Saturday, September 29, 2012


Number 1221 is a combination of the influences of number 1 (appearing twice, amplifying its influences) and the vibrations of number 2 (also appearing twice, magnifying its attributes and resonating with the Master Number 22). Number 1 brings its energies of creation and new beginnings, progress and motivation, striving forward, inspiration and initiative, achieving success, fulfilment and happiness. Number 1 also reminds you that you create your own experiences and realities with your beliefs, thoughts and actions. Number 2 brings its attributes of balance and harmony, partnerships and relationships, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, encouragement, duality, faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 2 appears twice, relating it to the Master Number 22 (Master Builder) -  the number of philanthropy and service to humanity. Number 22 is the number of Archangel Raphael and resonates with vision, practicality and common sense. 

Angel Number 1221 is a message from your angels to maintain a positive attitude in regards to a current situation or issue in your life. Remain positive and optimistic about the outcome and this will manifest your desired results. Trust that you are lovingly supported and surrounded by your angels who are offering constant guidance and assistance.

Angel Number 1221 is a message to stay positive and maintain faith and trust in your angels and the Universal Energies as your feelings, beliefs and thoughts will manifest into your reality. Keep your focus on your desires, positive expectations and outcomes, and that is what you will receive in return. Release and let go of all negativity and give any fears or doubts to your angels for transmutation and healing.   

Angel Number 1221 reminds you to be grateful for all the blessings in your life, and for those yet to come. When you express an ‘attitude of gratitude’ you manifest even more blessings. Your angels ask you to follow your Divine life path with passion and purpose.

Angel Number 1221 tells you that your reality is what you make it.

Number 1221 relates to number 6 (1+2+2+1=6) and Angel Number 6.

See also:
Repeating 1’s and 2’s  (12, 121, 122 etc)
Angel Number 12
Angel Number 121
Angel Number 122


  1. I needed to see these numbers now when I am considering the next steps in my life journey! I am eternally grateful to all the angels and ascended masters who support me!!
    Thank you too rush-collection, I love your site!!

    1. Thank you so much, I find your interpretations really helpful.

    2. I'm so greatful to all the energy helping all
      Of us may we count our blessings and enjoy abundance the universe knows what we need and always provides many blessings to us all. Thankyou Joanna this really helps keep things positive many blessings to you.

    3. ABBA all in capital lettering, my Son. Peace, love and oneness from Pop.

    4. Dancing queen...1221 yet a gain. Everything of everything follows the Nothing of null and void, and from all of that shall eventually return to Singularity of conscience and consequence. In the interim sentience, gratitude and lightwork ensues whilst hard work begets playing hard with love conquering all sparks of life...a positive message either polarity should eventually horizon. Thanks to the Creator and His servants, and the meek aren't as weak but free.

    5. Dancing queen...1221 yet a gain. Everything of everything follows the Nothing of null and void, and from all of that shall eventually return to Singularity of conscience and consequence. In the interim sentience, gratitude and lightwork ensues whilst hard work begets playing hard with love conquering all sparks of life...a positive message either polarity should eventually horizon. Thanks to the Creator and His servants, and the meek aren't as weak but free.

    6. I feel great today, this confirms what my day has been like.

  2. where you get this ? i am so interest

  3. You have helped me understand and open doors to my life journey. Thank you!

  4. What wasnt within was without wisdom, what're words without wisdom? well whoever wanders without wondering why walks without wisdom worrying without wondering what's within
    while wondering which way will water wash, why would we worry when we're whats washing? well we wont when we waken whats within we witness whats whole,

    what were we when we weren't? we whats whole, we wake without wisdom, we watch where witnesses walk with wonderment, What we watch wires which way we will walk, whoever wanders without wonder why we walk, will worry which way water will wash, whoever watches waters while worrying whats wrong with waves, watches without wisdom, without welcomes within, winds whisper wisdom writem without words waking whats within writers with wisdom watch waves without worrying, witnessing wonderful waves which were washing with wrath were wakened when wisdom's wind wants wisdom written where whoevers without wisdom will wander, why wonder where we walk? when what we witness wishes we wonder why we're witnessing wherever we walk, we write wisdom why? why would we write what worries walkers?
    not yet still waiting

    They are slow as fuck
    i know
    well without worriers we wouldnt write wisdoms, without worries we wouldnt write, where was wisdom was whenever we weren't whom wander wherever we walk, what wisdom without worry, wisdoms what was without worry, without worry wisdoms wasnt wisdom, wisdom was without worry wasnt wisdom, wisdom watches worry, what was watchable when worriers werent, why would wisdom want worriers?wisdoms without wants, we wanted which was without wisdom, we witnesss why Wisdom writing with words which were written within whereever we walk, wisdom wonders while worriers wander, why were we wandering while wisdom was what we're walking with,,Wisdom wonders when we will want wisdom. Whos wisdom? Why What's whole is 1 becoming 1+1 so2willbe1.

