Sunday, September 11, 2011


Number 454 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of number 4 and number 5, with number 4 appearing twice, amplifying and magnifying its influences. Number 4 resonates with patience, truth and integrity, practicality, working steadily towards goals and aspirations, system and order, self-initiation, building solid foundations and enthusiasm coupled with determination. Number 4 also relates to the energies of the Archangels. Number 5 resonates with major life changes, making important choices and decisions, promotion and advancements, adaptability and versatility, personal freedom and individuality, life lessons learned through experience.  

Create a plan for yourself and your life. List your short and long-term goals and find a strategy to achieve them. If you have an idea for a new project or business venture or are considering a better job or career path, use your creative mind to establish a plan of action then move to the next level of your life.

Angel Number 454 indicates that the ideas, thoughts, visions and desires you have been experiencing are an indication that it is time to prioritize your life and make the necessary changes in order to align yourself with your soul mission and true self. Look upon these changes with optimism and enthusiasm and trust that they will lead to wonderful opportunities for you to shine.

Angel Number 454 is a message that the angels are helping you with a current project that will bring necessary changes into your life. Your hard work and toil towards achieving your goals has brought about new opportunities for you to take advantage of. Know that these changes have been Divinely guided and are in alignment with your purpose and soul passion. Be open and receptive to these new changes and chances and look upon them as blessings and rewards for work well done.

Angel Number 454 is a message that the life changes ahead of you (or currently taking place) have been orchestrated by the angels and your Spirit Guide (or Guardian Angel). They have heard your prayers and positive affirmations and have witnessed you working towards achieving your goals and bringing positive changes to your life. As a result, your desires will come to fruition. Trust that all is going to Divine plan in your life.

Number 454 relates to number 4 (4+5+4=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.

Repeating 4’s and 5’s



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. I have been debating for a while whether or not I should get back into my spirituality, as it has led me down a dark path before, but last night I decided to go ahead. Today I decided I was beautiful, after a life of insecurity. I am making changes to be who I am and to be happy with who I am.

    1. Me too, thanks for sharing this with us

    2. Me too, thanks for sharing this with us

    3. You're supposed to go down the dark path its the only way to get on the other side... if u quit u have to do it all over again... never quit

    4. I agree with Unknown above^ I have gone through hell but it's getting amazing for now on, I know this in my heart. Blessing for you all. You can do it!

    5. I couldn’t agree with you more

    6. Just hold on. It’s a process but the ending is beautiful and magical. It a long process however once its over with, you will find it was all worth it. Its magical and truly a blessing.

  2. you lead yourself, it wasn't spirituality, you were supposed to stay away from angry negative people and other negative influences, becuase they will start to attack you and bring your love energy down.

    You can only manifest something positive in the world if you have created love energy.

    1. I agree with Walid. The energies we hold on to may stay with us so I'm glad that Anonymous has decided to make changes to be HAPPY. Anonymous please speak with love and positivity no matter what you are faced with so that your new path is better than the one had before.

    2. Anonymous, hanging there everything is fine. Let go, surrender yourself for love energy. You have nothing to lose. Don't live in fear and hate. You manifest then only fear and hate in your life.

    3. I agree with walid. Indigo people attract negative people unfortunately.. Just need to walk away from them and move on head up. Create yourself a protective shield for psychic attacks. Wear protective crystals.

  3. Most definitely!!! Your life is created by your thoughts your faith

  4. Most definitely you create your world by your thoughts and your faith remember we are spiritual beings

  5. I must say I'm glad I've found this page as I've got now the answer to something very weird, yet powerful, that happened to me last night.
    I was dreaming I was watching a film in which the actors were a mix of people I knew and real actors. The film was endless, and in my dream, I looked at the clock that showed 4:54. I hadn't realized so much time had passed by so I decided it was time to stop watching that meaningless movie as I was concerned I would not be fully functional for the coming day if I would keep watching...
    Now, the weird bit happened when I woke up later in the night to go to the toilet. I checked my phone and it was 4:54 am... Spooky.
    All morning I was kind of ''how can this be possible ? '', until I stumbled upon this page. This is all the more synchronicistic, as last night, before I fell asleep I talked to my guardian angel and spirits guides!
    Also, I had absolutely no idea 454 was an angel number.

    1. Isnt it beautiful to be on this journey of discovery. It's so mystical and mysterious, I'm glad to share this life adventure with you. This experience is eye opening and I'm grateful for Love. Love is bliss I love everyone here

    2. kisses
      roman candle

  6. I began to cry tears of joy when reading the last paragraph. I really have been working hard on my Mind Body and Soul.From balance, to past life regressions, and meditation and yoga. I am so excited! I was looking at a new home that is everything I have wanted and just spoke with someone about my LLC for my new business in Oracle Card Reading and Healing. I don't know what else to say accept thank you. EVERYONE!!!

