Sunday, July 22, 2012


Number 1001 is a blend of the energies of number 1 appearing twice, amplifying its vibrations, plus the powerful energy of number 0 also appearing twice, doubling its influences. Number 1 relates to creation and new beginnings, progress, uniqueness and individuality, inspiration and intuition, striving forward, motivation and progress, creating our own realities and stepping out of our comfort zones. Number 0 represents the Universal Energies, the beginning of a spiritual journey and stands for potential and/or choice, developing spiritual aspects, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 powerfully amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with. 

Angel Number 1001 a powerful number encouraging you to put your plans into positive action.

Angel Number 1001 is a strong indication from your angels and the Universal Energies that now is a time of personal development, spiritual awakening and enlightenment. As you keep your thoughts, focus and intentions on your soul mission and life purpose, your elevated vibrations will attract abundance into your life. Use positive affirmations and maintain an optimistic attitude to draw towards you all that you need along your path, and trust your inner-wisdom, intuition and the guidance from the angels. Take positive action in the direction of your dreams and desires and trust that you will find personal success and fulfilment.

Angel Number 1001 encourages you to pay attention to your intuition, thoughts and impressions as these are revealing the answers to your prayers and are providing guidance. It encourages you to trust yourself, the angels and the Universal energies and take direction and action as guided. Step out of your comfort zone in the direction of your inner-promptings and know and believe that you will find success and happiness.

Angel Number 1001 encourages you to keep your beliefs, thoughts and mind-set focused upon your spiritual life purpose, as you are now creating your own reality. Engage yourself in creative and positive endeavours and activities and use your personal skills and talents in a productive manner. Listen to the guidance of your intuition and serve your soul mission with passion and enthusiasm.

Number 1001 also relates to number 2 (1+0+0+1=2) and Angel Number 2.

Also see:
Repeating 1’s and 0’s  (10, 100, 101, 110 etc)
Angel Number 10
Angel Number 100
Angel Number 101
Angel Number 110



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  1. What makes me so special to receive these messages from angels?

    1. We are all that lucky, and or loved, its just that most of us don't slow down to pay attention, i.e, stop and smell the roses....

    2. You might be a light worker

    3. You might be a light worker

    4. Because we're all special. Ask yourself that Question from the heart and you'll get your answer. We're here to make a difference and share our love... I'm going threw this recently

    5. My heart Chakra started going off when I read this! We are here to spread love and help raise humanity! This is a very special time we live in and we are going through an amazing awakening to what the universe truly is. Spread your light, spread your love!

    6. I agree, this is a special time and we have to spread our light and love! Probably that`s why suddenly in 2009 I started writing songs with my friend poet-philosopher about life, light and love. Please have a listen to a few songs out of many on my YouTube channel under: Halina Smolarczuk. (I see lots of numbers in different combinations :)
      Peace to all! God bless!

    7. Yes we are all special and you are one of the lucky ones to see these messages. The world is so consumed by the way we live working all the time to pay for all the buttons. In such a hurry in life we have no patients. We do need to slow down and smell the roses.

    8. What makes you not special? Can you confirm w a fact? Today you inspired me to reach out to you... Success is in the mind... it's not what you have... it's not what you know... it's what you believe! 💞

    9. Awareness and inner power of self-worthiness. I learned this from Tai Lopez's 67 Steps on Youtube. Feel free to follow me on YouTube, as well:The Illuminated Muse*! THANK YOU, rush-collection & ALL!! XOXOXOXO

    10. Why not you? You're one of gods children. Females are more perceptive in this type of spirituality. When I started getting signs my guardian angel was around me I knew HE was trying so hard to get my attention especially with what I've been going through.

    11. I've been going through a lot quite recently and well this is another one from the guides as i have been asking how to use my gifts to help heal those around me, myself and all who fight the good fight. Thanks Guys for always being there and Father, Blessed be your name.

    12. Hi,
      I know this comment is from years ago, and we all change perspective with time. I just wanted to say, for anyone who is reading is not that someone is more special than someone else to receive messages from the Angels, Archangels, Divine Light Beings, or from our Greater Selves in Higher Dimensions. We are all able to do this if we are able to expand our consciousness into the Higher Dimensions through unconditional love, gratitude, compassion and unconditional service to others, the Earth, the environment and all beings and elements.
      We go through a process of transmuting
      illness into well being,
      anger into awareness and compassion,
      controlling behaviors into service to others,
      anxiety into peace, relaxation and trust,
      depression into happiness and enjoyment,
      busy-chatty minds into awakened awareness
      noise and chaos into silence and stillness,
      Then...we are able to feel, understand, see and hear beyond our physical state of consciousness.
      Each one of us goes through the process at our own pace and as we are ready to move forward to the next level. 💖😄☀️🦋

    13. wooow..i might be too late to comment on this but is heartfelt. Thank you for sharing your love! God bless!