    1. I think if it wasn't ALL WROTE w/ "W" just so it would appear 2 b a riddle that held some secret "WISDOM"&/OR••• Didn't seem 2 twist/ &-or turn it~ trying 2 "WRAP" ur brain around LITERALLY WHAT IT IS UR TRYING TO SAY !?!?! ••• I WONDER/WANDER BOTH CONTINUOUSLY 2 NO EXTENT!!! & W/O LIMIT -& UNBIASED!!! BUT U SEEM 2 DEFEAT THA PURPOSE !!!! BUT I ENJOYED THE LITTLE EXERCISE THX

  5. What's up doc?!?! Unreal (22/7)x5

  6. Thank you rush-collection. You've done a great device for many people. ♡

  7. Once again exactly what I need to hear.thanks rush-collection for your hard work on this site, know it has helped and will continue to help me tremendously
    Love and enlightenment to all

  8. What if my birthday is 12/21. Does that have any relevance..

    1. Mine is 12/ 21 also I'm looking to find relavence

    2. Happy birthday!! =)

    3. Mine also is 12/21 and I keep seeing it

  9. Something strange happened to me and was related to the number 1221 somehow..i called my fiance at 12:21 a.m and we quarreled and broke up :( is it a sign for something??

    1. After i brokeup with my guy, i have only been seeing these signs i have no clue about this number at all. Like everytime 12:21 or 10:01 comes up everytime i think about him.

  10. I finished my meditation at 12:21 today. Curious, I looked up the Angel meaning... no suppose here that it was exactly what I meditated on, another reinforcement that the Universe makes no mistakes. Thank you, rush-collection

  11. Thanks, I often see this 12:21, 10:01, 01:10, 03:30, 05:50 numbers in my mobile when i look for time casually.It is happening more than 3-4 months.I promise i never look intentially, its just happens. Please help me.what it means? what i have to do? Is it good or bad? I am expecting your reply

  12. Thank you because 12/21 is also my birthdate. Every time I look at the clock its 12/21 day or night.

  13. I know exactly why I was given this number today, but damn it, I cannot crack that nut about releasing all negativity. It feels irresponsible to me, and I feel that part of my mode of service is to warn others about the people who wrought this negativity (understand, I'm not talking about a Facebook rant about my cheating boyfriend, duh, for example, I'm talking about abuse by lawyers, doctors and nurses, assisted living places, and such.) I tried to fight all of it, but I lost, corruption is too deep and too wide. I want to let it go, but it creeps up on me during the night, wakes me up and just runs rampant; I'm not getting any sleep. I saw too many people who let this abuse run unchecked because it interfered with their peace of mind, that goes for employees as well as families of the people who were ill. How can I put my peace of mind ahead of this stuff, that, to me, is the height of narcissism. I'm screwed.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ask yourself, how well is it working to hang onto resentments,the truth isn't always pretty but its still the truth regardless of my will

    3. Oh yeah,some people just don't care and are selfish and just there for a paycheck

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. The problem in the world has you mentioned is always going to be around I'm afraid like whilst there is black there is white but if you could see your part in this equation differently you may send the ones whom did this to you in a different direction , use your mind to know the wrongs forgive the wrongs but never forget there faces life has a brilliant ways of making sure everything gets put in place eventually wether it be in this life or the next never fear a wrong will be left undone wat the angels messages are trying to tell you is that you shouldn't blacken your own soul threw these things that happen to you the integrity that you send out after any of these mishaps determine your character and future and believe me with more understanding thouts towards the people who hurt others in turn sends them quite the opposite they will be delt with accordingly fear dosent help fear hate dosent help hate it's the law of reversed effort so whilst it looks bleek on the forefront the universe is conspiring to bring justice but you have to give it a hand by changing the way you think so it hits them and not you godbless

  14. Fiquei muito feliz em saber o significado, ontem vi uma sequΓͺncia de 4:44 e logo depois das 12 horas acordei e vΓ­ no relΓ³gio digital essa sequΓͺncia de 12:21 isso me dΓ‘ a certeza que estou no caminho certo! GRATIDΓƒO!!!!

  15. I do spiritual tarot readings and I find your website the best for number meanings and interpretations. Thanks so much for the work you've put in. Much appreciated. This number came to me right after I got clear on some healing work I need to offer to the community. And your meaning corroborated it.

