Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Number 1022 is a compilation of the energies and qualities of number 1 and two 2’s. Number 1 relates to assertiveness, striving forward and new beginnings, inspiration, motivation, independence and uniqueness, action, positivity and achieving success. Number 1 tells us that we create our own reality and experiences with our thoughts and beliefs, and encourages us to step out of our comfort zone and step towards new directions and opportunities. Number 0 is the number of the Universal Energies/Source, the beginning point, eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, developing one’s spiritual aspects and connecting with the Higher-self, and denotes freedom from limitations. Number 0 also amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with. Number 2 brings decisiveness, diplomacy, charm, partnerships and relationships, co-operation, consideration, receptivity and love, adaptability, balance and harmony, and living your life path and soul mission.

Angel Number 1022 brings a message to stay focused on your highest ideals and expectations as the angels and Universal Energies work behind the scenes helping you to manifest your wants and needs, goals and desires into reality. Be patient as some of the pieces of the puzzle are yet to fall into place just yet. Know that everything happens in Divine right time and you will know within when the timing is right for you. Learn the lesson of patience and use it to your advantage as there is much to be done and achieved in the interim.

Angel Number 1022 is a powerful message that you are to show initiative and step out of your comfort zone when you know it is time to take new directions and/or begin new projects and ventures that you have been wanting to do for a long time now. Angel Number 1022 encourages you to release your fears and apprehensions and get on with pursuing your passions and purpose.

Angel Number 1022 asks you to be aware of the energies you put out to the Universe and ensure that they are of a positive and uplifting nature. Stay on a positive path and use your natural skills, talents and abilities to their utmost for the benefit of yourself and others. Use positive affirmations and visualizations to enhance energies and draw them towards you. The more you focus on the positives, the quicker they are manifested into your reality.

Celebrate your own life and seek out peace, balance, harmony and joy in each moment. Celebrate each day and the opportunities it brings you.

Number 1022 also relates to number 5 (1+0+2+2=5) and Angel Number 5.

See also:
Repeating 1’s and 2’s  (12, 112, 121, 122 etc)
Angel Number 12
Angel Number 112
Angel Number 121
Angel Number 12
Angel Number 120


    I AM FREE!!!'n!N

  2. ....AGAIN THANK YOU (22/7)x5(*.*Jiyeon*.*)

    I GIVE MY WHOLE LIFE TO THEM FOR THEM AND TO YOU!!!!WITH ALL❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤πŸŽΈπŸ’πŸŽ€πŸ―πŸŽΉπŸ₯πŸŽΌπŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸŒπŸ‡―πŸ‡΅πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’—⭐⭐⭐(22/7)x69+......

  4. It's also crazy that 1022 is also my birthday.....

    1. good to know am not the only one that gets to see his birthday1022 almost ever day i look at time when its 1022 for no reason like something tells me to look I have no answer yet why it happens for many years now.

    2. same here and almost every day something move my eyes towards anything that shows time and its 1022.

    3. Ditto....I've been seeing it for years and just recently decided to look it up...glad I did ..

    4. Yep!!!
      Me too...my birthday..I have seen this everywhere..all the time for years now. Something pulls my attention and there it is again 1022.

  5. Thank you for this information. I am forever grateful for your site and the angels guidance in manifesting my goals and desires

  6. Thank you for this information. I am forever grateful for your site and the angels guidance in manifesting my goals and desires

  7. I also always see the time at 10:22 and I was born 10/22/92. I always see the time at 22 minutes all day long. I won't check the time for hours at a time, but every time I do it's 2:22, 7:22, 11:22, etc. I'm not sure why but it creeps me out lol.

    1. My birthyis 10/22/92 also,,,and I see 10:22 once or twice a day,,,ironic

  8. Hi rush-collection,
    Just wanted to say THANKYOU for you knowledge. I feel your more important than channelers, but we are one. Have a blessed DAY.

  9. I was just talking and praying to my deceased father, I asked for a sign and i felt immediately the sign would be on my phone the date is 10/22... so this is so amazing and wow does it sound just as my conversation with him tonight ♡

  10. This number is my boyfriend's birth date. I've been seeing it a lot since we've been together. So awesome to finally know what it really means. Thank you.

  11. This number came after I was arguing with myself that I need to stop smoke quitting weed because Its not benefiting me.

