Sunday, September 30, 2012


Number 1222 is a compilation of the energies and qualities of number 1 and number 2, with the number 2 appearing three times, tripling its influences. Number 1 encourages the attributes of creation and new beginnings, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct, and stepping out of your comfort zone to achieve your desires. It also relates to creating your own realities with your thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 represents balance and harmony, duality, faith, devotion, insight, sensitivity, encouragement, consideration, co-operation, grace, devotion, flexibility, adaptability and diplomacy. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving and fulfilling your Divine life purpose and soul mission

Angel Number 1222 is a message from your angels and Archangels that you are to stay focused on your highest expectations as the angels and Universal Energies work behind the scenes helping you to manifest your wants and needs, goals and desires. Trust that your home and family will be well provided for as you strive towards achieving your goals.

Angel Number 1222 is a powerful sign that you are to step out of your comfort zone and take a new direction and/or begin new projects and ventures that you have been prompted to pursue. Angel Number 1222 encourages us to release our fears and apprehensions and get on with pursuing our passions and purpose.

Angel Number 1222 encourages you to maintain a positive outlook in regards to a current situation or issue. Be positive and optimistic about the outcome and this will manifest as your desired results. If feeling any fears or doubts, simply ask your angels for guidance, assistance and support.

Number 1222 relates to the mystical number 7 (1+2+2+2=7) and Angel Number 7.

See also:
Repeating 1’s and 2’s  (12, 112, 121, 122 etc)
Angel Number 12
Angel Number 122



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. sounds just about right...everytime I see these repeating numbers I know that those are my angels relaying messages to me...what a wonderful experience!

    1. The date of this reply has 1222 in it if jumbled around.

    2. It’s actually 11 11 if you add the day and year together! 😍

  2. I love you for helping me throughout my sole mission thanks love and light

  3. I see this number almost everyday... for about 4 months now. I'm currently getting the gumption, energy and confidence to go back to work after a very long break. Alot has happened since, however I have updated my skills BUT I just have alot of doubts about my skills all the time and I'm very shy. This message constantly reminds me that everything is okay, that they always support me and all is well. After reading this enough times you realize that all the fear and negativity in your mind is created by yourself. Thank you for posting these beautiful messages from the angelic realm rush-collection! They really help me alot;-)

    1. Thank you for your post - much needed at this time!! I hope & pray all is well w/ you!

    2. You are correct. Great response! A concious portal has opened for you.

    3. Mimi look I am going to tell you one thing just say and think that doubts are never true, say to your self several times a day everyday constantly a lot pf times do it like I'm doing, say to your self on mirror everyday that I am more than enough and I love myself everyday

    4. I hope all is going well. Sending love your way. Would love an update :)

  4. I love your interpretation of angel messages, and the in - depth analysis!! I have found your site so helpful! I see the "numbers" constantly, and know they come from the angels ... I have had proof that angels are real ...

    1. Please tell about your proof that angels are real

    2. 'proof' isn't neccesary as it relates to faith. The part of you that desires it is not your heart. From within the heart space, faith can truly be practiced and cared for. Their faith isn't personally for you. Only you can unlock doors within yourself.

  5. Thanks so much for making this blog. I refer to it daily! Much love!

  6. Thank you rush-collection that impressive

  7. Thank you, I see this number constantly throughout the day!
    God bless you for your input and messages.

    John Henry Maldonado

  8. Your Servant (22/7)x 5(((((((((((JIYEON)))))))))))

    1. You are my guiding light, Sean! Love and Blessings to you each and every day, in each and every way!

  9. I have been seeing 1222 very frequently as well as 1111,222,333,444,555, and occasionally 808 and 1212 and 1010. I was very religious and stopped believing in God for a long time. Then these numbers started following me to the point I had to look them up. I'm glad I did because I have been gives me so much peace and comfort and seems to speak to my circumstance

  10. Hello Friends, I have been seeing the repeating numbers for a while now and would really like to start connecting with others. I would like to start a local group eventually so please feel free to email me if your interested in meeting others who are touched by the angels Also, thank you J for providing this information. I have seen 1222,1111,222,333,444,555, and sometimes 1010,1212, and 808. Would love to hear from you all that are experiencing similar. Love, light, and peace Namaste

    1. I am 12 22 80 and winter is coming stay with yours and pray me to stay with mine for I feel I need it

    2. My number experience began with 333 when I started waking up at that time probably 5 out of 7 days a week. Once I payed attention to it it stopped. Now the last three days I have layed down to sleep and looked over and saw 12:22. It caught my attention because it's my birthday and today my wife told me my mother in law just told her last night that she is seeing the same number.

