Saturday, January 24, 2015


Number 2003 is made up of the energies of number 2, the attributes of number 0 appearing twice, amplifying its own influences and those of the numbers that appear with it, and the vibrations of number 3. Number 2 adds its vibrations of diplomacy and co-operation, consideration for others, finding balance and harmony, service to others, devotion and selflessness, faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul missionNumber 0 resonates with the vibrations and energies of eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow and the beginning point, and stands for potential and/or choice. When this number presents and recurs it relates to developing your spiritual aspects and suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find all of your answers. Number 3 relates to self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, friendliness and sociability, growth and expansion and manifesting. Number 3 relates to the Ascended Masters, who act as mentors, teaching you the ancient wisdom and help you to find peace, clarity and love within and focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others.

Angel Number 2003 is a message encouraging you to use your natural talents, abilities and creative skills to bring joy and happiness into your life and into that of others. Use those talents that lay within you to come to the forefront to be used to uplift, enlighten and benefit yourself and the world around you. Communicate honestly and openly and strive to help others in your daily life. Remember that you put out to the Universe comes back to you, so keep a positive attitude and optimistic outlook to ensure that all in your life remains balanced and harmonious.

Angel Number 2003 tells us that learning our life lessons can be joyful when we focus upon all that we gain as a consequence of our increased understanding, knowledge and wisdom. Your current experiences are presenting you with wonderful opportunities for spiritual awareness and growth, and are bringing you important life lessons. Once you accept and understand these lessons, out-dated patterns will leave your life to be replaced with wonderful new opportunities and experiences.

Ensure that you manifest only the best in your life, for your life. Draw positive prosperity and abundance into your life and remember that you are powerful, whole and complete within yourself. Stay centered, grounded and balanced and you will find that things will fall into place for you as you wish.

Number 2003 relates to number 5 (2+0+0+3=5) and Angel Number 5.



Number 2002 is made up of the energies of number 2 and the vibrations of number 0, both appearing twice, amplifying their influences. Number 2 relates to service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy, co-operation, partnerships and relationships, consideration, receptivity and love, gentleness and kindness, insightfulness, sensitivity, encouragement, selflessness, sociability and support. Number 2 also relates to faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul missionNumber 0 resonates with eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point, potential and/or choice. It is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and encourages developing spiritual gifts.

Angel Number 2002 brings encouragement to maintain balance and harmony within, and to pay attention to your emotions and intuition. Your angels are inspiring you to become more aware of your surroundings, life environment and circumstances, as the more you pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, the more you expand your psychic awareness and tap into your own spirituality. Stay optimistic about the path ahead of you as with a positive attitude and outlook, miracles can happen in your life and can bring the most ambitious of dreams into reality.

Angel Number 2002 inspires you to see the bigger picture and work with the details necessary to complete that picture. Put your efforts towards your spiritual life path and soul purpose and take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life. You have a great deal to achieve in this lifetime, and with devotion and inner-wisdom you will be able to successfully manifest your desired results on all levels. Stand strong in your personal convictions and have faith and trust that all will work out for your highest good.

Let your angels surround you with love, peace and harmony and take the time to relax your mind and body and find the stillness within you, as it is within this stillness that you find yourself. Make the effort to meditate, as meditation gives you more control over your life and allows you to recognize and acknowledge the core of your being; your true self. The better you know your true self, the clearer your life purpose becomes.

Number 2002 relates to number 4 (2+0+0+2=4) and Angel Number 4.

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Friday, January 23, 2015


Number 2001 is made up of the energies of number 2, the attributes and influences of number 0, and the vibrations of number 1. Number 2 relates to balance and harmony, diplomacy and co-operation, love and understanding, grace and kindness, sensitivity and selflessness, sociability and support. Number 2 also relates to your life purpose and service to others. Number 0 resonates with eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow and the beginning point, and also stands for potential and/or choice. When number 0 presents and recurs it relates to developing your spiritual aspects and suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find all of your answers. Number 1 encourages creativity and initiative, new beginnings, self-reliance and tenacity, striving towards achieving success, attainment and happiness. Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions.

