Friday, July 27, 2012


Number 1055 is made up of a combination of the attributes and energies of numbers 1, number 0 and doubled number 5. Number 1 resonates with the vibrations of creation, beginning new projects or ventures, inner-strength and tenacity, positivity, attainment and success. Number 1 encourages us to strive forward with courage and tells us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 0 is a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects and is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It also suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find your answers. Number 0 amplifies the energies of the number/s it appears with. Number 0 resonates with the influences of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies and resonates with the vibrations of eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 5 appears twice amplifies its energies, which resonate with making major life changes, spontaneity, life lessons learned through experience, making important choicespersonal freedom, auspicious opportunities and being true to yourself. Number 1055 promotes the freedom to live and serve your soul mission as your intuition and inner-knowing dictates.

Angel Number 1055 suggests that the timing is right for a new venture, project and/or direction. Do not allow others to deter or hinder you in any way once you have made your final choice or decision. Only you know your true heart’s desires and soul calling. Listen to your own intuition and look to new directions and opportunities with an open mind and optimism.  

Angel Number 1055 suggests that you deserve some positive changes to take place in your life. Have the courage to be true to yourself and life your passions and purpose.

Angel Number 1055 is a message to take charge of your own life, do things your own way and make positive changes to benefit yourself and those around you. Although you may fear the unknown, your angels ask that you trust that these changes will be to your long-term benefit and advantage. A happy outcome and result follows your positive expectations. Stay positive and optimistic about these impending changes and you will find that all will go smoothly.  

Number 1055 relates to the karmic number 11 (1+0+5+5=11) and Angel Number 11.

Also see:
Angel Number 15
Angel Number 105
Angel Number 115
Angel Number 150
Angel Number 151
Angel Number 155



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. this resonates so much with me right now !! thank you so much my guardians !! my family !! <3

  2. Incredible true

  3. And Grateful again💜💙...great timing

  4. sawed some trees in my garden, and have seen numbers for a while, picked up one plank and saw old watch, then i thought i should watch the time, and there it was 10:55, we live in a very mysterious world ;)

  5. Been seeing angel numbers daily. I am going through a major change right now. These angel numbers certainly help clarify positivity and inner strength in a person. Thank you so much for this website! Thank you, angels! <3

  6. Grateful for every reminder!!!♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to all !!!♡♡♡

  7. Thank you for all the work you have put into the site> Really appreciated!

  8. Thank you so much💜💚❤💞 💛

  9. Very grateful!!!!!!& happy. Thanks for everything

  10. For me this is the best and only site to check Angel numbers when they come up in my life. If i come here guided by my intuition/Angels, i'm left amazed, assured, comforted and more confident about my life path back to God.

    It's not straight forward but this site has greatly helped when it's been tough, casting faith into me. When my life has been flowing well, the number(s) and the associated text help me to keep on going and to trust into myself and the universe, the great plan to lead us into Golden Age where Heaven and Earth meet.

    Angels and humans working together for a common goal. I feel we are not so different from them. We are Earth Angels, beings of Love and Light. Thank you rush-collection from the bottom of my Heart, for your very awesome and important work. I am grateful <3 Thank you Angels <3 Thank you magical universe <3

    1. Pekka feel like I write those words wow feel like we having the same experience... God bless 🙏
      A lot of love and light for you ♥️

    2. Thank you magical Jennifer Luna 💕 for this beautiful comment I love beautiful loving people who work with friendly forces like angels and just focus on bettering themselves not on projecting insecurities on others and trying to hinder them

  11. This is a great message. Damn, this is so important- "Do not allow others to deter or hinder you in any way once you have made your final choice or decision. Only you know your true heart’s desires and soul calling."

  12. Yes.Yes.Yes.❤❤❤ Grateful immensly.🙏

  13. Amen praise God thank you Angels

  14. I feel blessed guided and protected Amen x

  15. 1055! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!🤲🤲🙏🙏👉💕👈👉💪👈👉💗👈👉🚪👈🤩🤩🤩🌞🌞🌞🌈⛱🌊🔥🐞⚘🏝

  16. Amen praise the Lord hallelujah

  17. Getting positive vibration ,thank you thank yoy thank you thank you thank you

  18. I'm sorry to say, your interpretation of the angel numbers though very well done, often contain conflicting connotations of both positive, encouraging and then a backhanded negative. It is very confusing and depressing. contradictory messaging. On one hand gets you up and hopeful, then you blow it out of the water with saying the person is anxious, fearful and I for one am not. I welcome the change. Please, I doubt an angel is negative?

    1. A suggestion, because I too have interpreted these messages negatively when I was not feeling such things. Take what resonates with you, and leave the rest. Or perhaps notice how you truly feel at the time of seeing these numbers prior to reading the interpretation on here. Your intuition is your true guide.

    2. Sounds like something someone from Kingman az would say

  19. Thank you so much for this. And to my guardian angel. And to you Saeed he's from Iran he gives this number always. My boyfriend.

  20. Thank you guardian angel and to my boyfriend SAEED from Iran he give this number. Always Positive ..

  21. My angels always show me numbers at the right time my phone screen will light up just long enough for me to see the time displayed this time it was 1055 so I looked it up on here's always shout out to rush-collection .. and of course as usual it apply to exactly to my life as it occurs right now so thank you for helping me interpret another message I'm still to be with knucklehead to hear myself completely thank you love and light

  22. What a beautiful message to get when you are selling your home to move on the better ground. Thank you x

  23. This message was so on point for me...
    Thank you.
    God bless to you & everyone 🙏💞

  24. Thank you angel for this message love and light to humanity and mother gaia namestey 🙏🙂😊🌈🌈💖❤️🌈🇮🇳🌍
