Monday, July 23, 2012


Number 1011 is comprised of the vibrations and influences of number 1 appearing three times, tripling its energies, and the qualities of the powerful number 0. Number 1 relates to new beginnings, creation, progress, inspiration and intuition, self-leadership and assertiveness, action, motivation and progress, striving forward, uniqueness and individuality, creating your own reality, positivity and activity. Number 0 is the number of the Universal Energies/Source, the beginning point, eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, developing one’s spiritual aspects and connecting with the Higher-self, and denotes freedom from limitations. Number 0 also amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with.

Angel Number 1011 is a powerful message from your angels and the Universal Energies that now is a time of personal development, spiritual awakening and enlightenment. As you keep your thoughts, focus and intentions on your soul mission and life purpose, your elevated vibrations attract abundance and positive energies into your life. Use positive affirmations and have an optimistic attitude to draw towards you all that you need along your path, and trust your inner-wisdom, intuition and the guidance from the angels. Take positive action in the direction of your dreams and desires and trust that you will find personal success and fulfilment.

Angel Number 1011 urges you to pay attention to your intuition, thoughts and impressions as these are revealing the answers to your prayers and are providing guidance. It encourages you to trust yourself, the angels and the Universal energies and take direction and action as guided. Step out of your comfort zone in the direction of your inner-promptings and know and believe that you will find success and happiness.

Angel Number 1011 encourages you to keep your thoughts, beliefs and mind-set focused upon your personal spirituality and life purpose as you are creating your own reality each and every moment. Engage yourself in creative and positive endeavours and activities and use your personal skills and talents in a productive manner. Listen to the guidance of your intuition and serve your soul mission with passion and enthusiasm.

Number 1011 also relates to number 3 (1+0+1+1=3) and Angel Number 3.

Also see:
Repeating 1’s and 0’s  (10, 100, 101, 110 etc)   
Angel Number 10
Angel Number 100
Angel Number 101
Angel Number 110



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. My Bday is 101186 and have had some people say I have a good bday but didn't fully understand why.. this helped in that regard.. Plus I know I have a great vibe. Take care!!

    1. By birthday is 12/3/1987 what do u think

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. When I look at the clock it's 1011 and it's very special to me it's my birthday and those numbers always speak to me. I would always say it's my angels (mother, father and sister whom passed away years ago) watching down on me. So today I looked up the numbers and found out and how they are angel numbers. It made my day!!!!

  4. My birth date is 10/11, and all my life I see it everywhere. To be able to see it's meaning, and also the breakdown of it was truly amazing. It defines me perfectly. I new #11 was a very elevated number in spiritualality, and I also knew that 1+1+1=3 was the sign of the trinity. But to be able to see it number by number was amazing. I knew this came from my Angels, but to understand what they were telling me was awe-inspiring. I am an Example Life Entity,which means we take on incredibly hard lifetimes. And I am very Empathic, so all of this makes complete sense to me. I've been on an incredible journey of learning everything to do with spiritualality for 16 years. And I have learned so very much. Now I am able to teach others who are seeking Gnosis, or truth of spirituality. My Angels all along have been sending me this beautiful message, and I am so very blessed. I have somewhere to come now to decided all the messages they are sending me. Thank you so very much for this dictionary of Angel messages. I will be here often, because of so many other messages I am getting. Namaste

  5. My birthday is not 1011...but....I see often....even my previous home....... And previie work number used to be 1011.....I got scared at first but them started to think what if its a good thing?

    1. It's a very good thing. My birthday is 1/11 and I usually see different variations of it and other various number combinations.

      The universe is communicating with ya ;).

  6. I dreamt very clearly 1011 last night. I also heard the words "that was simple." I am astounded to find this explanation. Didn't know it was such a powerful number. Explains my spiritual journey. Thank you!

  7. I am glad I looked this up today! I have been seeing this so often that I knew it had to mean something. I messed up thinking it meant I should contact my ex since her last four cell number is 1011. Glad it means something fantastically better than that :)

  8. Wow, I'm so glad I found this! I've been seeing 1011 everywhere lately, from the clock and even to my favorite radio station (101.1..hahah). Also, I'm glad there are others who are experiencing the same thing. I'll keep this advice in mind :)

  9. My son's birthday is 10/04/2011. It started out as 9:11 or I would see something on a billboard about 911 and I even saw a license plate wwnf911. I thought great I'm in trouble or trouble ahead I took it as a warning, we'll then out of the blue, it was any number with 11 after it. Well the last 2 months I started seeing 1011. So I was thinking it had to do with my son since none of thoes numbers had any relation to me. So now I have a better understanding thank you

