Sunday, July 29, 2012


Number 1098 is a compilation of the energies and influences of number 1, number 0, number 9 and number 8. Number 1 relates to new beginnings, starting new ventures, motivation and progress, self-reliance, achievement and attainment. Number 1 reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, ideas, beliefs and actions. Number 0 carries the ‘God force’ energy and amplifies and magnifies the influences of the numbers it appears with. Number 0 a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects and is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find your answers. Number 0 carries the vibration of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies, and its energies emphasize and amplify the attributes of the numbers it appears with. Number 9 resonates with the attributes of leading others by positive example, humanitarianism and philanthropy, Divine wisdom, generosity and benevolence, lightworking and the Universal Spiritual Laws, your soul calling and life purpose. Number 9 also relates to conclusions and endings. Number 8 adds its vibrations of inner-wisdom and personal power, manifesting wealth, abundance and prosperity, dependability and reliability, skills and talents, achieving success, giving and receiving and karma; the Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.  
Angel Number 1098 may be a sign from your angels that a significant phase or cycle is ending in your life and this will have a domino-effect in other areas of your life. These endings will allow for new opportunities to appear in your life that will open doors to beneficial new beginnings. This is happening for reasons that will become evident soon. Do not lament their passing or ending, but rather, be open to explore your own passions and purpose as these are positive and productive focal points for you.

Angel Number 1098 indicates that your prayers about money and finances have been heard and acknowledged by the angelic and spiritual realms. Follow your passion and purpose and you will automatically manifest your monetary and material supply. Your angels encourage you to devote your Divine lightworking services to the world in your very own way, knowing that you are fully supported by the Universe. Trust that your material wants and needs will be met when you follow your true path and serve your Divine life purpose.

Angelic messages will be heard when the time is right. Open your mind and your heart and you will hear them.

Number 1098 relates to number 9 (1+0+9+8=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9.

Also see:
Angel Number 198



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics




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