Sunday, July 22, 2012


Number 1010 is comprised of the vibrations and attributes of double number 1, plus the powerful energy of number 0 appearing twice, amplifying its qualities. Number 1 relates to the attributes of new beginnings, creation and creativity, motivation, progress, intuition and inspiration, happiness and positivity, initiative and assertiveness, attainment, achieving success and personal fulfilment. Number 1 reminds us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 0 represents potential and/or choice, a spiritual journey, developing your spiritual aspects, listening to your intuition and higher-self, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 also relates to the God force/Universal Energies/Source, and magnifies the influences of the numbers it appears with.

Angel Number 1010 indicates that it is a time of personal development, spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Keep your thoughts, focus and intentions on your soul mission and life purpose, and your elevated vibrations will attract abundance and positive energies into your life. Use affirmations and maintain a positive attitude to draw towards you all that you need along your path. Trust your inner-wisdom, intuition and the guidance from the angels and take positive action in the direction of your dreams and desires. 

Angel Number 1010 encourages you to keep your beliefs, thoughts and mind-set focused upon your spirituality and your life purpose as you are now creating your own reality. Engage yourself in creative and positive endeavours and activities and use your personal skills and talents in a productive manner. Listen to the guidance from the angels and your intuition and serve your soul mission with passion and enthusiasm.

Angel Number 1010 urges you to pay attention to your intuition, thoughts and impressions as these are revealing the answers to your prayers and are providing guidance. Trust yourself, the angels and the Universal energies and take direction and action as guided. Step out of your comfort zone and into the direction of your true desires and know and believe that you will find success and happiness.

Angel Number 1010 tells you that you will find personal success and fulfilment in your endeavours.

Number 1010 also relates to number 2 (1+0+1+0=2) and Angel Number 2.

See also:
Repeating 1’s and 0’s  (10, 100, 110 etc)
Angel Number 10
Angel Number 100
Angel Number 110


  1. I have now started seeing 1010 over 4-5 times in a day just like 777 and 711

    1. Confirming kundalini awakening is imminent.

    2. As I read this it is 10 oclock

    3. seven is a powerful number remember it ate nine. lol just joking.

    4. me too, I've been seeing 1010 for like the past month and a half

    5. I have been seeing 1010, 1111, 1212 for over a month and every time I see it I try to tell someone because I want to seem like I'm tripping out. I feel like God is speaking to me on another level now.

    6. Same here! I see 111,1111, 22,222, 33,333, 44, 444,55, 555, 77,777, 1010, 1212 for like 6 months now, none stop. It`s very exiting and I just can`t wait to see whats going to happen next. I also experienced lights being turned on and off, and door opening to my bedroom in the middle on the night. Did anyone else experienced that too? If so please email me I would love to hear about other experiences. Thank you, Ewa

    7. I see numbers everyday. I wake up during the night at 1:11,2:22,3:33.4:44,5:55 and I see during the day 666,777,888,999,911,1010,1212,411,1234. for years now, I now know I am a medium!

    8. I too see the same numbers every day.. ???

    9. Interesting... so have I, with 711 and 1010.

    10. I came across these website. Because I been experiencing these numbers everyday for the last year. This has never happened to me before. I feel blessed to know there's some type of connection with God. 10:10 Today. Most time I see 111 222 444 711 811 911. Just about every number.

    11. Signs and sychronicities are everywhere. Grateful, Thankful and feeling Blessed.
      May✌💚&🙏be the journey

    12. it is fine and dandy to realize these signs,but they wont come to frutation if you do not act upon the messages. You need to comprehend the entire message in its entirety and even decipher its individual meanings. Once you understand the meaning and understand the path is in front of you , you just have to feel your way through the path with belief and focus, you will come to that conclusion you desire.Just ask out loud and you will recieve ;-D

    13. What are we suppose to do when we see these numbers? Any action or make a wish or do something at these time that we see? If we make a wish, does it come true. Please guide. Thank you in advance

    14. They are like animal signs. Markers of energy in the universe. Read their book definition, understand the gist of it, then feel how it applies to your path. Sometimes we feel a number ought to be a sign of immediate action: "Sell your house!", "Buy that car.", "Date that human.", but alas they are not, in my experience. They are pointers of a direction. Feel your heart's wish and let the angels give you the strength to take each single individual step toward it.

    15. You can only see 1010 twice in one day how are you able to see it more than that?

    16. Numbers can appear on anything, reciets licence plates...

    17. Unknown, this is true. I saw 1010 about 3 or 4 times in one day just recently. a child's birthday was 10 months 10 days, at 10:10am. I saw them at 10am. I've already seen it today and have been seeing it more than usual lately.