Angel Number 2001 brings a message of encouragement from your angels to have a positive attitude and to stay grounded and balance and maintain faith and trust in yourself, as this will manifest and encourage positive results in all aspects of your life. Keep your mind-set and thought patterns aligned with your soul purpose and trust that things will go in your desired direction and outcomes will be favourable and beneficial to you. The angels are with you, supporting and helping you with any doubts or fears you may have. Have faith in yourself, the Divine Energies and your angels, as they are surrounding you with love and healing and are available for guidance and assistance anytime you ask. 

Step out of your comfort zone and take new directions and/or begin new projects and ventures that you have been wanting to do for some time now. Get started on projects that have been on hold and do not allow excuses to hold you back any longer. Angel Number 2001 encourages you to release your fears and apprehensions and get on with pursuing your passions and purpose.

Angel Number 2001 may also suggest that it is time to usher some fresh, new positive energies into your home and family life. Bring some love into your home by redecorating and/or refurbishing, spring cleaning, de-cluttering or simply sprucing up your living environment. Add some freshness to your home and surroundings with a view to upgrading and reinvigorating your environment as a positive atmosphere fosters positive energies and brings fresh ideas and inspiration.

New ideas and concepts are coming to you, and your angels encourage you to stretch the horizons of your mind. Follow through with your intuitive urgings as you will inspire those around you, as well as expand your own life in positive ways.


Number 2000 resonates with the vibrations of number 2, and the energies of number 0 appearing three times, magnifying its own influences as well as the attributes of number 2. Number 2 relates to balance and harmony, adaptability and flexibility, diplomacy and co-operation, consideration and friendliness, partnerships and relationships, receptivity and love. Number 2 also resonates to service and duty and serving your soul mission and life purposeNumber 0 resonates with the vibrations and energies of eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow and the beginning point, and stands for potential and/or choice. When this number presents and recurs it relates to developing your spiritual aspects and suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find all of your answers.

Angel Number 2000 brings a message of love and support from the angels and they encourage you to maintain the balance, grace and energy that enables you to live your life with love, diplomacy and compassion towards yourself and others.

Angel Number 2000 also brings a message of ‘Divine timing’. Things are happening behind the scenes that will prove to be of great benefit to you in the near future, but certain factors need to fall into place before the desired results can come to full fruition. Even though you may not be experiencing these opportunities just yet, know and believe that they are on their way into your life and you will be most pleased with the outcomes. Your angels ask that you stay peaceful, positive and patient in the interim and have faith and trust in the Divine and angelic energies.

Your faith and trust has led you to an inner-knowing about your life purpose and soul mission and you are encouraged to display compassion, diplomacy, consideration and adaptability as you relate to others and passionately serve in your day to day life. Learn to sense the presence of your angels and listen to their loving and encouraging messages and guidance, and you will be aligning yourself with your soul’s true desires.


Number 1999 is a combination of the energies of number 1 and the attributes of number 9 appearing three times, powerfully amplifying its influences. Number 1 relates to creativity and initiative, new beginnings, self-reliance and tenacity, striving towards achieving success, attainment and happiness. Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Number 9 resonates with lightworking and humanitarianism, service to others, leadership and leading others by positive example, high ideals and non-conformity, altruism and benevolence, an expansive viewpoint, and endings and conclusions. Number 9 also relates to serving your soul mission and the concepts of karma and dharma.

Angel Number 1999 may be indicating that certain aspects of your life are coming to a close and/or an important phase or cycle is coming to an end. These endings are clearing the way for you to begin a wonderful new and/or different life and lifestyle that will see all fall into place for you in the most positive ways. Angel Number 1999 is an indication that one door is closing and another is opening.

