and vibrations of number 9 and number 2, and the qualities of number 5. Number 9 is the number of the Universal Spiritual Laws, an expansive viewpoint and a higher perspective, leading life as a positive example for others, duty and calling, benevolence and altruism, and lightworking. Number 9 also denotes endings and conclusions. Number 2 encourages finding balance and harmony, faith and trust, selflessness, understanding, service to others, diplomacy and mediation, love and happiness. Number 2 also relates to serving your soul mission and life purpose. Number 5 resonates with spontaneity, opportunities, life changes, making positive choices, personal freedom and individuality, resourcefulness, vitality, cleverness and intelligence, adaptability and versatility, and life lessons learned through experience.

Angel Number 925 brings a message from your angels that the major life changes around and ahead of you are in perfect alignment with your destiny and soul mission. Trust that these changes are of a positive nature and will be of long-term benefit to you as well as others. These changes have been a long time coming and are most necessary to ensure that all goes according to your life plan. Know that your angels fully support and encourage you to make the appropriate changes with confidence, faith and trust in the Divine.

Angel Number 925 can also indicate that a current situation will be over soon and you will be able to find closure. You may be feeling a sense of urgency to change certain aspects of your life and move forward towards different or better things, but there are situations or projects that you need to be finished with first. Once complete you will be free and clear to pursue favourable new opportunities and make the positive life changes that you desire. Use this time to make yourself stronger and more resilient and reflect upon the lessons learnt. 

Angel Number 925 is a message to trust that the changes you are making in your life are for your highest good and are all part of your life purpose and soul mission.

Number 925 relates to number 7 (9+2+5=16, 1+6=7) and Angel Number 7.



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  1. I have been seeing the numbers 9:25 on my clock for years. it could be either am or pm, i could be anywhere, doing anything, and for some reason, my attention gets drawn to the clock always at 9:25. My family thinks that i do it on purpose, cause i always make a point to point it out to them. Yesterday i said to myself, try to find a possible meaning behind these numbers because i know the universe is trying to tell me something, and i stumbled upon your article. I know that my spirit guides and angels sent me that message through your article... Coincedentally, my birthday is September 25 aka 9-2-5. I wonder if my birthday could have anything to do with this situation also... and should i break down the numbers to a single digit? Cause when i did i got seven...
    and when i read the numerology of number seven, ompared to your angel number 925 i resonated more with your interpretation, because i was waiting on a message back from one of my angels or guides...
    When I finally finish reading your interpretation of 925, (i was using my cell phone at that time) im so excited that i wanted to tell my best friend, so i go back to my homescreen and what does the clock say in big huge bold numbers???? 9:25..

    1. kayla! same goes for me! 9:25 birthday clocks cellphone laptop TV always 9:25! i too share with my son every time, he raises an eyebrow. its been happening for a year now :)

    2. Same here my birthday is september 25, 1992 i see 925 like mostly every two days or something like that. I not a weird type of guy but its facts that this is happening to everybody god is real n he is trying to get our life n check

    3. My birthday is also September 25th and I too see 9:25 on the clock no matter am or pm as well!

    4. My son's birthday is 925 and i always see this number

    5. There are no coincidences in life, they are synchronicities! You were not doing it on purpose your angels were talking to you!! :)

    6. Same for me and also my birthday and I also point it out.. Starting a couple months after I started seeing it. I just wanted to validate that what was occurring was true.

    7. WOW 😲 WOW I thought it was just me, my birthday is also September 25 and i always catch 9:25 on the clock.
      I've been wondering for years what this means

  2. I was born at 9:25pm, my daughter at 9:25am and my other daughter on 9/25... What does this mean?

  3. I see 925. My birthday is the same also... On my clock.....

  4. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
    It may acts as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.

    It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


    1. Thank you rush-collection, this is beautiful. I was born on 09/25 and now fulfilling my life purpose, better and happier every day.

  5. I recently posted a lovely early fall sunset pic taken last year...upon review of posting....there was a mailbox on the lower rt. corner of the pic...that i would swear was not in my original pic taken by mobile cell camera...the number 925 was illuminating on this very surprising post box...anyway upon reviewing it's angel number meaning i drove out to the same location on WI Highway 35 where I took the pic....and although I was not surprised...there was no sigh of any nearby farms/residential/mailboxes even remotely nearby this open stretch of road! Upon returning home...I checked the date of my picture...well sure enough it was 9/25/14

  6. My significant other just went on life support at home.I have been questioning whether my current job as a respiratory therapist is my true path.now I am using what I studied foor at home.Keeping the faith.:)

  7. I have the same coincidence too... I was born on 9/25 and also live in the area code 925 and I also see it all the time on my clocks too... the only reason why i came here is because I just saw the number flash at my face while I was doing work... Its crazy to think that im not the only one to experience this and in a way it makes me a bit more calmer about the situation. I still hate it when the number flashes at me, but at least I know im profiling my "Soul Mission"- whatever that means.