  2. Ever since 11-11-11@ 11:11am i have begun witnessing these experiences of always coming across numbers alike or in sequential order. I am finally following the lead that the angels are guiding me through much prayer and questions i ponder every day. And finding this site helps me tremendously with hope and faith that i am ok and that i will be ok.

    1. I sometimes you don't want to believe it myself. I often think I'm not good enough to have the Angels talk to me but however I cannot deny the numbers keep appearing constantly. But is it because I'm looking for it?

    2. CorrinetheMIsfit!!!! WHY are you calling yourself a misfit???? You stop that right now. Your are exactly who you are supposed to be. Did it ever occur to you that you may be a little different for this world but only because this world isn't ready for someone like you, yet??? It's not you, it's them! <3

    3. CorrinetheMIsfit, it is not so much that you are looking them. It is more that you see a pattern when it presents itself. And then looking it up allows what appears a "miss fit" fall into a positive place. Simply allow & choose the positive perspective.

    4. To CorrinetheMisfit - forget about it - the voice that says you are not worthy is not you, it is the ego, and it is observable. Witness this to know that you are not this. You are neither worthy, nor unworthy - you simply are. Be this and these 'blocks' will vanish back into nothingness. Don't buy these thoughts, don't even give them your interest.

      You don't need to transcend anything that you have no interest in - it will simply fall away by itself

    5. To know that angels are speaking and guiding me is a wonderful blessing and helps me to keep doing & believing.. rush-collection thanks so much

    6. I love receiving messages from the angels this way. I see many repeating numbers that I know are messages for me. Right now this is the way they communicate with me the most.

    7. I have been seeing 1010, 1111, and 911 for a few months now. I have been trying to get into a band/group, so I think these for me to keep my eye on the prize and that my goal is near! Incidentally, my husband's birthday is 10/10, as well! :)

    8. 1010 made me come to this site I also see 1111,111,333,444

    9. 1010 made me come to this site I also see 1111,111,333,444

    10. Awesome website so glad I came across it

    11. Feel so the same I too have been working with my spirit guides and angels I have Faith that my dreams will come true.

    12. If you set your goals too low, universe will block that. It won´t be success. Aim high, because universe will want the best for you all who are doing good things in this world. You deserve the best, all of you. It doesn´t matter if you believe it or not, it is how universe works.

    13. I also have had this same experience and same number over in over. Even in my kids birthdays.

  3. Today I looked at the clock it read 10:10 am....I looked away for a few seconds and when I looked at the clock again it read 10:09 am.....weird right?.....But i'm sure of what I some strange way if seemed as if time was reversed for a few seconds...

    1. Trust your instincts no matter what anyone says!!! It happened for a reason!!,Trust your intuition !!!

    2. Same thing happened to me starseed flower

    3. It's happened to me a few times different amount of minutes each time but mine were going forward in time....

    4. Did anyone try that you felt an eternity passed but you suddenly noticed that no time had passed really: Like suddenly one hour was a minute? As if time (which is just a human measure of identical actions) stopped.

    5. Did anyone try that time seemed to stop for an hour or more while it seemed an eternity?

    6. DId anyone try that time seemed to stop and then you felt hours had passed but in reality no time passed?

    7. Yes, I just had this happen to me. It was the longest minute ever. And now minutes are flying by.

    8. Once I fell asleep , I woke up after 1hour and I had feeling that I was sleeping 10hours. One other time I woke up and I was looking the time and I had the feeling that time was running so I counted seconds with my fingers by looking the clock sometimes and in 1minute finger count passed 5clock minutes..

  4. So glad to have found this site.
    Thank you!!
    I'm grateful for this work with numbers. Having studied numerology long ago, I had a feeling the repeated series of numbers I was seeing as looked at my digital clock were meaningful, especially in this time of solitary seeking for guidance about my mission and vision, which in ways have been exciting, connecting, spiritually deepening, lonely, and scarey all at once and needing to pray and ask ask ask for guidance, angelic support. Amazing to have found you and this work. One intense night of dreaming and awakening and praying for healing and guidance, I got up and saw 4:44 on my phone time. Today, after 48 hrs of intense writing crying healing brainstorming project, and finally getting some possibilities I may choose from to work with, I looked up and saw 10:10. Thanks for your great resource and gift for seekers on the way.

  5. This is amazing to say the least, the spiritual awakening that I've undergone, is throwing everything that I thought i knew, right out the window, wow, and thank you!!!!!

    1. I feel you, this is amazing!! Love and light Joni

    2. Thanks God I'm not the only one ,I felt like I have a brain cancer,forgot things sometimes but came bk everything later.