    14. We are all spiritual beings living a life on this earth in a flesh body. We are all children of the living God. Some dont choose to live for God and end up refusing to accept their royal bloodline. And then there are those that are found by the Father and end up completing the plan of salvation and we live in unity with him once again.

    15. You are a product of god and his angels help if you ask for it. Never doubt yourself your a beautiful loving being. We are all worthy. Sone just got off their path but most fall off and come back to the light. We are all loved just have to ask for help. Sending love your way. Remember no one is better or worse don’t judge just empower and show yourself some love. You are strong perfect think of life as a lesson. 😘

    16. You are a child of creation itself. Your soul, your body, your thoughts, your earthly experiences, your existence, your entire being is a miracle in motion. You are not just your body, but the light that courses through it.

    17. We are all special and the messages are revealed according to what's going on in our lives and also answers to questions that we may have or be asking so these messages are therefore for you as you are seeing them and you need to be receiving these signs n messages right now in your life.

  2. Replies
    1. I thought 1001 was a bad angel number??

  3. Well said :)
    God loves us all and wants salvation for us all. Listen to these messages and know that you are a child of the Divine Father and through his grace you will receive the guidance you need :)

    God bless!

    1. Scroll down and read my reply. It will help you.

  4. Coincidence I looked at this at 10:01?

    1. There aren't any coincidences, just as luck does not exist. Playful awareness of details in the moment and of your past, as well as others will show How and Why and the depth of them. :-) It's a lot of fun.

  5. Loving this blog, all I have to do is google the words angel number followed by the sequence and here you are every time. Thank you for sharing ♡

  6. For the past 2 months I am seeing 1001 continuously some how and some where. Mainly time 10:01. I just browsed through the net to find this out now..
    Thanks for the share..:)

  7. It's amazing how many people use "He" as in "He loves us all." instead of understanding "it" or "they" are what we reside inside of. Emotions are 2 choices. There isn't any Salvation because there isn't anything to be forgiven or Saved from/about. Free Will means You choose in every moment your own choices. There isn't a wrong or right choice. In any nanosecond you get to choose again. If it feels good to you, which might not to someone else, it's a personal choice. Salvation has been mistranslated and then perpetuated and passed on to others for generations. It does not exist except by those who push their own agenda. Live your Life, and have fun with it. You'll reincarnate and do it again, on Earth or somewhere's all a Choice. I know I picked to reincarnate. American Christian understanding causes so much confusion. Annunaki; ("We Will Create Mankind in OUR Image and OUR likeness."). Educate yourselves about the Annunaki. "God" or the Main Source Energy is Unconditional Love and it..or they, answer ALL of us all the time, in every moment. If you're aware of it or not. That Source does not have a gender. Men and women have been assigning a Gender. Otherwise known as the "I Am". Which you are part of. "Hi, I am [name]. How are you?" Our Souls are extensions of..and are Eternal (Never Die even though the body could). Even the Annunaki were/are extensions of the Main Source. Ponder that..and it'll resonate. Great Logic and Emotions married produce wonderful awareness and Freedom.

    1. Wooooohoooo great comment enlighten the world. Keep those vibrations high!!

    2. I love your response...I believe I am a Light Worker, with a soul mission to encourage, teach and heal others. I also believe God is not a traditional "He", but a Spirit consisting of both masculine and feminine energy. Gender is his "split personality"; two sides of the same coin. The physical act of sex is a function designed to bring these two energies together. Jesus Christ is the ideal image of perfectly balanced and "ascended" masculine and feminine energy, representing the Spirit as a whole being incarnate. In the beginning of a journey to find God, it sometimes starts with traditional religion and grows into a wider, more inclusive knowledge base for spirituality. I started with a general belief and a knowledge of God, then to religious doctrine and ritual, then to a sure belief and understanding of Christ. Now I am broadening my spiritual database.

    3. god is spirit, therefore we are created his image our spirit is created in god's image,and how ever you exercise your will here on earth will determine what eternity your spirit will enter into.