  10. I see 1011 all the time....sometimes several times a day and until now I could not find an explanation.
    I knew it was some kind of positive message or energy.
    Thanks for posting this... Lar

  11. A lot of coincidences (I know, they are not really coincidences) lately. Just uncanny things which are too long to list here, but numbers have played a part. This one in particular, 1011.
    I'm recently disabled, had spine surgeries (long history of those, too), unable to draw unemployment while applying for disability, no income, and now have to relocate where I might find eligibility for medicaid. YOu get the picture. So one day I take $2 and buy a scratch off, not thinking much of it. It was a $1000 winner. Wow. I thought, great! I can get my old truck fixed and maybe make it to another state where friends will put me up!
    So the next week, I redeemed that ticket and a few other $1 scratch offs. Total won = $1011. A few days later, I took my truck in. The mechanic didn't know how much money I had but knew I had very little. Did his best on discounts and free services, but the truck still needed new rotors (all four) two new tires, four new brake pads, o-ring seal for oil filter, and trip check. Cost before tax = (you guessed it) $1011. Exactly.

    1. How are you doing? We have similar stories. QUARKQUINN@GMAIL.COM

  12. Thank you so much for your kindness! <3

  13. I am really excited for this new journey I am beginning. Thank you rush-collection.

  14. I keep seeing the number 1011. On the clock, radio station 101.1, bridge heights 10' 11". It was also the house number where I grew up. Just tonight on Halloween night 2016 I woke up and looked at the clock. 10:11. Does this mean something? I was thinking about visiting my child hood home. It's not far away. If I do, should I bring along photos to show the residents who live there now?

  15. I keep seeing the number 1011. On the clock, radio stations 101.1, on bridge heights 10' 11". It was also the house number where I grew up. Are the angels telling me something? I have been to that house a couple of times when it was empty and for sale. Never went inside. There are people in it now. Should I visit it now and explain to the owners why I am there? It might freak them out.

    1. Please go back to reread rush-collection's post. It clearly states "Angel Number 1011 urges you to pay attention to your intuition, thoughts and impressions as these are revealing the answers to your prayers and are providing guidance. It encourages you to trust yourself, the angels and the Universal energies and take direction and action as guided."
      Let your intuition guide you. Seek guidance from your angels. You will know what to do.

  16. I've seen 10:11 twice this week
    Both times I seen 10:11 was in the morning before lunch break.

    Some time last week I came across a article online about the meaning to numbers repeating then selves.
    I quickly reconized the repeat of 1011 and googled the meaning and this poped up....
    And it's in January HA!
    Things don't happen by chance...
    Devine appointment.

  17. Why do people go to hell?

  18. Hallelujah, for I invoke Christ consciousness I've received by my Realizations to the consciousness of humanity as a whole. The Revelation has come to Fruition. AMEN

  19. Thank you rush-collection!!! Always and forever grateful!!!Love and light your way!!!♡♡♡

  20. I went into a home store and as I looked up ,the angle I was precisely walking caught both sides of the register pole box that had 10/10 and the register next to that said 11/11. I immediately took out my phone to take a snapshot and my screen time read 3:33 pm. It was an abundance of blessings. But it doesn't stop there. I get home and I was in the kitchen when I noticed 10:11 pm on the microwave. So I giggle inside. A while later I go to turn the AC on, and the clock on it is behind so it read 10:11. Ive had many experiences in my life since childhood, but this ones for the books. I proceeded to the rush-collection Sacred Scribe site and the reading was very fitting. Thank you for giving us a tool to use that helps us receive messages from our guides and angels.

  21. 1011 was one of the first angel number I started noticing after my bday numbers, every digit (?:11)so I've grown to these numbers and literally are changing my life for the better...I just wish someone in my circle can experience the magnificent of it.

  22. Angelas 777 džiaugiasi angelo 1011 atsiskleidimu.. Ir siunčia per yuotube sveikinima visai komandai

  23. My bday is 10/22/59. I have seen 1011 often. To night it was 1010 and 1011. Is there something I should be aware of? Thank you and I am grateful for your time!

  24. So I was praying because I needed help to find a partner and I got replied that now I have to focus only on my spirituality.... Like that's what I do most of the time and I understand it must be and it is important but I just feel lonely.

  25. You are loved! I have been desiring same and thankful for continuing to work in and share my lovelight. Sending some to you! We've got this!!

  26. Last night I had a very peculiar dream, where these numbers were read out loud, then these seemingly underworld souls were burning or expiring, like their time has ran out, they were screaming … It was odd and kind of disturbing. The numbers were 101193, I never get numbers in dreams so I thought it strange.

  27. 🙏☮️♥️💞