  6. It's crazy because I looked at my iPod and seen 10:10. I knew some time had passed by looked at it again and seen 10:10. Then when I unlocked it the time was accurate again. So this is my go to site I am typing this as I see 11:11.

    1. I just want everyone to know you all will be called on by God very soon. All of us that have been seeing 11:11-10:10-2:22 and so on have been chosen from birth to be warriors of god. I am the messenger.

    2. I think in my mind this is odd but I have been seeing 1010,1011,1101,1110, 0110 every time I look at the clock. I thought it was weird also dimes are everywhere I thought an angel was dropping the dime on me. Lol but know realize when I see these dimes they are at the same times im thinking of my children ever since they have been about 11 or 12 . . My oldest is twenty now and my other is 18.. I struggled and still struggle raising them alone but they've turned out so good phenomenally better than myself in every area I'm lacking.. . I read these and the hair on my arms stand up I get a chill followed by warmth. I always have believed that I am special but on a mission to endure hardships for the reason of my blessing on the form of these kids ... I've never known another lifelike being Thier mother besides G-d. Anyway I sound kooky. But I'm telling you all I know I am here for a reason and I endure hardship for a reason and I am happy to serve life positively when I can and when I can't I still have faith... it's good

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I don't know if anyone has ever noticed but most clocks (digital, alarm,etc) that are for sale are preset to the time 10:10. I find this very interesting and wonder why that is.... I too have seen this number 1010 with amazing frequency. I have even been driving and have seen a license tag on the vehicle in front of me that read 1010. I was taking my daycare kids for a walk one day and saw a parked car with a license tag that read the same. I've been on a very peculiar journey over the last year + and I'm assuming the fact that I continue to see this number is a reminder that my best successes are yet to come!

    1. Its funny you say this....because i noticed it used to say 12:00 on all of them

    2. Once i was on the care and in all three lanes i saw 727,717,777.aanyone know what this mean?

  9. i see 10:10 and 11:11 all the time 11:11 is my mothers birthday so this is crazy to me, for all the people that see these numbers all the time i wish i had a list of you to talk to, perhaps there are similarities. For anyone interested send me an email to talk about whatever this is 'cause its simply awesome.

    1. I see these numbers almost on a daily basis; I know I'm being sent messages. Good to see I'm not the only one

    2. I see these numbers almost on a daily basis; I know I'm being sent messages. Good to see I'm not the only one

    3. Kundalini in some cases will jerk you "awake" it's all up to yourself to maintain. Your reality is your own simply keep in mind it works both ways

    4. hii guys,m from India and i also see 10:10 many times and also feel something heavenly. if somebody knows the reason pls inform -

  10. I have been seing 11:11 for so many times in a day but as I getting aware of my intuition it is now alternating with 10:10 or 7:11;8:11etc then 9:10;8:10etc but the most striking is the 10:10 and 11:11. And ever since I learn that I have to trust my intuition I am more aware of what's going on around me. I begun to be more understanding and more patient. I believe in angels. Infact my gurdian angel is archangel Rafael. The angels around us whispers to us the wisdom if knowing what is the right direction or path to go. I believe that our inner intuition is Gods wisdom thru the whispers of His angels.

  11. i always see 11 11, 10 10 and 3 33 also 12 12 so crazy, I think it's angels guiding and reminding me that everything will be allright.


    2. Thanks for the information. I will try and let you know.

    3. Thanks for the information. I will try and let you know.

    4. It was very interesting, I see this alot in general, but just now,since my table clock is ahead of real time, when I woke up and looked at the clock it was 10:10 and then I went to use bathroom and came back then grabbed my phone and looked at its screen,.... guess what, it was 10:10 on my phone!! (it shows the real time)

  12. I'm a big fan & a true believer.. I've been learning & believing more each minute of the day, I visit your site 7 x a day.. thank you..

  13. I saw a light and after I saw this light the number 242 kept appearing and I after I found out what it meant thanks to this site. I saw another light and at that time it was 1010. Can somebody explain.

  14. I see so many numbers, combinations of all kind everyday all day. I stopped looking them up because Id be on this site everyday..... I guess the angels have alot to say. Your site has been a God send. Thank You

  15. Been seeing 1111 222 333 444 555 1212 1010 111 for the past 3 was looking for a miracle!

    1. These are the exact numbers I have been seeing lateley. 1111 and 111 but 222, 333, 444, 555, 1010, and 1212 all startede this year. I feel a huge change coming my way. My thoughts/feelings at the moments of seeing them are answers to my questions too.