If you have been hearing the calling to pursue a spiritually-based practice, career and/or profession and/or heart-based service, Angel Number 1999 may suggest that now is a most auspicious time to pursue your passion and begin. Step up to your soul purpose and maintain positive thoughts, beliefs and ideas about your next steps. Listen to the guidance of your angels as they intuitively prompt you along your path and destiny and trust that all the information, guidance and assistance you will need upon your path will be supplied by the angels and Universal Energies. 

Angel Number 1999 is a prompt to ignite your soul and motivate you towards and along your true life path and soul mission. It is a sign for lightworkers to get to work and shine their lights to illuminate the way for others.


Number 1998 is a blend of the vibrations of number 1, the attributes of number 9 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the energies of number 8. Number 1 encourages new beginnings, starting new ventures, self-reliance, tenacity, activity, independence, uniqueness, motivation and progress, achievement and attainment. Number 1 reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, ideas, beliefs and actions. Number 9 relates to leading others by positive example, humanitarianism and philanthropy, Divine wisdom, generosity and benevolence, strength of character, lightworking and the Universal Spiritual Laws, your dharma and soul calling. Number 9 also relates to conclusions and endings. Number 8 resonates with inner-wisdom and personal power, manifesting wealth, positive abundance and prosperity, good judgement and discernment, repose, practicality, consideration, achieving success and giving and receiving.

Angel Number 1998 indicates that your prayers have been acknowledged by the angelic and spiritual realms and you are encouraged to follow your passion and purpose and trust that you will automatically manifest all that you need to achieve your goals and aspirations. Your positive attitude and affirmations regarding your life purpose will bring about opportunities to serve as your soul dictates, so allow blessings to enter your life and use them to your advantage and for the benefit of others. As you serve your soul purpose you automatically manifest ‘good’ on all levels.

Angel Number 1998 may also be an indication that a significant phase or cycle is coming to an end in your life, and if you have been feeling a sense of trepidation, anxiety, fear or loss, remember that sometimes feeling lost is the first step to finding yourself and everything in your life happens for a higher purpose. Trust your own feelings and insights, be open to Divine and angelic guidance and know that wonderful new opportunities are just ahead of you. Be open to the flow of great abundance in all areas of your life and share that abundance (in all its forms) with others.

Your angels encourage you to devote your lightworking services to the world in your very own way, knowing that you are fully supported by the Universe. Live your life with honour and integrity, and stand up for truth and justice. The world needs you.


Number 1997 is a compilation of the energies of number 1, the attributes of number 9 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the vibrations of number 7. Number 1 relates to new beginnings, vivacity, stepping out of your comfort zone, intuition, inspiration and insight, striving ahead, attainment and happiness. Number 1 tells us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 9 promotes lightworking and humanitarianism, service to others, high ideals, influence, leadership and leading others by positive example, and conclusions and endings. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws and the concepts of karma and dharmaNumber 7 resonates with the esoteric and mystical, spiritual awakening, development and enlightenment, inner-knowing and understanding others, compassion, empathic and psychic abilities, individuality and uniqueness, peace, persistence of purpose, learning, study and education. 

Angel Number 1997 may suggest that you are shedding old aspects of your life that no longer positively serve you, and suggests that forthcoming changes will bring about fresh new beginnings and ways of doing and being. Look to ways of expanding and building upon your personal spirituality as a spiritual choice takes the struggle out of a situation, helps you to accept it for what it is, and teaches you the way to assess and trust your inner-knowing.

Angel Number 1997 tells of inner-strength and having the courage to live your life with truth and integrity, and using your personal power in positive ways. You are being encouraged to step up to be the best that you can be as you have many unique talents and skills to be brought to the fore to be used for the benefit of all. You have an important life mission to serve and only you can fulfill it. Be true to your soul’s essence and live your life in your own unique way and shine your Light for others to follow.

Question things, explore different ideas and do your own research. Find out things for yourself and draw your own conclusions. Don’t follow the crowd. Strike out on your own path. Only YOU should decide what your personal beliefs and paths are.