  12. Thank you. These messages always come when needed most. Z

  13. After my father died I took his digital desk clock back to my college apartment. Soon after I kept waking up at exacty 10:22 each day. For weeks, same thing, out of bed at 10:22. I examined the clock and it had stopped, at 10:22. My birthday. I didn't think much of it for years until I started noticing my number 1022 popping on files when my computer locked up, on Bank clocks just when I'm passing by, etc, etc. I don't really look for it, it just seems to pop up unexpectedly. I smile and think, hello dad in my head.

  14. Mine too! I kept wondering why I kept seeing the numbers.. I didn't expect initially that it meant something, yet I kept seeing it..and still do!
    Thank you! And thank you other 10/22 birthdays for sharing information ��

  15. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

    It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.

    It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


    1. The metaphysical connection is so week and hard to interpret. It seams to come with evil or loving attachments depending on what or where my heart is. Your possitive and loving guidence is from the heart. Your words help all focus on the path that unites us all. Bless you and i thank you from my heart.

  16. Can you please tell me about "sandwiched" numbers? I used to see 11:11 all the time but now that I've been looking more into angel numbers &pursuing other parts of my life, I have been seeing no particular # but a lot of what I see now is sandwiched numbers, like 959, 717, or the like. Not really a rhyme or reason that I have found & it's starting to kind of bother me because I feel like it's ALL THE time, but I'm not sure what to do with the information...I cant realistically look up numbers every 10 minutes or so :) I feel like they are a sign for something, as the first time I asked for a sign I was shown 22.22 immediately....have faith! I just cannot find anything about sandwiched numbers anywhere and am hoping someone will have some idea about what they could mean! Thanks.

    1. There called mirrored numbers my man there awesome my friend ..i have conversations all night with the above ..i live along but in the 18 or 20 months got into numerology im 59 years old this blows my mind for real conversations all night I swear to god ..over time i was feeling alone no joke ..but now im never alone for real ..there bringing me to different level now ..I’m a Gemini ♊️ very very open minded..and for those out there ..just go with the flow believe my words ..for me its all about numbers thats me ..then i google the number..the conversation is with me I swear and to tell you the truth omg i love it ..the universe are angel’s spirit guides god all the kings and queens out there because there plenty out there ..just sit back turn off the tv and have a conversation it will blow your mind ..believe it or not its all good ..happy new year to all of you ..good night

  17. Me too! I was born on 10/22 in room 222 at 2:02 in the afternoon. It's always there.....ALWAYS.

  18. Thank you rush-collection !!! Love and light your way!!!

  19. This is my bday, and I see it constantly. 1234 is a number I've been seeing for about a month straight so I decided to look that number up, seen 1022, and 1111 this was all in one day. I'm glad I looked up the meanings for these numbers because now I'm really sure that not only I'm experiencing a vibrational shift, but the universe and my angels are working in my favor.

  20. This is such a unique find. I remember when I was very young believe in 7th or 8th grade I got a password on a slip of paper to access something in my computer lab. The password was JO1022 and for nearly a decade those specific numbers stuck in my mind like they were the most important numbers in my life. I even incorporated them in my online passwords. After reading this this makes a whole lot of sense why these numbers were so strongly used in my life.

  21. I had never written a comment on the Internet, but I am writing to say thank you for helping me figure out the answer to my question, for I have been seeing the numbers 1022 when I woke up, on the tv, on my phone, my computer and lot lately and wasn't sure what it meant. I decided to Google it and I found your explanation. Thanks again!
    Peace and love!

  22. Grateful for this timely reminder.❤🎈

  23. So awesome....been seeing so many numbers lately. But the one that I have been seeing a lot of is the 1022. Which is crazy because it's part of my phone number..so I just had to look it up. I am on the right path. I just know it now.

  24. Thank you Jesus and to my Angels

  25. Hallelujah thank you Jesus and to my Angels

  26. Hallelujah to the lamb praise the Lord Jesus thanks to my loving angels

  27. See my birthdate everyday. I believe my angels are always with me. I feel them around me very often.

  28. Desireia LigginsTuesday, June 23, 2020

    Amen. Thank you Father and to the Divine Angels unearthly and earthly. This is a wonderful blessing to me. I'm happy that I accepted the Divines help and guidance. It was very much needed. I must pray that others accept the help from the Divine and understand their own divinely guided path.

  29. πŸ‘‹πŸ½πŸ‘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  30. Yay thank you 🀍🌼