  16. Last night I saw 1212, this morn 1010. Used to always be 1111. So glad to find this site. Much love and light to you all! >*<

    1. Love and light to you aswell Tara... May the light glow as. Bright as it can. And May your love be from pure intention and bubble over. The angels are with you and you will Not answer yet. But in time you will need to say thank you.

  17. I see these numbers all the time several time a day. Make no sense at all. Don't know what to believe. It should not be so confusing!

  18. I always have seen 1010 and 1111 for 12 years since my Grandfather died. He died on 1111...and then I told my Grandmother about it and she said that 1010 was a funny joke between her and my Grandfather. She also saw it often. Then 10 years later My Grandmother had to go into a nursing home. I told my Mother that my Grandma was going to die on 1010 and my Mother was upset, so I said that Grandpa is coming for Grandma on that date and I had to tell her the story of my belief and of course she thought I was crazy. I told my Mom...wait and see and then you will believe that there is a heaven and angels. Well, my Grandma did die on 1010 and my Mom was in awe and believed. I was also taking care of my mother at that time for nine weeks at her home. She had stage 4 lung cancer. She died 17 days after my Grandmother. I truly believe that the whole thing happened for me to help my Mom come to peace and she believed before she died that there is truly a heaven and she told me that she saw my Grandma and she said she was coming for her soon. I always say everything happens for a reason and our paths are here for us. I have been able to accept the death of 3 loved ones because of seeing these numbers. I still see them mostly everyday. crazy, but when I see them I say "hi Grandma, Grandpa and Mom"....they are definitely with me. I tell my husband this and he thinks I am crazy and he laughs. He is a negative person and I am a totally positive person. I laugh a lot and enjoy life and I know someday I will be seeing my loved ones again.

    1. Wow. That is a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing!

    2. I'm currently witnessing a very similar story in my life right now! However,...the ones you tell about the repeated consecutive numbers and tell them that there's a meaning behind them and tell them that it's a sign from God or just say that there's meaning BEHIND these numbers of 1010, 33, 333, 1111, 1212, 1123,123, or 1234...they think I'm crazy...I'm a FIRM believer in OUR Heavenly Father and know he's speaking to me through this way,...I just need to find out what these numbers really mean that he's sending me,so I can serve HIS purpose of my life that he wants and has written for me.

    3. Beautiful- Love that she came to believe before passing and that alone is and was a god thing- a blessing for you all - praise Jesus and his Angels - all we must ever do is to believe in him and try to change in the ways he is calling specifically to us to do. Thanks for sharing.

  19. I started reserch on goverment, bible phophcy and ailens, second sun, and now every day I see number sequences all the,11:11 most sequences of numbers and when I come to look them up it dose resonate with certin things that are happening in my life.its been a crazy journey and a spiritual path to my soul this web page unbelievable how much this has helped me in life.peace people x

  20. After I saw 1010 on my car's digital clock, I felt like my brain had been picked.-so much so, that I couldn't remember the simplest of things.. This sometimes happens to me after I notice the numbers 1010 and 1111. Anyone else have a similar experience??

  21. I had an angel vision and message


  22. What does it mean when I see 10/10 and it is also my birthday?

    1. I am in the same boat as you. I was born on October 10 and I see 10:10 on the clock at least once a day. I started to see it more often when I started to seek out my spirituality more.

  23. Often times whenever I look at my phone to see what time it is, I see 10:10.

    Sadly, I've yet to find out what the angel is specifically trying to tell me. Just today as I was done getting ready for bed, I was thinking about my best friend whom ended our friendship about 4 months ago. I was reminiscing how great our friendship was, and how I desire for us to reconnect again. As I looked at my phone to see the time, I saw 10:10. I'm so hopeless about this because I don't know what it means. I've also been seeing 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, & 5:55.

    1. So sorry about your friendship, I really hope the two of you can patch things up. Ironically, I first started seeing the angel numbers after I had my heart broken and this is also around the time I started writing again. I personally believe that the angels were telling me to hang in there and never do give up on my dream....

      Perhaps in your case the angels are telling you to keep a positive attitude about your current situations, and not to ever give up hope. Just always think good thoughts when you see the angel numbers (and even when you don't). Good luck to you!

    2. Thank you for your response. I'm sorry about your heartache. All I know is that positive changes will come your way. :) Your angels are watching over you and are there to help you when you need them.

      I'm starting to lose my mind with angel numbers. I don't know what to believe anymore. Am I supposed to stay positive and keep desiring for our friendship to mend? Or am I supposed to stay positive despite that we will never reconnect again?

    3. Perhaps you have put too much energy into attachments. The more attachments you have, the more weight you carry. When someone you care about leaves you how do you react or act? This is your opportunity to witness who you are & what habits you have that no longer serve you. My suggestion is to find a quiet place, to place yourself in the now (feeling all your senses), & forgive yourself first then with your friend in mind know she also has the power of forgiveness and use that to forgive her.