    4. I tell yah that judgment thing sure can be a bother =) I think Bob Marley said it best " emancipat your self from mental slavery " love and judgment can not exist at the same time because they are two completely different vibrations,well something to consider. Free your mind from the matrix and find the real you,question every thing that you were taught,educate yourself!! There is a wealth of information on YouTube dealing in spiritual. Stop letting fear control,it's just judgment in a different form. So be careful of people who use fear to manipulate or threaten.

    5. If you are suggesting the Annunaki are a benevolent race you may want to do some more research about "them" - other wise what you say is along the lines of what I resonate with.

    6. God is a He with both masculine and feminine energies as everyone and everything has the polarity of masculine and feminine energies meaning that they include both -Marisa Mei McKee

  8. Fantastic spiritual info. I really appreciate this because it makes so much so clear.

  9. Dearest rush-collection,

    The light of source has attracted me to your material, I honour the beautiful being of light which you are. I feel the energy and light you transmit through the words channelled which you have typed. It flows like a glistening river out of my computer into my physical vessel creating a d.n.a download of light. When my Angels guide me to a number sequence, the system which you have channelled is their reference protocol for me to receive guidance at a specific time.

    I'm sending you my Light from Scotland, may your life blossom as a powerful flower with the intensity to change worlds and manifest the light to resequence the hologram to upgrade the souls so that we can all live in harmony with Love.


  10. I obey...I am YOUR Instrument (22/7)x7((;:;)). I LONG FOR YOUR TOUCH

  11. Heavenly father thank you for your guidance, thy kingdom come thy will be done, I am eternally grateful to Christ Jesus for this spiritual awakening

  12. I to see this numbers on a regular basis, im struggling to understand why im seeing them

  13. Numbers are a universal form of communication. This is how intelligent life forms communicate throughout the universe, thin E. THE (the movie). In the movie they communicated with music which are notes on a musical scale that vibrate at a specific frequency which is a number. All matter vibrates at a specific frequency including the human form. We are affected by other energy or matter such as angels. Some who experienced this believe they are crazy or some may think they are psychic or explore these emotions. The truth is through prayer and meditation the individual has been opening their chakras. This leads to enlightenment and better communication with the higher self and with God and with his messengers the angels. As we awaken and begin seeing the numbers in front of us repeat themselves we should investigate their meaning and realize there is communication from our angels to help us. As a follower of Jesus Christ I have been given this information from his angels these are their words not mine this is His intent not mine. I am His Messenger Rainbow Medicine Woman.

    1. Wow, thankyou for your reply, it was very comforting and hit home. Thankyou!!!!

  14. Since my mother died in Aug 29 2011 I have been seeing 10:01 beyond often. I wad born at this time. I found out by seeking out vital statistics. My mother coulnt remeber what time. I am 1 of 8 sibs.. I have a twin born 9:56 . I never really felt loved by my mother. But I'm feeling like she is telling me she lives me, that I am important from this. The numbers come so consistently that I had to look it up. Pls tell me your thoughts.?

    1. It can be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  15. I have been seeing 1001 and 808 repeatedly while contemplation a personal relationship decision. I tend to translate these number in terms of my "life's work" and see that in relation to my actual work life but also my spiritual enlightenment in general. Could these numbers also been seen as referring to your life's work and spiritual growth through your relationships? Thanks rush-collection, love your site. :)

    sSde note, 33 and 333 have also come up a lot lately.


  16. Wow �� im feeling so loved ... Thank you for sharing this information... Very important and true at this moment ... And Yes!!! To everything ��❤️

  17. I've been going through a lot of life changes. Drug dependency, sorcery on my life that disabled me in the past from moving forward to a life that would sustain myself or loved ones. So my child hood buddies after 28 years of my useless life get access to a business building at 1001 National City Blvd to rent. All our business ideas have fail us for 10 months, but something tells me to go back to my roots of youth. The city of National City decides to build a skateboard park for the kids with a huge library of knowledge. So my idea to present to all my buddies about starting a skateboard shop was a bad idea, but I never stopped presenting this idea! After the Stranger Things T.V series on Netflix comes out about the popular character Eleven, I decide to do a 1001 skate shop Stranger Things theme because 1 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 11. These angels talk through T.V shows, my business address, and the other business owners are quite blind to this.

  18. Hey thank you so much. I like this semi new age, semi Christian explanation. <3 I am a Christian and felt like I needed to look up this meaning and landed on your site.

  19. Hey thank you so much. I like this semi new age, semi Christian explanation. <3 I am a Christian and felt like I needed to look up this meaning and landed on your site.

  20. manny times i check the time it is always 10:01. what is the meaning of this?