  16. I kept seeing 1221 at night. When I lost my wallet, the amount on the register was $12.21.. then I quickly found it. Then my daughter was born on Dec 21.

  17. thank you so much

  18. thank you very much rush-collection, and thank you to my guides, thank you mother earth , thank you to the universal energies,

  19. Thank you for your dedicated hard work and service; your site is excellent; thank you again ; namaste :)

  20. Thank you angels. Just what I needed to hear. It all makes sense as usual. Thank you thank you thank you xxx xxx

  21. Thank you angels. Just what I needed to hear. It all makes sense as usual. Thank you thank you thank you xxx xxx

  22. This work is just forevermore blessed. Thank you from the bottom to the top of my heart. You help people in thier lowest mindset. Love you Jo & you, Angles of love!

  23. Thank you !!! ♡♡♡
    Stay blessed people !!! Love,peace and Light to all !!! ♡♡♡

  24. Tankssssssss πŸ™πŸ»πŸŒΈπŸ’š

  25. i am seeing Palindromes every where...not the specific no...but palindromes everywhere...
    dont know what that means...
    it will be very helpful if you shed some light on it...

  26. I am seeing PALINDROME numbers everywhere...1221, 1331, 7227...etc.not any specific number...don,t know what to do or interpret...
    It will be very helpful if you shed some light on it...
    Thank you very much...will be waiting for your reply...

    1. I see them quite often, 1221, 1331, 1441, are just some of them. And recently I just found a new level of "hidden palindrome numbers": in my work I have to go search for items, these items have classification numbers, and, sometimes, I may , for example, find item 54457 and searching the next whos number is you see? the last 2 digits 57 in one, and 75 in another..5775.

      I assure you i'm not obsessed to the point of searching number everywhere, but it couldnt be help for me to notice these when they happen at 2 minutes interval.

  27. in three years that codes followups me when i touch the phone 07:07, 08:08, 12:21, 19:19, 18:18,01:01, 10:10 etc...

    now 12:21 often i see this code

    then very surprised code come out my credit card message can you explain...
    "Rs.590.00 was spent on ur HDFCBank CREDIT Card ending 7630 on 2018-01-18:11:34:34 at PAYUIND.Avl bal - Rs.52209.00, curr o/s - Rs.79791.00"

  28. Yesterday night February first), I came home, turned on my Playstation, and see 1/2 22:21...122221...and quite frankly I needed it...Thanks to the Angels.

    When I went to bed later, I could not well fall asleep rigth at the moment, after a time, I get out of bed to have a glass of water...doing so from the corner of my eye I saw the clock...1:21...

  29. I am so deeply grateful for this index ♡ I Love how it guides me in the Right direction♡ Thank You So Much for You ♡ and your Beautiful work! ☆☆☆☆☆

  30. Merry Christmas Everybody! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!🌲❤🌲❤🌲❤πŸŒ²πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

  31. I can do it!!!, I can make my dreams come true... Thank you Angels... Im your #1 Fan...

  32. Man this chase gets tiring.

  33. This is so crazy! This information of the numeric sequence “1221” is only half correct! This unique number is actually a “TWIN FLAME” number where 1 splits to 2 then 2 reconnects back as ONE! When one sees this number in repetition along with other signs of unfailing’s a sign of imminent connection with his/her Twin Flame! IMPORTANT NOTE: There is so many misinformation out there about “Twin Flames” most all of them are conveying different levels of “Soul Mates” and NOT “Twins” - there is ONLY ONE set of Twin Flames and it’s reunion is indeed RARE! They will reconnect at the end of a human soul’s lifetime in order to embark on a new quest or spiritual journey.

    1. Wild weird stuff...keep it pithy!

    2. A year later I am responding. So grateful for reading your wisdom and knowledge of twin flames. May I ask of your recommendations with Twin flame - Cassady Cayne? Everything she has written is totally in synch with me

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Looking forward to meeting my twin flame celestial other very soon for a reunion this time-space wont soon at 11...or 22!

  36. As I reading through all 1221 views, I totally understood and knew it was truth..words of advice through numbers...I looked up and the time was 12:12. Prior to viewing I was prompted by my mircowave 12:21. 2012 was an amazing year of personal achievement, and I want to push it again for 2021. 1221 meaning also answered my minds troubles. Thank you kindly

  37. πŸ₯°πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ˜œ

  38. I've seen this number combination several times over the last few days...Thank you for this timely message,and reminder, always and forever grateful. Love and blessings to all of us!!!πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸŒˆ✨🎢🌹πŸ₯°πŸŒ…πŸ’ž

  39. πŸ™☮️❤️☀️

  40. πŸ™πŸ˜‡♥️☮️πŸƒ