  11. I am so thankful for this!
    Love and enlightenment to all

  12. Came across this Number 3 times this morning :-). Thank you Joane. And I also want to thank you...A BIG thank you for the wOnederfull site. It is very very helpfull.

    Blessings to you and your Loved One's Dear

  13. Was hesitating to open my own company. Now im confident. Thank you.

  14. Is this all part of a wonderful spiritual awakening???

  15. I have also been seeing these numbers for quite a while
    12:22 . 10:22 . 11:22 mostly on the time. Thank you for posting this I am very religious as well

  16. I have been seeing these Number as well for quite a while
    12:22 11:22 10:22 I thought I was crazy or that the following is a premunition. Thank you for psoting this
    I am very religious as well

  17. I have been seeing these Number as well for quite a while
    12:22 11:22 10:22 I thought I was crazy or that the following is a premunition. Thank you for psoting this
    I am very religious as well

  18. Hello, rush-collection, I've been referring to your site every time I see a repeating number. So far 52, 49, 38, 35, 34, 11/111/1110/1111, 22/222, 33/333, 44/444, 55/555, 88/888, 77/777, 1222. And I may have missed a number or two but anyways, I know it may seem like a lot because it is... But interestingly enough, I've looked all of them up and for the most part, they all seem to give a similar message. In summary, big changes coming, let go of the "old", ask angels and ascended masters for guidance, keep a positive attitude, angels are supporting and surrounding, and all I am manifesting will soon come to fruition. Now, the believing side of me wants to believe the angels are sending me a large quantity of repeating numbers that all give similar messages, to, I don't know, help me remove any excess doubt. But the skeptic side of me thinks pretty much most of these numbers on this site all have similar descriptions... I really want my skeptical side to be wrong.

    1. What do they mean to YOU? What resonates with YOU? It is up to you to use your skepticism to discern what suits you and what does not. Take what resonates with you, and leave the rest behind.


  19. This is just wonderful ever since i started believing this wonderful messages everything is going well with me and it makes me feel ok because i know all the time my Angels are with me and ready to help me. Thanks Rush Collection.

  20. My wife recently passed away. I've been seeing 1111, 222, 1222, 777 and 888 alot. Incidentally her birthday is 222. Our son and I feel her presence, as if she's our guardian angel and is trying to give us a sign.

    1. My heart goes out to u and your son. Yes i to have been cing sequence of numbers 555 1222 333 1111 and so on. U and your son r being protected. I will pray for u both . Kathryn

  21. My wife recently passed away. I've been seeing 1111, 222, 1222, 777 and 888 alot. Incidentally her birthday is 222. Our son and I feel her presence, as if she's our guardian angel and is trying to give us a sign.

  22. Today has been indeed a message....especially for me.I should've guessed right away when my left eye was jumping spazzed a lil ..not a constant tic..which led me to believe that I'd be hearing from someone that lives far away...instead it was an argument that I'd be having today with a very negative individual...which just happens to be my younger sister...needless to say it was over something so irrelevant.
    I just happened to glance at the clock (today)and there was my message 12:22....I'm thinking WOW what's the deal here with these numbers lately? Let me just say I unfortunately don't have many friends ...I like to keep it at a minimum.. As I do enjoy my time alone..get rid of the old that hinders me...something like that..and my intuition said my sister....Wow...I just may have to leave her alone ...she Likes to have a meaningless battle every so often...I truly don't get it but I've tried to bite my tongue ,just in hopes that we continue to get along...I live her.. And she's all Ive got...I'm kinda hesitant on just shutting her out of my life...I've recently found a beautiful apt...and I'm excited!I feel as if I've been granted a new fresh start...and I'm in the middle of packing... I'm running for a better existence...the last thing I needed was a screaming match...I'm seeing 555....1212...222....42 a lot....1111...and a few more numbers...WOW...IT'S TRUly amazing...thank you rush-collection... This just isn't ant coincidence... I've always been a believer🙋

  23. I sometimes doubt what I felt or saw,what should I do?

  24. ”...get on with pursuing our passions and purpose” What if you have no passions and have no idea what your purpose is? Where do you even begin?