  21. I was born 10th of January (10.01.) and I'm quite positive that I am an indigo~ I am feeling great and alive.

  22. its the new beginning after something has come full circle and complete .the first new phase after full ending completion of the old . birth after death -new after old -renewal -a butterfly shedding out of caccoon transition and transformation . it is also perfect and balanced - the one is the masculine embracing zero the feminine .it is the feminine divine within masculine divine .it is the number of union and balance of potential seed force and the spirit .it is a palindrome .1 is the spirit -the beginning and the end -the first and the last .the alpha and the omega and all that is of less is the potential god force and eternity within and in between .it is the number of cycle and flow . Intuition and spirit and balance of both as well as union of both .It is a sign of human mind embracing the god within and connecting with the spirit . when instincts are polished with intuition and awareness . it is spiritual awakening of potential survivor .you are in union with god and you are embraced by the spirit within and without ..all around from begining to end . Continous never ending flow and eternity no begining no end eternal and ever flowing cycle .focus on eternity not end ...continue the beigining phase and be curious about future ...its only a begining when you connect with spirit .

  23. I was thinking something and this angel number came before me..
    Thank you Angels !
    Thank you rush-collection !

  24. I to am curious. If someone could sense and tell me what it is that my purpose is. The numbers often reveal their selves to me. 1001, or my ever favorite 1234 i see this all the time on the clock or 1111 111 222 333 these are common place for me to see. I still have yet though to figure out the most important number that i have ever seen in my entire life. which was reveal to me in a dream more than 20 years ago 4512.

    1. What is the purpose of a tree or a flower? To grow and flourish within the cycle of life! To gain wisdom is to bear fruits and when you are fruitful, then you are prosperous. Part of your purpose is to share your fruits/wisdom with humanity to assist the in their growth as well as your own. We all have something unique and beautiful within us. This is our gift from god! It is up to us to find this uniqueness within in us and allow it to grow into something beautiful, so we can shine our light on the shadows of planet earth. The more we shine our light into the shadows of the universe, the higher the vibration of the planet increases. When the vibration of the planet increase our vibration increases. We are all here to raise the vibration of the planet and all of it’s inhabitants. Depending on what special talents and gifts you possess is dependent on how you will contribute to the ascension of the planet. Our special gifts and talents are God’s gifts to us, what we do with the special gifts and talents in life are our gifts to God. Connect to your heart and live life from love and know and understand that fear is an illusion that you created in your mind and in doesn’t truly exist. Let go of fear and judgement and don’t be afraid of being your authentic self. You are a important part of God’s plan and only you can fulfill the purpose God gave you. We are all cheering for you and want you to succeed but only you can make that decision. The time is now! Remember that nothing ever great happened to someone while they were in their comfort zone, so don’t be afraid of stepping out of it to accomplish something great. Become your best version and be the example of the change that you want to see on this planet. I wish you love happiness fulfillment and great health. Love and light to all!🙏🏻💚🌎💫☝🏼🌈😇⭐️

    2. Wow! Thank you for the very powerful message!!
      Yes, we do decide and as long as we have fears of judgement and failure, we won't succeed. I will copy your text for my daily encouragement, and will read it every day. Thank you! 😊

    3. @Michael John What a positive and powerful reply you've written 👏 Keep shining your light brightly, soul brother 🤍 ✨️ Endless love and blessed journeys to us all 🫶🙌🏻

  25. Passion & enthusiasm :) yes thank you

  26. I had a dream a little girl had the numbers 1100 in white on her stomach what is she trying to tell me? A genie hovering over the sky out of a vase tall over the sky and told me this is it... Thank you am so happy and grateful that I have a angle 😇

  27. For years i've been seeing numbers. I was so depressed when it came by for the first time. now it's been like 6 or 7 years and i am over my depression. This blog helped me in a way to see the world different and my mind set is so different then back than. I'm glad i have been everywhere to be where i am now.
    and now it's 10:10
    Thank you so much

  28. I feel so blessed to recieve these Angel numbers. Thank you rush-collection Scribes. Xx

  29. Coming to Australia this year With faith l will meet you ETERNAL Blessings to you

  30. From the fool into the hermit, walking my spiritual path towards the promised land. Thank you for guiding me spirit x

  31. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️

  32. Love and light 🙏❤️ Thank you for all of your wisdoms!

  33. 🙏, ☮️&♥️ to ALL!

  34. Recently I'm seeing this number in when I'm looking at time as 10:01. This explanation helps.
