Saturday, January 24, 2015


Number 2002 is made up of the energies of number 2 and the vibrations of number 0, both appearing twice, amplifying their influences. Number 2 relates to service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy, co-operation, partnerships and relationships, consideration, receptivity and love, gentleness and kindness, insightfulness, sensitivity, encouragement, selflessness, sociability and support. Number 2 also relates to faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul missionNumber 0 resonates with eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point, potential and/or choice. It is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and encourages developing spiritual gifts.

Angel Number 2002 brings encouragement to maintain balance and harmony within, and to pay attention to your emotions and intuition. Your angels are inspiring you to become more aware of your surroundings, life environment and circumstances, as the more you pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, the more you expand your psychic awareness and tap into your own spirituality. Stay optimistic about the path ahead of you as with a positive attitude and outlook, miracles can happen in your life and can bring the most ambitious of dreams into reality.

Angel Number 2002 inspires you to see the bigger picture and work with the details necessary to complete that picture. Put your efforts towards your spiritual life path and soul purpose and take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all areas of your life. You have a great deal to achieve in this lifetime, and with devotion and inner-wisdom you will be able to successfully manifest your desired results on all levels. Stand strong in your personal convictions and have faith and trust that all will work out for your highest good.

Let your angels surround you with love, peace and harmony and take the time to relax your mind and body and find the stillness within you, as it is within this stillness that you find yourself. Make the effort to meditate, as meditation gives you more control over your life and allows you to recognize and acknowledge the core of your being; your true self. The better you know your true self, the clearer your life purpose becomes.

Number 2002 relates to number 4 (2+0+0+2=4) and Angel Number 4.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  -  The Vibration and Energy of Numbers


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  1. The exact confirmation I needed, As these have been my recurring thoughts and worries. I am in tune with my self but I have been distracted lately with a lot of anxiety and worry making my mind race at 100mph and at the same time I know there are things for me to do in terms of spirituality and constant niggle from deep within and its not just a niggle but a true purpose and a true love for doing so. It really pains me to be distracted from this and I know we need time, balance and patients to move along our paths but at this point in my life I realise now that it is the anxiety and worry that is an obstacle and is nothing more than a blindfold over my face stopping me from reaching within and walking steps of progression along my path. Over the last year or 2 I have been living completely in my spirituality and as my true self so it is not common or normal for me to drift away from this and not just that but I never thought I would after having my spiritual awakening because I was constantly living as my true spiritual self. Even though the last few weeks have been confusing worrying and nothing more than a blur and a blindfold preventing me from stepping forward along my path I knew deep within that I needed to have stillness of mind to clearly hear the calling from within and receive the answers with clarity instead of constantly questioning and remaining in a state of confusion. This number has occurred twice with me over the last 2 days and has been at times when I am either doing or thinking the same thing. Now I realise what I should have known or should I say what I already knew within but wasn't allowing myself to clearly receive the answers. Its hard when you go through a bad time or start loosing your way along your path but trust always that your true self is there ready to give you the answers with clarity but you must allow, Trust and take the right steps towards allowing your self to be at one and in tune with yourself to be at stillness of mind and realise that these worrying thoughts these thoughts of confusion these distractions are nothing more than a simple obstacle that will test you but you must realise that you are a million times stronger and have more than what it takes to overcome you just have to have faith and trust in the energy of Love, Positivity, The truth & Yourself and demonstrate the strength that we all have and that we all share within the same energy and that energy is of Love and everything that comes with it. When you are down its hard to get up but we have everything we need to climb back up and rise to the top we just need to use it and trust ourselves. Remember that Yourself never lies the truth never lies and Love never lies. Love & Light to you all, Thanks again rush-collection for these numbers they have been really helpful along my way and I'm sure many others and its great that our guides can use these numbers as a form of communication with us :) Love and Light to you all along your paths and God Bless x x x

  2. thank you rush-collection for taking the time to transcribe all this sacred messages so others can understand the signs. :)

  3. I've been getting so many angel number combinations over the past year, mainly 2020,1212,and 1515. Things is though, I've been trying to stay positive and take the advice but so far not much that is positive has happened in my life to be fair. I escaped a bad long term relationship, lost a relative and had to start from scratch. I'm alone and isolated alot as I'm a single parent now, and I feel totally unappreciated and spat out by life. I was a very spiritual individual too but I'm beginning to doubt it all now. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

    1. I feel you I have been very spiritual too, losing lots of things and I started to realize the people around me are all toxic. Meaning I actually never really had any friends all my life to begin with. I just believed in the lie that friends are like that but now I'm starting to see that everyone who doesn't help you further in life is an enemy, whether they even know that themselves or not, if somebody isn't planning to lift you up when your down don't bother being with these kinds of people. I am now very lonely with nearly no social experiences or anything nice in my life at all. Right at this moment I asked my twinbrother to give me 5$ so I could have some fun tonight and even he doesn't care about the way I feel. So I really feel you about doubting all this spiritual stuff, it really feels like only those who already had some lucky or something positive to begin with are the only ones who succeed on this journey.

    2. Your journey is not about money but succeed in knowing yourself in this lifetime. We are all souls experienceing life in a human body. When you find yourself you will understand and your life will turn in positive things. First you have to learn to turn negative experiences (as you describe) into positive thoughts. Because only that way you can go to the next fase of your journey and rediscover all knowledge what is hidden in the center of yofr soul. Be positive and you will be you. GOD bless and namastΓ©.

