Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Number 1023 resonates with the attributes of number 1, the influences of number 0, the vibrations of number 2, and the energies of number 3. Number 1 resonates with new beginnings, ambition and tenacity, striving forward and pursuing goals, instinct and intuition, initiative, changes, inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, taking action and creating our own realities. Number 0 represents potential and/or choice, a spiritual journey, developing your spiritual aspects, listening to your intuition and higher-self, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 also relates to the God force/Universal Energies/Source, and magnifies the influences of the numbers it appears with. Number 2 is related to balance and harmony, duality, partnerships and relationships, personal will, decisiveness, insightfulness, ambition, diplomacy and mediation, sensitivity, your life mission and soul purpose. Number 3 is related to growth and expansion, affability, enthusiasm, spontaneity and broadmindedness, optimism and joy, natural talent and skills, creativity, manifesting your desires, self-expression and communication. Number 3 is also associated with the energies of the Ascended Masters.       

Number 1 encourages you to step forward and start something new, different and life-changing. Number 0 amplifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with, and encourages you to put your passion and will towards living and serving your spiritual soul purpose and destiny. Number 2 sets you on your course with balance, faith and ability, and number 3 sees expansion of concepts and life-themes, and expressing and communicating from your authentic self. Angel Number 1023 can be seen as a number of progression and/or steps to take along a journey or life path.
Angel Number 1023 can be seen as ‘steps’ and actions to be taken by the individual. If feeling any doubts or fears about which actions to take, ask for guidance and assistance from the angels and listen to your intuition and inner-wisdom. Know that you already have all that you need within you to achieve your goals and aspirations ... you just need to make the choices to do so and take the appropriate actions.   
Seek out opportunities, avenues, directions and pathways that you are intuitively drawn to and listen to your own inner-self and soul desires. If you can visualize it and put your focus, energy, passion and attention towards it, you can manifest and create it.

Number 1023 can also be seen as number 6 (1+0+2+3=6) and Angel Number 6.

Also see:
Angel Number 123
Angel Number 321



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Well I had a dream my train was leaving at 10:23...

    1. Me too. My selected departure date.

    2. I took my love to he Praying Tower and they gave her the number 10. To me,they gave the number 23. So I'm we have both been praying for a partner lover and spouse and she still has doubt. Relinquish yourself to the Lord and relinquish yourself to one another.

  2. I've been seeing mixed number sequences (1032, 2354, 1423) for several months now. On at least 3 occasions this week when I turned on my mobile the time said 10:23 or 10:32. To me it feels like a sign for "keep the faith, you're on the right track, everything will be okay". But I'm not sure if I can interprete it like that... can I read these numbers as a positive sign? Or rather a sign I should change the steps I'm currently taking?
    Kind regards,

    1. Listen to your own intuition ....

      ""To me it feels like a sign for "keep the faith, you're on the right track, everything will be okay"."

      The message you feel is spot on for you.

      Keep shining your Light,

      Sacred Scribes

    2. Thanks rush-collection ;)

  3. I see 10:23 all the time. On the clock, price tag, receipt, its everywhere and has been for years. I see 10:23 at least once a day. Crazy.

    1. Me too. Always 1023. Recently went to see "The Visit", there was a clock in one scene, and the time was 10:23!!

    2. Me as well i have seen that number every where, even is the day i was born

    3. Me as well i see it every where i think is a important number i dont know why even i was born on that day as well.

    4. Me as well i see it every where i think is a important number i dont know why even i was born on that day as well.

  4. Wow this is awesome and amazing! 1023 is my birthday! Lord thank you for this word because I really needed it! May God bless you for your wise words and 4 sharing! Thanks rush-collection!

  5. I was born 10/23 and see those numbers all of the time...always curious of the meaning

    1. I'm also born on 10/23 and this number has come up repeatedly since childhood multiple times a day. I've always felt it was a confirmation of Love towards me. I love that others here have said the same thing. I wonder what would happen if we were all in a room together?