Number 1997 relates to number 8 (1+9+9+7=26, 2+6=8) and Angel Number 8.


Tuesday, January 06, 2015


Number 1996 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 1, the energies of number 9 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the qualities of number 6. Number 1 brings its attributes of creativity and initiative, new beginnings, self-reliance and tenacity, striving towards achieving success, attainment and happiness. Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Number 9 resonates with leadership and leading by positive example, the Universal Spiritual Laws and the concepts of karma and dharma, altruism and benevolence, your soul mission, lightworking and service to humanity. Number 9 also indicates endings, closures and conclusion. Number 6 adds its vibrations of love of home, family and domesticity, honesty and integrity, responsibility, compassion and empathy, problem-solving and solution-finding, provision and providing and the material aspects of life. 

Angel Number 1996 may indicate that something in your life is about to leave or come to an end and will be replaced with something better suited. It is time to let go of a situation (living arrangement, career or relationship) that has now ran its course and the angels wish to remind you that as one door closes, another opens. Your angels are helping to resolve and transmute fear and sorrow, resentment and regrets, to reveal the possibility of finding a new truth, and a new sense of hope and faith. Reconsider your true values and inner-truths and live accordingly. Be open to new opportunities and give any fears or concerns to your angels for healing and transmutation. Release the ‘false’ from your life and strive to be your authentic self. Stay focused on positive outcomes and know that your angels support you, always.

Angel Number 1996 also encourages you to focus upon on your life purpose, as now is the time to fully live your personal truths and pursue your spiritual path. Trust that as you serve your soul mission you will be leading and teaching others by positive example, and all of your monetary and material needs will be provided in order to assist and sustain you.

Take action on the ideas, thoughts and promptings you have been experiencing and follow your intuition and the guidance from the angels regarding your true Divine life purpose. Trust yourself, and trust your path.

Number 1996 relates to number 7 (1+9+9+6=25, 2+5=7) and Angel Number 7.

Monday, January 05, 2015


Number 1995 is made up of the qualities of number 1, the energies of number 9 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the vibrations of number 5. Number 1 resonates with self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition, new beginnings and a fresh approach, motivation, striving forward and progress. Number 1 also and reminds us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 9 relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, leadership, a higher perspective, the concepts of karma and dharma, leading life as a positive example for others, benevolence and altruism, selflessness, service to humanity and lightworking. Number 9 is also the number of conclusions and endings. Number 5 encourages personal freedom and individuality, free-will, major life changes, making important choices and decisions, release and surrender, promotion and advancements, resourcefulness, adaptability and versatility, and life lessons learned through experience. 

Angel Number 1995 can suggest that some situations and circumstances are coming to an end in your life so that new opportunities may arise for you to take advantage of. It may be time to reconsider all of your options and let go of situations and circumstances that no longer positively serve you and look to more beneficial and better-suited pursuits and activities. Participate in experiences that inspire and uplift you as they attract positive opportunities and circumstances into your life that are aligned with your soul’s purpose.

Angel Number 1995 can indicate that changes are ahead of you, if not already happening in your life. Although at times changes, shifts and transitions can come about abruptly, and can seem difficult, overwhelming and/or unwelcome, Angel Number 1995 beings a message and reassurance that all will turn out for your highest good, and with hindsight you may come to view the changes and their outcomes as blessings in disguise.

Our angels assists us with making the right choices and decisions for ourselves so that our lives are heading in the right direction. While we may see only a small fragment of the bigger picture, our angels see the entire tapestry of our lives and are able to guide and assist us accordingly. Trust the process of change, adapt accordingly, and embrace the new.