    1. Your Life Purpose and Soul Mission

  25. I have seen 11:22, 12:22 and 2:22 all today!!!

  26. Hi Felicia ... I have seen 111 and 11:11 for years now and approx three years ago the numbers ramped up. I was seeing 222, 333, 444 1212, 1222, and 2222. Over the past year I now also see (like everywhere and everyday) 555, 1515, 1555, 1010, 1000 and have occasionally seen 1808/808. I find that rush-collection's Angel numbers are so accurate and reflect what I am going through or what I need to focus on right now ... and is a way for the angelic realms to connect with us. It is very comforting to see the constant support via number messages 😊💖🙏🏼

  27. rush-collection thank you for your insight, your blog on these numbers have been my favorite to refer to when looking up what they mean. I know you aren't a counselor but I'm at a point in my life where I need to make decisions, I have a number of goals one to be an inventor and another to help people become resourceful and find value in their potential, but as a community college student I have only a general science degree that wont take me very far. I want to go to a four year school but do not have the grades to attend the competitive university in my hometown and cannot afford leave the city due to finances. Im also getting burnt out after being in public school for 14 years and am wanting to take a break. I feel stuck since my goals require qualifications that I cannot obtain now, and numbers like 1222 808 and 1133 seem to urge me to make a choice. I would work in the mean time and save up to move but an associates in General Science will not get me any real job. I don't have any social mobility and am not the best teacher either. I desire to travel, and be spiritual but such a desire does not really connect practically to my goals. any suggestions?

  28. Thank you, rush-collection. Everytime I'm told to look-up an angel number for the past week, there it is. Wonderful confirmation tool for us. Love it!!!

  29. Oh, Lord, I keep seeing 1222 on my phone in April '17!!!! Have students your awesome blog and I am encouraged!!!! Thank God for Angels!! Clouds form into numbers also!!!

  30. Its true am going through it now....

  31. Thank you rush-collection!!!Love & ligh your way !!!♡♡♡

  32. I see many visual spirits, maybe angels, maybe dark entities. I'm not sure but its not negative but just some presence(s) that I feel. But this only happens when sitting still and focusing or when going to sleep, it's like almost manifestations but they seem to just appear and disappear a lot, hovering, making sharp turns. I believe these are the good spirits I am seeing. I also have seen a wide range of repeating spirit numbers. I am just wondering if the visuals has any correlation to the reoccurring spirit numbers. I also see a bright white dot a lot. Most of the time I'll see it in the background and when I stop what I'm doing and look to see if it is there it instantly disappears.....very weird. I also see weird morphing darkness at night when trying to go to sleep or just lying there with my eyes closed, only when I close my eyes I can see this weird morphing darkness. I get kind of uncomfortable because it seems like something is hovering over me watching. It's very hard to describe what I am seeing. I feel as though I am protected by a guardian of light because I feel comforted after I fall asleep. I am a firm believer of the spirit world and that everyone has connections to that world. Thank you for your time and for reading this it is appreciated.

  33. Does anyone have daily bible verses on the Bible app and if so does anyone get they're verses at 12:22

  34. Thanks for your post. I see this number every day through out the day for years. I decided to to Google it and here I am reading this. Thank you for this information.

  35. Thanks for your post. I see this number every day through out the day for years. I decided to to Google it and here I am reading this. Thank you for this information.

  36. I've been seeing this number a lot, and this website is very helpful. But please do not worship angels. I believe they exist, but instead of asking and praying to angels, DO SO TO GOD!