    2. My birthday 10/23/84
      I always see it

    3. We have the same dob... I just saw it again 10:23 and decided to look it up. Hey twin!

    4. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


    5. The earth was created on October 23. My birthday is also. The Lord also put 777 in my right palm from birth. My name is 777 and I was born the year of 70. I was named Michael by the Holy Spirit of God after the Archangel Michael.

  6. Me too born 1023 always turn on my phone to see 1023 my other number I feel resonates in me is 1331

  7. My birthday is 10/23/84

    I take it as a sign from my guardian angel telling me that I am protected.

  8. I see 1023 everywhere. It started when I was kid and we ended up homeless and my dad ditched (it was a rough year). And I see it especially whenever I'm making big decisions or doing something significant. I've had theories of what it means, I've decided it's either a warning of bad things to come or a sign that I'm doing the right thing or that things are good. I've thought it was signs from God our my guardian angel. But, you see, I was just looking at houses in hometown and was thinking I should look at houses on my old street Irvine Ave. Well I was filled with shock instantly when I saw a listing for 1023 Irvine Ave. So I start googling the address and at the top of the suggestions is "1023 Angel Number". Like oh my god, so I click it and I'm lead to this article.

    THANK YOU to the author. I now know what it means. This article has helped me so so so much. It was this number that led me to going back to my hometown to finish my degree at the college there, maybe I'm supposed to buy this house?

    I'm bookmarking this article, it resonates with me deeply. Thanks again to the author.

  9. i was being chased by a madman killer in a truck while listening to a radio channel that was numbered 102.3

  10. i had a dream where i was listening to a radio station numbered 102.3 while being chased by a killer psycho in a truck

  11. This keeps happening to me. I see it all the time, on clocks, email date stamps, calories I burn on Fitbit. It's kinda scary. 1023 every where

  12. I had a dream where I believe it was from the Lord telling me that something bad will start happening on 1023 on wednesday I believe it was a time and not a date but that is just my opinion ask God for yourself.

  13. Ok so this cant be a coincidence. My oldest daughters birthday is 10-23-12. My wifes previous ex boyfriend had a boy the same day. Even stranger, an ex of mine had a baby boy on my daughters 5th birthday. What could that mean?

  14. Angel1023 was my loves username for many accounts. She passed in Dec 2018. She was and is my angel. Godspeed, Kerri.

  15. Thank you Lord and my loving Angels

  16. I am also a 1023 person and yes it's my dob 10/23/82. I have seen it everywhere for many years (clocks, buildings, in movies, literally everywhere) in fact today me and my husband were stuck in traffic and the truck in front of us had a personalized license plate that said "luv1023" I even took a picture of it. However I am not sure what to make of all of it. I feel like there is some strong significance to it but can't quite put my finger on it. I never would have thought there would be so many other people who see the exact time. But then again I guess yes I would because I am one of them...

  17. Here we go then, bring it on spirit angels x

  18. My birthday is 10/23 and I see it at least once a day everyday :-) when I see it I say to myself 10:23 I'm wearing supposed to be :-) ❤️

    1. My birthday is 10/23 and I can vouch whole heartedly I see these alluring numbers something 2 times a day to where my fiancé would takes pics of a clock and catch it often without me( of course he knew I seen 10/23 a lot plus it being my Born Day! 🤩 wow Deep . I know it’s a tribe of us that stands in the millions with 10/23

  19. I keep seeing 1023, 234, 123, 1234, 432, 312,123, 2:55, 1919, 1010 etc. I have recently met my twin flame and feel I need come clean on how I feel about them.

  20. I’m a school teacher who’s come down with an autoimmune disease. I had to give up teaching. I’ve been looking for ways to create a means of financial independence. A friend of my fathers who is long deceased came to me in a dream. When I asked him how he managed to come through, he said, “We are allowed to come through on a “pass”.” For instance, right now I’m coming through on a pass “1023”. When it was time for him to leave, he stopped at the door and looked back at me saying, “1023, remember it.”.