Number 1994 is a blend of the energies of number 1, the vibrations of number 9 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the attributes of number 4. Number 1 relates to new beginnings, motivation and progress, inspiration, tenacity, self-leadership and assertiveness, achievement and success, fulfilment and omniscience. Number 1 also tells us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 9 denotes endings and conclusions and relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, seeing things from a higher perspective, the concepts of karma and dharma, leading life as a positive example for others, benevolence and altruism, serving your soul mission and lightworkingNumber 4 adds its vibrations of honesty and integrity, self-control, loyalty and conscientiousness, traditional values and responsibility, practicality and application, diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose, and the energies of the Archangels

Angel Number 1994 may be a prompt from your angels that it is time to look to a new career and/or lifestyle. Your skills and talents are much needed by the world, and your angels encourage you to follow your soul’s promptings and live your destiny with passion and purpose. If you have been considering taking up a spiritually-based practice, profession and/or career, now is the ideal time to set the foundations for future success. Trust that you have all the necessary tools, skills and abilities to be a powerful lightworker. Only you can fulfil your destiny.

Angel Number 1994 can indicate that a situation, cycle or phase is coming to an end in your life and you are encouraged to let go of anything that has now ran its course. Do not try to hold onto something that no longer positively serves you and have no fear of lack or loss. New opportunities will present to advance you along your path and you are reminded to be aware of your thoughts and choose them carefully, as negative thoughts lead to unhealthy choices, and positive thoughts lead to healthy decisions. Be a master of your thoughts, as when you are in charge, you are focused, motivated and inspired to achieve your goals and aspirations on all levels. Choose to live your life with honour and integrity, and stand up for truth and justice.

Angel Number 1994 brings a message to use your natural lightworking talents, abilities and interests to help the world awaken and heal, which is part of your soul mission and life purpose. Devote time and effort towards your natural interests and priorities and pay special attention to your intuitive feelings and signs from your angels as they are sending you guidance for you to follow through with your dreams and desires to do with your spiritual path and life purpose. Trust that you have all the skills and talents you need in order to fulfill your spiritual destiny, and trust yourself and the workings of the angels and the Universe. Your love and light is much needed at this time on the Earthplane.

Number 1994 relates to number 5 (1+9+9+4=23, 2+3=5) and Angel Number 5.



Number 1993 is a compilation of the energies of number 1, the vibrations of number 9 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the attributes of number 3. Number 1 brings its qualities of creation and creativity, motivation and progress, insight and inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings and starting afresh. Number 1 encourages us to step forward in our chosen direction and reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 9 resonates with leading by positive example, lightworkers and lightworking, philanthropy and humanitarianism, generosity and benevolence, strength of character, a higher perspective, and endings and conclusions. Number 9 also relates to the concepts of karma and dharma and the Universal Spiritual LawsNumber 3 relates to self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, friendliness and sociability, growth and expansion and manifesting. Number 3 relates to the Ascended Masters, who act as mentors, teaching you the ancient wisdom and help you to find peace, clarity and love within and focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others.

Angel Number 1993 encourages you to release and let go of any situations in your life that are no longer positively serving you, and do not cling to situations (or people) out of habit or a fear of lack or loss. There is a time to discard old ideas that have fulfilled their function in your life. Hold a positive viewpoint and high expectations about yourself and your future as your thoughts create your experiences and you create your own realities. Trust your intuition and gut feelings and know that the angels are overseeing your life plan and path and are encouraging you to maintain a positive attitude and mind-set in regards to yourself, your life path and your future. All is going to Divine plan.

Angel Number 1993 is a message encouraging you to listen to your soul’s urgings and intuition in regards to your career, lifestyle and/or spiritual pursuits. Your natural lightworking abilities are much needed by the world and your angels want you to use your positive personality traits and communication skills to help, assist and serve others humanity. Have trust in yourself and your path, and use your natural creativity to bring inspiration through any means of your choosing. Remember that you make a valuable contribution to the development of humanity by being who you truly are and by using your natural gifts and abilities to uplift and enlighten others.

You are encouraged to use your natural skills and talents to make the world a better place.

Number 1993 relates to the Master Number 22 (1+9+9+3=22, 2+2=4) and Angel Number 22 on the higher plane, and number 4 and Angel Number 4 on the lower plane.