  8. Wow! I too was born on 9/25. I see the numbers all of the time. I normally just stop and talk to God. I feel like he’s trying to tell me something. It’s comforting to know I’m not the only one who sees this.

  9. Same for me..born 9/25/78..constantly seeing my birthday numbers for years..and this number reading hits it on the dot

  10. This number has haunted me for years. I see in on clocks, television, and receipts multiple times a day. It also happens to be my ex wife's birthday. Sometimes others will speak of this numbereview out of nowhere. I cringe due to the relations of my ex but I was seeing the numbers years before her. Synchronicity is a blessing and I will follow through as the universe guides me.

  11. In one day i meet three people with the same birth date of 09/25 and at the end of day someone was talking about 09/25 and they stated my time of birth which no one knows what does this mean. I saw the date of 09/25 6 times and time of birth.

  12. I was drinking a hot chocolate and i looked at the kj count for skim milk, it was 925 and i turned on my phone and oddly enough it was 9.25 pm

  13. I've seen 925 multiple of times. 925 reminds me of 555 and 617. Whenever, I see these three repeating numbers, I know to hold on and know something mutual or hurting is getting ready to take place.. I also noticed 000 and 333 which are of the greater good, 333 meaning your Angels are nearby so, pay attention, normally you will see 333 with the number 1111 or 111, the Angels want you to think of your thoughts when you notice 1111 or 111 because your answers to your questions and thoughts are being thought of and 000 meaning your connection with the creator is at its strongest and you're at the orgin of the universe, earth is considered the orgin of the universe and somehow people seem not to know what they have and seem to drift away from being grounded however, after seeing 000 and 333 right behind those numbers in the same day and days later, I seen 666, 777 and 999. 666 can be good or bad, 777 is of good to not worry and Angels are there with you and 999 is of good meaning a cycle is to come to an end and new beginnings shall come after, and yet everything is choice. I wouldn't say after seeing 999 to wait and not doing anything when rebuilding, you have to make whatever you want your blessings to be, and 999 is letting you build without obstacles standing in your way. You've to know in your heart whenever seeing 999, the greater good whatever you create or choose will be. When seeing 925=7, 555=6, 617=5, 7+6+5, 1+8 totaling 9 for new beginnings. I think of death or an ending to something major which have been apart of a persons life for sometime. Death comes in three's and in a pattern. Two major life changing events transpired when being a witness to these reoccurring numbers.. For example, a long toxic relationship I've dealt with I never knew was toxic came to an end, two close love ones have passed after seeing those three numbers and much more. This doesn't mean what some people call or use the term bad luck. I don't believe in bad luck nor good luck. I believe in blessings. I try not to focus on anything of bad. Whatever pain I may carry or have carried, I call upon the universe and Angels to help heal. When reading some numbers, I think non of this is making any sense to me until I experienced seeing for myself and documenting my places of travel, feelings, vibes, thoughts, intution, my surroundings, what I say and speak into my life and more. I think and say okay good lord, how is it going to be this moment.. What am I going to have to experience now. How am I'm ever going to heal if I haven't healed from the previous events. People have different experiences with numbers and how they choose to intake information given. Ask for protection when you see numbers of those listed and pay attention to which ones you've seen next. Release any negativity bonded to you and reap Good blessings all over... I feel I've lost so much here on earth and gained so less of goodness. I know for now I'm only passing by and know this place is not my home.. I have to make the very best of any situation.

  14. 🖖❤️💫🌟🙏 Infinite love and starlight!

  15. On the 14th December 1987 my 23 year old brother past away in my arms...it was 9.25. Evet since that day nearky every day my heart/soul/ mind....i know not which teminds me of his love and i make a small sugn of tge cross. Like all these othrrs we are all seemingly connected wuth thus time. But its not just a body ckuck set, oh no it comes in so many ways...a stopped clock for instance always stops 9.25..a scene in a play or film...last hight u watched an old film the Time Machine 1960..H G Wells..in the last scene the clocks are on 9.25 so this morning many many years since i had my enlightenment u thought i woukd check ut out...

  16. The time right now is 09:34 - 2022-12-18. I just started my computer and saw the clock at 09:25. The same number I keep seeing over and over again since I fell in love for the first time in my life. I always have been scared that I've never find someone and that I will live lonely my whole life. But since I met this Girl, I keep seeing the numbers 9-2-5. First I thought "yep, that's my birthday date *lol*" But after seeing it almost everyday I start wondering if this is just a coincidence... I hade a other angelnumber for almost 3 years or more, the number 1-3-3-7. The number ment that the spirits are trying to reach me. And that I should follow what makes me happy and if I get lost, the angels are always there to help me. But im starting to think if the angels are trying to say that this is the right way with love and luck and this will help me to reach my lifequest.

  17. Ok, thank you Angels,