  24. Hi guys...this number is really awesome.I was just to say no to negative influence people within our family without hurting them?Is it OK to do so?Thanks

  25. same's wid m

  26. I am still seeing many repeating numbers. I have seen 1010 several times in the last few days alone. I know that this meaning is the reason I am seeing this number.

  27. I started seeing 1010 two weeks before my 40th birthday.. My mom passed away on 12-22-12 and my last time seeing her was 11-22-12 on Thanksgiving.. Once I notice it I immediately knew it was my mother telling me happy birthday baby.. I was her only child and there was a connection.. Now I see 111 222 333 444.555 666 777.888.999.44 33.22 act... everywhere at least 20.times a day.. Now that I'm on this awaking journey I'm a lot happier to know that my angles,spiritual guides, ancestors/God who is my universie is protecting me and my family and everything is going to be alright.. Whenever I see a synchronization I just look up and the sky and say THANK YOU!!

  28. It is 20hours 21 as I read this very wonderful explanation!

  29. Had an epiphany where I may have learned what I must do in life (it's too personal too disclose). After that, I looked at the clock on a whim and saw 10:10 which brought me here. The context of the number's meaning fits what happened to me perfectly :D.

  30. Asked the time today & was 10 to 10 (am). Next I looked on my IPhone & it was 10:10am. My eyes met the date and it is the 10th of Oct (10). This all coming in after I watched a youtube video, before I went to bed, and I was the 2,222 person to view. I have for along time (2005 was my 11:11 awakening) received these numbers with an open heart & mind knowing that a message is coming in from source. It has never been wrong to date. Remain open, close no doors, let go of all ideas of attachment and be willing to walk vulnerable/naked. From this vantage point you are now realizing unlimited possibility whereby you are starting to create that which you want to understand. All new understandings become the foundation in which to build the life of your dreams.

  31. Yep. 10:10 here! Loved this message! Thank you!

  32. This isn't a good thing. I use to see 11:11 every time I looked at a cloxk or on my cell phone. ...then it would stop and a few months later I would start seeing these numbers again. I started to notice that I got very dizzy and at times the atmosphere was thick and I would find myself in strange situations. People were acting along with this and some people seemed to know what effected me. Almost like "messing" with me. Mockingly. This happened once. After this I haven't been effected like that again. I still see the sequence of numbers now and again. Although it's changed a bit now. The night before last I saw 10:10 ..last night it was 11:11 and now it's 12:12 .
    So strange.

  33. This isn't a good thing. I use to see 11:11 every time I looked at a cloxk or on my cell phone. ...then it would stop and a few months later I would start seeing these numbers again. I started to notice that I got very dizzy and at times the atmosphere was thick and I would find myself in strange situations. People were acting along with this and some people seemed to know what effected me. Almost like "messing" with me. Mockingly. This happened once. After this I haven't been effected like that again. I still see the sequence of numbers now and again. Although it's changed a bit now. The night before last I saw 10:10 ..last night it was 11:11 and now it's 12:12 .
    So strange.

    1. Liz, I see sequences like that all the time 10:10, 11;11, 12:12, 2:22. 3:33, 4:44 as well as other numbers. Keep wondering what`s next for me.

  34. I see 1010 and 1111 quite often. I was born on 10/10/1958 at 10:35 AM. There is 10 years between my older sister and my self. What is the significance of this?

  35. Can anyone please help me understand why do I see the numbers 1010,1111,111,1110,1110 every time I'm either on the phone, thinking about, or around this one specific person...please help me understand if you know. 1169,169, 0169, was noticed more often before I started noticing the 1's when it comes to this specific person

  36. Woke up this morning at 10:10. I wrote some prayers down last night for different saints and God.

  37. I feel like these are not common occurrence, though they may happen to people and they do not realize it. These are special because you are becoming who you truly should be and so you are at a higher vibrational state to receive these messages from your angels so now these occurences have a lot more meaning because you are in that special place now to communicate with your angels. It is wonderful because I have struggled for so long and still have problems at times, but I know that God and my angels are watching over mean which these numbers are proof enough of that for me. Thank you rush-collection and for this site and information. Thank you all for your wonderful and insiteful post, some time I just that extra boost in my life.

  38. My birthtime was 10.10...see it A lot these days.For me angel numbers appeared to me when I was in A relationship with a person who had aan narcistic developent dissorder...I did not know...every night I woke up at 3.33...the relationship ended while I was pregnant from my second Child...when my baby boy was 8 months old his father took his own Life...3.33 that was my wake up call...did not know it then but now 9 years later I have seen so many numbers in these past years and I still do to this very day and feel very grateful. That's why I started my own angel numbers journal,as a reminder for myself and as gratitude because that's what I feel whenever I see angel numbers.�� Gratitude. Thank you Joanna,you are an angel to,you know!

