Sunday, September 11, 2011


Number 458 is a compilation of the vibrations and influences of number 4, the attributes of number 5 and the energies of number 8. Number 4 resonates with working steadily towards goals and aspirations, truth and integrity, practicality, system and order, self-initiation, building solid foundations and enthusiasm coupled with determination. Number 4 also brings the energies of the Archangels. Number 5 adds its attributes of major life changes, personal freedom, idealism and motivation, opportunity and expansion, adventure, making positive life choices, adaptability and versatility. Number 5 also relates to individuality and doing things your own way. Number 8 relates to manifesting wealth and abundance, material and monetary mastery, income and finance, self-confidence and personal authority, discernment, inner-wisdom and serving humanity. Number 8 is also the number of giving and receiving and karma, the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

Angel Number 458 is an auspicious and positive message about the changes that are taking place in your life right now. Trust that they are bringing you wonderful opportunities to manifest positive abundance, and have been Divinely guided and orchestrated as a reward for work well done. The steps you have taken to improve and better your life, and the positive changes you have made (and are making) have brought about Divine abundance, prosperity and happiness.   Expect continued blessings in your life and show gratitude for them by sharing your 'plenty' with others in whatever way you deem most appropriate. Use your discernment wisely.

Angel Number 458 is a message from your angels to follow the intuitive messages and guidance you have been receiving about making important changes to your life and lifestyle choices. These much needed changes will bring about blessings and rewards and will bring you the answers to your prayers. The efforts you have made towards achieving your goals has manifested new opportunities and auspicious circumstances that will bring about your desired results.  

Angel Number 458 is a strong message to release and let go of situations in your life that are no longer positively serving you. Do not hang onto situations (or people) out of fear, but trust that new and better is coming your way.

Use your skills and knowledge to guide and assist others in positively uplifting and purposeful ways, and trust that you can make a wonderful difference to your own life and that of others. As you give, so you shall receive.

Number 458 relates to number 8 (4+5+8=17, 1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. 458 = ILU
    I LOVE U

    1. how are these related/translated?

    2. how are the numbers translated to letters?

    3. See:

      Numerology in Relation to the Alphabet


    4. Thank you rush-collection =] I took a look at the link you sent, and I have seen it before... that is actually what confused me because taht chart says ILU = 933. I just dont understand how the post above associated 458 to ILU... am I missing something?

    5. The message above using 458=ILU is because they correspond to one another on the cell phone dialer. She used the dial pad from her cell phone to come up with that.

  2. The love of truth. The love of love. These loves forever change any heart that focuses on hen

  3. Thank you for this timely message,..I'm most grateful for this encouragement!

  4. Very truly grateful beyond my capacity of words, Thank you God Jesus Mother Mary Archangels Universe Tarot readers teachers any and everyone everything my pets my family from the bottom of my heart and soul. Please forgive my selfishness I love all and Peace on Earth and Love and happiness GOD BLESS

  5. What if the wishes are against yourbtrue wishes

  6. Hallelujah Praise the Lord oh my soul thank you Jesus and to my loving Angels😊 Im so grateful Lord thank you

  7. Thanku to all the angels..thanku lord.. I pray for my other half..that he be happy and find peace..and for his family..I pray for them to seek true and peace..with open hearts and open minds...thanku..

  8. I welcome with all my heart the guidance back to my purpose and shall endeavor to share my blessings with those I am guided to support. May I always be open to hEARing within my hEARt ✌ 🙏
