Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Number 1211 is comprised of the vibrations of number 1 (appearing three times, tripling its influences) and the energies of number 2. Number 1 resonates with creativity and creation, manifestation and attainment, new beginnings, motivation and progress, self-reliance, striving forward and pursuing goals, achievement and inspiration. It also relates to creating our own realities by our thoughts, beliefs and actions and encourages us to step out of our comfort zones. Number 2 lends it energies of balance, healing, devotion and grace. It carries the vibrations of duality, diplomacy and adaptability, partnership and relationships, sensitivity and selflessness. Number 2 also resonates with faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission

Angel Number 1211 is a message to pay attention to your recurring thoughts about yourself and your life. Your thoughts and beliefs are manifesting at a rapid rate; therefore, ensure that you focus on your desired outcomes only. When you hold positive thoughts, an optimistic outlook and high expectations, you receive wonderful opportunities and experiences in your life.

Angel Number 1211 is a message from your angels not to be hindered by old habits that need to be changed. It tells you to look to new experiences with optimism as they will bring about favourable and positive effects and opportunities. This helps with achieving goals and aspirations, and allows for the old to be replaced with the new. Angel Number 1211 encourages you to be true to yourself.

When the Angel Number 1211 appears your angels may be telling you to look to different ways to enhance your home, garden and surrounds. This includes matters within the house and family arena. Use the art of Feng Shui to usher more positive energies into your life and your environment. The angels encourage you to surround yourself with love and gaiety.

Number 1211 relates to number 5 (1+2+1+1=5) and Angel Number 5.

Also see:
Repeating 1’s and 2’s  (12, 112, 121, 122 etc)
Angel Number 12
Angel Number 121



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. It is your date of re-birth except it is too complicated for you to understand��a form of union

    1. I see two sets of numbers every day(321 and 1211). I see them at the most unusual to usual times and places. I came upon this site today and after reading about 1211 I decided to read the comments. Your comment was the first and dated; 321 (see what I mean?); 321 is also my birthday.

  2. My birthday is 1211 (month/day). Does that mean anything different?

    1. You are an 11 Day Number person Amber.



  3. Hi
    i keep seeing a lot of these number most ones are 0000,1511,1211,1212,2222,1111, 1611, 1818, i can see all these in just one day. and at times i see this when thinking about something to do with what i want for the feature. i keep getting positive feeling and chills through my skin when i visual my dreams and feature , witch is aimed towards being a leader, i feel like i have been called to help change a cretin stage of life, and all my feeling seem to be aimed towards helping people change and at the same time the feeling of leadership in an unknown place. im starting to believe leadership could be my soul mission. how can i conform this is the right path, cause i really do feel i am more than i am at this moment of life.

    1. May I ask what population of people or age or gender or whatever it is the ones you are compelled to lead

    2. A good leader leads by example and is willing to be a worker with others and not a ruler, love heals and judgment only brings separation,if you love something set it free.

    3. Because u will feel it in your soul mind and heart not only that you will find yourself being more positive not caring what people think and you'll do what u know is right regardless of there opinion a leader never follows ANYONE

    4. Monday January 08, 2018
      11811 pay close attention in 2 years things will show different for you right now your hiding an yes my profile is a number because it tells who I are right leaders only want power by leading you lose power I choose to listen it took me 5 min to right this

  4. I see these numbers all the time around the clock, almost every hour, I was thinking I was losing it. It all started with 11:11 and 1:11 for a couple of months and now it is every hour...

  5. I am seeing these numbers around the clock as well, I was starting to think my mind was playing tricks on me. It all started with 11:11 and 1:11 for about 3 months and now it is on the hour almost every hour... should I be doing anything with all of this or just be in the moment when I see it?

    1. I wonder the same exact thing! We are going through a big potential move and I’m wondering if it is a sign to go or stay!

    2. I thank the LORD..When I was lil girl. My brain never shut islws daily even in my sleep..numbeea..I've since am trying to learn more about myself and sure helps in my ministry walk..thank you.For this page..

  6. I noticed this number a lot of 11:11 when I look at the clock

  7. How funny! I was thinking about moving to the city I'm visiting on Wednesday when I saw a bus with 1211 on it. I saw the same taxi 1211 several times as well over the weekend. I'm in such a happy and optimistic place right now, and I've been dreaming of a move. Perhaps now is the right time to consider it. :)

  8. For the last 2 years or so I have been recurrently seeing the numbers 1211. Ethier as addresses or digital clock times. Its freaking me out a little bit because 12/11 is my birthday. I do not recall or remembering seeing these numbers all the time. I am more aware of it I guess. I don't try to see them. They just happen to appear when I look at the clock or I look at a billboard sign. Do you have any idea what this may mean?

  9. Everything makes sense! Happy and grateful! Thank you!

  10. So grateful for the all the cosmic love.

  11. Wow!!!... I just looked at the time and it's 12:11... I'm actually writing this on 12/11/18 Also reapeatly seeing this commercial on t.v that reads 12/11 central time... the Universe speaks in unexpected ways.

  12. Thank you rush-collection your page always gives me a sense of reasoning, lots of dark events have taken place in my family life.

  13. I’m moving into my new apartment soon. Number 1211.

  14. Thank you for your trusted guidance. Thank you spirit and guided for showing me the way. I promise to work hard and stay disciplined to show thanks for the blessings and lessons. I promise to serve humanity and inspire others to connect with their own inner guidance and to know that even when I've been feeling so lonely, I've never been alone. Thank you mother Father God. Show me the way

  15. Thank you... Love and light always!!! 💗😇🙏

  16. Amen Thank You Lord 😊 🙏 💚❤

  17. Thank you spirit and God for always guiding and watching over me!

  18. 12/11/2021 - both 1211 and 1221
    -lets get it
    it's today

  19. ☮️♥️☀️