Sunday, January 04, 2015


Number 1992 is a blend of the energies of number 1, with the attributes of number 9 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, plus the vibrations of number 2. Number 1 brings its influences of creation and new beginnings, striving forward and progress, inspiration, motivation and attainment. Number 1 encourages us to take positive action and reminds us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 9 resonates with leadership and leading by positive example, lightworking, philanthropy and humanitarianism, problem solving, generosity and benevolence. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws and the concepts of karma and dharmaNumber 2 brings the attributes of duality, balance and harmony, relationships and partnerships, adaptability and diplomacy, receptivity, attention to detail and decisiveness. Number 2 also relates to serving and fulfilling your life purpose and soul mission

Angel Number 1992 encourages you to be open to receiving and accepting your ‘good’, which may appear in the form of new ideas, information, contacts and projects and these will lead to auspicious opportunities for you. Trust that they are coming to you for you to take full advantage of as so take heed of your intuition and take positive action. If feeling any fears or doubts you can ask your angels for guidance about any situation, or anything that you may do or change to create the highest and best for yourself and all concerned.

Angel Number 1992 brings a message from your angels to have faith and trust in your intuitive messages and impressions, ideas, insights and visions as these are signs urging you towards and along your life path and
soul mission. You are being encouraged to step up to your duties as a lightworker and serve humanity in positive and uplifting ways, so maintain a positive attitude about the purpose of your being, and follow the guidance sent to you along the way. Give any fears or feelings of insecurity or self-doubt to the angels for healing and transmutation, and know within that you have all you need to carry out your soul mission. Do not be afraid to take positive action in the direction of your intuition, but rather, look to ways of achieving small goals on a daily basis to reach your true and full spiritual potential.

Angel Number 1992 may also be suggesting that if you have lost something of late, the Universe is manifesting something positive and better suited to take its’ place in your life. This can also relate to a situation or circumstance (or possibly even a job or relationship) that may be coming to an end. Thank it (or them) for it’s service in your life, and let it go with love and gratitude. Trust that a wonderful new beginning and/or direction will come of it.

Thursday, January 01, 2015


Number 1991 brings together the attributes and energies of number 1 and number 9, with both numbers appearing twice, amplifying their influences. Number 1 relates to creating our own reality with our beliefs, thoughts and actions. It brings positivity, ideas, creation and new beginnings, motivation, striving forward and progress, ambition, self-leadership and assertiveness. Number 9 resonates with leading by positive example, lightworkers and lightworking, philanthropy and humanitarianism, problem solving, generosity and benevolence, and endings and conclusions. Number 9 also relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, dharma, karma and the Spiritual Law of Karma. Number 1991 relates to endings followed by new beginnings and is a ‘humanitarian’ vibration.

Angel Number 1991 can be suggesting that some aspects of your life are coming to a close and/or an important phase or cycle is coming to an end. This is making room and preparing you to begin a wonderful new life and lifestyle that will see all fall into place for you in the most positive ways. Trust that all the information, guidance and assistance you will need upon your path will be supplied by the angels and Universal Energies as required.

Angel Number 1991 indicates that your positive attitude, thoughts and affirmations have created wonderful opportunities for you to take advantage of and your angels urge you to take up the challenges. Trust that your courage, initiative and action will be of great spiritual benefit for yourself and others. Stay optimistic and positive of mind about the path ahead of you and trust that your angels surround you with love and encouragement as you focus upon your Divine life path.

Angel Number 1991 brings a reminder that we create our own realities and indicates that a new door of opportunity has opened up for you due to your positive intentions and actions. Make the most of these opportunities and stay positive as the Universe aligns to set you on your Divine life path and mission. Your angels encourage you to shed a positive light on all in your life and beyond and prompt you to look to how you are able to be of service to humanity through serving your life purpose.

Remember that there is an angel at your shoulder to guide you through life’s mazes.

Number 1991 relates to number 2 (1+9+9+1=20, 2+0=2) and Angel Number 2.