  39. Christina GroverThursday, May 05, 2016

    Can SOMEONE please tell me what the numbers 333 is or 233 or 633 basically all the 33 s on the hour i have been seeing them waking up to them for about a year now and most of the time i have noticed it does not come with good energy or there meaming behind this cause it happens so much that my family says i am just use to looking at the clock

    1. Your going through your spiritual awakening and seeing the angel’s numbers are them guiding you and you are in tune with your angels I’m also seeing all these numbers hope this helps you, bless you 🦋😇👼🙏🙏

  40. I felt a stranger energy when i saw a image about a legal document in my country, this document was received at 10:10 and the time was marked by the receptor in the paper, at this time, i'm feeling like something good will happend in my country Venezuela :D thanks for your blog, instagram @dgamboav

  41. Exact numbers I see. Every last one of them. Add 1234 and 123 to the mix.

  42. Great interpretations as usual. I do intuitive consultations by phone if anyone wants to get a reading. I especially enjoy helping peopl with transitions and trusting their intuition. check out my site:

  43. I see numbers too n stuff. Look!! There's one right there.

  44. The Ascension is starting. I'm starting to get spiritual awakening symptoms





  46. I had been seeing 1111 alot when I was with my ex, everything pointed to we were soul-mates/twinflame. But now that she is gone, and I am struggling with everyday life and crying everyday. I am starting to see 1010 and 333 alot. Its funny cause now someone amazing and so kind hearted has popped into my life :)

  47. It is great to see that I am not alone in what is being perceived at this time. I find these descriptions of angel numbers interesting but also quite broad in there descriptions. I have wondered what all these numbers mean because I know that within scripture there are numbers that are signs as being related to God and Devine work of God. My personal impression is that God is trying to get us to pay attention and listen more closely to our hearts/spirit. The world is in much commotion and big events are about to transpire that will change the world as we know it. These numbers are a way of God saying, "You see what not many see and recognize. You are aware that this is connected to something more important than just yourself. You are on the right path and if you are not, you know what the right path is; Take it!. Stand ready for what it's too come and I shall stand with you if you choose to walk in the path that you know to be true. I am with you always. You are not alone.".

  48. Awwwwwwuh! <3 please add me so I can have someone else as a friend on this unexpected yet amazing journeys!! Andrea Nichole Gullette! Such perfect wording thankyou!!!! And please message me so I'll be sure to know which friend you are.... But if not thank you so much for this amazing comment at the most perfect time!

    Also thanks rush-collection!!! You're so awesome too! Just harder to have a little more social relationship as I'm sure you're a busy woman!

    1. Those who are listening UP are standing ready to follow. Follow Christ, for He is The Way, The Truth and The Life. You are never alone.

  49. Its very interesting that alot of us see the same number sequences. My mother was diagnosed with cancer and her birthday was 11-11-60. I started seeing 1111, 11:11 so often on reciepts , the clock, football players with number 11 kept scoring etc. Then she passed and i started seeing 4:44, 444, and now its 1010 10:10. All of the spiritual meanings and guidings have lead me to gain and achieve what they were set to do and i am very greatful.

  50. I ordered a new watch, and it arrived a few days ago but I didn't open it until this morning. I had to 'start' it by taking a tab out, and noted the watch was stopped at 10:10. I looked at my cell phone to get the current time so I could set it, and my cell phone display said 10:10! I took pics/screenshots LOL!

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Good evening rush-collection...

    My story would be a book so I am just going to ask your theory on this. If 1010 is what you say, then what would 101010 be? I am haunted by the number 1010 but have also been haunted by the sequence 101010. I have actually found European coins and Israeli coins with the number 10 on them in threes. Love to hear your hypothesis...

    Thank you for your time,

  53. I have been Seeing numbers in different ways since 2 years from now" They are and were everywhere" on building numbers like 1111 , 808 818 717 232, 911 , and more like the clocks at home at the Car radio "vehicle license plates in front of me"!! Diferent secuency of numbers in code" last one now since couple of months I see today differently numbers in secuencia like 1010, 818 717 707 and reading this Page gave me the power and answer That I always knew some conexión with God" and angels" I got, it's awesome To feel god's messages and to learn to grow Spiritually in concience" thanks God for my existence in life and Thanks 🙏 for my health and my family's ,angels do The Job �����☝️✌️🙏👏🙌🏽✌️☝️Thank you all for the Messages " It's dream came true"!!