    3. Everything comes with a meaning and purpose in life, believe in yourself and the path you chose because it was meant for you. Peace and light to all <3

  4. Anonymous, no matter what you feel and what is the situation, the numbers you have mentioned herein those you are seeing tell you to have patience, keep positive lookout, situations are going to change for your betterment. Keep positive expections and feelings so things start flowing for you.May be you need to learn and master the lesson of being independent, you are capable but have doubts. Meditation will help as angels are guiding you. Hold the light, you're to have better outcomes.

  5. You must know you are worthy as anyone else here on earth. You too can have it all if you know God will surely give it to you when you head his word and always see the good,give the positive, and always come with love,compassion in every instance you face. Ask god what u need to do and listen ask the angels to clarify the message so you can understand better.

  6. I will continue to live my life tapped into my true self. I Thankyou for your words of wisdom rush-collection, hope you're acknowledging and support my cryptic nature of being. Partnering up with our creator for a common goal is a feeling like no other. Hallelujah for The Revelation has come to Fruition. AUM. Amen

  7. Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever!!!Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  8. Thank you ! This is exactly what I needed to hear :)

  9. Π‘Π»Π°Π³ΠΎΠ΄Π°Ρ€ΡŽ. Π’Π°ΡˆΠΈ послания ΠΈ ΠΏΠ΅Ρ€Π΅Π΄Π°Ρ‡ΠΈ прСвосходны ΠΈ Π»Π΅Ρ‡Π°Ρ‚ Π΄ΡƒΡˆΡƒ.I thank. Your messages and transfers are excellent and treat to a shower.

  10. rush-collection, thank you for the continuing explanation in your site. . I been referring to your site for few good years now. I am constantly hit with awakenings with such repeating numeric such as 0000,1111,2222 and sometimes few sighting everyday. Also keeping me sane and knowing there are others out there. Thank you once again. From Asia Stephen

  11. Grateful for every reminder!Amen!πŸ™πŸŽˆπŸ§˜‍♀️❤

  12. Hi to everyone. I would like to thank everyone for the positive words that you are sharing, it can be a great help in times of need. The truth and all the answers that we are seeking are... In ourselves. So trust yourself, in time all will be revealed. My advice... Step by step... Deep down we are all children. Namaste and love to all ;)

  13. This is very true thanks rush-collection

  14. God's plan is for us to prosper and not to harm stand still and know that He is God calling us to serve him. He wants us to share his love light and blessings in humanity

  15. I thank you for these meanings and interpretations, I have been reading them steadily since 2014 and they have made my path as a lightworker so much clearer and exciting. Cheers and light to all.

  16. I have been so confused lately don't know whether it's my break up or what but I'm just not myself I have a very bad anxiety at the moment was even dreaming about white snakes. Its crazy.

    1. You wrote this on the 20/2/2020 ,wow that's a sign right there ! 😎

  17. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜☺πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ˜˜

  18. I was punished before birth, by being buried alive as an eight months embryo in the womb of my mother. Lived and endured horrific spiritual entities, physical, emotional, and mental abuses. Raped at five, then at 11. At 11, I was thrown into a concrete wall head first while in sleep by my father. Left me loosing my brain tissue slowly (lost 1/3 thus far), suffered water board torture by my father, kidnapped & married without my consent to a bisexual husband, bore a sons, one twin son and daughter. Daughter who died a six months embryo and two months later, the birth of the second twin born to be my second healthy boy. Poisoned by my husband, crippled for two years. Thrown out of my home so my husband could bring his niece whom he had a child with between the ages of my two sons. Lived in the public shelters, returned home through legal channels. Husband left to reside with his childhood sweetheart (a female) and sex buddy (male). He suffered pancreatic cancer and by request, returned to me on October 13, 2023, I accepted him at my home and welcomed his girlfriend’s visits twice per week. I completed my duties of a wife, by providing financial, professional, holistic, emotional, and physical care for him until he succumbed to death on January 1, 2023. I lost my job this day as well, and I buried my husband on the 5th. On the 6th, I received message of the loss of my home. I began seeing number patterns and couldn’t understand why I’m accidentally looking at my time at 11:11, 12:12, 12:21, 19:19, etc, on the 13th of January 2023, I began documenting these number and began using these numbers as my guide and motivation since, I’m still quite numb, didn’t grieved my husband death as yet, for I need to find a home for my sons and me, seeking employment, while my husband’s former buddy secretly trying to influence my 23 yrs. old to try drugs. Upon my retaliation my 23 yrs. old moved out and living with friends and sleeping in his car on the streets. My 18 yrs. old is with me, but suffering depression over the death of his father, lost his honor roll position in school, and I’m still numb, going through the motions of life, and maintaining strength and pleasant appearance for everyone else, more so for my sons. I didn’t asked my son to return home instead, I rekindled my relationship with him. I lost one of the most important men in my life on March 3, 2023, my grandfather whom raised me with much love until I was 15. He died…I’m still numb. Nevertheless, I haven’t succumbed to depression, but my question remains; Why I’m not processing these emotions as normal people would? I’m scared, having a background in psychology I am unable to decipher my own feelings. I’m always investigative. I don’t even know how or where to start…the only thing that brings me happiness is providing free holistic treatment to those who needs it. Fortunately for me, I am able to listen to the messages that these numbers brings, and I’m able to maintain a composure, but my mind is blank. Am I a completely MAD WOMAN? Thank you reading, I just want to share my story so someone may be able to find strength in themselves, that no matter our shortcomings belief is a great healer. Thanks again.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story brave soul.