  37. I have been going through a tough time. My wife in in jail and I feel lost without her. I know that something is very real about angel numbers because of the experiences I have had in the last past year. I first learned about angel numbers aprox 3years ago and was seeing 666 quit regularly. For the longest time I thought I was doomed to hell and Satan's spawn or something. Really got to me seeing this number at least 5 times a day and some days a lot more. My wife tells me that 666 isn't really a bad number and its prob not what I was thinking it meant and she smiled it off waiting on me to figure it out. I went on for ever having this number till one day about a year ago when I looked up 666 on Google and it had a bunch of bad stuff right but I noticed where it said angel numbers. So apon visiting the site I realized a bunch of things but mainly what my wife's smile meant at the time. I was having thoughts out of balance and of worldly things. Or lived for the worldly possessions. I can't remember really unless I look it up but it hit home at the time cause it was exactly what I was going through at that time. Needless to say my numbers changed that day to 333 I think but now my numbers constantly change sometimes seeing 4different sets of numbers a day. Guess my angely had a tough time getting through to me there. Well I seen this number and boy did it hit home. Love your neighbor my fellow friends. My name's brandon by the way case anyone finds my story helpful in any way. Later

    1. Thank you Brandon. Your story is kinda like mine. My Angels got my attention in less than a month with numbers. They wake me up at night now @3:33. I was with my difficult brother and looked at the clock it said 4:44. I have probably 5 or more sets of numbers a day. A lot of 1111 1212 555 a lot to do with change. This is my first reply. I really felt your story Thank you for sharing

  38. Thank you after all the negative thoughts I been getting recently reading this is such a relief.

  39. This is exactly the confirmation I needed. Thank you so much. I feel deep gratitude! Namasté! ♥

  40. Thank you. trying to stay positive.

  41. I had seen 1222 on a library then with 1222 on a taxi infront me love you universe for keeping me on the right path

  42. Much blessings. Ive observed All your work. Beautiful. Thank you so much.

  43. I'm going through such a horrible divorce and I've had to walk away with what I could fit for my children and I in the car. And now I'm worried he's trying to take the only two people in this world that I have. I honestly have a hard time envisioning a positive outcome because I dont have the means to fight. I've been crying for the last few hours actually worried about everything.

    I happened to look at my phone and notice the time so I looked up the numbers. This is exactly what I needed. I feel somewhat at peace.

    Thank you so much for your site. I'm praying things will work in my favor. If anyone reads this, please say a prayer for me.

    1. Praying for you. Know your angels are guiding and protecting you & your children through a difficult time. All the best

  44. Thank you. Just the sign I needed. I have been seeing multiple 11's & 33's for a few months while going through many changes, & working on positivity rather than just viewing change as struggle. Suddenly seeing 1222 and multiple 2s so I know an acceleration is happening & I am focused on my path with faith and divine guidance. Blessings for sharing your insights.

  45. I had just finished a Michael Sealy - Wealth and Abundance meditation, checked a message when it ended and saw it was 12:22pm I haven't been referring to the website lately I feel like I know the meanings rather intuitively but I came just to check and I'm so glad I did because the positive vibes from this site are great 💜 I've just started my dream career and I'm considering going remote and traveling but I'm so nervous and telling myself I don't want to leave, but I know moving towards this fear of leaving is what's going to help me learn the most. Thank youuuu


    1. You have taken a great step forward in the right direction and you are on the right track. You are Wise, You are Loved, and You are surrounded by your Angels and Guides. Keep doing what you are doing ;) You got this :)

  47. I am blessed! Thank you J
    I love you!

  48. Thank you for all your help and guidance rush-collection, Guides and Angels :) You are all wonderful beings. Bless you all :)

  49. Thank you rush-collection!
    Your interpretation always gives me direction ! This number appears for some time now and of late more so and I can definitely feel the change in energy level, encouraging me towards something that I feel is towards my divine unfolding....
    Much love and appreciate your help in understanding the universe..
    God bless

  50. Really needed this right now. I hope everyone remains posi . Sending love

  51. So there's no bad side of seeing this cursed number? Cause I keep fokin seeing it and on the days I see it, it goes horrible. I try my best not to look at my phone around 12. :3

    1. In this case i would suggest that it is asking you to adjust your timing or do that thing that you have been putting off for a while now.. Whatever it is will help to shift you into the right direction or space somehow.. You will know what it is. Good Luck :)

  52. I read this exactly at 12:22am On 12 - 02 - 2020. *** Light to all

  53. I leased my first office space for my building on 12/22/2020 and my suite number is 222!

  54. 🙏, ☮️♥️ to ALL!

  55. I’m getting 1222 a lot today (last night before bed at 12:22 am and again just now at 12:22 pm) on 12/2/22 :) Good stuff.

  56. 🙏☮️♥️

  57. 🙏☮️♥️☀️