    1. Omg, I have the exact same story rn. So wonderful to hear you did too. I cried tears of joy too. Like I heard my parents proud lol. Thanks for sharing. God bless you !

  7. I'm trying to start a new business centered around my community. I have a few people in mind, I think will work well in the protect. I am scared to ask any of them. I don't want to be one of those people all fired up after tragedy with no follow through. That's what I love that this post was written on 911.

  8. Can people please write about how 454 has been a postive number for you

  9. I was drawn to the number by a song I was compelled to download. It stayed in my head. So I looked it up. I have been guided on my life path and had doubts. This was one of many other numbers that captured my attention to confirm I was on the right track and was being guided and assisted.

  10. Last night I had a dream I was with my bff watching football, and they played the einsteins remix ( I don't like football) when we were done I looked at the clock and it said 4:45 , and then 2 of my friends gave me gifts like we were bffs and walked off

  11. Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever!!!Love,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  12. God bless you for following your heart and sharing these words with so many. Thank you.

  13. I just found this... So glad I did. I've been wanting to buy a house for a long time now but everything in my price range is really outdated and needs a ton of TLC. Over the past few months I have really been focusing on living a more positive life and becoming aligned with my life's purpose.
    So about a couple weeks ago I just randomly decided to start looking at houses again... The first house I saw I was connected with an investor who remodeled this home and it looked amazing almost brand new. The home was a bit small but he said he had other property he could show me that hasn't been put on the market yet. We drove over... And the home looks beautiful from the outside... The inside though mehhh... Needs lots of work. I mean no flooring, wallpaper, it's a mess. He said he was barely starting renovations on this property. I told him I wanted to think it over.
    I was unsure. It's a huge investment. I started researching the property... And I ran across this site when I typed 454. The street number for this home is 454... After reading all the amazing ways we are guided I'm confident this is the path I'm supposed to take. Not only am I going to get a home well below my max price but I'm going to be able to customize everything to my liking and he's included it all in the price!! I'm excited for this journey and all the GREAT things happening in my life right now.
    Thank you for posting here and providing everyone with a ray of light and hope

  14. 01 September 2018 i had a traditional thanks-giving / appeasement of ancestors ceremony at my home town, on monday on my way back to my place of employment / apartment, i kept on seeing number 454, i saw a car with registration 454 after that when i got at the gate of the block of flats where i stay , i saw again 2 car parked next to each other with registration number 454, obviously the letters infront/ before the numbers were different. but i could not ignore the repeating 454 number.. nd how the seem to constantly come through were-ever i go. im really thankfully for whoever shared/wrote this blog. it means a lot to me.

  15. I love you all comments and much love is on this page. I pray you guys positive desires are fulfilled and successfully attain your soul mission. # 1 fan Angels

  16. Hey everyone who commented on this probably on my level. We all starting a positivity spiral of love movement. Im forming a team we can do this individually as we currently are. B but i also like to surround other positivw open minded souls. Lets come together. Wake this planet up and reverse psychology wveryone to save the world from itself. Either way email me sammiejo678@ gmail if interested. I have no idea what a team of ppl cpming together to sVe the world wpuld look like but im curious to see. Basically my 3 step plan to reverse phycology have tje world aave itself gos like this. Step one make a plan. K were doin this as i txt. 2. Build a team. Also in process of attempting. Step 3. Have people doing what they want whilst repecting others opinions and boundaries.

    Keep being the light and the rainbow and all that is good bad and ugly #callitwhatyouwantmovement #haventpickedanamemovement
    Positivity movement. #itsalllove

  17. Amazing. Thank you so muchπŸ’œ

  18. A white feather grazed my face while I was on Tumblr and I thought oh I better check my angel number what time is it LOL. I’ve been debating whether I should leave my husband and focus more on myself because I’m tired of the way he treats me as an unequal. Because of his jealousy of my success... I feel I have made a decision at this point. I thought earlier about going to the store to buy a planner but after reading this rush-collection, I think I’m going to go to the store and buy a planner now

  19. this is a fun read. thank you for making this :)

  20. Feeling blessed... And always grateful!!!πŸ₯°πŸ˜‡πŸ™

  21. Thank you for sharing this divine message with all of us.πŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ•Š

  22. for years most times when i look at a clock its 4.54 and that happens regularly heaps of times and always ??i even filled out a lotto ticket a few time with 454 on it and its multiples but no luck

  23. Thank you Angels,