    1. Hey Mikel,

      I receive triple digits to on a weekly basis. 111-999, and now when I prey after receiving numbers, I get a visual metaphor. As an example my wife put on a nivanna shirt for my child, then I turn on the radio and it's a nivanna song, finally I stopped at a red light and the car in front of me had a nivanna sticker in it. I was being told my life will be a nirvana soon. Trippy. Then I saw two white bright orbs in my room. You can see then in YouTube. I'm truly am blessed!!!

      Don't lose the faith!

  54. 1010 three days in a row now

  55. Please Help, in 24hrs I have seen 1111 222 1212 333 and 1010. 1010 being the last in counter. All of these repeating numbers on different devices. I have always in counter 1111 for the past few years but not these other numbers in such a short time.

  56. Please help, I have seen 1111 1212,333,222 and 1010 just in the past 24 hours. I have for some time seen 1111 but nothing like this. All the repeating numbers on different devices. I in no way was looking for them.

  57. I have seen the time as 10:10 or 10 to 2 or 10 past 2 (hands on a clock as a 'v'but I mostly see it on digital clocks at least once a day for the last 18yrs! I'd like to know why

  58. Everyday for the past couple months, I've been seeing 111,222,333,444,555,1111,1010, 121, 122,1020,1033,etc. on the clock. Whatever it is, it must be good because only good karmic activity has been occurring in my life. Especially my work life and financially speaking. Prayers and meditation is where I'm spending my time. The only main concern I have is saving $$$, It seems like every time I receive some, there's a bill, expense, or I'm compelled to spend some. I'm trying to change that situation but it's not easy.

  59. Do any of you hear voices

  60. I looked this up because all throughout my life I've seen this number.I look at the clock at this time almost daily. Like my entire life! I was even born on October 10.(1010)

  61. thank you dear rush-collection.Im waiting for your book and I know I owe you more than one donation.I dont forget dear.Thank you so much for helping all of us to understand the messages

  62. Благодаря!

  63. See this numbers everyday yesterday i saw 888.1616 ,444,2222,1212. It means positive.

  64. I have been seeing all the for years. Tonight, I said a prayer while I was walking and saw 1010. My prayer consisted of strength dealing with my children's father and working the situation out. Any idea of exactly what it could mean.

    1. It could mean you got the inner strenght.. You just have to belive in it.. And get things said and done.. the outcome would be THE BEST FOR YOU.

  65. Sometimes it´s about letting go everything which are not making you happy. It´s scary, because you let go of everything familiar. Sometimes it´s about believing your most ambitious dreams, like your dreams has already come true. I didn´t believe in myself before, well, it didn´t work out well. So now I decided to believe I will be successful, and I work hard for my dreams and I believe I can achieve my dreams.. Change your ways.

  66. step outside my comfort zones and i trust my angels ❤️ with love and light :)

  67. I have started seeing 1010 a few short months ago. On license plates, on the TV screen, on clocks, while I am at work using the computer etc This morning, I saw it on my clock on the our oven and what is reeeeally weird is a couple minutes later I went to pick up my cell phone and I saw 10:10 on it too and then it immediately jumped to *10:13*!! It hovered on 10:10 JUST LONG ENOUGH UNTIL I SAW IT. I know that was done for me to take notice. No doubt.

  68. 1010 So let it be..
    I feel like; after everything I have learned, has it's reward.

  69. 1010 So let it be..
    I feel like; after everything I have learned, has it's reward.

  70. Esta noche me han despertado y me han indicado 101010. LOs números 1111-1010-1212- etc. llevan mucho tiempo apareciéndome, pero el 101010 y de la forma en que me ha salido no se me había dado nunca. Podrías darme algún tipo de guía?. Gracias

  71. Damn :( i need to do this. Thank you for this reminder . & thank you angels

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. I always see 1010, 711, and occasionally 444 now.
    But when i first awakened to numbers in 2004, it was 444 everyday for months on end, until i was given my angel cards . Blessings of love everywhere if you look hard enough xo

  74. Of course i will. As we all!!!♥️♥️♥️
    With patience, determination and positive intentions and actions all our dreams can rise up to the surface and become our today's reality. I'm here now.🔥♥️
    Grateful and blessed for this timely reminder. Love, peace and Light to everyone and all.

  75. Thank you rush-collection thank you Angels! Amazing thongs happening! GRATEFULL forever!👈👈💖😉😊😘😍😍😆🍓🍓👐👐🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲🤲💖💖💖💖💖

  76. 1010! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!💕💗😘💖🤲🤲🙏🙏🙏💏

  77. So grateful, God bless everyone

  78. After months of spotting 11:11 like wildfire, I just started spotting more of 10:10. Thank you very much, rush-collection. 👼🏻

  79. My oldest was born on 10/10 and recently I was pregnant and due on her 22nd birthday but lost the baby. It was my third miscarriage in a row. She had a chromosome issue (trisomy 10) and ever since I’ve been seeing the numbers 1010. Whether it be looking at the clock or just a random number while out and about. I knew it meant something but until I found this website didn’t know what. I really hope this is a good sign and I will get what my heart both needs and desires

  80. Awesome thanks so much��

  81. Wow well that was definitely one heck of a sign for sure. 1010 pop's up as I am watching a new video about the Pineal Gland.

  82. 1010! Thank you Angels thank you rush-collection!!😍😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗🤗👉🙏🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲🤲💖💖💖

  83. Wow this is so surreal for me because my life is unfolding and spirituality guided. This is on point.

  84. I sometimes feel a presence with me and I get an intense rush of fear. I am scared I may have attracted a negative entity into manifesting. I sometimes feel hot or cold on jus one spot on his body, and sometimes feel as though my clothes are being tugged on

  85. I sometimes feel a presence with me and I get an intense rush of fear. I am scared I may have attracted a negative entity into manifesting. I sometimes feel hot or cold on jus one spot on his body, and sometimes feel as though my clothes are being tugged on

  86. 911 and 1010 has been popping up everywhere. Today 1010 happend 3 times in 10 seconds. As I open up this site to check the meaning, i notice the radio is playing Our wedding song from 20 years ago. I have been praying for change and good things have been manifesting. Today i have no doubt that I am on the right path, and my life purpose is to be here for my husband and children. Blessed to confirm my life purpose. I am so grateful for this site. Thank you!

  87. Since I've met my twin-flame, I was triggered into an awakening and began seeing these number on a daily basis. 1111 was the first number that I noticed. Once I went through the 1111 portal I began to see other repeating numbers, 111 222, 333, 444 555, 666, 777, 888 999 1010 1212, 212, etc. There are certain numbers that are specific to my journey like my twin's birthday and his age as well as mine. a lot of times these numbers are from purchases that I have made. $19.19 $22.22 $41.41, $50.50, $11.11, $2.22 etc! Its absolutely incredible. Mirroring numbers are also present, i.e. 1221, 1331. 1551, etc.

  88. Thank You Give Me More!

  89. I am continuously and constantly seeing the repeating numbers, including 1010. I know that they each contain a message. Thank you so much for your site. For me it has been the most accurate.

  90. Labas rytas, JUS sveikina angeles 777[ Gabrien-ALISON]

  91. Thank you for your site, it has been instrumental in deciphering synchronicities sent by the angels, much gratitude to you for your hard work in this.

  92. Its always a blessing to come here for validation of certain repetitive numbers showing up in our lives. Many years now this began with 1111, so having found your site has been so helpful for me as I ascend in today's world. Much gratitude to you for sharing your special gifts with us to assist us in the conscienceness awakening on the planet. ☀️❤🌍

  93. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  94. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  95. Thank you!!! 🙏😇🥰💖🌻

  96. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  97. Ever since my break up with my husband whom I dearly live, I've been seeing number sequences.
    They began with 222 then 333 and 444 555 and as I looked them up I discovered that I was being guided toward healing and success. I continued seeing numbers everywhere. 555 666 888 999 1010 1111 111 1212. I am encouraged to continue my search for spiritual awakening, leave the past in its place and allow my heart to heal. Sadness is slipping away and I have self awareness and a new set of friends, a new house renewed finances, improving health and a new attitude that is gratitude. Angel numbers are welcome here although they are so frequent that I feel pushed or rushed to do SOMETHING.I don't know what it is I am supposed to do so I pray meditate and try to stay alert.waiting for the next step..

  98. Numbers are not just found on a clock <3


  100. I've been seeing 1001010 and I see glittery sparkles in the sky, spirits visit me regularly, I also see beautiful pastel colors in storm clouds when everyone else see gray color clouds

  101. Thank you! I truly appreciate this site. I resonate with your meanings of the numbers. I do see repeating numbers several times a day.

  102. Thank you for this wonderful blog.
    After spending some time this morning using my wishing sphere black to wish love peace harmony and prosperity at every level of our black communities in America, wishing it for every black leader, every black business, every black church, e ery black home, down to every black toddler, every black baby and even every black owned pet, I saw the number 1010 on my phone's clock. I pray every day for our black brothers and sisters across America. I know the Universe hears and is even now bringing in complete change for our black brothers and sisters. Much love and peace and harmony and prosperity to all who read this as well.
